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_ APl_t_ Plate _f of P_ Peas _s

Students who dont like peas are asked to raise their right hands.

Those students who dont like peas are asked in which circumstances they would eat them.

While reading activities

Students are given a copy of the first ten paragraphs. After reading them, the students are asked to predict what is going to happen next.

Their suggestions are written on the board.

Ss are given a worksheet to be completed while reading the story. The following information is required:

What: Why: Moral:

Students are given a vocabulary exercise.

Students are asked to build two sentences with the following words.

You/ eat/ money/ love.

Some students are asked to read their sentences aloud.

Students are given the last part of the text and asked to read it silently in order to check their predictions.

Teacher / students discussion.

Post reading activities

1)Retelling the story

Write a letter or email to a friend of yours retelling the story in about 80 words. Say at the end if you liked /didnt like the story and why.

2) Acrostic
Supply suitable descriptive terms for the mother, the grandmother and the boy by writing their names vertically and either beginning with those letters or using the letters in the middle or end of the nouns.

3) Character posters
In groups put a representation of the characters at the center of the poster. This can be a drawing or a picture from a magazine. Around the picture ensemble all the things said about the character or said by the character or your deductions about the character or a combination of all three.

4) Speaking activity
Ss are asked to sit in groups of about 4 and take some notes on the following topic: What do you refuse to do but WOULD DO if you received some money for it

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