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Budget and Management Committee Economic Committee

Competition Policy and Law Group

Committee on Trade and Investment

Automotive Dialogue Business Mobility Group Chemical Dialogue Electronic Commerce Steering Group Group on Services Intellectual Property Rights Experts Group Investment Experts' Group Life Sciences Innovation Forum Market Access Group Rules of Origin Sub-Committee on Customs Procedures Sub-Committee on Standards and Conformance

SOM Steering Committee on Economic and Technical Cooperation

Working Groups Agricultural Technical Cooperation Anti-Corruption and Transparency o Emergency Preparedness o Energy o Health o Human Resources Development o Experts Group on Illegal Logging and Associated Trade o Ocean and Fisheries o Policy Partnership on Science, Technology and Innovation o Policy Partnership on Women and the Economy o Small and Medium Enterprises o Telecommunications and Information o Tourism o Transportation Task Groups o Counter-Terrorism Task Force o Mining Task Force
o o

Other Groups
Agricultural Biotechnology APEC Business Advisory Council APEC Food System Policy Partnership on Food Security APEC Study Centers Consortium Finance Ministers' Process Free Trade Agreements and Regional Trading Agreements Sustainable Development

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