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The clock inside the tower was the world's largest when it was installed in the middle of the 19th century. The name Big Ben actually refers to the clock's hour bell, the largest of the clock's five bells. There were two bells cast as the clock tower's hour bell. A first, 16 ton weighing bell was cast by John Warner and Sons in 1856. The hour bell was probably named after Benjamin Hall, the First Commissioner of Works. Some sources however claim the bell was named after Benjamin Caunt, a British heavyweight boxing champion.


Dunrobin Castle is the seat of Clan Sutherland. The oldest part dates from the late 13th century and was first mentioned as a stronghold of the family in 1401. In 1785 a large extension was constructed.In the 1845, Dunrobin was extensively remodeled by the architect Sir Charles Barry, who had designed the Houses of Parliament. This renovation encased the early castle and gave the castle most of its current appearance with the conical spires. The massive baronial residence was inspired by Queen Victoria's new residence at Balmoral. Barry also laid out the gardens in the 1850s. After a fire in 1915, the Scottish architect Sir Robert Lorimer conducted repairs and altered the top of the main tower and clock tower at the north side of the building to the Scottish


Tower Bridge (built 18861894) is a combined bascule and suspensi on bridge in London, over the River Thames. It is close to the Tower of London, from which it takes its name. Contrary to popular belief, the song "London Bridge is Falling Down" has nothing to do with Tower Bridge. They are completely different bridges.[1] It has become an iconic symbol of London. The bridge's present colour scheme dates from 1977, when it was painted red, white and blue for the Queen Elizabeth II's silver jubilee. Originally it was painted a mid greenish-


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