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Bui Thi Ly Dean of Economics and International Business Faculty Foreign Trade University Tel: 84-4- 8 !

"8## $e%t: !&4' !&!( Fa%: 84-4- 8 4 "#! November, 21st, 2013 To )hom It *ay +oncern: It is my great pleasure to recommend Ms. Pham Linh Chi as a candidate for the Colorado State University Economics Master Program. Chi has been my student for several years. She has been interested in obtaining a Economics Master degree for some time now and I feel that she would be an e cellent candidate for Colorado State University!s esteemed program. "uring her time at the #oreign $rade University% Chi has consistently demonstrated a strong study enthusiasm and a dedication to success. &er efforts have produced high 'uality results time and time again. Chi is very studious and hard(wor)ing% she has shown great interest in what she studys and she is always eager to cultivate more )nowledge and e perience. *eside studying% Chi has also too) part in some activities in our school. +ecently% Chi played an important role in the organi,ing team of -./0 #$U 1raduate Students #arewell Party. It was a huge success and Chi contributed a great deal of thought and effort. Colorado State University has been collaborating with #oreign $rade University in helping more students live and study in one of the best study and research environment in the United States. I thin) it is a great chance for Chi to study and research more on Economics. CSU!s master program would set a strong foundation for her future career. I would also recommend her for the scholarship of one third tuition fee in Master program for #$U!s 2dvanced Program student. In my opinion% Chi is highly suitable for CSU!s Economics Master program and she would be an asset to your school. #or these reasons% I highly recommend Pham Linh Chi as a candidate for CSU!s Economics Master program. Please contact me if you have any further 'uestions. Sincerely%

*ui $hi Ly

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