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Lesson Plan: Identifying Solids and Liquids

Grade / Course: Grade 2/3 Science Unit: Solids, Liquids and gases Length of Lesson: 30 minute period Stage 1 - Desired Result General & Specific Outcomes (Knowledge, Skills, & Attitudes / Values): General Learning Outcomes: Essential Science Knowledge D3. understand the properties and structures of matter as well as various common manifestations and applications of the actions and interactions of matter Unifying Concepts E1. describe and appreciate the similarity and diversity of forms, functions, and patterns within the natural and constructed world Specific Learning Outcomes: 2-2-02 Identify substances, materials, and objects as solids or liquids. 2-2-05 Identify similarities and differences among properties of familiar solids and liquids. 1. Enduring Understandings: Students will understand that Solids, liquids and gases are the three states of matter These three states can be sorted based on similarities and difference in their properties 2. Essential Questions: The key questions we will answer are Which physical properties determine if something is a solid, liquid or gas? 3. Students will know The different properties of solids, liquids and gases 4. Students will be able to Classify objects as solid, liquid or gas

Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence (Assessment AS / OF / FOR Learning) 1. Assessment Strategy (Performance Task, Observation Checklist, Interview, etc.): Performance task Students will illustrate one object for each state of matter at the end of the lesson to show their understanding. 2. Assessment Criteria (Rubric, Achievement Indicators from Curriculum, Student or Teacher Generated): Teacher generated Met/Not Met Checklist -illustrated an object that fit correctly into the category solid -illustrated an object that fit correctly into the category liquid -illustrated an object that fit correctly into the category gas -clarity -shows creativity -use of color 3. Formative/Summative (How will assessment be used in this lesson?) Formative -one activity in many to allow students to demonstrate an understanding of matter in its three states and the similarities and difference in their properties. 4. Consideration of Assessment For I.E.P. students (if any):

Stage 3 - Learning Plan Instructional Strategies For This Lesson Consider learning styles, multiple intelligences, learner abilities, and student interests. 1. Activating To activate prior knowledge I will ask students if they can name an object that they know is a solid, liquid, or gas. I will then read them What is the World Made of? By Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld ISBN#0-06-027144-2. 2. Acquiring As a class we will have a discussion about molecules. I will explain that each state of matter is made up of molecules and it is the way they move that makes each state unique. I will explain the properties of each state of matter (eg. solids do not lose their shape)

To help the children better understand the movement of molecules we will do a movement exercise. Each child will represent a molecule. I will ask the children to stand in the center of the class room very close together, in this formation they are acting like the molecules in a solid. The students will then hold hands and stand a little further apart, in this formation they are acting like the molecules in a liquid. Finally I will ask the children to float around the room freely, in this formation they are acting like the molecules in a gas. Once the children understand I will yell out solid, liquid, or gas and they will have to get into the formation which represents the state of matter I have directed. Once the children are seated again I will bring up the Smart Board application that allows student to classify objects as solid, liquid or gas by dragging them to the correct column. I will call students up to show their understanding of sorting objects according to their properties. 3. Applying To conclude the lesson I will hand out worksheets and ask the children to draw a picture of a solid, liquid and gas to show their understanding of the three states of matter. 4. Accommodations / Modifications for Exceptional Learners Musical- sing the solid, liquid gas song Body- molecules movement activity Visual- illustrate the three states of matter Naturalist- go for a class walk and discuss matter in nature Resource/Technology: Curriculum Document Jane Berg Smartboard Drawing worksheet Solid, liquid, gas song Learning Materials Required: Copy of What is the World Made of? By Kathleen Weidner Zoehfeld ISBN#0-06027144-2. Draw a solid, liquid and gas worksheet Cross-Curricular Integration: ELA: Read other books on solids, liquids and gases Math: Use solids and liquids for measurement/ use Matter vocabulary in word problems

Stage 4 - Reflection

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