Evaluation of Soil Settlement - 4 Topics

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Chapter 6 Lecture 38 Evaluation of Soil Settlement -4 Topics 1.3 PRIMARY CONSOLIDATION SETTLEMENT
1.3.1 One-Dimensional Consolidation Settlement Calculation
Method A Method B

1.3.2 Skempton-Bjerrum Modification for Calculation of Consolidation Settlement



1.3.1 One-Dimensional Consolidation Settlement Calculation

the settlement for one-dimensional consolidation can be given by: = 1+ (from chapter 5 equation 76)

Where = log = =

for normally consolidated clays

for overconsolidated clays, o + c

+ + for o < c < o +

When a load is applied over a limited area, the increase of pressure due to the applied load will decrease with depth, as shown in figure 18. So, for a more realistic settlement prediction, the following methods may be used.

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Figure 18 Calculation of consolidation settlement-method A

Method A
1. Calculate the average effective pressure on the clay layer before the application of the load under consideration. 2. Calculate the increase of stress due to the applied load at the top, middle, and the bottom of the clay layer. This can be done by using theories developed in chapter. 3. The average increase of stress in the clay layer can be estimated by Simpsons rule, = 1 ( + 4 + ) 6 (39) Where ( , , and are stress increases at the top, middle, and bottom of the clay layer, respectively. 3. Using the and calculated above, obtain from equations whichever is applicable. 4. Calculate the settlement by using equation.

Method B
1. Better results in settlement calculation may be obtained by dividing a given clay layer into n layers as shown in figure 19. 2. Calculate the effective stress ( ) at the middle of each layer. 3. Calculate the increase of stress at the middle of each layer due to the applied load. 4. Calculate for each layer from equations, whichever is applicable. 5. Total settlement for the entire clay layer can be given by =
= =1

=1 1+


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NPTEL- Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

Figure 19 Calculation of consolidation settlement-Method B Example 3 A circular foundation 2m in diameter is shown in figure 20. A normally consolidated clay layer 5 m thick is located below the foundation. Determine the consolidation settlement of the clay. Solution Divide the clay layer into five layers each 1 m thick. Calculation of ( ) . The effective stress at the middle of layer 1 is (1) = 17 1.5 + 19 9.8 0.5 + 18.5 9.81 0.5 = 34.44 /2 . The effective stress at the middle of the second layer is (2) = 34.44 + 18.5 9.81 1 = 34.44 + 8.69 = 43.13 /2 Similarly (3) = 43.13 + 8.69 = 51.81/2 (4) = 51.82 + 8.69 = 60.51/2 (5) = 60.51 + 8.69 = 69.2/2 Calculation of . For a circular loaded area, the increase of stress below the center is given by = 1 [( / )2 +1]3/2 Where b is the radius of the circular foundation, 1 m. hence, 1 = 150 1 [(1/1.5)2 +1]3/2 = 63.59 /2 2 = 150 1 [(1/2.5)2 +1]3/2 = 29.93 /2 3 = 150 1 [(1/3.5)2 +1]3/2 = 16.66 /2
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1 1 1 1

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4 = 150 1

1 [(1/4.5)2 +1]3/2 1

= 10.46 /2

5 = 150 1 [(1/5.5)2 +1]3/2 = 7.14 /2

Figure 20 Calculation of consolidation settlement : The steps in the calculation are given in the following table ( figure 21):
Layer no. 1 2 3 4 5 , 1 1 1 1 1 ( ) , /2 34.44 43.13 51.82 60.51 69.2 /2 63.59 29.93 16.66 10.46 7.14 0.0727 0.0366 0.0194 0.0111 0.00682 1 + 0.0393 0.0198 0.0105 0.0060 0.0037 = 0.0793

( ) + ( )

; = 0.16

So, = 0.0793 = 79.3 .

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Figure 21

1.3.2 Skempton-Bjerrum Modification for Calculation of Consolidation Settlement

In one-dimensional consolidation tests, there is no lateral yield of the soil specimen and the ratio of the minor to minor to major principal effective stresses, , remains constant. In that case, the increase of pore water pressure due to an increase of vertical stress is equal in magnitude to the latter; or = Where is the increase of pore water pressure and is the increase of vertical stress. However, in reality the final increase of major and minor principal stresses due to a given loading condition at a given point in a clay layer do not maintain a ratio equal to . The increase of pore water pressure at a point due to a given load is (figure 22). (41)

Figure 22 Development of excess pore water pressure below the center line of a circular loaded area
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= 3 + (1 3 ) Skempton and Bjerrum (1957) proposed that the vertical compression of a soil element of thickness due to an increase of pore water pressure may be given by = Where is the coefficient of volume compressibility, or = 3 + 1 3 = 1 + 3 (1 )


The preceding equation can be integrated to obtain the total consolidation settlement: =

1 + 3 (1 )


For conventional one-dimensional consolidation ( condition) ( ) =

0 1+

1 0 1 1+

1 =

(44) . Thus, Settlement ratio, = =


( )

1 [+(3 /1 )(1)]

0 0

= + (1 )

3 1

= + (1 )1 Where 1 =
0 0

(45) (46)

3 1

The values of 1 for the stresses developed below the center of a uniformly loaded circular of diameter B are given in figure 23. The values of settlement ratio, , , for various values of the pore water pressure parameter A are given in figure 24.

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Figure 23 Variation of 1 with /

Figure 24 Settlement ratio for circular loading [equation (45)] For consolidation under the center of a strip load (Scott, 1963), of width B (figure 25).

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NPTEL- Advanced Geotechnical Engineering

Figure 25 Excess pore water pressure below the center line of a uniform strip load = 3 + So, =
0 3 2

3 + 2 1 3

(for v = 0.5)

1 + (1 ) 3

(47) Where =
3 2

3 + 2

( )

Hence, settlement ratio, = =


1 [+(1 )(3 /1 )]

= + (1 )2 Where 2 =
0 0

(48) (49)

3 1

Dept. of Civil Engg. Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

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