Legal Decisions Assignment

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Legal Decisions Assignment For this assignment, we will work as groups.

You should research the case I assign to your group (Google will be sufficient in addition to the sites I provide), and then post answers to the following: 1. What are the specifics of the case (the situation that resulted in the court proceedings)? 2. What did the court decide? 3. Why is this case important to LGBTQ liberation? 4. How does the language used in the case decisions construct LGBTQ people--what kind of vocabulary is used and what does it connote (suggest)? Do you see this as an advance over religious and sexological/psychological/medical discourse? Why or why not? Here are some guidelines for reading Supreme Court Decisions: _a_ussupremecourtopinion.html Don't worry if you cannot follow all the legal jargon. Read for the gist. Post here and bring your responses to class on Thursday where you will work with your group to create a brief presentation on the case. Here are the cases and groups: Group 1: Bower v. Hardwick (1986) Supreme Court Decision: ( Group 2: Nabozny v. Podlesny (1996): (use Group 3: Romer v. Evans (1996) Supreme Court Decision: ( Group 4: Lawrence v. Texas (2003) Supreme Court Decision: ( Group 5: United States v. Windsor (2013) Supreme Court Decision: ( Group 6: Hollingsworth Et al. v. Perry Et Al. (2013) Supreme Court Decision:(

I've created space for each group: just click on "reply" for your group # and post there.

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