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Multiple Shooting Method (bvpMSM) Solving nonlinear boundary value problems Navvab Kashiri1 This code has been

wrote to solve nonlinear two point boundary value problem of order n as written here
y f x , y a x b g y a , y b 0


This code is based on ideas outlined in [1]. The function must be added to matlab path. It needs the function "SENS_SYS" which calculate derivatives (sensitivities) of the solution with respect to parameters. The way of calling bvpMSM is
bvpMSM('OF',Y0 ,@BC,@DBC,options);

OF: it contains the definition of the system to be integrated which is needed for "SENS_SYS" and it must be in desire form for that. Y0: it is an initial guess and it specifies a, b and the number of subintervals. For example
Y0=bvpinit(linspace(0,6,3), ones(3,1));

It shows that 0<x<6 and there are 2 subintervals (3-1=2) and the guesses at all of points are 1. BC: it is a function that specifies boundary conditions and the structure of that is similar to bvp4c. DBC: it is a function that specifies derivative of boundary conditions respect to y(a) and y(b). There are two examples of [1] for help. Refferences
[1] Ascher U.M., Mattheij R.M.M. and Russell R.D. Numerical solution of boundary value problems for ODEs. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1988.


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