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Workout Instructions:

Practice moving the weights through a complete range of motion. Concentrate on technique. Make that your focus rather than weight. Exhale as you lift the weight, and inhale as you lower it again. Choose a weight that you can just manage the required num er of reps with. !ake "#$ minutes rest etween each set. Use a weight that is heavy enough so you can just manage the required number of reps.

Compound Set 1 Deadlift, Dumbbell, Straight Leg Bench Press, Barbell 3 sets 8 reps 8 reps

Compound Set 2 Lunges, For ard %ne rep is oth sides. Shoulder Press, Dumbbell, !lternating %ne rep is oth sides. "nter#al

3 sets 8 reps

8 reps

2$ mins % "ntensit& Le#el '()

Choose any cardio of your choice & !readmill ' %utside walk or run # (ym

ike ' %utside icycle # )wimming # *owing Machine & + min warm#up & Perform , intervals alternating etween work and recovery & -ork. /0 secs 1 high intensity 2 & *ecovery. 20 secs 1 low intensity + or less & + min cool#down

Day 2 - Workout B
Workout Instructions:
3s per -orkout 3


Compound Set 1 Legs*Bac+

3 sets 8 reps 8 reps

Pull -ps, -nderhand .rip

Compound Set 2 Legs*!bs Split S,uat, Dumbbell, Single Leg %ne repeitition is oth legs. Crunch, !lternating Side, Stabilit& Ball %ne repeitition is oth lsides. Compound Set 3 Bac+*Legs Cable /o s, Seated Burpee

3 sets 8 reps

1' reps

3 sets 8 reps 12 reps


2$ mins % "ntensit& Le#el '(8

Choose any cardio of your choice & !readmill ' %utside walk or run # (ym

ike ' %utside icycle # )wimming # *owing Machine & + min warm#up & Perform , intervals alternating etween work and recovery & -ork. ,0 secs 1 high intensity 4 & *ecovery. ,0 secs 1 low intensity + or less & + min cool#down

Day 3 - Workout A/B

Workout Instructions:
-orkout 3 or 5 depending upon which week you are on. 3lternate etween each workout 3 and 5, ut make sure you perform / workout sessions a week. 6or example7 -eek ". Mon. 8 -orkout 3, -ed. 8 -orkout 5, 6ri. 8 -orkout 3 -eek $. Mon. 8 -orkout 5, -ed. # -orkout 3, 6ri. # -orkout 5 -eek /. as -eek " -eek 9. as -eek $ and so on

:ou should never perform the same workout consecutively.

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