Multiple Lesson Plan

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Lesson Plan Template

Lesson Plan Title: Developed by: Subject Area: Topic: Grade Level: Time Frame:

Seeds to Flowers! Miranda Haugen Science The Plant Life Cycle 2nd Grade 4 days of 60 minute periods Students will be learning about the life cycle of a flowering plant through Gardners Multiple Intelligences. Students will receive a lecture with a PowerPoint on the life cycle of a plant, sing a song about the life cycle of a plant, perform a skit of the life cycle of a flowering plant, participate on a nature walk, create a diagram of similarities and differences of 2 plants, create their own diagram with labels of a flowering plant, and write a paragraph describing the steps of a flowering plant. There are no perquisites needed.
2nd Grade Standards under Life Sciences: 2.L.1.1. Students are able to classify plants according to similarities and differences. 2.L.2.1. Students are able to describe how flowering plants go through a series of orderly changes in their life cycle. Students will describe how flowering plants go through a series of orderly changes in their life cycle. Students will be able to classify plants according to similarities and differences. Students will be able to describe the functions of the plants main parts.

Lesson Summary:



Lesson Objectives:

Assessment: Technology to be Used: Other Materials:

Self-Checklist and Test PowerPoint, computer, YouTube song Worksheet consisting of a Venn diagram, Test The first day of class the teacher will do a lecture on the life cycle of a flowering plant (verbal-linguistic). The lecture will be accompanied by a PowerPoint with pictures of each step of the

Procedural Activities:

flowering plants life cycle (visual-spatial). The teacher will end the first lesson with a song that has the steps of a flowering plant (musical-rhythmic). The second day of class the students will review the song that the teacher taught the day before. The students then will be divided into groups. In the groups, the students will have to work together to create a skit that includes the steps of a flowering plant with their bodies (bodily-kinesthetic and interpersonal). Each group will present to the class what they came up with. The third day the class will take a nature walk outside (naturalist). Students will take some time and observe the stages that flowering plants around the school are currently in. The teacher and students will then discuss plants by similarities and differences as they continue their walk. Back in the classroom, students will pick two different kinds of plants that they saw and create a diagram showing similarities and differences of the two plants (logical-mathematical). The fourth day the teacher will review with the students the parts of a flowering plant. The rest of the time will be given to the students to complete individually, a picture of a flowering plant with the four main parts of the plant labeled. Underneath their drawing the student will need to describe how the flowering plant goes through a series of orderly changes in their life cycle (intrapersonal and verbal-linguistic). PowerPoint Rubric Self-Checklist I dont know how to attach Power Point and a separate Microsoft Word document in here.


Self-Checklist Name: Listened to and took notes on the Plant Life Cycle PowerPoint Participated in the Plant Life Cycle Song Participated in a group skit Went on the classroom nature walk Contributed to the similarities and differences discussion Created a Venn diagram Completed a picture of a flowering plant and labeled its parts Wrote a paragraph describing how the flowering plant goes through a Date:

series of orderly changes

Total Points: 40

Plant Life Cycle Test Name: Date:

Circle the correct answer to the question. Each question is worth 5 points. 1. What part of the plant helps the plant to reproduce? a. Leaves b. Flower c. Roots d. Stem 2. What part of the plant uses sunlight to provide the plant with energy? a. Leaves b. Flower c. Roots d. Stem 3. What part of the plant helps support the plant? a. Leaves b. Flower c. Roots d. Stem

4. What part of the plant absorbs water from the soil? a. Leaves b. Flower c. Roots d. Stem The following matter is worth 10 points. 5. Draw a picture of a flowering plant and label its 4 main parts.

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