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RECOMMENDATIONS In order to maintain quality of life, the nurse researcher could impart through provision of health teachings to prevent the occurrence of disease conditions and for promotion of health.

The following recommendations were drawn upon the accomplishment of the case study:

To the client and his family, first, that they may be knowledgeable of the course of Baby Xs disease condition. Having a child with ITP may be a life-changing disease not only for the patient but also to his family. Early detection plays an important role in the management of this disease and adherence to the treatment regimen, either conservative or aggressive, must observed to prevent complications.

To the General Public, that they may be educated regarding the disease condition by seeking information in books and by asking information to healthcare providers whom are well versed with these kinds of information. Also, with the advent of technology nowadays, that they may be able to gather needed information to the internet. Another is that as early as now, the public can make necessary lifestyle modifications to minimize the occurrence of such diseases by living a healthy life. Also, the public can consider making proper and early consultations upon onset of manifestations to prevent lifethreatening complications

To the Nursing Practice, the responsibility to act as health advocates and educators to their clients regarding the disease condition lies primarily in the health care providers. Comprehensive history-taking and assessment skills to become competent nurses plays a vital role in the health care industry. Moreover, the success in the management of

diseases will depend on the collaborative efforts of the client, the family and the healthcare.

And most especially to the future researchers to conduct further case studies to determine better techniques and approaches in the management of the disease condition.

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