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Student Name: Kendra Bondy Course Code: ECS 4080-01

Learning Ex erien!e: Fortune cookie counting Age Grou : 10-13 (adapted curriculum) "ate: Fe ruary !" #014

Programming Pur ose: $%e c%ildren %a&e an upcoming a''em ly on C%ine'e ne( year and t%e Counting (ill connect to a ook on t%at t%eme #$%e!ti&es: $%e c%ildren (ill) 1* +mpro&e t%eir ,ine motor 'kill' a' t%ey put t%e ,ortune cookie' in t%e C%ine'e container' #* Furt%er de&elop num er identi,ication a' t%ey 'ay t%e num er' printed on t%e container' 3* Continue to de&elop t%eir rote counting a' t%ey do one-to-one corre'pondence Setting t'e Stage Materia(s: 40 ,ortune cookie' 40 mini C%ine'e takeout container' Fortune cookie' 'tory y Set)* :

Ro(e o+ t'e Edu!ator Introdu!tion: + (ill read t%em t%e 'tory again ut t%i' time a' + read it and t%ey (ill count along (it% me t%e num er o, ,ortune cookie' t%e c%aracter ,ortune recei&ed* Tea!'ing Strateg, -.: Sensory Engagement The children will be able to See the counters, hear as we count out loud, taste the cookies after were done counting and finally touching and manipulating the fortune cookie counters Tea!'ing Strateg, -/: -uided .ractice As the children learn new skills I will provide with a different degree of a common activity. Counting fortune cookies allows the children the opportunity to generalize their learning to new situations. Most beneficial when the conditions vary only slightly from one time to the next. Basic premise children learn through repetition. Positi&e Rein+or!ement Strategies: -ood /o t%ere are 000000 ,ortune cookie'1 2ou recogni3ed t%e num er* 4onder,ul counting1 Setting Limits: $%e c%ildren (ill recei&e a total o, 5 ,ortune cookie' and 5 C%ine'e o6e'* $%e acti&ity '%ould take 30 minute'*

Student E Pre-assessment Can rote count to ten only starting back at one each time Cannot identify written forms of numbers Objectives Putting fortune cookies in containers fine motor skills! Say the numbers on the bo" out loud for number identification #ote count adding a fortune cookie each time out loud Student M Pre-assessment Can sometimes rote count to ten given manipulative Objectives Putting fortune cookies in containers fine motor skills! Point to yes$no to tell the numbers on the bo" is correct for number identification #ote count adding a fortune cookie each time signing the numbers Student S Pre-assessment Can rote count up to % Can often pick the ne"t number in the se&uence Objectives 'nocks fortune cookies of counting board for fine motor Show him the numbers and give ( choices to get him to pick same number on bo" Student H Pre-assessment Can rote count up to )* Can only recogni+e numbers when in written form given , choices Objectives 'nocks fortune cookies of counting board for fine motor Say the numbers on the bo" out loud for number identification #ote count adding a fortune cookie each time out loud Student O Pre-assessment Cannot rote count any numbers Cannot identify written forms of numbers Objectives Participates in the activity

Se(+)E&a(uation E&a(uation o+ ,our o$%e!ti&es:

E&a(uation o+ ,our ro(e:

0uture P(anning:

0ie(d Su er&isor1s 0eed$a!2 7 .ro&ide t%e 'tudent (it% con'tructi&e ,eed ack on %i'8%er 9earning E6perience 7 +ndicate a'pect' t%e 'tudent did (ell 7 Comment on a'pect t%e 'tudent could keep in mind (%en planning and implementing Future 9earning E6perience'

Field Super&i'or:' Signature) 0000000000000000000000000000 ;ate) 0000000000000000000000000000

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