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Common Points of Assessment

House 3 2013-2014 Piper

Department Meetings Expectations

Every meeting defines our objectives and where we are in our progress in meeting these goals.

Todays goal is to review guidelines and expectations for developing a common point of assessment on the 2013-2014 midterm.

Major Goal: Common Points of Assessment

Goal: Create, implement, and analyze common points of assessment on midterm and final exams. Process: - base common points around BASIC standards from unit templates - connect to Common Core - assessments should be comprehensive - teachers should offer multiple versions of an exam - emphasize skills and higher level thinking

Common Points of Assessment for Every Course

Goals: - to determine if each student is meeting all standards addressed - to design assessments for validity (reduce trial & error, guessing) - to ensure assessment reliability (multiple versions) - to be able to use aggregate data to inform best instructional practices - to be able to use aggregate data to deepen/solidify rigor in curriculum

CPA: Working Together

Meet with teachers of your concentration and discuss how to assess course skills. Form your assessments based on the current curriculum. Decide on the units (from templates) you are covering in each exam. Review and include the most salient standards from your unit templates into the exam. *This is a great task to use to complete your workshop hours! *

Carol Ann Tomlinson - KUD KNOW: facts, info, etc. UNDERSTAND: essential truths that give meaning to the topic, applying information, big aha! moments. This is what puts the facts and skills into context. DO: skills

Step 1: Review & Plan

Develop a plan to approach creating a common point of assessment on the midterm. Review your midterms from last year, your current unit templates, and the MLRs/National Standards.

Step 1: Where do I begin?

Meet with teachers of your concentration. Review course midterms from the 2012-2013 school year. Identify common points of assessment. Work together to create at least one section of your midterms that are the same. These questions should be connected to your unit templates and course objectives.

Content Midterms should contain material previously covered in quarter 1 and 2 assessments (quizzes and tests).

Assessment Structure: Tips for Success

- Work together to create quality higher-level thinking questions. - Connect your questions to similar language used in on your unit templates. - Connect your questions to the Common Core and Maine Learning Results - Work to format your questions in a similar manner as the Smarter Balanced Assessment

What if we already have a common point of assessment on the midterm?

- Review and revise the quality of the questions on your assessment - Review and edit the directions for each test question. If a new teacher administers the exam, are the directions clear? - Create multiple versions of the exam assessing the same skills. - Add additional sections of CPA on your exams - Review and edit your final exams for CPA

Things to Consider
1. The midyear exams should match the objectives from the unit templates. 2. Review the amount of opportunity each minimum standard/objective is given in the exam. 3. Examine the way questions are asked and review questions for validity. 4. Are some objectives included and others not? If so, why?

It is important for the common points of assessment to be weighed the same amount (same point value) on each teachers exam.

Data Collection
How will you collect data on this assessment? Which data collection system is the most effective?

Can you create a spreadsheet to collect this information?

Step 2: Multiple Versions

Create multiple versions of the midterm exam. Each version assesses the same skills, but this will help prevent students sharing questions.

CPA: Different Versions of Exams

Our Goal Ex: If the same level of the same course is offered periods 1 & 3, the same midterm/final exam should NOT be given to both periods. Each class should receive a different exam that assesses the same skills.

Step 3: Review & Revise

Follow the assessment review protocol to finetune the midterm.

We will follow an assessment review protocol to review the midterm exams by concentration on December 12th & 19th. A paper copy of the directions for this process will be provided to you in December.

Step 4: Administer, Data, and Analyze Results

Administer the midterm, collect data on common points of assessment, and review student results.

It would be beneficial for teachers of the same concentration to grade common points of assessment together to compare approaches to grading and to develop universal and effective grading procedures.

After the Exam

Common Points of Assessment: Review CPA and based on this information, make changes to the curriculum and approaches to lessons. Ex: Is it an instructional issue? (change teaching) Is it a curriculum issue? (change templates)

Task Details
A Breakdown of the CPA Process and Task Resources

Objectives (12/19/2014)
Our principal asks every teacher to clearly identify where the unit template objectives are assessed on the mid year exam. Every objective listed on the templates should be met through the mid year exam. This applies only to the templates covered on the mid year exam. Please show evidence of assessing these objectives on the mid year exam through creating a spreadsheet or by marking this information directly on the templates or the exam. Please see the example on the back of sheet for a potential approach to presenting this information. Time spent on this task is great way to complete your required workshop hours. Please provide two hard copies of your mid year exams along with copies of the unit templates applied on the exam and evidence of where the exam meets each units objectives. Please staple this information together and submit it to me by January 9th. Thank you!

Midterm Common Points of Assessment Schedule

September - November - collaborate to revise midterms and create common points of assessment November 21st - provide status update of midterm progress December 12th - Rough drafts of midterms are due December 19th - Assessment Review January 9th - Final copies of midterm exams are complete and submitted to department leader. These exams should be uploaded to Google Drive.

Common Points of Assessment

Goal 1: Midterm Common Points of Assessment - assesses minimal/basic skills - should have a comprehensive vision DUE: 1/09/2014 Goal 2: Final (Year Long) - Final exams should be year long, meaning they should include topics introduced in the first semester - These exams should call upon students to demonstrate a deeper understanding of concepts from semester 1

Heidi Early-Hersey - District Director of Teaching and Learning Links Bloom's Taxonomy Common Core Smarter Balanced Sample Questions Smarter Balanced Tomlinson - KUD

Future Tasks: CPA Final Exam

Repeat the process with the final exam.

After the Midterm

CPA - Final Exam - plays into executive functioning skills (students need to hold on to materials) - identify strengths and weaknesses - theme: GENERALIZE major course concepts A/B grade - shows deep understanding C grade - shows basic understanding D grade - minimal understanding

February 2nd
* February 2nd could move from a group faculty meeting to an opportunity for departments to gather and analyze common points of assessment

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