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3rd Grade Weekly Agenda Spelling Words: Prefixes: pre-, mis-, in- / Test Febr ary !

Chestnut Cove Genre: Fi$tion/ Fantasy

!% inp t +% preset 3% mis se "% inside

&% pre'ie( ,% in$orre$t *% pretest .% mislead

)% pre#eat !-% indoors !!% mispla$e !+% pres$#ool

!3% misread !"% mismat$# !&% misspell !,% mistaken

!*% in$omplete !.% misbe#a'e !)% misprint +-% in'isible

/o$ab lary-St dents (ill be tested Feb% !"t# on t#e meanings of t#ese (ords% !% eagerly +% transferred 3% $ontented "% $ollaborate &% fondness ,% emotion *% ridi$ lo s .% disgra$ef l )% de$ent !-% in#erit 0f yo are (aiting eagerly for somet#ing, yo are ex$ited or anxio s for it to #appen% 0f yo transferred somet#ing, yo mo'ed it from one pla$e to anot#er% 0f yo are $ontented, yo are #appy (it# t#e (ay t#ings are% 0f yo are going to (ork (it# ot#ers on a pro1e$t, yo are planning to $ollaborate (it# t#em% 0f yo like somet#ing 'ery m $#, yo #a'e a fondness for it% An emotion is a feeling, s $# as #appiness% Somet#ing t#at is 'ery silly is ridi$ lo s% 0f somet#ing is disgra$ef l, it is s#o$king and not a$$eptable% Someone (#o is de$ent is good and fair% W#en yo in#erit somet#ing, yo #a'e been gi'en somet#ing by someone (#o sed to o(n it%

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