Exhibit A - Objection To Jane

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Exhibit A

To be attached to Plaintiff Guthrie's: MOTION FOR DE !ARATOR" #$DGMENT i%il ause Nu&ber ':'( ) *) +,(- .E/ )D0!

le"itimac/ upon !ane

a"nus#Stinson that Guthrie does not want to conve/ or

acknowled"e. Apparentl/, the assi"nment of 3ud"es to cases is an automated process that has no a%ilit/ to evaluate whether a 3ud"e assi"ned is a de 3ure 3ud"e or not. Guthrie could not have anticipated that !ane a"nus#Stinson, who is a de

facto 3ud"e and not a de 3ure 3ud"e of Guthrie&s native "overnment, would fa%ricate false information, callin" Guthrie an incarcerated prisoner 3ust %ecause he is poor, and use that fa%ricated non#fact as 3ustification to intercept Guthrie&s case and prevent it from %ein" distri%uted, %/ falsel/ determinin", without evidence and contrar/ to the facts of Nature stipulated to in Guthrie&s petition, and contrar/ to the Constitution, that $%ama is a valid President. 1) Guthrie onl/ learned a%out !ane&s de facto status when investi"atin" her %ack"round upon tr/in" to comprehend her %i4arre reli"ious opinion rulin" that e5uates &naturali4ed& with &natural %orn& and declares that the 5ualifications for the $ffice of President and the definition of Article 66 natural %orn Citi4en has a%solutel/ nothin" at all to do with %ein" the offsprin" of a U.S. State citi4en father, an astoundin" statement of revisionist histor/ and an astoundin" historical precedent set %/ her 3ud"ment that will no dou%t make her famous amon" socio# political scientists and historians lon" into the future. 'See !ane entr/ and 3ud"ment of dismissal.2



s. !ane

a"nus#Stinson is not a lawful de 3ure !ud"e, %ecause her

appointment was made %/ $%ama who has no lawful authorit/ to hold the $ffice of President and make appointments %ecause he is not a natural %orn Citi4en of the United States. 6t is common knowled"e, declared %/ $%ama himself, that he is not the offsprin" of a U.S. citi4en State citi4en father as is re5uired %/ the Constitution of the United States of America. $%ama is, at %est, a naturali4ed adopted citi4en of the U.S., and was not %orn as a native non#adopted natural %orn Citi4en that onl/ comes from %ein" the offsprin" of a U.S. citi4en State citi4en father. 0) !ane that proof, a"nus#Stinson did not provide an/ evidence to Guthrie or to the Court

r. $%ama is the offsprin" of a U.S. citi4en State citi4en father. 7ithout such s. !ane a"nus#Stinson cannot even prove to Guthrie or convince him

that she is even a lawful de 3ure 3ud"e who has an/ authorit/ whatsoever to hear an/ cases assi"ned to her, let alone Guthrie&s case. 8) !ane a"nus#Stinson claims in her entries and 3ud"ments that she has closed

Guthrie&s case, that Guthrie has had a case that was ad3udicated %/ a lawful representative of Guthrie&s de 3ure Government and thus it is now closed with &post 3ud"ment& relief pendin". 9rom Guthrie&s point of view, this is a fraud upon the Court.

:) Guthrie does not accept without proof that !ane

a"nus#Stinson has an/ proper

authorit/ to make an/ rulin"s or 3ud"ments on the case in 5uestion. Guthrie does not accept that he has had an/ case ad3udicated %/ a lawful representative 3ud"e of Guthrie&s lawful de 3ure "overnment. Guthrie does not accept that the Court has proper 3urisdiction to make 3ud"ments upon this case when the 3ud"e is not a de 3ure 3ud"e. ;) ,ue to the points a%ove, Guthrie cannot acknowled"e or compl/ with !ane a"nus#Stinson&s <ntr/ ,irectin" 9urther Proceedin"s without conve/in" le"itimac/ upon the Court and !ane lawfull/ have. !ane a"nus#Stinson that neither deserve nor

a"nus#Stinson asks the impossi%le of Guthrie. $n the one

hand, Guthrie has o%3ectivel/ proven with facts of Nature that neither $%ama or !ane a"nus#Stinson are lawful de 3ure representatives of the native Constitutional

"overnment, %ut !ane insists that she is a 3ud"e with 3urisdiction who is "oin" to make a further rulin" on a motion and seeks action from Guthrie that he ma/ not "ive without conve/in" le"itimac/ to the process and to !ane Guthrie is now in an impossi%le le"al trick created %/ !ane a"nus#Stinson. anus#Stinson&s

dishonora%le refusal to %e limited and "overned %/ Nature and =er laws and %/ the Constitution and criminal codes under >itle 1+.

+) Guthrie cannot even appeal an/thin" that !ane

a"nus#Stinson has done so far,

%ecause in order to have an appeal, /ou must first have a valid rulin" from a valid de 3ure "overnment under the Constitution. So far, the onl/ thin" that !ane a"nus#Stinson has done is to provide evidence to Guthrie of her commission of =i"h >reason and criminal o%struction of 3ustice. >he record esta%lished %/ !ane a"nus#Stinson&s actions are not a record that is somethin" that Guthrie can present to an appeals court. >he record that !ane a"nus#Stinson has created %/

her own unlawful authorit/ and voluntar/ criminal acts are onl/ a record of evidence that is to %e %rou"ht %efore the e?ecutive %ranch of "overnment for prosecution of a crime@ it is not a record of a le"itimate civil proceedin" that %elon"s %efore an appeals court. >his is wh/ Guthrie was forced to re#file his case with the Court in order to o%tain a rulin" that he can appeal. A) !ane determines in her rulin" and 3ud"ment dismissin" Guthrie&s case, that the Article 66 natural %orn Citi4en definition has a%solutel/ nothin" at all to do with natural political ri"hts that are inherited, or an/thin" to do with %ein" the offsprin" of a U.S. citi4en State citi4en father, %ut is 3ust a le"al privile"e that is %estowed %/ $%ama himself via his appointed a"ents like s. !ane a"nus#Stinson who

maintain $%ama in $ffice %/ creatin" a >itle of No%ilit/ or le"al privile"e to %e President, in violations of Article 6 Section A Clause +, Article 66 Section 1, Clause

8, and the 9irst Amendment. 'See !ane dismissin" Guthrie&s petition.2 1*) B/ her ver/ rulin", !ane

a"nus#Stinson&s entr/ and rulin"

a"nus#Stinson proves Guthrie&s facts and case,

%ecause her rulin" esta%lishes the $ffice of President to %e a %estowed le"al privile"e that is "ranted %/ an a"ent of $%ama or an a"ent of some "overnment, thus provin" that the person holdin" the $ffice of President does so as a monarch, a person who has %een "ranted a le"al privile"e to hold the $ffice of President, which %/ definition makes $%ama to %e a -in" and not a President. B/ her actions, !ane a"nus#Stinson creates the >itle of No%ilit/ for $%ama and provides

the ver/ evidence that proves that $%ama holds $ffice without Constitutional authorit/. 11) $ne can onl/ conclude that !ane&s version of natural realit/ and natural histor/ seems to "o like this( >he all#male committee mem%ers from the States "ot to"ether some time %efore the Adoption of the Constitution and wrote the 5ualifications for the $ffice of President, %ut the intention was not to secure their own political ri"hts or the political ri"hts of their own offsprin" so that the future offsprin" of the State citi4en fathers could have their natural political ri"ht to %e President reco"ni4ed and secured in the Constitution. 6nstead, accordin" to !ane a"nus#Stinson&s rulin", the intention was to secure a No%le >itle for female U.S.

citi4ens, and for forei"n non#citi4en males from other countries, so that the/ can pass on the le"al privile"e to %e President of the U.S. to their forei"n offsprin" created with U.S. citi4en females. 6t seems that, accordin" to !ane a"nus#

Stinson, the intention of the 9oundin" 9athers was to make it so that U.S. citi4en females must mate with forei"n non#citi4en males in order to produce an offsprin" who is "iven the le"al privile"e, %estowed at %irth via the citi4enship laws from Con"ress, to %e President. Accordin" to !ane a"nus#Stinson, this is not creatin"

a -in" via a >itle of No%ilit/, nor is it permittin" females to act like Cueens who esta%lish the political %oundaries of the countr/ to %e "lo%al and not limited to the territorial 3urisdiction of the countr/. 9urther, accordin" to !ane a"nus#Stinson&s

rulin", it was not envisioned %/ the 9oundin" 9athers that the U.S. citi4en State citi4en male would have se? with a U.S. citi4en female and produce an offsprin" that could %e President, %ecause accordin" to !ane a"nus#Stinson&s rulin", the

Article 66 natural %orn Citi4en definition and re5uirement has nothin" at all to do with a U.S. citi4en State citi4en male father and his offsprin". B/ her rulin", !ane a"nus#Stinson would have Guthrie %elieve that the purpose and intent of Article 66 natural %orn Citi4en was to create and provide and secure le"al political ri"hts for U.S. females and forei"n non#citi4en males and their offsprin", %ut not to

secure natural political ri"hts for the U.S. citi4en State citi4en male father and his offsprin". 11) B/ her rulin", !ane a"nus#Stinson is forcin" her own reli"ious %eliefs upon

Guthrie and the countr/, %/ esta%lishin" her reli"ious opinion, and $%ama&s reli"ious opinion, and the "overnment&s reli"ious opinion, that &naturali4ed& means the same as &natural %orn&, or that &adopted citi4en& means the same as &natural %orn Citi4en&, and that the three %ranches of "overnment create natural %orn offsprin" %/ their decree authorit/ of positive law instead of %/ se?ual reproduction from a U.S. citi4en State citi4en father accordin" to Natural .aw. B/ i"norin" Article 6, Section A, Clause + and the 9irst Amendment, and supplantin" her own reli"ious views, !ane a"nus#Stinson esta%lishes the United States to %e a monarch/ with a a"nus#Stinson proves Guthrie&s petition and facts, and is

de facto kin". !ane

su%3ectin" Guthrie and the nation to a forced %elief in God, %ecause the source of authorit/ for a kin" is called the ,ivine Di"ht of -in"s which re5uires a %elief in God in order to accept that $%ama is a valid representative, or to %elieve that an/ %ill from Con"ress that $%ama has si"ned is a valid law that is to %e o%e/ed. 1)) B/ her actions, !ane a"nus#Stinson is seen to %e actin" like a reli"ious

fanatic who is usurpin" her $ffice and puttin" herself forth as a 3ud"e who is usin" that $ffice to push a forced %elief in supernatural deities upon Guthrie and other

citi4ens. B/ her rulin", !ane

a"nus#Stinson does not accept o%3ective realit/ and

facts of Nature or the Constitution or criminal codes to %e "uidin" upon her reason or 3ud"ments or limitin" upon her authorit/, and she does not permit others to have the protection of the law as provided in the Constitution that ena%les citi4ens like Guthrie to use these sources of authorit/ to "uide their %eliefs and 3ud"ments. 9rom Guthrie&s point of view, !ane a"nus#Stinson is a delusional criminal,

%elievin" that she is a valid 3ud"e and %elievin" $%ama to %e a valid President and not a kin". !ane a"nus#Stinson shows herself to %e a person who does not even

accept science or o%3ective o%servations of Nature and =er .aws to even e?ist. 6t terrifies Guthrie that a person of such mental incapacit/ and seemin"l/ dishonora%le intentions and character who o%viousl/ lacks the a%ilit/ to perceive facts of Nature that are essential in order for a 3ud"e to do the 3o% of a 3ud"e, can %e in such a position of authorit/ as to %e permitted %/ law enforcement and the courts to overthrow the United States "overnment and Constitution and commit an/ crime a"ainst the citi4ens under U.S. law with impunit/. >his creates an enormous climate of fear for Guthrie and other citi4ens who are watchin" this case, as !ane a"nus#Stinson is lia%le to commit an/ atrocit/ a"ainst Guthrie with the

enormous unlimited delusional power that she has "ranted herself and $%ama and

continues to ille"all/ e?ercise %/ her continuin" to maintain herself and $%ama in office as unconstitutional a"ents who are a%ove the criminal code, 3ust like a kin". 10) 6t is so o%vious to la/man Guthrie that, %/ the .aws of Nature and %/ the Constitution, the intention was to define the phrase natural born Citizen to mean to %e the legal opposite of an adopted citi4en or naturalized citizen, as naturalized citizen is s/non/mous with adopted citizen. >here are onl/ two cate"ories of U.S. citi4ens that e?ist. Eou can onl/ %e either a naturali4ed adopted U.S. citi4en, or a natural %orn non#adopted U.S. Citi4en, as there are no other cate"ories of natural person citi4ens under U.S. law that are reco"ni4ed. Since the adopted citi4ens or naturalized citizens are the ones who are offsprin" of forei"n fathers, and the opposite non#adopted natural %orn U.S. Citi4ens are the offsprin" of U.S. citi4en State citi4en fathers, then it is a simple matter of natural lo"ic and reason that $%ama is an adopted citi4en and not a non#adopted natural %orn Citi4en as re5uired %/ Article 66 5ualifications for the $ffice of President. >hus it is impossi%le for a rational person like Guthrie to comprehend how a person like !ane a"nus#Stinson

cannot know that $%ama is not a lawful President and that her appointment is not valid. 6t is impossi%le for Guthrie to accept that !ane a"nus#Stinson does not

know the true meanin" and definition of natural %orn Citi4en, when the simple natural lo"ic of the situation can so easil/ %e o%served, comprehended and

e?plained %/ Guthrie, and especiall/ since he has put the o%3ective proof and e?planation %efore !ane a"nus#Stinson for her to read a%out and learn. >hus, a"nus#Stinson and what appear to %e her self#

Guthrie is livin" in fear of !ane servin" ulterior motives.

7herefore, Guthrie respectfull/ %ut fearfull/ o%3ects to an/thin" that !ane a"nus#Stinson does, as Guthrie does not accept that the de facto "overnment esta%lished %/ de facto 3ud"e !ane a"nus#Stinson and de facto kin" $%ama has

an/ le"itimate 3urisdiction to hear the case that Guthrie attempted to file with his de 3ure "overnment, as his case was intercepted %/ the wron" "overnment and a"ent !ane a"nus#Stinson. Guthrie does not want to conve/ an/ le"itimac/ to a"nus#Stinson as a 3ud"e, and there%/ admit

this ille"al process or to !ane

3urisdiction %/ an/ participation in her treasonous activit/. Guthrie has finall/ "otten his case %efore a de 3ure 3ud"e and a de 3ure "overnment under the Constitution %/ re#filin" his case after patriotic U.S. citi4ens who learned a%out !ane a"nus#Stinson&s actions stepped up to the plate and provided donations to s. !ane

Guthrie to cover the e?penses of a suit. Guthrie now pra/s that whatever

a"nus#Stinson does, she does not tr/ to use her actions as a %ar or to taint the

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