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1 Name____________________________________________________ Unit _____________________________________________________ Instructor/Evaluator: _________________________________________ Date______________________________ Position ____________________________ Position____________________________

Needs Practice




Auscultating Bowel Sounds

Goal: To etermine t!e "resence or a#sence o$ intestinal "eristalsis% 1% Per$orm !an !&'iene% (% I enti$& t!e "atient% )% Close oor or #e curtains an e*"lain t!e "roce ure to t!e "atient% +% ,s- t!e "atient .!en !e or s!e last ate% 5% /ave t!e "atient urinate #e$ore t!e e*amination% 6% ,ssist t!e "atient to a su"ine "osition .it! a# omen e*"ose % 0% 1isuall& ivi e t!e a# omen into $our 2ua rants usin' t!e um#ilicus as t!e central crossin' lan mar-% 3% Place t!e stet!osco"e ia"!ra'm in eac! o$ t!e $our 2ua rants% 4isten $or "itc!5 $re2uenc&5 an uration o$ #o.el soun s at eac! site% 6% I$ &ou o not !ear #o.el soun s5 listen $or ) to 5 minutes in all 2ua rants #e$ore conclu in' t!at t!e& are a#sent% 17% Procee .it! t!e rest o$ t!e "!&sical e*amination or cover t!e "atient8s a# omen an assist !im or !er to a com$orta#le "osition% 11% Document &our $in in's%


Co"&ri'!t 9 (71) #& :olters ; /ealt! < 4i""incott :illiams = :il-ins% Procedure Checklist for Fundamentals of Nursing: Human Health and Function5 0t! e ition5 #& Rut! >% Craven5 Constance ?% /irnle5 = @!aron ?ensen%

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