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Doctora = Giss Paciente = Susan Interno = Vane Vane = come please Susan Jaramillo Susan= Good morning Doctor

Giss= Good morning, How do you feel? Susan= I feel very very bad Doctor Vane = what are your symptoms? Susan = I have stomach ache, because I am with diarrhea. Also I think that I have fever and all my body hurts. Please doctor helps me I feel very very bad.. and I Cant go to work like this.. please give some drugs for the pain Doctor= Ok dont worry, we are going to examine you and then we are going to prescribe some drugs for the pain that you are feeling in your body. Please Doctor Vanessa tells me all the consequences of a diarrhea.

Vane = Sure Doctor, first of all, a diarrhea carries a huge dehydration, because in each evacuation you lose liquids and can be caused by
Infection by bacteria Infections by other organisms Eating foods that upset the digestive system Laxative abuse Alcohol abuse

Doctor = Ok. When did star the diarrhea? Susan = mmm.. two days ago Giss= Do you remember some food that you feel makes you bad? Susan = mmm not really, but I think the hamburger that I ate after school made me bad. Giss = ok you have a hyper dehydration, so you are going to Please copy all what I say Vanessa. Vane = Sure Doctor. Giss: Ok Susan you are going to drink Pedialyte for two days and in a range of 30 minutes each sip.. and absolutely repose. Also I am going. to give you buprex for the pain of the body By the way I am going to put you serum ok? Susan = thank you very much doctor, I hope feeling better with this.

Giss: if you have problems let me Know take care. Please Vanessa put her the serum Vane: ok Susan please come hear .. dont worry this doesnt hurt. Susan= thank you

The end..!

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