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What is the True name of God?

The true name of God in the Hebrew is Ahayah Ashar Ahayah which means I Am that I Am. This can be found in Exodus 3:13-15 Exo 3:13 And oses said unto God! "eho#d! when I come unto the chi#dren of Israe#! and sha## say unto them! The God of your fathers hath sent me unto you$ and they sha## say to me! %hat is his name& what sha## I say unto them& Exo 3:1' And God said unto oses! I A THAT I A : and he said! Thus sha#t thou say unto the chi#dren of Israe#! I A hath sent me unto you. Exo 3:15 And God said moreo(er unto oses! Thus sha#t thou say unto the chi#dren of Israe#! The )*+, God of your fathers! the God of Abraham! the God of Isaac! and the God of -acob! hath sent me unto you: this is my name for e(er! and this is my memoria# unto a## .enerations. The Hea(en#y /ather re(ea#ed His 0ame to oses as we can see in the "oo1 of Exodus. The 2uestion is where do the other names such as God! -eho(ah! 3aweh! 3eho(ah! "uddha! A##ah! etc. descend from& 4ome may say that the God of the "ib#e has many names and that we5re 6ust ca##in. on Him in our own If we5re a## worshi77in. the same 8God9! why do the us#ims attem7t to con(ert :hristians into ca##in. on A##ah& %hy do :hristians attem7t to con(ert "uddhist into worshi77in. -eho(ah& %hy do Israe#ites te## :hristians that God and )ord are im7ro7er names if we5re a## worshi77in. the same 8God9. %hat a## re#i.ions that ma1e this statement fai# to rea#i;e first is that there is not one 8God9 in this earth bein. worshi77ed: <sa =>:' /or the )*+, is .reat! and .reat#y to be 7raised: he is to be feared abo(e a## .ods. <sa =>:5 /or a## the .ods of the nations are ido#s: but the )*+, made the hea(ens. At the he#m of a## these .ods is 4atan himse#f. As we a## 1now! he made a 7romise to be worshi77ed as 8God9 in the earth: Isa 1':1? How art thou fa##en from hea(en! * )ucifer! son of the mornin.@ how art thou cut down to the .round! which didst wea1en the nations@ Isa 1':13 /or thou hast said in thine heart! I wi## ascend into hea(en! I wi## exa#t my throne abo(e the stars of God: I wi## sit a#so u7on the mount of the! in the sides of the north: Isa 1':1' I wi## ascend abo(e the hei.hts of the c#ouds$ I wi## be #i1e the most Hi.h. Isa 1':15 3et thou sha#t be down to he##! to the sides of the 7it. :ou#d it be that 4atan and his minions are bein. ca##ed on i.norant#y in your re#i.ion& *ne thin. we 1now about the true name of the /ather is that accordin. to the "ib#e! it wou#d be dreadfu# amon. the heathen: a# 1:1' "ut cursed be the decei(er! which hath in his f#oc1 a ma#e! and (oweth! and sacrificeth unto the )ord a corru7t thin.: for I am a .reat Ain.! saith the )*+, of hosts! and my name is dreadfu# amon. the heathen. %hy then wou#d the heathen u7ho#d any of the names that we ha(e aforementioned& The rea#ity is that the heathen #o(e and 7romote those names! because these are the names of the .ods from whom they recei(e their 7ower and o(er the :hi#dren of Israe#.

%hat About :hrist5s 0ame& :hrist5s true name accordin. to the "ib#e is 3ashaya which means y 4a(ior. As the Bonder(an "ib#e ,ictionary confirms! Hebrews named their chi#dren based on 8C a 7articu#ar 7osition! function! or re#ationshi7.9 DB", entry for 0amesE. :hrist5s function and 7osition was that of a 4a(ior to the nation of Israe#: at 1:?1 And she sha## brin. forth a son! and thou sha#t ca## his name -E4F4: for he sha## sa(e his 7eo7#e from their sins. -esus is a Gree1 in6ection. The trans#ation shou#d say! 8And thou sha#t ca## his name 4a(ior: for he sha## sa(e his 7eo7#e from their sins9. Act 5:31 Him hath God exa#ted with his hand to be a <rince and a 4a(iour! for to .i(e re7entance to Israe#! and for.i(eness of sins. )u1 ?:11 /or unto you is born this day in the city of ,a(id a 4a(iour! which is :hrist the )ord. The Gree1 word for 4a(e in G'=G? HIJK sL;L sode5-;o /rom a 7rimary word HKM sLs Dcontraction for the obso#ete HNOM saos! 8safe9E$ to sa(e! that is! de#i(er or 7rotect D#itera##y or fi.urati(e#yE: P hea#! 7reser(e! sa(e Dse#fE! do we##! be Dma1eE who#e. The Hebrew e2ui(a#ent of G'=G? is H3'>Q which is: H3'>Q yRshaS yaw-shah5 A 7rimiti(e root$ 7ro7er#y to be o7en! wide or free! that is! Dby im7#icationE to be safe$ causati(e#y to free or succor: P T at a##! a(! defend! de#i(er D-erE! he#7! 7reser(e! rescue! be safe! brin. Dha(in.E sa#(ation! sa(e D-iourE! .et (ictory. ?4amue# ??:3! a scri7ture which is 7ro7hetic of :hrist! re(ea#s his true name: ?4a ??:3 The God of my roc1$ in him wi## I trust: he is my shie#d! and the horn of my sa#(ation! my hi.h tower! and my refu.e! my sa(iour$ thou sa(est me from (io#ence. The Hebrew word for y 4a(ior is D3ashaya or 3ashiyaE As the "ib#e states! the ost Hi.h and :hrist5s true names wou#d be a mystery. <ro 3U:' %ho hath ascended u7 into hea(en! or descended& who hath .athered the wind in his fists& who hath bound the waters in a .arment& who hath estab#ished a## the ends of the earth& what is his name! and what is his son5s name! if thou canst te##& The names that are in the earth are not a mystery and are wide#y 1nown and 7romoted. It5s Ahayah and 3ashaya which the masses ha(e not been +om 1U:13 /or whosoe(er sha## ca## u7on the name of the )ord sha## be sa(ed. +om 1U:1' How then sha## they ca## on him in whom they ha(e not be#ie(ed& and how sha## they be#ie(e in him of whom they ha(e not heard& and how sha## they hear without a 7reacher& att. 1:?1 is:

Here is a (ideo #in1 to the #esson on the fu## brea1down of 8%hat is the true name of God9 at: /rom: htt7:VVwww..atherin.ofchrist.or.V'' YThis is bein. 7osted inde7endent#y and shou#d be considered and treated as se7arate from the G*::.

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