PDF Grupos Etnicos Lesson Plan Spanish Speakers I

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SINGLE SUBJECT DAILY LESSON DESIGN FORMAT TITLE OF LESSON: Grupos tnicos del mundo hispano (Ethnic Groups) Second lesson in a two-week unit on Ethnic groups; Hispanic history and culture. CA CONTENT STANDARD(S) ADDRESSED: ! World Language Content Standards for CA public High Schools. o STAGE II: Communication: " 2.5) Demonstrate understanding of the general meaning, key ideas, and some details in authentic texts. CA ELD STANDARD(S) ADDRESSED: ! California Department of Education English Language Development Standards for Grades 910 o Part I - Interacting in Meaningful Way " Interpretative (Expanding): 6. Reading/viewing closelya) Explain ideas, phenomena, processes, a nd relationships within and across texts ( e.g., themes, evidence-based argument) based on close reading of a variety of grade-appropriate texts. CURRICULUM AREA & GRADE LEVEL: Spanish for Spanish Speakers I, 10th grade. DATE OF LESSON: December 5th, 2013

STAGE II: Culture 2.1) Demonstrate understanding of the roles that products, practices, and perspectives play in the culture.

BIG IDEA ADDRESSED (Enduring Understanding: WHY this material is important; how it fits in with the unit or theme). ! In this lesson, students will study about ethnic groups in Spain and Latin America. They will learn fundamental aspects of sociology and anthropology, as well as relevant terminology. Students will read, discuss, and analyze several literacy works with indigenous American themes. OBJECTIVE (S) OR LEARNING GOAL (S) ! Students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the general meaning by communicating in spoken and written Spanish about ethnic groups of Spain and Latin America. ! After reading the text selection, students will be able to demonstrate understanding of the roles that products and perspectives play in the culture.

ESSENTIAL QUESTIONS ADDRESSED: ! Where do people speak Spanish? ! Explain what is a ladino. ! Explain what is an indgena/indigenous

ASSESSMENT (S) Formative Assessments: Students will be assessed based on their participation. They will be receiving participation points for participating and sharing their ideas. Also, Activity 3 and Activity 4 will be turned in at the end of the period to check their knowledge. I will be walking around the classroom checking for students understanding.

PREDICTION OF LIKELY DIFFICULTIES STUDENTS MAY ENCOUNTER WITH THIS MATERIAL (possible misconceptions or assumptions) ! Before starting the Lectura, I will determine if students know the meaning of etnico/ethnic. Content and process of the lesson. ! Students might find the text difficult to understand because they might not know key vocabulary words that are necessary for comprehension. Content and process of the lesson.





STUDENT ACTIVITIES: What the students do

INSTRUCTIONAL STRATEGIES: What the teacher does to help students cope with the difficulties in order to succeed STEPS (Fill in each box with specific information) LEARNIN G STYLE(S) ADDRESS ED Auditory Verbal Written Kinesthetic REASONS/RATIO NALES

STEPS (Fill in each box with specific information)

Anticipatory Set (Into) *At the beginning of the class, I will clearly explain to students the class objectives.

*It is important that content objectives are stated orally, and they are displayed for students and teachers alike to see. It is important for both native and nonnative English speakers to hear the objectives explicitly and clearly. *Written, studentfriendly objectives serve to remind us of the focus of the lesson, providing a structure to classroom procedures.

LEARNIN G STYLE(S) ADDRESS ED Auditory Visual Written Kinesthetic


Anticipatory Set (Into) *Students will be listening to the class objectives.

*It is important that content objectives are stated orally, and they are displayed for students and teachers alike to see. It is important for both native and nonnative English speakers to hear the objectives explicitly and clearly. *Written, studentfriendly objectives serve to remind us of the focus of the lesson, providing a structure to classroom procedures.

*Then, I will instruct students to get a piece of paper out. Students will have to list all the countries where Spanish is spoken.

*This will help students think about all the countries where Spanish is spoken.

*Students will get out a piece of paper. Students will list all the countries where Spanish is spoken.

*This will help students think about all the countries where Spanish is spoken.

*Before we start reading, we will play a vocabulary game called matamoscas or swat the fly. During this game the class is divided in half. I start by writing all the vocabulary words on the board. Each team sends up one representative to the board. I will call out a word definition and students will quickly try to "swat" the word. First person to swat gets their team a point!

*Students will be able to have the opportunity to practice their new vocabulary words verbally. *Students will be able to see the word visually, hear the word orally, and practice the word verbally.

*Students will play a vocabulary game called matamoscas or swat the fly.

*Students will be able to have the opportunity to practice their new vocabulary words verbally. *Students will be able to see the word visually, hear the word orally, and practice the word verbally.




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Instruction (Through) *I will instruct students to open their textbook to page 34. We will read Grupos etnicos del mundo hispano. For this reading selection, I will be focusing on making students work in their reading comprehension skills and reading strategies. Specifically, they will be reviewing a reading strategy: summarizing. *As a whole class, we will read the reading selection aloud. Students will be reading in a popcorn style. After each paragraph, I will have students write a summary. I will be stopping to make sure students have time to write one or two sentences summarizing the main points of each paragraph. Students will be using the think-pair-share strategy to share their ideas. *To keep with the reading strategy, I will ask students the following types of information questions: -Quines fueron los primeros habitantes de Amrica? -Cmo era la gente que encontraron los espaoles? Auditory Verbal Written *Grupos etnicos del mundo hispano is a reading selection that offers students the opportunity to study about ethnic groups in Spain and Latin America and learn some fundamental aspects of sociology and anthropology. Instruction (Through) *Students will get their textbook out. They will open their book to page 34. Auditory Verbal Written *Grupos etnicos del mundo hispano is a reading selection that offers students the opportunity to study about ethnic groups in Spain and Latin America and learn some fundamental aspects of sociology and anthropology.

*During this reading, students will practice their learned vocabulary words in context.

*Students will be reading in a popcorn style.

*During this reading, students will practice their learned vocabulary words in context.

*Students will write a summary after every paragraph.

*Students will share their summary. Students will be using the think-pair-share strategy to share their ideas.

*Students need to make sure they are paying attention and are following the reading. Otherwise, each student that is called on to read and doesnt know where we are in the story, he/she will loose three points. *Students will be encouraged to participate by offering them participation points for every time they share something with the whole class.





Auditory Verbal Written *I make students work on these two activities so they review their vocabulary words. Guided Practice (Through) *Students will work in Activity 3. Auditory Verbal Written *Students work on these two activities so they review their vocabulary words.

Guided Practice (Through) *I will have students work in Activity 3. This activity will be projected on the screen projector. This activity will be done after reading La mezcla de razas y culturas. I will give students one minute to do this activity. Then, we will review the answers as a whole class. *I will have students work in Activity 4. This activity will be projected on the screen projector. This activity will be done after reading Los europeos y otros. I will give students one minute to do this activity. Then, we will review the answers as a whole class.

*Students will work in Activity 4.

Independent Practice (Through) *Now, I will instruct students to work independently in Activity B. This activity is from their textbook, page 37. This activity has seven erroneous statements. Students will have to go back to the story, look for the correct information, and correct the erroneous statement. *Students will work in Activity C. This activity is from their textbook, page 37. This activity is done to make sure students learn to clarify their ideas and information.

Auditory Verbal Written

*This activity helps students work in another reading skill: looking for specific information. *Looking for specific information while reading is an important skill. Having students correct erroneous statements is a good way to get them to look for details.

Independent Practice (Through) *Now, students will work independently in Activity B. This activity is from their textbook, page 37. This activity has seven erroneous statements. Students will have to go back to the story, look for the correct information, and correct the erroneous statement.

Auditory Verbal Written

*This activity helps students work in another reading skill: looking for specific information. *Looking for specific information while reading is an important skill. Having students correct erroneous statements is a good way to get them to look for details.

* This activity is done to make sure students learn to clarify their ideas and information.

*Students will work in Activity C. This activity is from their textbook, page 37. This activity is done to make sure students learn to clarify their ideas and information.

* This activity is done to make sure students learn to clarify their ideas and information.




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Closure (summarize; make meaning of the lesson) *During this time, I will instruct students to get their homework out. *I will review the homework with them. Auditory Verbal Written *I review the homework during this time because it connects to the reading we just did. Closure (summarize; make meaning of the lesson) *Students will take their homework out. *Students will check they have the correct answer. Auditory Verbal Written *Students will review the homework during this time because it connects to the reading we just did.

Transfer (Beyond) (opportunities to apply the learning) *I will give students a worksheet. This worksheet is a study guide that will help students review everything we have learned. For this activity, students will work in partners. They will be completing this worksheet.


* This worksheet is a study guide that will help students review everything we have learned

Transfer (Beyond) (opportunities to apply the learning) *Students will be given a worksheet. This worksheet is a study guide that will help students review everything we have learned. For this activity, students will work in partners. They will be completing this worksheet.


*This worksheet is a study guide that will help students review everything we have learned





INFO ABOUT STUDENTS W/ SPECIAL NEEDS (include gifted students) : Consider students individually & collectively FACTS ABOUT THE LEARNERS ! Whole Class Information o Number of students in class " Period 3: 29 students " Period 5: 32 students ! Demographic Information: o Period 3: 29 students total " Ethnicity- 7 Mexicans, 21 MexicanAmericans, 1 Chilean. " Gender- I have 17 female students and 12 boys. " Free and reduced lunch- 25 students qualify for free lunch, 4 have to pay for lunch. " ELL- I have one English Language Learner. He (student M) is at an Intermediate level. " Bilingual- 28 students " IEP, 504, Gifted- No students. o Period 5: 32 students total " Ethnicity- 14 Mexicans, 17 MexicanAmericans, 1 Guatemalan " Gender- I have 15 female students and 17 male students. " Free and reduced lunch- 29 students qualify for free lunch, 3 have to pay for lunch " ELL- I have one English Language Learner. She (student Y) is at an Intermediate level. " Bilingual- 31 students " IEP, 504, Gifted- 1 student (student Y) has 290 Special Learning Disability (SLD)

INFO ABOUT ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERS: FACTS ABOUT THE LEARNERS ! Whole Class Information o Number of students in class " Period 3: 29 students " Period 5: 32 students ! Demographic Information: o Period 3: 29 students total " Ethnicity- 7 Mexicans, 21 MexicanAmericans, 1 Chilean. " Gender- I have 17 female students and 12 boys. " Free and reduced lunch- 25 students qualify for free lunch, 4 have to pay for lunch. " ELL- I have one English Language Learner. He (student M) is at an Intermediate level. " Bilingual- 28 students " IEP, 504, Gifted- No students. o Period 5: 32 students total " Ethnicity- 14 Mexicans, 17 MexicanAmericans, 1 Guatemalan " Gender- I have 15 female students and 17 male students. " Free and reduced lunch- 29 students qualify for free lunch, 3 have to pay for lunch " ELL- I have one English Language Learner. She (student Y) is at an Intermediate level. " Bilingual- 31 students " IEP, 504, Gifted- 1 student (student Y) has 290 Special Learning Disability (SLD)

-I have two English Language Learners. However, I want to mention that it is a Spanish class and so all of the students are Spanish Language Learners. This lesson incorporates strategies that are used for ELs to meet their needs. Readiness level: **Student Y: She has an overall CELDT score of 3. She is at the intermediate level. Her listening skills are a 2. Her speaking skills are a 3. Her reading skills are a 3. Her writing skills are a 2. **Student M: He has an overall CELDT score of 3. He is at the intermediate level. His listening skills are a 3. His speaking skills are a 3. His reading skills are a 3. His writing skills are a 5. Learning profile: strengths and challenges **Student Y: Positive attitude. Students speak at an intermediate Spanish level. She likes to challenge herself. **Student M: Good sense of humor, liked by peers and staff, great decoding skills. Interestsacademic and/or personal **Student Y: She would like to get better at both writing and reading in English and Spanish. More specifically, she wants to read better in Spanish. **Student M: He wants to be successful academically. He has good manners and wants to be more responsible.

-I only have one student with special needs. Readiness level -Student Y: Entry level, 290 Specific learning disability (SLD) Learning profile: strengths and challenges -Student Y: Positive attitude, difficulty in processing information. She can be easily distracted. Interestsacademic and/or personal -Student Y: She enjoys helping others and being around her peers. She is friendly and enjoys being part of teams. She likes art. She likes to dance too.




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DIFFERENTIATION FOR ENGLISH LANGUAGE LEARNERSchoose area(s) as necessary based on information above ! Content (what materialincluding key vocabularyis learned) **For this lesson, everyone will be learning the same. Students will be working in heterogeneous groups so everyone can benefit from different point of views and readiness levels. Based on readiness level. (This is a strategy that has worked well in the past when working in-group discussions). ! Process (how the material is learned) ** Students will be able to highlight and/or underline words they dont know. Based on readiness level. **I will use gestures so that students can comprehend better the vocabulary words. Based on readiness level. (This is a strategy that has worked well in the past when working in-group discussions). ! Product (how the learning is demonstrated) **For my ELs, I will be collecting everything as an additional way to monitor his/her progress. This will allow me to monitor their understanding. DIFFERENTIATION FOR STUDENTS WITH SPECIAL NEEDS choose area(s) as necessary based on information above ! Content (what materialincluding key vocabularyis learned) **For this lesson, everyone will be learning the same. Students will be working in heterogeneous groups so everyone can benefit from different point of views and readiness levels. Based on readiness level. (This is a strategy that has worked well in the past when working in-group discussions). ! Process (how the material is learned) ** Students will be able to highlight and/or underline words they dont know. Based on readiness level. **By using gestures and doing flashcards for the vocabulary words. Based on learning profile **Breaking assignments into small segments. Based on learning profile. (This is a strategy that has worked well in the past when reading difficult stories and/or poems). **Provide print material on tape/CD/ or live reader. Based on learning profile **Use the Think-pair-share strategy. Based on learning profile and personal interest. (This is a strategy that has worked well in the past when working in-group discussions). ! Product (how the learning is demonstrated) **Students will have to complete at least a 75% percent of the work. RESOURCES (Attach materials needed to implement the lesson e.g., power point presentation, text, graphic organizer) ! Textbook, page 36-38 ! Workbook, page 2.4 ! Power-teach interactive CD CD REFLECTION (Questions to consider after the lesson: What went well? Why? What evidence do I have that shows the extent to which the lesson was effective? What problems do students still have? How will I deal with the students whose understanding of the material is weak? How will I remediate? What changes will I make to enhance learning the next time I teach this lesson? Why?)




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