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BSL AMC AMC- The way ahead:

-Rahul Ranjan, 12210

I feel BSL AMC should focus on marketing front to achieve its long term objective of becoming the no. 1 player in the market. In present scenario, the younger generation hardly has the habit of savings. People of our age are the future prospects of this industry. If this chunk of people is not educated on the importa importance nce of savings (i.e. mutual funds being one of them), then the entire industry will be in trouble. And the most attractive channel to attract their attention is social media. The social media can be approached in the following ways: Our main objective is to o educate the potential customers. This can be done by replicating the model followed ICICI through animated characters of Gyanu and Mobo. ICICI ICICI Direct educates users about financial planning via social media. The social media campaign does this via two animated nimated characters, Gyano and Mobo, who showcase why people need to plan their financial goals via animated videos. videos.

Once the potential customers are aware of the services, the will spread among their circle. One more way can be by providing them networking platform to share their views: example Dairy milk and Kotaks save with Subbu.

In order to achieve short term goal of overpowering ICICI Prudential, I feel getting the bank license will play a huge role by providing benefits of cross cross-selling.

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