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Y cuando despert.

Escrito Por: Jorge Montemayor Morelos Zaragoza

INT. LIVING ROOM. DAY Large living room with big windows. DIEGO (18) sitting in the couch with SANTIAGO (20), they stand up and go to the exit. SUSANA (52) in the other living room is watching TV. DIEGO Mam, ya nos vamos. SUSANA Cudense. Diego and Santiago grab money from the purse and the car keys and go out. They go out of Diegos house in a car. INT. FRIEND JUAN HOUSE. NIGHT. A big terrace with a huge marble bar, Santiago y Diego greet their friends and instantly start drinking. They chat, they laugh and drink some more. Some of the friends start smoking weed. DIEGO Voy al oxxo por cigarros, ahorita regreso. SANTIAGO Traeme unos rojos a mi, porfa. Diego goes away. EXT. FRIEND JUAN HOUSE. NIGHT. Diego comes out of the house and goes to the car, gets in and instantly checks the rearview mirror with fear. EXT. OXXO. NIGHT. Diego comes out of his car and looks around in a weird way. He goes inside of the store. An unknown person gets into his car. (CONTINUED)



Diego comes out of the store and into his car, someone in the back seat holds him and drugs him with a cloth soaked in chloroform. Diego faints. INT. SPOOKY SHED. DAY. Diego wakes up in a dark spooky shed, dirty and full of scary tools like machetes and axes and saws. He is weak and tries to rise up, he falls to the ground. He opens the big freezer and sees what it seems to be a body, immediately walks to the door. He opens the door. The light blinds him, he gets out of there. EXT. SHED. DAY. Diego sees his car. He hears far away the kidnappers talking about him. SECUESTRADOR1 No te preocupes con este mirrey ya la hicimos. He struggles to get to his car, climbs up and drives away. INT. CAR. DAY. Diego flees driving fastly. DIEGO (crying and scared, a little frustrated and angry) No mames! EXT. DIEGOS HOUSE. DAY. Diego gets home and parks the car harshly, he gets down and runs inside.


INT. DIEGOS HOUSE. DAY. Diego gets to the entrance. DIEGO (Yelling) Mam! His cellphone rings/vibrate. SANTIAGO Qu pedo? te desapareciste. Vmonos a San Miguel, yo invito. Te veo en mi casa en 10. Diego grabs the money and car keys and leaves. EL FIN

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