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5Cvr, printed on 9/11/2003, at 12:57 PM

Unicenter AutoSys Job

 


Getting Started

UAJM45GS, printed on 9/11/2003, at 12:46 PM

This documentation and related computer software program (hereinafter referred to as the
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UAJM45GS, printed on 9/11/2003, at 12:46 PM


Chapter 1: Reliable Job Management

Approach to Enterprise-Wide Job Management ...................................1–1

The Purpose Of This Guide ..................................................1–3

Benefits ....................................................................1–3
Distinctive Features .........................................................1–4
Supported Environments ....................................................1–4
Taking Job Management To The Next Level ...................................1–5
CA Services: Enabling Solutions Through Experience ..............................1–5
CA Education Services ......................................................1–6
Computer Associates: The Software That Manages eBusiness ...................1–7
For More Information .......................................................1–7

Chapter 2: Unicenter AutoSys Job Management

A Unique, Event-Driven Architecture ............................................2–2
Enhanced Scheduling Flexibility .............................................2–4
Fault-Tolerant Operations to Prevent Downtime ...............................2–4
Optimized System Resources ................................................2–5
Centralized Control .........................................................2–5
Extended Functionality .....................................................2–6

Web Interface ..............................................................2–6

Contents iii
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eTrust Access Control .......................................................... 2–7

Integrating eTrust with Unicenter AutoSys Job Management....................... 2–8
Unicenter AutoSys JM Web Interface and eTrust .............................. 2–9
The Unicenter AutoSys JM and eTrust Administrator......................... 2–10
Security Classes ........................................................... 2–12
Creating Resources .................................................... 2–13
Default Resource ...................................................... 2–13
Resource Access Levels ................................................ 2–14

Chapter 3: Secure Your System

Overview ..................................................................... 3–1
Native Security ............................................................ 3–2
eTrust Access Control ...................................................... 3–3
Enabling Internal Security .................................................. 3–3
Enabling External Security .................................................. 3–5
What’s Next? .................................................................. 3–7

Chapter 4: User Interfaces

Graphical User Interface ........................................................ 4–1
Using the GUI ............................................................. 4–3
Defining a Job.......................................................... 4–3
Viewing Your Job ...................................................... 4–6
Web Interface ................................................................. 4–7
Using the Web Interface ................................................... 4–10

Login ................................................................ 4–10

Adding an Instance .................................................... 4–11

Creating a New User Account .......................................... 4–13
Viewing your Instance ................................................. 4–14

iv Getting Started
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Create User Mapping ................................................. 4–15

Defining a Job ............................................................ 4–17
Viewing Your Job ..................................................... 4–19
What is Next? ................................................................ 4–20

Chapter 5: Scheduling a Job To and From the

Enabling Cross-Platform Scheduling .........................................5–3

Configuring CCI ...........................................................5–5

Starting CCI................................................................5–6
Defining the OS/390 Machine ...............................................5–7

Contents v
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Reliable Job Management

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management (Unicenter AutoSys JM) is
an industry-leading job management system that provides
unparalleled reliability to support your mission-critical
applications, enterprise-wide. Designed for distributed
environments, Unicenter AutoSys JM delivers event-driven
scheduling, centralized real-time monitoring and programmable
error-recovery— providing reliability and scalability to your
production environment.

In addition, Unicenter AutoSys JM easily accommodates the

massive processing of jobs required by eBusiness, providing the
most rapid and reliable Internet job management for all your
eBusiness needs.

Approach to Enterprise-Wide Job Management

While the Enterprise is constantly expanding to accommodate
new business initiatives— including eBusiness and decision
support— many organizations have deployed mission-critical
applications across a wide array of mainframe and open system
environments. The goal is to achieve cost-effective information
processing while meeting business requirements. This is
possible only with an emphasis on optimized job management—
the effective automation and execution of jobs, along with
centralized process control.

Reliable Job Management 1–1

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Approach to Enterprise-Wide Job Management

Unicenter AutoSys JM offers an advanced solution to Enterprise-

Wide Job Management by encompassing three key initiatives:

Cross-Platform Job Management— enables cross product

and cross-platform integration with central management to
optimize the solution by platform.

Integrated Job Management— integrates with CA’s leading

Enterprise Management Solutions and third party products.
Also tightly integrates with ERP applications from SAP,
PeopleSoft, Oracle, and other leading ERP vendors. The
combined scope of CA job management solutions provides a
total enterprise solution unmatched in breadth and depth
anywhere else in the industry.

Superior Job Management Administration and

Visualization— bases the most powerful technology for
managing jobs across the entire range of platforms,
integrating with all the existing technology, including
applications, databases, data movement solutions, backup
and recovery offerings, and other schedulers. It provides the
ability to view and manage all the relevant jobs and their
interdependencies from a single point and presents the
various aspects of job management through sophisticated
visualization technology, delivering it through modern user
interfaces and the Web.

1–2 Getting Started

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Approach to Enterprise-Wide Job Management

The Purpose Of This Guide

This book introduces Unicenter AutoSys JM to you in an

efficient and visual manner. By the time you have finished
reading this guide, you will have an overview of the wide scope
of the product and its usability will be familiar to you. It is
important to us that you feel comfortable with Unicenter
AutoSys JM before you begin to use it. To accomplish this, we
are providing a typical real-life scenario that parallels the tasks
that you will be performing.

Simplifies the managing and monitoring of thousands of
jobs by providing a single point of control of enterprise-wide
networks and by allowing related tasks to be grouped into a
single job stream.

Provides job scheduling flexibility by basing start conditions

on time/day, file arrival, and job dependencies (such as
success, failure, or process exit code).

Helps ensure uninterrupted processing of jobs by providing

automated restart, recovery, re-queuing, and fault tolerance;
uses alarms to notify users of potential problems before they

Integrates easily with other open systems products and

applications (for example, alarms and events can be
integrated into existing email, notification, trouble ticketing,
and console systems).

Reliable Job Management 1–3

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Approach to Enterprise-Wide Job Management

Distinctive Features
Increased Performance
Improved performance using multi-threaded processing to
enable more jobs to run in parallel.

Enterprise-wide Cross Platform Job Management

Simplifies cross platform job management through direct
integration communication to Unicenter Job Management

Web-Based User Interface

Provides a single point of control and administration of jobs
and reduces IT learning and operational costs.

Multi-platform Support
Customers can manage their enterprise-wide processes on a
number of various platforms.

Unparalleled Reliability and Scalability

Scales tens of thousands of jobs easily over hundreds of
multi-platform machines per night, while maintaining its
hallmark reliability.

Supported Environments

Supported server and agent platforms include: HP-UX; IBM

AIX; NCR/AT&T UNIX; Pyramid DC/OSx; Silicon Graphics
IRIX; Sun Solaris; Data General DG-UX; DEC OSF/1; Sequent
DYNIX; Siemens Nixdorf SINIX; DEC; Compaq Tru64; RedHat
Linux; SuSE Linux, Windows NT; Windows 2000; and Windows

1–4 Getting Started

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CA Services: Enabling Solutions Through Experience

Taking Job Management To The Next Level

Unicenter AutoSys JM provides the flexibility to schedule jobs

across major platforms such as UNIX or Windows, with
platform-independent functionality. Unicenter AutoSys JM is a
truly flexible solution that allows companies to deploy
scheduling to their platform of choice, providing a modular
solution that can be custom-fit to any environment and
“mainframe-level” capabilities across all platforms. Each of the
components was architected for the respective platforms and not

CA Services: Enabling Solutions Through

When it comes to getting on the information fast track, CA
Services can recommend and install a full suite of enterprise
management solutions to keep your business moving. Our
associates offer the proprietary know-how on custom-fitting
your enterprise for solutions ranging from life cycle
management, data warehousing, and next-level business
intelligence. Our experts will leave you with the technology and
knowledge tools to fully collect, exploit, and leverage your data
resources and applications.

Reliable Job Management 1–5

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CA Services: Enabling Solutions Through Experience

CA Education Services

Computer Associates Global Education Services (CA Education)

offerings include instructor-led and computer-based training,
product certification programs, third-party education programs,
distance learning, and software simulation. These services help
to expand the knowledge base so companies are better able to
use CA’s products more efficiently, contributing to their greater
success. CA Education has been developed to assist today’s
technologists in everything from understanding product
capabilities to implementation and quality performance. Because
the vast community of education seekers is varied, so too are
CA’s methods of instruction. CA Education is committed to
provide a variety of alternatives to traditional instructor-led
training, including synchronous and asynchronous distance
learning, as well as Unicenter simulation.

For training that must be extended to a wider audience—for a

fraction of the cost and logistical hassle of sending everybody
away to a class—CA Education offers excellent distance learning

1–6 Getting Started

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CA Services: Enabling Solutions Through Experience

Computer Associates: The Software That Manages eBusiness

The next generation of eBusiness promises unlimited

opportunities by leveraging existing business infrastructures
and adopting new technologies. At the same time, extremely
complicated management presents challenges—from managing
the computing devices to integrating and managing the
applications, data, and business processes within and across
organizational boundaries. Look to CA for the answers. CA has
the solutions available to help eBusinesses address these
important issues. Through industry-leading eBusiness Process
Management, eBusiness Information Management, and
eBusiness Infrastructure Management offerings, CA delivers the
only comprehensive, state-of-the-art solutions, serving all
stakeholders in this extended global economy.

For More Information

After reading through this Getting Started, you can refer to the
numerous resources available to you for additional information.
Your product CD contains useful instructional documents that
showcase your software and provide detailed explanations
about the product’s comprehensive, feature-rich components. In
addition, the online help system at offers
procedural information and answers to any questions you may

You may also initiate a support incident on the new Computer

Associates web-based, self-help support system, at Technical Support is available 24
hours a day, seven days a week.

Reliable Job Management 1–7

GSG4502, printed on 9/16/2003, at 12:10 PM

Unicenter AutoSys Job


2 Management Basics

Unicenter AutoSys JM, an industry-leading job management

solution provides robust, scalable production control. As more
and more companies rely on the Internet as a primary business
resource, they require increasingly powerful, dependable tools
that can effectively manage their mission-critical eBusiness
needs. Unicenter AutoSys JM easily accommodates the massive
processing of jobs required by eBusiness, providing rapid and
reliable Internet job management. Unicenter AutoSys JM
delivers visualization and modeling capabilities to effectively
implement job flows across the environment. It further
centralizes processing by providing seamless integration with
leading ERP packages, such as SAP R/3, PeopleSoft, and others.
Unicenter AutoSys JM delivers immediate benefits such as:

Reducing development costs through the elimination of

time-consuming shell script coding and debugging.

Increasing productivity by automating routine tasks. It also

minimizes downtime by proactively searching for problems
and immediately recovering from them.

Expanding profits by using a single system built to manage

a complex, distributed network of computers.

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Basics 2–1

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A Unique, Event-Driven Architecture

Unicenter AutoSys JM comprises many functional components

designed to provide the best means for centralizing and
automating the scheduling and management of jobs in
distributed UNIX and Windows environments. This product
brings the functionality of mainframe batch scheduling to these
environments with features such as centralized system-wide
monitoring and programmable error recovery. Unicenter
AutoSys JM offers Web-enabled, Windows, and Motif user
interfaces, allowing customers to mix and match scheduling
components to meet their UNIX and/or Windows

A Unique, Event-Driven Architecture

Unicenter AutoSys JM architecture is designed to deliver these
essentials to job management for mission-critical applications,
enterprise-wide. Its event-driven, tiered architecture comprises
three components:

Relational Database
Stores all events and job information.

Event Processor
Interprets events and, based on job definitions, initiates
actions via the Remote Agent. This is the engine of Unicenter
AutoSys Job Management.

Remote Agent
Performs its tasks and sends the resulting job status back to
the database.

2–2 Getting Started

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A Unique, Event-Driven Architecture

In addition, Unicenter AutoSys JM provides utilities to help you

define, run, and maintain Unicenter AutoSys JM instances and
jobs. The included utilities are platform-specific; however, all
platforms include the Unicenter AutoSys JM graphical user
interface (GUI) and Job Information Language (JIL). Both the
GUI and command line interface (CLI) enable you to define,
manage, monitor, and report on jobs.

This architecture simplifies the management and monitoring of

thousands of jobs by providing centralized control of enterprise-
wide networks. It also helps ensure the uninterrupted
processing of jobs with automated restart, recovery, re-queuing,
and fault tolerance capabilities. See the appropriate installation
guide for detailed information regarding these components.

The figure following illustrates the communication paths

between the Unicenter AutoSys JM system components in a
basic configuration:

AutoSys Server UNIX Client

(UNIX or Windows)
Event Processor
Unix Job

Windows Client

Agent Event Server
(database )
Windows Job

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Basics 2–3

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A Unique, Event-Driven Architecture

Enhanced Scheduling Flexibility

You can base job-starting conditions on a calendar event (basic

time/day or custom calendar), job dependency status, and/or
file arrival. Unicenter AutoSys JM also automatically accounts
for international time zone changes. For example, when
dependent jobs are running in Tokyo, London, and New York,

Unicenter AutoSys JM recognizes and adapts to each time zone

difference, without requiring manual intervention.

Fault-Tolerant Operations to Prevent Downtime

With Unicenter AutoSys JM, you are assured automated,

uninterrupted scheduling services— a key requirement for
eBusiness and other mission-critical operations— through
Unicenter AutoSys JM High-Availability and Dual Event
Servers. This feature allows you to run both the Event Processor
and database on two machines as a hot backup system. If one
machine goes down, the other detects the problem, and
performs an automatic rollover— picking up where the first
machine left off.

Before Unicenter AutoSys JM starts each job, it automatically

checks machine and resource availability— issuing an alarm and
scheduling a restart if a problem is detected. It continuously
monitors each job as it executes, and then verifies its completion.

2–4 Getting Started

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A Unique, Event-Driven Architecture

Optimized System Resources

Unicenter AutoSys JM uses the powerful construct of virtual

machines to group real machines for workload balancing. Thus,
the best machine for the job is automatically selected at run-time,
giving you an effective way to manage resources across your

Centralized Control

As distributed environments become increasingly complex, the

importance of a single point of control is even more of a
necessity. Unicenter AutoSys JM greatly enhances the graphical
user interface (GUI), by providing a web-enabled user interface,
which may be accessed from any web browser enabled machine.
The database is accessible from the Unicenter AutoSys JM Java
GUI server node. Only one database connection is established
for each Unicenter AutoSys JM instance that is being monitored.
When the first user signs on to the GUI and opens up a
monitoring session, the server will go out to the database and
cache a local copy of the jobs on the server. This single
connection will then periodically poll the Unicenter AutoSys JM
instance for any changes to the database and refresh its cached
copy with the relevant changes. Since you view the cached
version of the data, the load against the Unicenter AutoSys JM
database remains unaffected, regardless of the number of users
that are signed on. Since the database connection is
accomplished using JDBC, the same Java GUI server can access
Unicenter AutoSys JM instances that utilize different databases.

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Basics 2–5

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A Unique, Event-Driven Architecture

Extended Functionality

Unicenter AutoSys Connect Option provides an interface for

Unicenter AutoSys JM to communicate with OS/390 scheduling
products such as Unicenter CA-7 Job Management, Unicenter
CA-Scheduler Job Management, and Unicenter CA-Jobtrac Job
Management. This allows Unicenter AutoSys JM to centralize
the management of an enterprise workload, which helps you
leverage your existing investment in scheduling products.

Web Interface

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Web Interface 4.5 (Web

Interface) is the web based Portal to Computer Associates
International, Inc (CA) Unicenter AutoSys Job Management
(Unicenter AutoSys JM). Designed for end-users and managers,
Web Interface lets you securely monitor, manage and control
your Unicenter AutoSys JM job-scheduling environment from
the web.

The Web Interface has been completely redesigned to fit your

needs. Performance improvements and increased scalability
were also top priorities. This new version gives you a Web
administration tool with loaded features and advanced
graphical representations. Included is a new consolidated real
time monitor view that lets you see if there is a problem with
any of the instances that are being monitored.

2–6 Getting Started

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eTrust Access Control

eTrust Access Control

eTrust Access ControlTM (eTrust AC) lets you centrally manage
user access privileges and quickly deploy pre-configured basic
security policies. eTrust AC ensures that the right people have
access to the right information. It proactively secures access to
data and applications located on the system servers throughout
your organization.

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Basics 2–7

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Integrating eTrust with Unicenter AutoSys Job Management

Integrating eTrust with Unicenter AutoSys Job

Unicenter AutoSys JM provides you with Asset Level Security, if
selected during installation. This security is accomplished
through integration with eTrust AC. All GUI applications and
all Command Line Interfaces will have call outs to security.
User-defined classes within eTrust AC will be used to govern
what types of resources can be controlled by which users.

Integrating the eTrust security feature with Unicenter AutoSys

Job Management (Unicenter AutoSys JM) lets you define rules or
policies that govern how Unicenter AutoSys JM behaves. When
you enable eTrust, these rules or policies override any previous
permission assigned to a job by the JIL or Job Editor GUI tools.
The rules or policies that Unicenter AutoSys JM queries are
stored in the eTrust policy model database (pmdb).

Multiple installations of Unicenter AutoSys JM in a networked

environment can share the same eTrust policies. Individual
machines with Unicenter AutoSys JM have a client, or local,
seosdb. Each local seosdb connects (subscribes) to an eTrust
Server parent pmdb that contains the shared policies. When the
parent pmdb is updated it passes along those updates to the
local seosdbs that are connected, (or have a subscription) to the
parent. Whenever a Unicenter AutoSys JM operation needs to be
authenticated, the local seosdb receives the request, not the
parent, reducing eTrust data traffic across the network.

The Unicenter AutoSys JM installation provides the ability to

install eTrust AC on the target machine either as an eTrust AC
Server or as an eTrust AC Client.

2–8 Getting Started

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Integrating eTrust with Unicenter AutoSys Job Management

If the option to install an eTrust AC Server is selected, then the

parent pmdb used to store and distribute security policy updates
to subscribed clients will be created. During the Server
installation, the users who have the authority to administer the
parent pmdb as well as the machines that can be used by the
administrators to administer the parent pmdb are configured. In
addition, all the remote clients that will be subscribed to the
parent are defined.

If the option to install an eTrust AC Client is selected, only the

local seosdb will be created and as such is intended for target
machines that have installed the Unicenter AutoSys JM
command utility or GUI programs. As in the Server installation,
the users who have the authority to modify the policies on the
local seosdb as well as the administrator machines are
configured through the Client installation. From the Client
installation, the local eTrust AC will be configured so its parent
pmdb subscription points to the eTrust AC Server machine. This
allows the Client to receive new or updated security policy
updates from the eTrust AC Server

For more information on Unicenter AutoSys JM and eTrust AC,

see the chapter Security in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for UNIX User Guide, or the Unicenter AutoSys
Job Management for Windows User Guide.

Unicenter AutoSys JM Web Interface and eTrust

The Web Interface is able to run in eTrust™ secured mode or

native mode. External security can be enabled during the
installation of the product, or later on by an authorized EXEC
super user. Once security is enabled, the external security
package will be called to authorize the user to determine if they
can turn off security in the product.

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Basics 2–9

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Integrating eTrust with Unicenter AutoSys Job Management

However, which ever security you use on Unicenter AutoSys

JM, you must use the same security with the Web Interface.

The Web Interface will use the following eTrust User Defined
Classes with the Unicenter AutoSys JM.
as-view as-list as-control

as-job as-owner as-machine

These classes are created in the eTrust database and the autosys
pmdb, during Unicenter AutoSys JM installation. The classes are
eTrust enabled and will make security call outs prior to
performing an action on a specified object.

For more information on Web Interface security, see the chapter

Security, in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Web
Interface User Guide.

The Unicenter AutoSys JM and eTrust Administrator

Only a user with eTrust administrative rights can update the

parent pmdb. Once a Unicenter AutoSys JM Super-Exec user
enables eTrust security, he or she transfers all authority and
privileges to the eTrust administrator, who can now control
Unicenter AutoSys JM through the rules created in the parent
pmdb. You initially assign eTrust administrative rights when
you install an eTrust Server. Only an eTrust administrator can
give other users eTrust administrative rights. Once you enable
eTrust security, you can only disable it if an eTrust administrator
grants you access to the disable operation.

There are three criteria, which must be satisfied before a user is

able to modify security policies within the eTrust AC
environment or use the eTrust AC administration options within

2–10 Getting Started

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Integrating eTrust with Unicenter AutoSys Job Management

1. An eTrust AC administrative user must first be created

within the eTrust AC environment.

2. An administrative host (terminal) resource must be created

within the eTrust AC environment for each machine from
which eTrust AC is to be administered.

3. A list of all the eTrust AC administrative users that are

authorized to use the eTrust AC administrative host created
in Step 2 (including the eTrust AC administrator created in
Step 1) must be defined within the eTrust AC environment.

For more information about Authorizing an administrator to

access an eTrust AC Administrative Host, see the chapter
Security in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for
Windows User Guide, the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for UNIX User Guide, or the section
autosys_secure in the chapter Commands in the Unicenter
AutoSys Job Management for Windows and UNIX
Reference Guide.

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Basics 2–11

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Integrating eTrust with Unicenter AutoSys Job Management

Security Classes

Unicenter AutoSys JM will use the following eTrust user-

defined classes:

■ as-job

■ as-gvar

■ as-view

■ as-calendar

■ as-owner

■ as-list

■ as-machine

■ as-control

These classes are used to control access to jobs, calendars,

machines, global variables, and the owner field of a job. These
classes will be created in eTrust AC and are enabled by default.
The Unicenter AutoSys JM product will issue a security callout
prior to performing an action on the specified object (For
example; a job, a global variable, and so forth.).

For more information on resource classes, see the chapter

Security in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for UNIX
User Guide, or the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for
Windows User Guide.

2–12 Getting Started

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Integrating eTrust with Unicenter AutoSys Job Management

Creating Resources

A member in the eTrust AC class is an eTrust resource. These

eTrust resources let you define the allowable operations that
apply to a specific object or a subset of objects represented by the
eTrust resource. For Unicenter AutoSys JM, a resource created
within the as-job class represents a job, or jobs, and contains the
rules specifying the operations that are allowed for that job. A
resource created within the as-machine class represents a
machine and contains the rules of operations that apply to that

Some Unicenter AutoSys JM classes contain predefined

resources. For example, the Unicenter AutoSys JM control class
represents administrative tasks in general, so the predefined
resources represent a specific administrative task. In these
instances, Unicenter AutoSys JM does not recognize and ignores
any new and distinct resource created for these classes.

Default Resource

Each Unicenter AutoSys JM user-defined class within eTrust AC

contains a default resource. If eTrust cannot find a resource for a
given secured object or task, eTrust applies the rules defined by
the default resource. The rules established for the default
resource govern the allowable operations for all objects or tasks
that have no associated resource.

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Basics 2–13

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Integrating eTrust with Unicenter AutoSys Job Management

Resource Access Levels

Each resource defined to eTrust AC will have a set of pre-

defined security access levels. These access levels may include
one or more of the following:

■ Create

■ Read

■ Write

■ Execute

■ Delete

The access level setting of each resource governs whether access

to the resource will be granted or denied by eTrust AC. For
example, suppose a resource is created within eTrust AC named
job1.ACE with only an access level of read. Unicenter AutoSys
JM would then deny an unauthorized user access to creating,
updating, executing, or deleting job1 within instance ACE.

For more information on the pre-defined resource access levels

for the Unicenter AutoSys JM user-defined classes, see the
chapter Security in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for
UNIX User Guide, or the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management
for Windows User Guide.

2–14 Getting Started

GSG4503, printed on 9/16/2003, at 12:13 PM


Secure Your System

To set up Unicenter AutoSys JM correctly, you should
understand the security features that control where and by
whom certain secured activities can be edited or executed.

Unicenter AutoSys JM is able to run in either eTrust™ secured
mode or native security mode. External security (eTrust) can be
enabled during the installation of the product, or later on by an
authorized EXEC superuser.

For more information on controlling the security setting with the

native autosys_secure utility, see autosys_secure in the
Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for UNIX and Windows
Reference Guide.

Secure Your System 3–1

GSG4503, printed on 9/16/2003, at 12:13 PM


This chapter is to be used in conjunction with the chapter

Commands, in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for
UNIX and Windows Reference Guide, and the chapter Security
in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for Windows User
Guide, or the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for UNIX
User Guide.

WARNING! We recommend that you have a thorough

understanding of Unicenter AutoSys JM security as it pertains to
eTrust AC before continuing.

Native Security

Unicenter AutoSys JM native security includes the following:

■ Job-level security

■ Superuser privileges

■ System-level security

■ UNIX and Windows file permissions (See Restricting Access

to Jobs in this chapter.)

Security is initiated when either a user sends events that affect

the running of a job or the event processor sends events that
affect a job.

3–2 Getting Started

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eTrust Access Control

Unicenter AutoSys JM provides you with Asset Level Security, if

selected during installation. This is accomplished through
integration with eTrust AC. All GUI applications and all
Command Line Interfaces will have call outs to security. User
defined classes within eTrust AC will be used to govern what
types of resources can be controlled by which users.

For more information on eTrust AC, see the chapter Unicenter

AutoSys Job Management Basics, in this guide.

Enabling Internal Security

The first time option [1] in the autosys_secure menu is chosen

after Unicenter AutoSys JM is installed, you are prompted for
the names of the users who should be assigned the Edit
Superuser and Exec Superuser privileges. Both these privileges
can be assigned to the same user. These users must be valid
users on the host or domain that you are logged onto.

Note: Unicenter AutoSys JM 4.5 allows multiple EDIT or EXEC

superusers to be defined.

For more information on the full extent of autosys_secure see the

chapter Commands in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management
for UNIX and Windows Reference Guide.

Secure Your System 3–3

GSG4503, printed on 9/16/2003, at 12:13 PM


To access autosys_secure and administer the EDIT or EXEC

superusers, do the following:

1. From a Unicenter AutoSys JM Command Prompt, enter the


The autosys_secure utility appears.

AutoSys Security Utility.
Please select an action to perform:
[1] Administer EDIT/EXEC superusers.
[2] Change AutoSys database password.
[3] Change AutoSys remote authentication method.
[4] Create AutoSys User@Host or Domain password.
[5] Change AutoSys User@Host or Domain password.
[6] Delete AutoSys User@Host or Domain password.
[7] Administer eTrust Access Control.
[8} Exit autosys_secure.
[A] Get Encrypted Password for Adapters.

2. Select option 1 to Administer EDIT or EXEC superusers.

The following dialog will appear.

Please select from the following options:
[1] Create an EDIT/EXEC superuser.
[2] Modify an EDIT/EXEC superuser.
[3] Delete an EDIT/EXEC superuser.
[4] Show all EDIT/EXEC superuser.
[5] Return to main menu.

3. Select option 1, to Create an EDIT or EXEC superuser.

4. Input the user name of the person you will create as the
EDIT superuser.

5. Enter user Host or Domain for the EDIT superuser, or enter

if no host.

6. Input the user name of the person you will create as the
EXEC superuser.

7. Enter user Host or Domain for the EXEC superuser, or enter

if no host.

8. Select option 4 to Show all EDIT or EXEC superusers, to

verify your entries.

3–4 Getting Started

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9. If your entries are correct, from the EDIT or EXEC menu

select option 5 to return to the main menu. If not, select
option 2 to Modify an EDIT or EXEC superuser, or option 3
to Delete an EDIT or EXEC superuser and repeat step 3.

You have now established your EDIT or EXEC superusers.

Enabling External Security

You can use autosys_secure to enable eTrust security within

Unicenter AutoSys JM and perform basic eTrust administration

For more information on the full extent of autosys_secure see the

chapter commands in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management
for UNIX and Windows Reference Guide.
1. Select option 7 from the main menu to Administer eTrust
Access Control.

The following dialog appears:

Please select from the following options:
[1] Enable eTrust Access Control.
[2] Set subscriber authentication security word.
[3] Administer eTrust Access Control administrators.
[4] Administer eTrust Access Control administrative hosts.
[5] Administer eTrust Access Control remote subscribers.
[6] Exit from “Administer eTrust Access Control” menu.

Note: If this dialog reads [1] Disable eTrust Access Control,

eTrust AC is currently controlling security within the
Unicenter AutoSys JM environment. This indicates you
activated eTrust AC security during the installation.

Secure Your System 3–5

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2. Select option 1 to enable eTrust Access Control.

The following message appears:

Are you sure you want to take this action? {y/n]:

Select y to enable eTrust Access Control, or n to exit without

changing your security option.

3. Select option 6, to return to the main menu.

You have now enabled eTrust Access Control.

If eTrust security is enabled, you must establish a subscriber

authentication security word (option [2]) before any secured
executables will work properly. Before establishing your security
word define your enterprise security policy since Unicenter
AutoSys JM is effectively locked down until you establish the
security word.

When autosys_secure is invoked and eTrust AC is installed on

this system, you will have the ability to perform administration
(option [3]) on the eTrust AC administrators defined in either the
eTrust AC seosdb or the autosys pmdb. An eTrust AC
administrator is allowed to dictate and modify policy within the
eTrust AC environment.

We recommend that you continue setting up your new security

environment before performing any other action with Unicenter
AutoSys JM 4.5. To continue setting up your security
environment see the chapter Commands, in the Unicenter
AutoSys Job Management for UNIX and Windows Reference
Guide, and the chapter Security in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for Windows User Guide, the Unicenter AutoSys
Job Management for UNIX User Guide, or the Unicenter
AutoSys Job Management Web Interface User Guide.

3–6 Getting Started

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What’s Next?

What’s Next?
Unicenter AutoSys JM is part of the Unicenter scheduling
solution, which offers complete job management across all major
platforms and provides support for companies deploying
applications and systems across global environments. Unicenter
AutoSys JM is a true cross-platform, modular solution that runs
on UNIX and Windows, and can schedule to these and other
platforms, delivering one scheduling solution to span the entire

Secure Your System 3–7

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User Interfaces
Unicenter AutoSys JM now lets you select the interface that
meets your needs by choosing from either the traditional Motif
or Windows console interface, or through a web-enabled
interface — providing complete scheduling interoperability
between UNIX and Windows platforms. This allows you to mix
and match scheduling components to fit your environment.

Graphical User Interface

The Graphical Interface refers to a set of windows and dialogs
that you can use to define, monitor, and manage jobs or

User Interfaces 4–1

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Graphical User Interface

The following are the Control Panel buttons and the actions they

Scheduler Console
Displays the Scheduler Console, which lets you monitor jobs
and alarms across multiple instances.

Job Editor
Displays the Job Editor, which lets you define jobs.

Calendar Editor
Displays the Calendar Editor window, which lets you
define, run and exclude calendars.

Monitor/Browser Editor
Displays the Monitor/Browser Editor, which lets you define
and run monitors and reports (or browsers).

Alarm Manager
Displays the Alarm Manager application, which lets you
view and respond to alarms across multiple instances.

Alarm Sentry
Displays the Alarm Sentry dialog, which indicates if there is
an alarm for any instance you are monitoring.

Admin GUI
Displays the administration dialog, which lets you
implement several advanced configurations, dual-event
servers, and shadow event processors.

Exits the GUI Control Panel.

4–2 Getting Started

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Graphical User Interface

Using the GUI

The following section covers defining a job using the GUI.

Note: The following examples define a job on a Windows

machine only.

For more information about the GUI, see the chapter

Introduction to the Graphical User Interface in the Unicenter
AutoSys Job Management for Windows User Guide.

For more information about the GUI on UNIX, see the chapter
Defining Jobs Using the GUI, in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for UNIX User Guide.

Defining a Job

Let us run through an example of how to define a job using the

traditional Graphical User Interface.

To start the GUI, do the following:

1. Select Start, Programs, Computer Associates, Unicenter,

AutoSys Job Management [instance], Graphical Interface.

On UNIX, at the command prompt, enter the following

autosc &

User Interfaces 4–3

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Graphical User Interface

2. The Job Editor provides all the fields you need to create a
basic job definition. Click Job Editor on the Unicenter
AutoSys toolbar:

The Job Editor displays different tabs and fields based on

whether you are defining a command job, file watcher job,
or box job. The Job Editor shown following defines a
command job.

3. Enter the following in the Command field:

echo AUTOSYS install test run

4–4 Getting Started

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Graphical User Interface

4. In the Send to Machine field, enter the machine on which the

command will be executed, by doing one of the following:

Click Add, enter a machine name, and click OK.

Select localhost from the drop-down list, which specifies

to run the job on the event processor machine.

Note: You should add your own machine name. In

addition, for Windows, you must have already entered
into the Unicenter AutoSys JM database, through
autosys_secure, a valid Windows user ID and password
for the Owner’s user account on the machine.

5. From the File menu, choose Save.

The Save As dialog opens.

6. In the Save As dialog, select an Instance and enter the new

job name and click OK, for example:

7. When the definition is written to the database, a

confirmation dialog is displayed. Click OK to close the

For more information about defining jobs, see the chapter

Defining Jobs Using the Job Editor in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for Windows User Guide, or the chapter Defining
Jobs Using the GUI, in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management
for UNIX User Guide.

User Interfaces 4–5

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Graphical User Interface

Viewing Your Job

Now that you have defined a job to the Unicenter AutoSys JM

database, you can view this job through the scheduler console.

The Scheduler Console provides a sophisticated method of

monitoring jobs from multiple instances in real time. The
Scheduler Console lets you view any jobs that are defined,
whether they are currently active or not.

From the Unicenter AutoSys JM toolbar, select Scheduler


For more information about the Scheduler Console, see the

chapter Scheduler Console in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management for Windows User Guide, or the chapter, The
Operator Console in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for
UNIX User Guide.

4–6 Getting Started

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Web Interface

Web Interface
Designed for end-users and managers, the Web Interface lets
you securely monitor, manage and control your Unicenter
AutoSys JM job-scheduling environment from the web.

In addition to web-enabling Unicenter AutoSys JM, the Web

Interface enhances native functionality with intuitive graphical
and text views of multiple instances of your job stream, pop-up
alarm monitoring, unique user permissions and capabilities,
forecasting, throughput analysis and comprehensive reporting.

For more information about defining jobs with the Web

Interface, see the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Web
Interface User Guide.

The Unicenter AutoSys JM Web Interface provides:

Jobflow monitoring
Providing both an enterprise-wide and user customizable
view of job dependency relations in the Unicenter AutoSys
JM environment.

Jobflow management
Provides detailed administration abilities to create, delete or
modify a job.

Providing the user with various customizable reports.

Report definition forms

Multiple report options, increases your knowledge of your

Administrative functionality
Greatly simplifies the creation of a personalized view, either
statically or based on a set of rules.

User Interfaces 4–7

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Web Interface

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Xpert

Lets you select a particular machine to simulate jobs defined
to run on that machine.

AutoSys Log
View in real time the event_demon.AUTOSERV, similar to
autosyslog -e.

Dual Server Support

You can view all current active server names in the browser.

Alarm Management
In addition to viewing alarms, this new feature enables you
to respond to an alarm by either acknowledging or closing
the alarm. In addition, you can view a record of the user
who responded to the alarm in the database.

View Filter
Lets you view the jobs based on one, or on a set of criteria.

A single point of control

Giving you the option of viewing one or all of your
scheduling servers, enhancing your ability to monitor and
control jobs.

Access from anywhere

Since the GUIs are web enabled, this allows the user access
to the GUIs from any web browser enabled machine, freeing
the user from installing and configuring the software.

Unicenter AutoSys JM also provides a command line interface

that, when coupled with the Unicenter AutoSys JM Job
Information Language (JIL), offers full dial-in functionality,
programming access, and control. All Unicenter AutoSys JM
interfaces allow you to execute, monitor, and manage jobs in real
time or batch.

4–8 Getting Started

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Web Interface

The Unicenter AutoSys JM interface provides several dialogs

that you can use to define Command, File Watcher, and Box
Jobs. The complexity of the job definition determines how many
dialogs you will use. In addition, there are dialogs that provide
the means to send events and monitor jobs

The Unicenter AutoSys JM Web Interface Administrator can

create sub-views of the overall or enterprise job flow. Depending
upon the permissions assigned to your unique user account, you
may be allowed access to the Enterprise view, or provide access
to specific sub-views pertaining to your role in the company.

The graphical Monitoring tab displays the jobs contained in a

Unicenter AutoSys JM instance in text and graphical views. The
display is color-coded and customizable. You can customize the
Jobflow View by color-coding job status, changing the relative
size of the text or graphical viewing panes and rearranging the
Jobflow. You can rearrange jobs and boxes belonging to a
business unit to be in proximity in the Jobflow view.

For more information, or a more thorough explanation, for the

following sections, see the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management
Web Interface User Guide.

User Interfaces 4–9

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Web Interface

Using the Web Interface

Let us run through the steps of how to access, create and map a
user, define an instance, and define a job using the Web


To access the Web Interface Main Console, enter the following

into the address or URL field of your Internet Explorer browser.


yourwebserver Specifies the name or IP address of the Web Interface web


If you do not know this information, contact your Web Interface


4–10 Getting Started

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Web Interface

Enter a valid username and password into the Web Interface

login page. If you do not have a username and password,
contact your Web Interface Administrator.

After login, the Web Interface start page opens as in the


Adding an Instance

Before Web Interface can monitor Unicenter AutoSys JM, you

must configure the Web Interface to communicate with each

To add an Instance for the Web Interface to monitor, do the


1. Open Internet Explorer on any client machine.

2. Log in with the default Web Interface Administrator

username (autosys) and password (autosys) to access the
Web Interface Start Page Window:

User Interfaces 4–11

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Web Interface

3. Click the Admin tab and select Instance Management to view

the Instance Management form.

4. In the Instance Management window, click the Create action

button to initiate a new Instance Management form.

5. Enter the configuration information in the appropriate fields

and click Submit to save the configuration.

Note: For more information about the configuration

information on the previous screen, see the chapter
Administration in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management
Web Interface Users Guide.

4–12 Getting Started

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Web Interface

Creating a New User Account

To create a new User account, do the following,

1. Select Admin from the navigation tabs.

2. Select User Management to display the User Management

Choice Form.

3. Select Users and click select.

4. Click Create, and fill in the appropriate fields.

5. Click Submit to save the User account.

User Interfaces 4–13

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Web Interface

Viewing your Instance

After you have created your instance, you need to load that
instance into the Web Interface. The instance view, the left pane,
displays all instances defined in the interface.

To display an instance job in the jobflow view, do the following:

1. Select Job Management from the Web Interface navigational


2. Right click Job Views and select Load New Instances.

3. Right click the instance and select Load Jobs.

For more information about creating or defining views, see

the chapter Administration in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management Web Interface User Guide.
Note: You may need to refresh the display before the
instance will appear.

4–14 Getting Started

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Web Interface

Create User Mapping

When you create a mapped user, that user is associated with the
security permissions determined in the Web Interface. These
permissions let you do actions, like view the eplog, generate
send events, and edit a job.

Users that are not mapped to an instance will have no security

definitions. These users will be able to see the jobs in an instance,
but cannot perform any actions against those jobs.

For more information on users, see the chapter Administration,

in the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Web Interface User

To create a User Mapping account, do the following:

1. Select Admin from the navigation tabs.

2. Select Administration from the left side tree view.

3. Select AutoSys User Mapping from the left side tree view.

4. Select the Instance.

5. Fill in the appropriate fields and click Add to enter the user

RCS machine and port number are now editable fields. This
allows the user to authenticate to other machines other than
the EP host. If the fields are left blank then the EP host and
RCS port defined with the instance are used.

User Interfaces 4–15

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Web Interface

4–16 Getting Started

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Web Interface

Defining a Job

Let us run through an example of how to define a job using the

Web Interface with the job property sheet.

The job property sheet allows you to enter, schedule, and specify
the parameters for command jobs, box jobs, and file jobs.

User Interfaces 4–17

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Web Interface

To define a job through the Web Interface, do the following:

1. From the Web Interface toolbar, select to initiate a new

Command Job.

2. From the job property dialog, click Basic to define a

command job.

2. Enter the following in the Command field:

echo AUTOSYS install test run

3. In the Machine field, enter the machine on which the

command will be executed, by doing the following:

Select localhost from the drop-down list, which specifies

to run the job on the event processor machine.

4. Enter a job name into the Job Name field.

5. Click to save the command job to the database.

A dialog appears with the following:

Do you want to save the changes to New Command Job?

4–18 Getting Started

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Web Interface

6. If the information is correct, click Yes, click No to correct the


7. When the definition is written to the database, a

confirmation dialog is displayed. Click OK to close the

Viewing Your Job

After you have defined your job into the Web Interface, you will
be able to view your job in the Real Time Monitor.

To display an instance job in the jobflow view, do the following:

1. From the Web Interface toolbar, click the drop down dialog
and select Real Time Monitor.

2. Right click the instance and select Load Jobs.

Following these steps will ensure a refresh has occurred.

User Interfaces 4–19

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What is Next?

For more information about creating or defining views, see

the chapter Administration in the Unicenter AutoSys Job
Management Web Interface User Guide.

Note: You may need to refresh the display before the

instance will appear.

What is Next?
Using the graphical user interface described in this chapter, you
will learn how to schedule a job to the mainframe in the next
chapter. By the time you reach the end of Chapter 5, you will
have demonstrated the bi-directional communication Unicenter
AutoSys JM has to offer.

4–20 Getting Started

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Scheduling a Job To and


5 From the Mainframe

When submitting a job, the Unicenter AutoSys JM Event

Processor on the distributed platform interrogates the start job
request, processes and transmits it to the mainframe to a cross
platform enabled scheduling system. This can be any one of the
CA developed mainframe schedulers, or to the Unicenter
AutoSys Connect product. Once the product receives the request
on the mainframe, it goes ahead and submits and then tracks the
mainframe job. This is done either directly by the XPS enabled
mainframe-scheduling product or through Unicenter AutoSys
Connect via a two-step process to submit and track the
mainframe-based job.

Unicenter AutoSys JM not only allows for job submission to the

mainframe but it has the ability to accept a job submitted from
any one of the CA developed mainframe scheduling products
and report the status back. This includes Unicenter CA-7 Job
Management, Unicenter CA-Scheduler Job Management, and
Unicenter CA-Jobtrack Job Management. For details and
procedures on how to submit the job, see the product guide.

The following tutorial guides you through the procedure

necessary to enable bi-directional scheduling in Unicenter
AutoSys JM. The tutorial's scenario involves the following

Scheduling a Job To and From the Mainframe 5–1

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What is Next?

Unicenter AutoSys Job Management Machine

Hostname- local_host Mainframe
Operating System- UNIX Hostname- remote_host
Software Installed- Unicenter Common Services Interface (CAICCI) Operating System- OS/390
Parameter Configuration: AUTOSYS=/opt/autotree/tst/autosys Software Installed- Unicenter Common Services Interface
AUTOUSER=/opt/autotree/tst/autouse (CAIRIM, CAICCI, CAIENF)

In order for this bi-directional scheduling to take place, you

must enable Unicenter AutoSys JM cross platform scheduling
and configure CCI. To enable cross platform scheduling, the
following Unicenter AutoSys Broker options in Unicenter
AutoSys JM must be enabled:

This activates a process managed by the Unicenter AutoSys
Broker that acknowledges the mainframes presence.

Receive Remote Job Submission

This activates a second process managed by the Unicenter
AutoSys Broker that allows it to receive job submissions
from the mainframe.

In addition to those options being set, in order for Unicenter

AutoSys JM to submit a job to the mainframe, the job to be
executed (specified by the command line argument within the
Unicenter AutoSys JM definition) must be defined as a valid job
within the mainframe scheduling system.

5–2 Getting Started

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What is Next?

And conversely, in order for the mainframe to submit a job to

Unicenter AutoSys JM, the job to be executed (specified by the
SUBFILE parameter of the mainframe job) must be defined as a
valid job within the Unicenter AutoSys JM system.

Enabling Cross-Platform Scheduling

To enable cross-platform scheduling support you must do the


In Windows, open the Unicenter AutoSys Event Processor in the

Unicenter AutoSys Administrator. To enable cross-platform
scheduling support to the mainframe, check the
AutoSysAgentSupport check box. To allow Unicenter AutoSys
JM to receive jobs from the mainframe, check the Receive
Remote Job Submissions check box. Both of these check boxes
are located within the AutoSys Broker Options group box.

Scheduling a Job To and From the Mainframe 5–3

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What is Next?

On UNIX, to enable cross-platform scheduling support to

the mainframe set the AutoSysAgentSupport parameter in
the instance configuration file to a value of “1”.
$AUTOUSER/config.$AUTOSERV: AutoSysAgentSupport=1

To allow Unicenter AutoSys JM on Unix to receive jobs from

the mainframe set the AutoSysAgentSupportReceiveSubmit
parameter in the instance configuration file to a value of “1”.

Cross-platform dependencies are jobs that execute on an

external instance but were not initiated on behalf of the local
Unicenter AutoSys JM instance. When the cross-platform
dependent job completes, status information will be
forwarded back to the local Unicenter AutoSys JM instance
and recorded in the database. Cross-platform dependency
support on mainframe is obtained through Unicenter
AutoSys Connect. Currently, this support cannot be
obtained directly with a mainframe scheduler.

If you wish to implement support for cross-platform

dependencies create a file named config.EXTERNAL in the
$AUTOUSER directory. Add an entry similar to the

Where RMT is a 3-character name that you assign to the

external instance.

Where CNCT is set for Unicenter AutoSys Connect.

Where remote_host is a valid mainframe hostname, defined

to Unicenter AutoSys Job Management. This is discussed in
more detail later.

5–4 Getting Started

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What is Next?

For further information on creating the config.EXTERNAL

file, see the appendix "Integrating with the Mainframe and
AutoSys Agents for AS/400 and OpenVMS," in the
Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for Windows User

Configuring CCI

CCI provides the underlying communication infrastructure that

connects applications running on OpenVMS, OS/390, AS/400,
Windows, various versions of UNIX, and many other operating
systems. CCI forms the basis for the cross-platform Job
Management Agent that you can manage from Unicenter
AutoSys JM.

Note: You do not need to configure the rmtd file on a Windows

to Windows platform environment. However, you must
configure the rmtd file on any cross platform environment. For
example, Windows to UNIX, UNIX to Mainframe, Mainframe to
Windows and so forth.

To configure CCI on Windows:

1. During installation of the Unicenter AutoSys JM CCI

component, the installation prompted for remote machines
that Unicenter AutoSys JM would communicate with. If
additional machines need to be added to
$CAIGLBL0000/caiuser/ccirmtd.rc file, continue with the
steps below. Otherwise, proceed to section “Starting CCI”.

2. Log into the Windows desktop with an account having

administrative privileges where Unicenter AutoSys JM is

3. Locate and edit file $CAIGLBL0000/caiuser/ccirmtd.rc file.

Scheduling a Job To and From the Mainframe 5–5

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What is Next?

4. Confirm or enter the following values for local and remote

LOCAL = local_host local_host 32768 startup
REMOTE = remote_host cci_system_id 32768 startup port=7000

See the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for Windows

Installation Guide for detailed syntax information.

To configure CCI on UNIX:

1. Log in as root to open the

$CAIGLBL0000/cci/config/local_host/ ccirmtd.prf file.

2. Enter the following values for local and remote parameters:

LOCAL = local_host local_host 32768 startup
REMOTE = remote_host cci_system_id 32768 startup port=7000

See the Unicenter AutoSys Job Management for UNIX

Installation Guide for detailed syntax information.

Starting CCI

You must start or restart CCI to enable the new settings.

To start CCI on Windows:

Existing Condition Command
Unicenter is installed unicntrl start uni

Unicenter is not installed ccicntrl start

To stop CCI on Windows:

Existing Condition Command
Unicenter is installed unicntrl stop uni

Unicenter is not installed ccicntrl stop

To start CCI on UNIX:

5–6 Getting Started

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What is Next?

Existing Condition Command

Unicenter is installed unistart cci

Unicenter is not installed $CAIGLBL0000/cci/scripts/CCISA_rc

To stop CCI on UNIX:

Existing Condition Command
Unicenter is installed unishutdown cci

Unicenter is not installed $CAIGLBL0000/cci/scripts/CCISA_cshut

Defining the OS/390 Machine

The OS/390 machine must be defined in the Unicenter AutoSys

JM database identifying the machine name and type. To define
the machine, which is running Unicenter CA-7 via JIL, at the
operating system command prompt, enter:
insert_machine: remote_host
type: t

Note: The above machine definition type “t” implies Unicenter

AutoSys Job Management will submit work directly to
Unicenter CA-7.

If Unicenter AutoSys Job Management will submit work to

Unicenter CA-7 and support cross-platform dependencies
through Unicenter AutoSys Connect, the following would be
entered via JIL at the operating system command prompt:
insert_machine: remote_host
type: c

Note: The above machine definition type “c” implies Unicenter

AutoSys Job Management will submit work through Unicenter
AutoSys Connect on the mainframe.

Scheduling a Job To and From the Mainframe 5–7

UAJM45GS, printed on 9/11/2003, at 12:46 PM

What is Next?

See the appendix “Integrating with the Mainframe and AutoSys

Agents for AS/400 and OpenVMS,” in the Unicenter AutoSys
Job Management for Windows User Guide Submitting
Command Jobs to the Mainframe

A command job can be defined to be dependent on certain

starting conditions to tell Unicenter AutoSys JM when to run the
job. However, if the job does not have any starting conditions,
you must start it manually.

1. To submit a job directly to Unicenter CA-7, where the

Unicenter CA-7 defined job to run on the mainframe is
CA7JOBNM use the following JIL:
insert_job: ca7_job1
command: CA7JOBNM
machine: remote_host *
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: all
start_mins: 25

Note: The machine definition of remote_host must have

type coded as “t” for Unicenter NSM.

2. To submit a job to Unicenter CA-7, through Unicenter

AutoSys Connect where the Unicenter CA-7 defined job to
run on the mainframe is CA7JOBNM use the following JIL:
insert_job: ca7_job1
command: auto_cnct –a remote_host –j CA7JOBNM –s CA7
–c RUN -d
machine: remote_host *
date_conditions: 1
days_of_week: all
start_mins: 25

Note: The machine definition of remote_host must have

type coded as “c” for Unicenter AutoSys Connect.

3. To define two jobs, each having a dependency on two

OS/390 cross-platform dependent jobs named JB5MINS and
JB5HRS respectively, use the following JIL:
insert_job: test_dep1
command: sleep 100
condition: success(JB5MINS^RMT)

5–8 Getting Started

UAJM45GS, printed on 9/11/2003, at 12:46 PM

machine: local_host
insert_job: test_dep2
command: sleep 100
condition: success(JB5HRS^RMT)
machine: local_host

Note: This job definition requires the config.EXTERNAL file

contain an entry for an external instance named RMT.

4. You can also define jobs as a combination of both command

jobs and external dependencies. To submit a job that will
execute a Unicenter CA-7 defined job named ASYS7002 after
the cross-platform dependent job JB5HRS completes use the
following JIL:
insert_job: CA7job4
command: auto_cnct –a remote_host –j ASYS7002 –s CA7
–c RUN -d
machine: remote_host
condition: success(JB5HRS^RMT)

Note: This job definition requires the config.EXTERNAL file

contain an entry for an external instance named RMT and
the machine definition of remote_host must have type coded
as “c” for Unicenter AutoSys Connect.

Unicenter AutoSys JM is an automated job control system for

scheduling, monitoring, and reporting on any AutoSys-
configured machine that is attached to a network. As with most
control systems, there are many ways to correctly define and
implement jobs. It is likely that the way you utilize Unicenter
AutoSys JM to address your distributed computing needs will
evolve over time. As you become more familiar with both the
features and the characteristics of your own jobs, you will also
refine your use of Unicenter AutoSys JM.

Scheduling a Job To and From the Mainframe 5–9

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