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Curriculum and Assessment Summary

1. ADEC Core Subjects

Cycle 2 (G6 - 9)

Curriculum Resources Final Grade Assessment

Texts are provided by the Ministry of Education but are
English used as resources only. For example,“UAE English Skills”
and “New Parade”
Continuous Assessment (by teacher) : 60%
“Signpost” texts (in English) supplemented by a variety of
Maths ADEC Exams: 40%
ADEC Standards* resources in English and Arabic
“UAE Science Focus” text (in English) supplemented by a
variety of resources in English and Arabic
Hardware availability variable; some additional PCs CA only- common assessment tasks applied twice a
supplied via IT upgrade year but dependent on resource availability;

* About the ADEC curriculum:

1. Al Ajbaan School adopted a new curriculum for English, Maths, Science and ICT in the 2007/8 academic year. This curriculum was developed in New
South Wales, Australia and adapted by the Abu Dhabi Educational Council (ADEC). These ‘Core subjects’ are taught through the medium of English
language. To support the development of English, teachers receive ESL/IELTS training (see Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in the Staff
section), and the students’ level of English is supported through a Whole School Literacy Program (see Policy in Whole School section).

2. One major difference between the previous Ministry of Education (MoE) curriculum for the Core subjects and the current is that the textbooks are used
as a resource and not as the curriculum. They are to guide the teachers and students throughout the year. This encourages the pursuit of knowledge,
critical thinking skills, reasoning, research skills, and the application of knowledge learnt. The students are assessed throughout the year against ADEC


standards. These are expectations for students in terms of knowledge, skills and understanding and are incremental across grades 6-9. They are based
upon international standards.

2. Ministry of Education (MoE) Subjects

Curriculum Resources Final Grade Assessment

Continuous Assessment (by teacher)
Physical Ministry of Education Standards Ministry of Education textbooks
MoE Final Exams


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