Week 7 - 2nd PPT - Glance On China - Proyecto Impacto IV - TEC de MTY - 2013 Spring

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Glance on China

Proyecto Impacto IV TEC de MTY, Campus Sin. Spark Chen, 2013 Spring


So lets put them together

Whats the population of China?

So are Chinese males as hard working as the Mexican ones?

How many Chinese female are working?

Half the sky

World factory

What we have? What else we can achieve? What they need from us?

small-self or BIG-self?

If they put themselves so low, then how about the leader?

Decision making?


In general, do you guys save?

On average, each Chinese has around 60000 MX pesos saving in the bank (*1.3 billion) ONLY 28% of GDP comes from consumption Economy relies on investment and export

Unlucky thingy ?

The Chinese way

One child policy

More than a lot of people

What is the opportunity between Mexico and China? Or if we are competing each other, how we can win?


Behaviors and manners

Physical contacts in Public is slightly inappropriate Do not point when talking Gift giving is a very delicate issue in China Quality writing pens as considered favored gifts. Illegal to give gifts to government official however

Bowing and nodding, or handshake. Introduction is formal, and in the order according to the positions of the people Being on time is VITAL. Everything should be scheduled. Present and receive business card with both hands (card holder!) Decision making is SLOW!

The weird thing on the Chinese dinning table

The ancient philosophy of China 5 elements

Please make 10 questions

Individual HW: Beat the made in China

Go to the market, the convenient store, to the factory, to where, and take photos of the made in China, with you in the pics too ;-) Go take photos of all the made in Mexico that you think we should use instead (same as above)

Pair them and write down the strengths of the Mexican products, explain why we should use the Mexican ones but not the Chinese (use SWOT, data, number etc, all should be concrete!)

BE CRAZY! Develop some ideas of what we can do to convince the people switch from made in China to made in Mexico Put them all together and make it as a brief portfolio, proposal, album, magazine, newspaper etc.

Due: March 13, 2013 ( a 150-second-no-PPT presentation)

Have FUN!!!

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