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TIME TABLE FOR B.A. DEGREE (MODEL I - PART III MAIN) SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS, OCTOBER 2013 TIME TABLE (Time: 9.30 am to 12.30 pm on all days) Subject FACULTY OF LANGUAGE LITERATURE GROUP IV - ARABIC Tuesday 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 "onday 21.10.2013 Tuesday 22.10.2013 Tuesday 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 "onday 21.10.2013 Tuesday 22.10.2013 Pape ! Pape !! Pape !!! Pape !+ Pape + Pape +! "ode n # abic and T anslation &a ati'e P ose "ode n P ose) D ama) &o'el and S(o t Sto ies #pplied , amma and ,ene al # abic -lassical and "edie'al P ose Poet y and P osody GROUP VIII (!) - ENGLISH Pape ! Pape !! Pape !!! Pape !+ Pape + Pape +! T(e Study o. P ose /in0uistics T(e Study o. Poet y T(e Study o. D ama /ite a y T(eo y and #pp eciation o. /ite atu e E"#$%&'#() 1. !ndian % itin0 in 1n0lis( 2. T anslation Studies 3. 1n0lis( /an0ua0e Teac(in0

Day & Date


2 GROUP III * HINDI Tuesday 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 "onday 21.10.2013 Tuesday 22.10.2013 Pape ! Pape !! Pape !!! Pape !+ 3isto y o. 3indi /ite atu e) P ose) D ama) 4ne #ct Plays and , amma 3isto y o. 3indi "ode n Poet y) &o'el) S(o t Sto ies and !ndian -ultu e 3isto y o. 3indi /an0ua0e) Sc ipt and /ite a y - iticism

Pape + Pape +!

T anslation) -ompute #pplication in 3indi and #pplied , amma E"#$%&'#() 1. Special #ut(o : 5ayasan6a P asad 2. Special #ut(o : +is(nu P ab(a6a 3. -ompa ati'e Study o. 3indi and "alayalam /ite atu e GROUP I * MALAYALAM

Tuesday 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 "onday 21.10.2013

Pape !

Poet y 7! Padalam

Pape !!

P ose) - iticism

Pape !!!

+isual # t *o ms

Pape !+

Poet y 7 !! Padalam

Pape +

/in0uistics) 3isto y o. /an0ua0e) -omposition) , amma 2..3

3 Tuesday 22.10.2013 Pape +! E"#$%&'#() 1. #n #ut(o 8 +ai6om "u(ammad 9as(ee 2. *ol6lo e 3. 1lect onic "edia and /ite atu e GROUP II * SANS+RIT G#,#-!" Tuesday 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 "onday 21.10.2013 Tuesday 22.10.2013 Pape ! Pape !! :a'ya 9oo6s o. 1a ly pe iod

Pape !!!

&ata6a) ,adya and -(ampu

Pape !+ Pape +

Poetics and P osody 9(a at(iyada sanam

Pape +!

E"#$%&'#() 1. *undamentals o. #yu 'edic 3y0iene 2. -ommunicati'e Sans6 it and -ompute #pplication

GROUP IX * SANS+RIT SPECIAL S!.&%/! V/!0!-!,! N/!/! Tuesday P! 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 P !! P !!! P !+ Sa(itya ! 9oo6s o. 1a ly pe iod +ya6a ana ! +ya6a ana !! &yaya ! &yaya !! &yaya !!! &yaya !+

V#1!,%! +edanta ! +edanta !! +edanta !!! +edanta !+ 2..;

Sa(itya !!! +ya6a ana !!! Poetics8 1a ly Pe iod Sa(itya !+ +ya6a ana !+ Poetics 8 /ate Pe iod

"onday P+ 21.10.2013 Tuesday P +! 22.10.2013 1.

Sa(itya + D('ani T(eo y and #lan6a as E"#$%&'#) *undamentals o. 3y0iene in #yu 'eda

; +ya6a ana + E"#$%&'#) *undamentals o. 3y0iene in #yu 'eda

&yaya + E"#$%&'#) *undamentals o. 3y0iene in #yu 'eda

+edanta + E"#$%&'#) *undamentals o. 3y0iene in #yu 'eda

(-ommon .o all b anc(es o. Sans6 it Special) 2. -ommunicati'e Sans6 it and -ompute #pplication -ommunicati'e Sans6 it and -ompute #pplication -ommunicati'e Sans6 it and -ompute #pplication -ommunicati'e Sans6 it and -ompute #pplication

(-ommon .o all b anc(es o. Sans6 it Special) FACULTY OF SOCIAL SCIENCES

GROUP III * ECONOMICS Tuesday 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 "onday 21.10.2013 Pape ! "ic o 1conomics

Pape !!

De'elopment and 1n'i onmental 1conomics

Pape !!!

<uantitati'e 1conomics

Pape !+

"ac o 1conomics

Pape +

!ndian 1conomy P!2#- VI %3 P!2#- VIII E"#$%&'# P!2#-(

Tuesday 22.10.2013 %ednesday 23.10.2013

Pape +!

9an6in0 and *inancial "a 6ets

Pape +!!Public *inance and !nte national 1conomics 4..5

T(u sday 2;.10.2013

Pape +!!!

= O2%&3,!" P!2#-( 1. -ompute #pplications in 1conomic #nalysis 2. 1conomet ic "et(ods 3. "a 6etin0 "ana0ement ;. 3uman >esou ce "ana0ement =. Tou ism and T a'el "ana0ement ?. 1nt ep eneu s(ip De'elopment and "ana0ement @. 3isto y o. 1conomic T(ou0(t GROUP I (!) - HISTORY

Tuesday 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 "onday 21.10.2013 Tuesday 22.10.2013

Pape ! Pape !! Pape !!! Pape !+ Pape + Pape +!

:e ala 3isto y 3isto y o. * eedom "o'ement in !ndia >oots o. "ode n %o ld 3isto y 3isto io0 ap(y Social *o mations o. P e8"ode n !ndia E"#$%&'#() 1. !nte national >elations since %o ld %a !! 2. "ode n %est #sia 3. 3isto ical Studies on t(e -ultu al and Tou ist -ent es o. Sout( !ndia ;. "ode n Sout( 1ast #sia 8 5apan and -(ina GROUP II * POLITICAL SCIENCE

Tuesday 0$.10.2013

Pape !

!ndian ,o'e nment and Politics

%ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013

Pape !!

Political T(eo y

Pape !!! Pape !+

#n !nt oduction to -ompa ati'e Politics !nte national Politics 2.?

"onday 21.10.2013 Tuesday 22.10.2013

Pape +

? 1lements o. Public #dminist ation

Pape +!

E"#$%&'#() 1. . >esea c( "et(ods 2. State Politics in !ndia Ait( Special e.e ence to :e ala 3. !ndian #dminist ation ;. Pe sonnel "ana0ement and 3uman >esou ces De'elopment =. 3uman >i0(ts GROUP V * PSYCHOLOGY

Tuesday 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 "onday 21.10.2013 Tuesday 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 "onday 21.10.2013 Tuesday 22.10.2013

Pape ! Pape !! Pape !!! Pape !+ Pape +

9asic Psyc(olo0ical P ocesses Social Psyc(olo0y /i.e Span De'elopment #bno mal Psyc(olo0y 4 0aniBational 9e(a'iou GROUP VII * SOCIOLOGY

Pape ! Pape !! Pape !!! Pape !+ Pape + Pape +!

Sociolo0ical -oncepts Sociolo0y o. !ndian Society T(eo y and "et(ods o. Sociolo0y Social #nt( opolo0y Social Psyc(olo0y E"#$%&'#) 1. >u al Sociolo0y 2. !ndust ial Sociolo0y 2.@

@ GROUP I (6) - ISLAMIC HISTORY Tuesday 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 "onday 21.10.2013 Tuesday 22.10.2013 Tuesday 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 "onday 21.10.2013 Tuesday 22.10.2013 P.D. 3ills) 0?.09.2013 Pape ! Pape !! Pape !!! Pape !+ Pape + Pape +! P e8!slamic %est #sian -i'iliBations 3isto y o. !slam up to ??1 #D T(e Cmayyads and #bbasids !slam in 1u ope) -ent al #sia and #. ica !slamic %o ld in "ode n Times !slam in !ndia GROUP IV * PHILOSOPHY Pape ! Pape !! /o0ic and Scienti.ic "et(od !ndian P(ilosop(y

Pape !!! Pape !+ Pape +

3isto y o. %este n P(ilosop(y "o al P(ilosop(y 1co8P(ilosop(y

Pape +!

P(ilosop(y o. >eli0ion

SdD8 5#E#""# +.T. #dditional -ont olle o. 1Faminations in 7 c(a 0e o. t(e -ont olle o. 1Faminations


To 1. 2. 3. ;. =. ?. @. T(e P incipals o. t(e -olle0es conce ned T(e P>4 .o a P ess >eleaseD1nGui y PS to +-DP+5>!D !!!DD> !!!D+!!!D#> !+DH!DH+!!!DHH!DPool (1Fams.) P# to -.1.D-.1Is snD-T&D Sn.D"on.-ellD-+ -ellD-1T1HD* ont 19DTabulation Sections conce nedD#c.-D#c.#+DCty. !n.o mation -ent es S*D*-

#pp o'ed .o !ssue



TIME TABLE FOR B.C37. DEGREE PART III SUPPLEMENTARY EXAMINATIONS ) OCTOBER 2013 FACULTY OF COMMERCE TIME TABLE (Time: 1.30 pm to 8.30 pm on all days o. eFaminations eFcept on * idays. 4n * idays 2 pm to 5 pm) Day & Date Tuesday 0$.10.2013 %ednesday 09.10.2013 T(u sday 10.10.2013 * iday 1$.10.2013 "onday 21.10.2013 Tuesday 22.10.2013 %ednesday 23.10.2013 T(u sday 2;.10.2013 Pape ! Pape !! Pape !!! Pape !+ Pape + Pape +! Pape +!! Pape +!!! Subject 9usiness Statistics 9an6in0 T(eo y and P actice 9usiness /aAs *inancial #ccountin0 -ost #ccountin0 "a 6etin0 "ana0ement -ompute #Aa eness and #pplications E"#$%&'# I) 1. T!9!%&3,: :e ala +alue added TaF #ct and -ent al Sales TaF #ct ! 2. -ompute #pplication in 9usiness ! 3. Sales "ana0ement ! 8 "a 6etin0 >esea c( ;. -o8ope ation ! =. Tou ism and T a'el "ana0ement ! 2..2 &P- pe mitted >ema 6s &P- pe mitted

2 * iday 2=.10.2013 "onday 2$.10.2013 Tuesday 29.10.2013 %ednesday 30.10.2013 T(u sday 31.10.2013 "onday 0;.11.2013 Pape !H Pape H Pape H! Pape H!! Pape H!!! Pape H!+ -o po ate #ccountin0 P inciples o. 9usiness Decisions 1nt ep eneu s(ip De'elopment and "ana0ement -apital "a 6et and *inancial Se 'ices #uditin0 E"#$%&'# II) 1. TaFation 8 !ncome TaF /aA and P actice !! 2. -ompute #pplications in 9usiness !! 3. Sales "ana0ement !! 8 #d'e tisin0 and Salesmans(ip ;. -o8ope ation !! =. Tou ism and T a'el "ana0ement !! &P- pe mitted

&P- 7 &on P o0 ammable -alculato P.D.3ills) 0?.09.2013

SdD8 5#E#""# +.T. #dditional -ont olle o. 1Faminations in 7 c(a 0e o. t(e -ont olle o. 1Faminations

To 1. 2. 3. ;. =. ?. @. T(e P incipals o. t(e -olle0es conce ned T(e P>4 .o a P ess >eleaseD1nGui y PS to +-DP+5>!D !!!DD> !!!D+!!!D#> HDH!DH+!!!DHH!DPool (1Fams.) P# to -.1D-.1Is snD-T&D snD"on.-ellD-+ -ellD-1T1HD* ont 19DTabulation Sections conce nedD1# !!D#c.-D#c.#+D.Cty. !n.o mation -ent es S*D*#pp o'ed .o !ssue S1-T!4& 4**!-1>

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