Surah Mulk

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Surah Mulk [67 - Kingdom]- Miracle Dream

Tafseer. Abdul Nasir angda

!!"e#urn #o $inguis#icMiracle %uran &nde'

Do(nload )ull No#es *for +ar# ,-.-/- and 0. and 1- 623 [45da#ed on ,,#h December .6,6]

Surah Mulk 5ar# , 7 M+/ Audio Do(nload 7 Abdul Nasir angda.

The .9#h :u;; begins (i#h #he #hemes of #he <rea#ness of Allah- Da=(ah *in>i#ing o#hers2 #o Allah- (onders of crea#ion. "ecognising Allah=s (onders and acce5#ing ?im. - The Af#erlife. - The unseen. $e# #he 5eo5le soak in all #ha# is ha55ening around #hem. This is (ha# Allah uses as discussion for 5eo5le #o acce5# belief in ?im and an af#erlife. us# s#o5 and reflec# on all #ha# (hich is around @ou. This is #he main #heme from u;;A5ara .9 on(ards #ill #he end of #he %uran. The .9#h u;; is ma:ori#@ Makkan re>ealed- and focusing on Da(ah- res5onsibili#@ of one=s ac#ions- :udgemen# da@ e#c. Surah Mulk is s#rong in #one and (as re>ealed during #he earl@ s#ages of &slam. &# focuses on &ndhar *a (ake u5 call of Barning2. Cou don=# ha>e fore>er- @ou need #o realise #he #rue 5ur5ose in life and fulfill #ha# 5ur5ose.

Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Af#er #he in#roduc#or@ 5ar#s of #he surah- #here are abou# 6-7 aa@aa# (hich are >er@ s#ern agains# #hose (ho did no# benefi# from #he (arning- and onl@ , a@ah gi>ing good ne(s for #hose (ho obe@ed i#. This surah is a good in#roduc#ion in #heme #o #he surahs (hich (ill come af#er i#. Be (ill see #hrough #his surah #he beau#iful (onders of Allah=s crea#ion3 i#=s consis#enc@ and balance of #he #o reflec# on Allah=s 5o(er and (ill. Be (ill see #he Theme of Donsis#enc@ #hrough #he (ords *in Dlassical Arabic2 used in #his surah. Be (ill also see ho( all #he surahs= are ordered #oge#her- and ho( #he@ na#urall@ segmen# and blend #oge#her.

The connection of this surah [Mulk] to the previous surah (Tahreem): Allah men#ions in surah Mulk #ha# ?e (ill #es# us- (ho has #he mos# e'cellen# deeds and ac#ions. &n surah Tahreem- Allah sho(s us . #@5es of 5eo5le3 , - +eo5le (ho 5ass #he #es#s - #he (ife of +haroah- ho( she (as se>erel@ #es#ed and she (as cons#an# in sincere#@ #o Allah. And also Mar@am- #he mo#her of esus. . - +eo5le (ho do no# 5ass #he #es#s - #he (ife of +ro5he# Noah- and #he (ife of +ro5he# $u#A$o#. She also failed #he #es# and (as a disbelie>er.

Ayah 1:

+ 1 3 7 4 2, ; *) - : 5 6 +/ + ,-. + %-' ( $< $) $ *$ "# $ &%' 89 / 0 !

Tabaraka al-ladhee biyadihi al-mulku wa huwa AAala kulli shay-in qadeer

Tabaaraka - baraka - . im5lica#ions8 - a;-Ei@aada - #o increase. - al Facaa - #o be longAe>er las#ing.

Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

To be enduring and increasing. The core of #his (ords meaning. 4seage &n Dlassical Arabic8 1 - irka: Bhen #here (as an a>erage si;ed 5ond of (a#er (hich has been si##ing #here for a long #ime *ma@be for a fe( @ears.2 i.e. &# has been long las#ing. ! - urook al "i#l - An agi#a#ed Damel (ho refuses #o mo>e af#er si##ing do(n. Fecause he is si##ing for a long #ime *due #o angerAs#ubbornness2. The@ migh# also call #his3 Faraka al ba=eer. So arakadoes no# :us# mean blessings3 i# also means lessin$s %hich are lon$ lastin$& and continuously increasin$' The source of #hese blessings is Allah- and #his is (h@ Tabaaraka is used #o describe Allah [in MubalaghahAh@5erbola form - signif@ing #ha#Allah is the Most lessed& and (ndurin$]' So Allah is #he Mos# Flessed. And #his is con#inuousl@ used in #he %ur=an. Aladhee - the )ne %ho''' *referring #o Allah.2 Bh@ is #he Name of Allah no# men#ioned direc#l@G &n #his surah- @ou ha>e #o reflec#. *in a@ah no. ,6 - Allah #ells us #ha# #hose (ho go #o hell- #he@ (ill sa@ - if onl@ (e had lis#ened and used our in#ellec# - (e (ould no# be of #he 5eo5le of #he fire.2 i - In' [Fa *Dharfi@@ah2] [#he le##er =Fa= as a (ord has ,. differen# meanings in #he Arabic language] yadi*i + *is hand' Mulk - ,in$dom-kin$ship' This automatically implies Milk - ()%nership)' The order of #he (ords is im5or#an#. &kh#isaas *H'clusi>i#@2 is used in #his a@ah8
> Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Allah has been men#ioned as #he Ine (ho H'clusi>el@ o(ns #he kingdom3 Dom5are #he belo(8 Al Mulku biCadihee - #he Kingdom is in his ?and. *#his is ho( one (ould normall@ s5eak2. Fu# Allah has said3 bi Cadihee al Mulk - &n his ?and is #he Kingdom. F@ men#ioning Allah=s ?and holding #he kingdom- i# is im5l@ing #ha# i# is in ?is hand A$INH (here #he kingdom lies. Mos# Flessed is #he Ine in (hose ?and *Alone2 is #he Kingdom *and I(nershi52. Bho could #ha# beG Allah. ?is Name does no# e>en ha>e #o be said- and i# le#=s @ou 5onder o>er #he aa@aa# of Allah. This is an abnormal sen#ence s#ruc#ure- and #his is (h@ i# makes #he 5eo5le #hink for a (hile (hen hearing i#. Making #hem reflec# on (ho reall@ is #he Mos# Flessed. %a *u%%a - and *e "alaa kulli shay"in .adeer - over every thin$ /adeer' /adeer - /udrah - to have po%er and control and a#ility over somethin$' /adir - one %ho is capa#le and po%erful and authoritive' /ad((r - 0(1MA2(2T34 po%erful and capa#le' Normal Arabic Sen#ence S#ruc#ure8 (a hu((a Jadeerun =alaa kulli sha@=. *and ?e is 5o(erful o>er e>er@#hing2. %ur=an a@ah *An Abnormal sen#ence s#ruc#ure #o signif@ H'clusi>i#@ #o Allah28 (a hu((a =alaa kulli sha@=in Jadeerun. - And *onl@2 ?e is o>er e>er@#hing +o(erful. Allah ne>er :us# said #ha# ?e has o(nershi5 and kingdom. Fu# :us# because someone has kingdom- i# does no# mean #he@ ha>e 5o(er o>er e>er@#hing #he@ ha>e kingdom o>er. So H'clusi>el@ - Allah has com5le#e au#hori#@ and full con#rol.
? Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

So #his ,s# a@ah a##ribu#es #o Allah #ha# ?e is H'clusi>el@ 5o(erful and ?e has full con#rol o>er all #ha# ?e has of o(nershi5.

Ayah !:

K. +* +/ A "# *D /- . , - G E / +/ +I F G E $ &%' 0 LJ 3 H D +, - *$% C %-'/ B %-' @ -6 -6 +P + *M %-' M + /O %-' $N

Al-ladhee khalaqa almawta wal hayata liyabluwakum ayyukum ahsanu AAamalan wahuwa al AAazeezu al-ghafoor

Aladhee - ?e is #he Ine (ho.. khalaJa - crea#ed al Ma(# - #he Dea#h. Ma(# - does no# e'ac#l@ mean Dea#h. &# is an im5lica#ion of i#. ?o(e>er- Ma(# is broader #han #ha#. Ma%tis the Antonym of *ayaat (3ife)' 5o Ma%t is "3ifelessness"' Ma%t is a condition #efore havin$ 3ife' 5o even #efore %e %ere #orn - %e %ere in a state of Ma%t' ?e (ho crea#ed $ifelessness *Ma(#2 and $ife *?a@aa#2. Allah uses #he (ord Dea#h in man@ forms8 , - surah An=am - a(a man kaana ma@#an fa ah@a@nahu - could i# be #he one (ho (as lifeless *ma@#an2 and Be ga>e him life. . - baJarah - kun#um am(a#an fa ah@akum- #humma @umeeukum- #humma @uh@eekum. - @ou (ere lifeless *am(a#an2.

Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

/ - @uh@i al arda ba=da ma(#iha - ?e gi>es life #o #he ear#h af#er her lifelessness. So Allah is sa@ing- ?e is #he Ine (ho crea#ed Ma(# *$ifelessness2- and ?a@aa# *$ife2. Bh@G $i @aFlu(a kum The Ca K for #he 5ur5ose of. ya lu% - alaa - to test-trial' &n o#her 5ar#s of #he %ur=an- Allah uses a more hea>ier form. &ns#ead of Falaa- ?e uses3 &b#ilaa - #o Se>erel@ Tes#. Surah al &nsan3 naF#alee - (e hea>il@ Tes# *#he human2- (a :a=alnaa hu samee=un baseera *and Be made him hearing and seeing2. So #he o>erall #es# is a big #es#- (ill @ou s#a@ sincere #o ?imG H>en af#er all #hese blessingsG (a ?u((a al A;ee; ul <hafoor. 6hafoor - $hafr - to 7over (sins)' 6haf))r - does it A3)T' So ?e co>ers @our sins (hen @ou re5en# #o ?im- and (ill con#inuousl@ do #ha# if @ou re5en# #o ?im con#inuousl@. This sho(s #ha# ?e is no# #es#ing @ou as se>erel@ because ?e is con#inuousl@ forgi>ing @ou as @ou #urn #o ?im in re5en#ance. A form of forgi>ing someone is a sign of ligh#l@ #es#ing #hem. So #his con#e'# has more ligh#er #es#ing because of Allah=s Merc@ being men#ioned near i#. A@@ - >i;-a->i;. *i.e. (ho2 Kum - Cou *+lural2. Ahsan - (8cellence' "Amala - actions'

Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Allah is ?e (ho crea#ed @ou #o see (ho of @ou (ill be more e'cellen# in his deedsAac#ions. And ?e is A;ee; and <hafoor. A9ee9 - :irm and 0o%erful'

Cou (ould #hink #ha# life is men#ioned before Dea#hAma(#. Fu# Allah is s5eaking #o 5eo5le (ho are ali>e- and (e (ill e'5erience dea#h. So (e (ill ha>e life again our Dea#h. So (e (ill e'5erience Dea#h- and #hen (e (ill be gi>en $ife again. So #he 5oin# is - @ou be##er do good deeds- #hen @ou (ill die- and #hen @ou (ill be gi>en life once again #o be :udged on udgmen# Da@ b@ #he deeds @ou 5erformed. This is crea#ing 4rgenc@- mo#i>a#ing @ou #o do #he bes# of good deeds. Allah=s Messenger said3 ak#hiroo min dhikri haadimi la dhaa#. - >er@ freJuen#l@ remember #ha# #hing (hich des#ro@s #he s(ee#nessA#as#eA5leasure in #hings *Dea#h2. Be should remember dea#h and do good before our #ime is o>er. And (e do no# kno( ho( close (e are #o dea#h. Kum - @ou *5lural2. Allah men#ioned us in #he 5lural because life and dea#h a55lies #o all of us. Be (ill all die. $a#er in #he surah ?e (ill #alk #o us as indi>iduals. A@@ukum ahsanu =amala - Bho of @ou is bes# in ac#ionsAdeeds. So Allah is making #his like a com5e#i#ion for us. Bho can ge# #he bes# of good deedsG The human na#urall@ com5e#es (i#h o#hers. Allah is channeling our na#ural desires in com5e#i#ion from com5e#ing in (orldl@ ma##ers #o com5e#ing in doing #he bes# good deeds for Allah=s sake for #ha# Da@. Saari'oo ilaa maghfiratin min Rabbikum wa Jannaat.. *"ace #o )orgi>eness from @our Mas#er and <ardens...2
S Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Ahsan - Fes# of good deeds. Allah did no# sa@ Ak#har - $o#s of good deeds. So Ahsan implies the #est of $ood deeds; #est in .uality& #est type of $ood etc' al A9ee9 - stren$th and firmness of Allah' Al 6hafoor - refers to the for$iveness of Allah' Some 5eo5le fail #he #es# *i.e. The Bi>es of +ro5he# Noah and +ro5he# $u#2- some 5eo5le 5ass #he #es# *i.e. The (ife of +haroah- and Mar@am.2 The ones (ho do e>il- Allah is A;ee; *+o(erful and )irm2 (i#h #hem. The ones (ho do good- Allah is <hafoor (i#h #hem- ?e forgi>esAco>ers #heir mis#akes and en#ers #hem in#o ?is +aradise. al A;ee; also refers #o Allah crea#ing Dea#h *Ma(#2 - ?e is firm in #ha#- and unchanging in gi>ing dea#h. al <hafoor refers #o Allah crea#ing $ife *?a@aa#2 because during our life - (e con#inuousl@ ha>e #he o55or#uni#@ #o seek Allah=s forgi>eness.

A@ah /8

- K U A 9X "# 2 , H 8 '/ & %' @ & V < $ W $ B $ & %' ! . . I T -I @ $ .2D $ ,-A + +X H. VB ! H. 2 - 0 - X 8 / + O $ W $ ! 4 Z %-' T $ 8 /U $Y
Al-ladhee khalaqa sabAAa samawaatin tibaaqan, maa taraa fee khalqi ar-rahmani min tafaawutin, far i'i al basara, hal taraa min futoor. The 5re>ious aa@aa# are reflec#ions on oursel>es and our life and dea#h. No( (e (ill reflec# on (ha# is around us.

Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Aladhee - *e is %ho'' ,hala.a - 7reated 5a#"a - seven 5amaa%aat - *eavens-skies' +lural of Samaa= *Samaa=un - an@#hing (hich is abo>e us.2 Some#imes Allah limi#s #he (ord b@ sa@ing Se>en samaa(aa#. Some#imes ?e limi#s i# b@ describing i# (i#h an a##ribu#e. *i.e. &n a@ah 1 of #his surahAllah sa@s - Samaa=a al-Dun@a - #he sk@ closes# #o us2. These 7 hea>ensAskies ha>e been men#ioned in #he %ur=an and #he ahadi#h *i.e. &sraa= (a-al Mi=raa: [#he Nigh# of Ascension]2. These hea>ensAskies ha>e an a##ribu#e3 - tti#aa. - tta#a.a: . &m5lica#ions8 1 - :or somethin$ to #e one on top of another' I'e' In layers - one on top of another' ! - 5omethin$ #ein$ consistent-synchroni9ed' (mutta#a.a)' &.e. ?e crea#ed #he 7 skies consis#en#l@. Similar (ord8 "ukaaman3 Allah describes #he clouds as "ukaaman *sca##ered (hile being on #o5 of ano#her.2 Fu# Tti#aa.a + they are on top of each other in layers (%ithout #ein$ scattered') Male or )emale +luralG )eminine +lural8 &# could ha>e been in #he feminine 5lural3 Samaa(aa#in T#abaJaaT *A T#abaJaaT&n2. Male +lural8 T#ibaaJ *AT#ibaaJAn2 is a [male] 5lural. So (h@ is #he male 5lural *T#ibaaJA-n2 used ins#ead of #he feminine 5lural*T#abaJaaT-&n2 <

Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

, - Fecause Tti#aa.A-n (male plural) is a #i$$er plural' And #ecause %e are talkin$ a#out the seven i$ skies- a big 5lural has #o be used. . - The idea behind #he (ord is *&.e. The Suffi' LLLL&N< a##ached #o #he end of a (ord i.e. runn&N<. Ir #he (ord =TI= [do some#hing]2 The 5ur5ose of T#ibaaJan is #o men#ion #ha# #he skies are 5iled on #o5 of each o#herconsis#en#l@. Allah is #he Ine (ho crea#ed #he 7 skies in la@ers and consis#en#l@. Ine on #o5 of each o#her- in consis#enc@. This is one of #he (onders of Allah=s crea#ion.

The =onders in the heavens-skies: No( le#=s reflec# on some consis#encies in #he sk@Ahea>en8 , - (a al-shamsu #a:ree li mus#aJaril-laha - #he sun mo>es along a >er@ fi'ed 5a#h (hich has been assigned #o i#. *sura @asin2 . - (al Jamara Jadarnahu mana;ila ha##aa =aadakal ur:oon-il Jadeem - #he moon (e fi' s#ages for i# #ill i# re#urns back #o #he crescen# form *a li##le #hin line.2 / - The orbi##ing of #he 5lane#s- #he gala'@- e>er@#hing runs smoo#hl@ in a fi'ed form. The scien#is#s sa@ #ha# #he amoun# of ob:ec#s in s5ace and #he s5eed of #heir orbi# #he@ could collide and hi# #he ear#h and des#ro@ #he Har#h en#irel@. Ce# no#hing des#ro@s our 5lane#. Ir a#leas# i# could hi# #he 5lane# hard enough #o #ake i# sligh#l@ ou# of orbi# so (e couldn=# sur>i>e. Fu# ins#ead- #he human race has s#a@ed on #his 5lane# for #housands of @ears in ease- in such a chao#ic uni>erse around us. All #ha# is summari;ed in #he (ord T#ibaaJan.

2 D ! H. 9X 2 - B 8 / + O & %' @ & $ H $ W ! . $ . $ ,-A

..Maa #a"aa fee khalJ-i ar-"ahmani min #a)aa(u#. Cou (ill no# see in #he crea#ion of ar-"ahman *in (ha# ?e has crea#ed2
1] Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

min - an@ Ta:aa%ut - inconsistency' I'e' Ma>or consistencies' I'e' 3ack of synchroni9ation' Any misali$nment' Ta)aa(u# in Dlassical Arabic has man@ Nega#i>e conno#a#ions. i.e. )aa#iJ ul =Amr K @ou Missed ou#. So if #here is a sale- and someone said - M)aa#aJaM K Cou missed ou#- @our loss e#c. Ta:aa%ut + any type of Inconcistency' It is hyper#olised-mu#ala$hah form - e8a$$erated' An@ #@5e- e>en in #he smalles# #@5e of inconsis#enc@ in (ha# ar-"ahman *#he Mos# Merciful - Allah2 has crea#ed. maaTa1aa - you*singular 5erson2%ill not 5ee (in the creation of Allah any inconsistencies [ta:a%ut])' This is singular - so @ou (ill 5robabl@ be reflec#ing in @our mind. Cou should si# do(nAponder-reflect on it yourself' &# is an indi>idual #hing (hen @ou look a# #he s#ars- #he 5lan#s- #he animals b@ @ourself and see - are #here an@ inconcis#enciesG Cou (ill be more #ru#hful (hen @ou reflec# b@ @ourself in com5arison #o a big ga#hering (here man@ 5eo5le migh# dis5u#e (i#h @ou ou# of 5ride. Allah generalises #his a@ah- mo>ing from #he skies men#ioned before- #o an@#hing *maa fee khalJi- ar-"ahman2 all (ha# Allah has crea#ed. Cou (ill no# find an@ inconcis#encies in #he crea#ion of Allah. [+hiloso5hicalAScien#ific Dlaim8 There ma@ be 5eo5le (ho (ill #r@ #o find faul#s in #he crea#ions of Allah- i.e. The@ ma@ sa@ #ha# Allah should ha>e crea#ed some#hing in ano#her form. Cour "es5onse8 The res5onse #o #hem is #ha# Allah made #hese crea#ions in (a@s #ha# allo(s #hem #o func#ion (ell in #he (a@ #ha# #he@ are. &f #his 5erson dis5u#es #ha#- #hen #he challenge is for #hem #o 5roduce #he (hole being from no#hing - and #hen #o 5ro>e #ha# #his ne( being does no# ha>e an@ fla(s. This is #he onl@ (a@ #he@ (ill be able #o 5ro>e #ha# Allah=s crea#ion is inconsis#en#.]


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Summarised Discussion8 A@ah no.. s5oke abou# life and dea#h. a@ah no. / s5eaks abou# #he sk@. Allah makes a parallel of the human #ein$s& and the sky and it"s different 0hases' &n surah &nshiJaJ - fa laa uJsimmu bish-shafaJ *#he red sk@ a# e>ening2- (al-la@li (a ma (assaJ *#he darkness as i# s5reads2- (al Jamari idha #a#haJJ *and #he moon (hen i# comes ou#2. See ho( i# 5rogressesG The gradual 5hases of #he nigh#. $a #arJabunna #abbaJun =an #abaJ *surel@ @ou (ill *con#inuousl@2 ride from one s#a#e #o ano#her [in life].2 *surah &nshiJaJ N0-,6-,92. So Allah sho(ed us #ha# (e (ill change s#ages in life- :us# as #he sk@ changes in differen# s#ages. This is (h@ (e *human kind2 are men#ioned in rela#ion #o #he sk@ man@ #imes in #he %ur=an. Be (ill go #hrough differen# 5hases. us# as #he sk@ has s#ages- @ou ha>e s#ages. us# as #he nigh# occurs- :us# as @ou (ill die. us# as a ne( da@ begins- @ou (ill be gi>en a ne( life once again. Aside from so much (e e'5erience- Allah has sa>ed us so much hardshi5s.

Bh@ is KhalJi ar-"ahman is men#ionedG The Ine (ho crea#ed us is ar-"ahman - #he Mos# Merciful #o us. Tha# closeness makes #he ones (ho refuses Allah #o feel ashamed. The Ine (ho has gi>en @ou e>er@#hing of fa>ours- @ou are going #o refuse ?is reJues# of some obedienceG Aren=# @ou embarrassed a# @our ungra#efulnessG

)a ar:i=i al Fasar Ar>i" - return-take #ack - to the ori$inal position'


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

&.e. Cou ha>e a bo##le- and @ou lif# i#- and #hen 5lace i# back #o i#=s original 5osi#ion K Ar:i=. asara - ( aa#: If"aal) - vision and si$ht %hich makes you look and think a#out that thin$ deeply' Insi$ht' So Allah is #elling us #o go back and re#urn our &nsigh# on "eflec#ion once again.

?al Ta"aa min )u#oor - ?o you find any :utoorG :utoor - 6aps-rips-tears'

A@ah 08

+ $b _ a* H - $ ,` - 'E / +/ +Z &6 $ A 0 cKI %-' *-% Z %-' T &^ $ $ *-! $Y ; *I $D

Thumma ir i'i al basara karratayni yanqalib ilayka al-basaru khasi-an wa huwa haseer

Thumma - Then (after some time) i'e' A happened& thumma (a little %hile later) happened' *similar (ord - )a - Then [s#raigh#a(a@ - i.e. A ha55ened- and as a conseJuence - F ha55ened.2 Thumma-ar:i=i al Fasar KA"ATACN - re#urn @our >ision back again..2 Karra#a@n - Karra - a mili#ar@ s#rikeAa##ack. Bhen #he@ make a##acks - and #heir successi>e a##acks are similar in s#reng#hAconsis#en#. Ta,raar - 1epeat somethin$ over and over a$ain in the same %ay' ,arratA42 - 1epeat T=I7('
1> Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

This does no# li#erall@ im5l@ #(ice- i# means dual li#erall@ - bu# o>er and o>er again figura#i>el@. 7onsistently& %ith the same force' Soreturn #ack your contemplation consistently& repeatedly& after every %hile (thumma)& %ith the same focus and stren$th' ?o it often' 1eflect on the creation of Allah alot& you %ill not (Maa + ne$ation) see any inconsistencies in the creation of Allah'

@aNJalib - &nJalab - (hen some#hing is sen# for(ard- bu# i# #urns- in a differen# direc#ion. yan.ali# ilayka al #asar - your vision %ill return #ack to you chan$ed' 4our perspective %ill chan$e if you look often and reflect& and you are sincere& truthful& and open minded' Cour 5ers5ec#i>e (ill change. ,haasi"an - to repel- i.e. Cou (ill ha>e been humbled- @ou (ill no#ice @our 5osi#ion on Har#h *i-e- as a humbled sla>e of Allah2. ,hasa"a - In classical Ara#ic - it %as used to 5hoo a do$ a%ay from you' To kick a rock in a do$s direction so it turns a%ay-hum#led - kno%in$ that it should not #e arro$ant etc' (a hu((a ?aseer *and he (ill be ?aseer2 *aseer - %orn out& tired& e8hausted' &# (as used b@ #he Arabs #o s#are a# some#hing so @our e@es (ill ge# #ired. ?umilia#ed- humbled- and @ou (ill no#ice @our 5lace on ear#h [a humble sla>e of Allah (ho is de5endan# u5on ?im].

"a:a=a - kee5 re#urning back #o #he original 5lace. &.e' If you keep returnin$ on reflection and ponderin$ on the Most Merciful Allah"s creation often' @an%alib - @our 5ers5ec#i>e (ill Dhange. 4ou %ill realise the %onders" of Allah'
1? Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

5urah Mulk [@A] part

$inguis#ic Tafseer of aa@aa# 1 - ,, *of surah Mulk [67]2 b@ Abdul Nasir angda8 Do(nload Mulk 5ar# F- lec#ure - Abdul Nasir angda - M+/

Frief &n#roduc#ion8 This surah has a s#rong Theme of Accounta#ility. The disbelie>ers (ould #hink of dea#h as a (a@ ou# from #he hardshi5s of #his lifeand an end #o all deb#s and #roubles. ?o(e>er- Allah sen# #he %ur=an #o confirm #ha# such a mindse# (as false- and #ha# (e (ould be res5onsible for e>er@ single ac#ion of ours. The disbelie>ers #ried #o flee from #his message because #he@ did no# (an# #o e'5erience #he an'ie#@ of being res5onsible for #heir e>il ac#ions. The surahs= from #his u;;A5ara on(ards (ould em5hasise #his Accoun#abili#@. The (arnings and #hrea#s in #his surah are a merc@ because i# (akes #hem u5 from #heir dee5 slee5 of misguidance.

A@ah 18

5 . / & ,% &* ) % - !3 -` F %' 7 K /Y - G/ a) + + 0 & %' a &M $ *: VH a,-N Y / d *$ Z . $ *a-) . I $ *U 3 +% & %' _ $I '# E -e $ *N
wa la qad zayan-naa as-samaa'a ad-dunyaa bi massaabeeha wa a'alnaahaa ru oomun li-shayaatteen. wa a'tadnaa lahum adhaaba as-sa'eer.
1Q Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

And indeed Be ha>e adorned #he neares# hea>en (i#h lam5s- and Be ha>e made such lam5s *as2 missiles #o dri>e a(a@ #he Sha@a#in *de>ils2- and ha>e 5re5ared for #hem #he #ormen# of #he bla;ing )ire. Ea@@anNA - BH Feau#ified samaa= al-dun@a - The sk@ (hich is abo>e us (hich (e can see *including our s5aceuni>erse e#c.2 ?unya - somethin$ %hich is; a - near (a?na) # - lesser share (dun4a)' Bayyanna - Beena - Adorn - #eautified' Allah men#ions Ea@@anNA - BH Adorned *#he lo(es# sk@2. The BH is used #o im5l@ "o@al#@ and Au#hori#@ #o a Au#hori#a#i>e being. *Ma:es#ic Be2. The #ense of #he %ur=an has changed from /rd 5erson #o ,s# 5erson [&l#ifaa# #ransision]. *i.e. A@ah , is /rd 5erson - #abaarak aladhee [blessed is ?H (ho... A@ah 1 is ,s# 5erson - ;a@@anNA - BH adorned...2 Bh@ did #his #ransision #ake 5lace in a@ah 1G Bhene>er Allah men#ions #he crea#ion of #he sk@- ?e men#ions ,s# 5erson. Bhen ?e men#ions #he adorning of #he sk@ - ?e shif#s i# #o ,s# 5erson and Ma:es#ic form *i.e. Be2. I#her e'am5les are in surahs=3 - Saffaa# /78 6. - ?a-MeemA)ussila# 0,8,.. So being a Mas#er and Drea#or is in /rd 5erson- and being #he Ine (ho adorns #his samaa=A(ha# is abo>e us - is in ,s# 5erson. This refu#es #he orien#alis#s (ho said #he %ur=an is fla(ed because of con#inuous #ense changing. "a#her- e>er@ #ense #ransision *il#ifaa#2 is based on an organised s5ecific (isdom. &n #his case- i# ma@ be #ha# Allah is sho(ing us #he sub#le#ies of #he beau#ies of ?is
1R Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

crea#ion- a closeness #o us - so i# is in ,s# 5erson.

H + -. + e -3 +/ $ *f H /g ! E V -0 $N And =e have made the sky a roof& as a protective ceilin$ [over you]. Ce# #he@ #urn a(a@ from i#=s signs.. [Ambi@a .,8/.] This sk@ 5ro#ec#s us from man@ harms i.e. harmful ra@s from #he sun *#hrough #he 5ro#ec#ion of #he I;one la@er2- as(ell as a defense from man@ as#eroids e#c.

A@ah 1 con#inued... Masaa#eeh (3anterns) - Mis#ah - 5u#h - 1ed (ara#ic: *umra)' *&bn al )aris - #he famous arabic $inguis# held #his >ie(.2 These $an#ernsAMasaabeeh could refer #o #he S#ars- and o#her me#eors(a :a=alna?A ru:ooman lil sha@a#een *and (e made &TA?H" missiles for [5unishing] #he de>ils2. Bha# is #he ?A K i#Aher referring #oG Some scholars sa@3 - The s#ars. - #he Sk@ *because sk@Asamaa= is an arabic (ord in #he arabic language2. 1u>oom - 1a>m - thro% rocks& or it can also mean to thro% somethin$ aside-a%ay' 1u>oom + thin$s %hich are thro%n at the shayateen' Fefore #he +ro5he# Muhammad *5eace be u5on him2 go# #he message- #he angels= in #he sk@ (ould be (ri#ing and discussing #he des#in@ of #he 5eo5le of #he ear#h. The de>ils (ould si# a# #he #o5 of #he sk@ and lis#en #o (ha# #he angels said and #hen gi>e #his informa#ion #o a soo#hsa@er (hile mi'ing i# (i#h hundreds of lies. So (hen #he +ro5he# Muhammad came- Allah made angels guard #he skies and make #hem #hro( fireballs a# #hese de>ils and #o re5el and #o kee5 safe #he message of +ro5he# Muhammad and his ummah *sal Allah ala@hi (asalam2.


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

So Allah beau#ified #he samaa=A sk@ and #hen made i# 5ro#ec#ed as(ell. So allah is demons#ra#ing #o us #ha# ?e crea#ed #he sk@s #o beau#if@ #he sk@ and #he@ are also a means of figh#ing #he sha@a#een. &n surah al Kahf [,N8..] - "a:m can also ha>e #he im5lica#ion of #aking guesses *"a:man bil gha@b - #aking sho#s *assum5#ions2 of #he unseen2. &f (e use #ha# defini#ion - #hen Allah ma@ be im5l@ing #ha# ?e has beau#ified #he samaa=Ask@ (i#h s#ars #o THST #he de>ils and #hose (ho associa#e #hemsel>es (i#h #hem and horosco5es. Since 5eo5le look a# #he s#ars and #ake guesses *"a:man bil gha@b - sho#s [guesses] of #he unseen2. So"a:m in #his a@ah could im5l@3 , - the An$els thro% (1a>m) fire#alls [Na:m al-ThaJib *5iercing burning s#ars2 men#ioned in surah TariJ] a# #he de>ils (ho #r@ #o hear #he #alk of #he angels in #he sk@. . - #he 5tars are a test and a means of fake fortune tellin$ - guesses a# #he unseenfor #he de>ils and #hose (ho ge# in>ol>ed in reading #he s#ars for horosco5es. %a#adah8 - Allah has crea#ed s#ars for / 5ur5oses8 , - #o beau#if@ #he sk@. . - #o re5el and fire a# #he de>ils. / - #he signs for a #ra>eller #o find his (a@ as a ma5 in #he sk@. [i.e. &f he kno(s (here #he Nor#h s#ar is- he can follo( i# in rela#ion #o (here i# is loca#ed (hen he is a# home.] Ba a=#adna lahum adhaab al-sa=eer - Be ha>e 5re5ared for #hem *#he de>ilsAsoo#hsa@ers2 adhaab al-sa=eer. Adhaa# (punishment) - Adhbun *#o be >er@ s(ee#2. &# is 5ossible #ha# #his (ord has a double @e# o55osi#e meaning a# #he same #ime. [similar rule a55lied #o o#her (ords8 i.e. Nusub is a (ord in arabic (hich means firm @e# (obbl@Ashaking a# #he same #ime.] I#hers sa@ #ha# Adhaab is an indi>idual (ord in of i#self. Sa=eer - Si=r - A fire #ha# is bla;ing or flaming. Solar flare is also called #his because i# increases.
1[ Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Si=ar al-Ta=aam - #he 5rice of food carries on going higher and higher- :us# as #he flame carries on going u5(ards. 5a"eer - A flamin$ and increasin$ly #la9in$ fire' These de>ils (ill en#er in#o a 5o(erful fire (hich is bla;ing in (hich #he@ are #ormen#ed. &# is no# a normal fire *naar2. &# is a Sa=eer *5o(erful fire2. So if #hese de>il inn (ere #o ask ho( #he@ (ill be 5unished in #he hellfire if #he@ #hemsel>es are made of fire. Then Allah ans(ers #hem. Bhene>er ?e (ill men#ion 5unishing de>il inns= - ?e (ill men#ion Sa=eer - a 5o(erful fire (hich increases in i#s s#reng#h of burning. So #hese :inn (hich are made u5 of fire (ill no# be able #o handle #he burning of Sa=eer *enraged flames2. Sa=eer also men#ioned in8 Surah Saba=- )a#ir86The firs# 1 aa@aa# s5oke abou# Allah. The ne'# 9 aa@aa# *a@ahs 6 - ,02 (ill #alk abou# #he conseJuences of making a choice. The firs# 6 of #hese 9 *a@ahs 6-,.2 (ill #alk abou# making #he (rong choice. Then #here is one a@ah #alking abou# #hose (ho make #he righ# choice. Bh@ are #here 6 5eo5le abou# #hose (ho make #he (rong choice and onl@ , for #hose (ho do goodG Fecause #his surah focuses on (arning and &ndhar.

A@ah 68

3 &e 6 H + *Z + '# +O $ . $ &,$%/ %-' h c-$ / VE Y _ E $ '/ *# -e a $ 5

wa lil-ladheena kafaroo bi rabbihim adhaabu ahan-nam. wa bi's al masseer. And for #hose (ho disbelie>e in #heir $ord *Allah2 is #he #ormen# of ?ell- and (ors#
1\ Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

indeed is #ha# des#ina#ion. (a lilladheena kafaroo - and for #hose (ho disbelie>e.. The =(a=Aand sho(s #ha# i# is a con#inua#ion from #he 5re>ious s#a#emen#. ..#hose (ho disbelie>e - #his is 5laced a# #he beginning of #he a@ah [#aJdeem] K H'clusi>i#@ in regards #o #hose (ho disbelie>ed *kafaroo2. Kufr - Kafara - #o hide some#hing. &.e. &n Dlassical Arabic- #he farmer (ho 5laced seeds in #he soil and hid #hem from sigh# (as called a Kafir. <hafara sounds similar #o Kafara - bo#h mean #o co>er. - ,afara has a 2(6ATIC( connotation' 5o it is used to refer to hidin$-coverin$ the truth [%ith falsehood]' - 6hafara has a 0)5IITIC( connotation' 5o it is used to refer to hidin$-coverin$ #ad deeds' "abbihim - *#hose (ho are ungra#eful2 (i#h #heir Mas#er. "abb is used #o 5u# guil# in#o #he disbelie>er. Cour Mas#er (ho made @ou- 5ro>ides for @ou- gi>es @ou all @ou ha>e- and @ou disbelie>e in him..G ..adhaabu ahannam - *for #hem is #he2 5unishmen# of ahannam K Tor#ure chamber [from ahnaam in )arsiA+ersian (hich means Tor#ure chamber]. i"s - evil-dis$ustin$ alMaseer - a place %here someone ends up after a >ourney'

A@ah 78

$b K *e + ! 9 '/N + %-+ G '# e + /O +. $/ $I $ '/` 0 ` % e *X $:

=] Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

idhaa ulqoo fee haa sami'oo lahaa shaheeqan wa hiyya tafoor Bhen #he@ are #hro(n in#o i#- #he@ hear from i# a [dreadful] inhaling (hile i# boils u5. Idha - %hen (future tense)' ul.oo - placed' Il.aa is to pick up somethin$ and place into somethin$ else' (i'e' A child %ill pick up a #u$ and put it in a >ar') - This signifies #he (eakness of #he disbelie>er and ho( he (ill be 5icked u5 and 5u# in#o #he (ors# des#ina#ion - #he #or#ure chamber of hell. fee haa - in i#. 5ami"oo - #he@ (ill hear * ahannam2 - to inhale heavily %hile makin$ a loud sound %hile inhalin$' 3ike a #i$ #east inhalin$ %hen it is $ro%lin$'

ShaheeJ is also men#ioned in surah ?uud3 +: & %' 9O / e '/` H ; *X + % & iX $M $ E $X $ &%' . *X *# -e $ a As for #hose (ho (ere [des#ined #o be] (re#ched- #he@ (ill be in #he )ire. )or #hem #herein is [violent] e8halin$ and inhalin$' [?uud ,,8,66] This #or#ure chamber is like a beas# (hich brea#hes hea>il@Agro(ls " # $ ! In #he Da@ (hen Be (ill sa@ #o ?ell8 MAre @ou filledGM &# (ill sa@8 MAre #here an@ more *#o come2GM [%af 168/6]

Tafoor - :a%ran - .uick and fast' I'e' =hen %ater immediately heats up' so hell %ill #oil intensely and it is like %ater rises up fiercely .uickly'

A@ah N8
=1 Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

+! G e + aM iI + Vj +* A E e ! + 6 %-' H ; *# ; /- X +% &. $ a E $ -i* E $ 9 $ %-+ G . $ *-P $ M ! k *X ` &,6 . ! ) -6 -% -e

takaadu tamayyazu min al ghaydh. kul-lamaa ulqiya fee haa faw un sa'aluhum khazanatuhaa alam ya'tikum nadheer. &# almos# burs#s u5 (i#h fur@. H>er@ #ime a grou5 is cas# #herein- i#s kee5er (ill ask8 MDid no (arner come #o @ouGM Takaadu - i# almos#s.. Tama@@a; - (hen some#hing e'5lodes and i#s 5ar#s se5ara#e. =blo(s #o bi#s=. Min al <ha@dh - from #he Anger. Anger8 <hadab - anger 6haydh - (8treme ra$e and an$er'

:a%> - like an army cro%d& %ho are easily noticea#le' Movin$ alon$ .uickly' The@ are 5risoners of #he hellfire. Bhen each fa(:Arecognisable grou5 is a55roaching #he ga#es of hell kha9ana#uha - $ate keeper *of i# - hell2 5a"ala-?um - Ask Them a lam @a=#ikum Nadheer - did no# a Barner come #o @ou allG The@ (ill sa@ No Doub#- &ndeed *Falaa2 - a Barner came #o us and (e lied agains# him. And (e said Allah does no# send do(n *Na;al2 an@#hing [of guidance]. Cou are in ?alaalin Kabeer - 7lear Massi>e (rror. The@ are sa@ing #his #o #he Barners= and #he belie>ers=.


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

A@ah 98

H &6 & 4 + < & $b E + aG '/% & a . H. X 1 2, -< ; *# - $b 7 - : m $ +l $ a a7 89 M a,-+</ a - # Y ) -! g 4 $ 9X 8J 8 *$ 6

!aaloo balaa qad aa'anaa nadheerun fa kadh-dhabnaa wa qulnaa maa nazzalAllahu min shay'in, "n antum il-laa fee dalaalin kabeer. The@ (ill sa@8 MCes indeed3 a (arner did come #o us- bu# (e belied him and said8 =Allah ne>er sen# do(n an@#hing *of re>ela#ion2- @ou are onl@ in grea# error.=M /aaloo - they said (past tense)' +as# #ense can be used #o signif@ cer#ain#@ of a fu#ure e>en#. &.e. Bha# is being said abou# #he fu#ure is as realAfac#ual as #he 5as# i#self. $a( kunnaa nasma=u a( na=Jilu - if onl@ (e (ere of #he hearers or of #hose (ho used #heir in#ellec# maa kunnaa fee as-haab as-sa=eer - (e (ould no# be in #he com5anions of #he increasingl@ burning fire.

A@ah ,68

+ < + . + /- % '/% &6 &6 / - G 9X - a /- G T - a a + ` +. & %' _ $I $ D $ a $N Z 4 I $ *N

#a qaaloo law kunnaa nasma'u aw na'qilu maa kunnaa fee as-haabi al-sa'eer And #he@ (ill sa@- M&f onl@ (e had been lis#ening or reasoning- (e (ould no# be among #he com5anions of #he Fla;e.M na5ma"u - sam" - listen' na"/il - "a.l - that %hich is used to restrain-restrict somethin$' I'e' 4our intellect restrains you from doin$ stupid thin$s' =iJaal - a ro5e used #o #ieAres#rain a camel. Mi=Jaal - a moun#aineous for#ress #o res#rain #he enem@.
=> Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Be see #ha# #he disbelie>ers (ould co>er #heir ears (hen #he message (as con>e@ed #o #hem. *i.e. &n #he case of +ro5he# Noah and +ro5he# Muhammad.2 Allah 5raises in surah Eumar #hose sla>es of Allah (ho lis#en and follo( #he guidance3 )a bashir =ibaad- aladheena @as#ami=oona al Ja(lu fa @a##abi=oona ahsanah *so gi>e good ne(s #o m@ sla>es- (ho hear #he message and follo( i# in #he bes# (a@2.

Maa kunnaa )HH as-haab as-sa=eer - (e (ould no# ha>e been &NAAMIN< #he com5anions of #he fire. This is used #o signif@ regre# because #he@ are amongs# a grou5 of 5eo5le - all (ho are com5laining - causing #heir hardshi5 #o increase because #he@ canno# find comfor# or friendshi5 in #hese 5eo5le.

A@ah ,68

5 ` $ '/X KD + E - n -I - X + X & %' _ $I $ D Z !3 -e $ $ a# $ *N

$a'tarafoo bi dhanbihim fa suhqan li as-haabi al-sa'eer And #he@ (ill admi# #heir sin- so [i# is] aliena#ion for #he com5anions of #he Fla;e. :a"tarafoo - I"raaf - A"raaf - to 1eco$nise' I"taraaf - past tense& they have reco$nised their $uilt' bi Dhanbihim *#he@ acce5#ed - #heir sin2 - Dhanb - #heir shameful sin. The sin is men#ioned in a@ah 6 - of recognising #he fa>ours from Allah bu# being ungra#eful #o ?im. ?han# - ?hana# - Tail - %hen a cat chases a mouse& it"s tail follo%s it' 5imilarly& %hen someone does a sin - their sin follo%s them every%here they $o (even if they think they have left it #ehind)' The only %ay to $et rid of the dhan# - tail& is to cut it off' And that is done throu$h ta%#ah - sincere repentance to Allah'
=? Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

fa - soA#hen - to %ant to $et a%ay from somethin$ really $ross and dis$ustin$' That %hich is devoid of any type of $ood and #lessin$' suhJa2 - *maf=ool mu#laJ2 - H'clama#ion mark. K An e'#ra em5hasis. )a SuhJan li as-haab as-sa=eer - So e'#reme disgus# for #he com5anions of #he increasingl@ in#ensel@ burning fire. This guil# (ill no# hel5 #hem a# all in #he Sa=eer *in#ense fire2- #he@ ha>e #he chance in #his (orldl@ life ho(e>er. Surah Sa:dah /.8,. ( 1 ) ' , ! &' ! ) % + . 0 . ,/ ' -' " ' * ' ' , And if @ou onl@ could see (hen #he Mu:rimun *criminals- disbelie>ers- 5ol@#heis#ssinners- e#c.2 shall hang #heir heads before #heir $ord *sa@ing28 MIur $ordO Be ha>e no( seen and heard- so send us back *#o #he (orld2- (e (ill do righ#eous good deeds. Peril@O Be no( belie>e (i#h cer#ain#@.M ?adi#h8 %aa lam yughargharr - So long as #he soul of #he 5erson has no# lef# his bod@- he has #he chance #o change himself for #he be##er.

Main Mulk part D - A#dul 2asir Ean$da F M0D ?o%nload' *&ndhar8 Cou need a big alarm clock if @ou are in a dee5 slee5 of ahili@@ah [ignorance].2

A@ah ,.8

- * H _ -. A %-$ Ee ; *$ 6 ;Y - G/ +% + & & Ee & $b $P $ *-P $ & %' H ;C O H /- : *#

inna aladheena yakhshawna rabbahum bi-l-ghaybi lahum maghfiratun wa a run
=Q Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

kabeer Mos# cer#ainl@- #hose (ho feared #heir Mas#er - bil <ha@b. 6hay# - unseen' bil <ha@b - (i#h #he 4nseen. &.e. 1 - They feared him %hilst *e is unseen (to them') so they o#eyed him %ithout seein$ *im' -M +O Z , J H + E + a< + *` +/ 4 2 &. & %' H ( $ a* $/ $* /` . C /. 3 ! -0 ! *Surah al FaJarah .8/ - aladheena yu'minoona bil ghayb - #hose (ho belie>e in #he unseen..2 ! - The@ feared #heir $ordAMas#er - bil <ha@b *in Absence2. =hen they %ere A#sent from others& no#ody sa% them - #ut they still feared their Master' 0u#lically and 0rivately' The@ kne( Allah (as (a#ching #hem- so #he@ feared ?im. These 5eo5le did reflec#- did good- did re5en# for #heir forgi>es. 3a*um - :or Them *ikh#isas - e8clusively2 [because #his is 5laced a# #he beginning of #he 5hrase and no# a# #he end K H'clusi>i#@ for #ha# ca#egor@ of 5eo5le.] ma6hfirah - 6hafara - for$iveness-7overin$ of sins' mi<hfar - helme# *(hich Do>ers #he head2. <hafeer - (hen @ou canno# e>en see #he ground. ma6hfirah - coverin$ of sins so Allah %ill hide his sins and completely cover-hide them' &n Arabic SarfAMor5holog@3 Bhen @ou increase #he le##ers in a (ord- a more fuller meaning is gi>en.


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

So <hafara (as no# men#ioned in #his a@ah- ra#her ma<hfirah is men#ioned. This increases #he meaning #o3 Dom5le#e )orgi>eness. Dom5le#e hiding of sins. Those (ho fear #heir Mas#er - bil <ha@b [in absence of o#hersAin fear of #heir Mas#er (ho is unseen] - for #hem is ma<hfirah - com5le#e Do>ering of sins and3 A>run ,a#eer - A>r (re%ard-compensation) - ,a#eer (very 6reat)' A>r + a 0ayment' This is used for payment you $et in %ork for your efforts' 4ou hope that #y o#eyin$ Allah in $ood and not #reakin$ *is rules - *e %ill re%ard you'

Bh@ is forgi>eness men#ioned firs# and #hen <rea# re(ard af#erG Fecause #hese 5eo5le are afraid of Allah=s 5unishmen# of hellfire. So Allah frees #hem from #he fire of hell b@ forgi>ing #hem and sa>ing #hem from hell- and #hen ?e gi>es #hem #he re(ard of +aradise af#er #ha#. ?e remo>es #heir bad- and #hen beau#ifies #hem in +aradise *#he grea# re(ard2. Cou (an# #o remo>e @our harm firs# before @ou can en:o@ #he good. !A:run Kabeer - <rea# "e(ard is used because in a@ah 9 of #his surah- #he disbelie>ers (ere sa@ing #o #he belie>ers3 Disbelie>ers said3 &n an#um il-laa fee dalaalin Kabeer - surel@ you (all) are e8cept in a 6reat [,a#eer] mis$uidance' Allah said3 So Allah is correc#ing #hem and sa@ing #ha# they %ill $et a 6reat [,a#eer] re%ard' *a@ah [678],.2

A@ah ,/8

$ E +% & $b V o /- < '/ +Z - '/ +a +e F %' B FI $ '# $3 $ $ '/ $ G/ o Y ; *, -6 $ G E $ /)

#a aSirruu qawlakum awi haruu bih, innahu 'aleemun bi dhat-is-Sudoor.
=S Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

And conceal @our s5eech or 5ublici;e i#3 indeed- ?e is Kno(ing of #ha# (i#hin #he breas#s. This a@ah changes from #he #heme of /rd 5erson- back #o #he ,s# 5erson.

a5irru - 5irr - to *ide somethin$-keep it 5ecretive' Allah is challenging #he disbelie>ers - &ide what you want to say or whether you say it o'enly - %ost definitely - &e (Allah - is )om'letely knowledgeable of what is in the *hest (hearts+. This is reflec#ion again. &# doesn=# ma##er (he#her @ou #hink #o @ourself- or @ou #ell #he (orld - Allah kne( i#. / ! ) 3 5 8 " " ' 8 , ! ' 1 98 ! 6 , 7 Be crea#ed #he human being and Be kno( (hen his self (his5ers #o him *%af 168,62 Allah kno(s our inner sel>es and makes us reflec# on oursel>es. Bha#e>er (e #hink?e kno(s (ha# (e are in#ending- so @ou canno# esca5e from Allah b@ 5re#ending @ou in#ended some#hing else.

A@ah 6 - ,, s5oke abou# #he bad 5eo5le. A@ah ,. - s5oke abou# #he good 5eo5le.

A@ah ,08

A N G %-' p H , -. - * m + *$ A + *U +/ $ &,%' / 0 @ E +,
a-laa ya'lamu man khalaqa wa huwa al-lateefu al-khabeer Does ?e (ho crea#ed no# kno(- (hile ?e is #he Sub#le- #he AcJuain#edG


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

A [le##er ?am;a in #he beginning of a 5hrase] + /uestion' a-laa @a=lamu - should ?e no# kno(G man khalaJ - #he Ine (ho crea#edG &n #he 5re>ious a@ah *,/2- Allah #alks abou# ?im kno(ing #he hidden and #he a55aren#. So in #his a@ah- Allah res5onds #o #he ske5#ic (ho migh# (onder ho( #his is 5ossible. 1 - So Allah is sa@ing3 5hould *e not kno% (the secret and apparent of *is creation) %hen *e is the )ne %ho created it all in the first place< + Man khala.a - (the )ne) =ho created& should *e not kno% [*is creation<] (a3aa ya"lam<)

! - Ano#her meaning linguis#icall@ could be3 5hould *e not kno% (a3aa ya"lam) =*) *e created< (man khala.)' Meaning3 Shouldn=# Allah kno( (ho ?e crea#ed *of crea#ion2G &# is a rhe#orical Jues#ion- and i#=s ans(er is3 Allah full@ kno(s (ho ?e crea#ed because ?e designed e>er@#hing. So #hese . meanings of =Man= *Bho2 in #his a@ah can refer #o ei#her3 1 - al ,hali. (the 7reator) ! - ma,hloo. - (the 7reated)' This is #he beau#@ of #he s#a#emen# in #he Arabic grammar of #his a@ah- since bo#h meanings are from differen# 5ers5ec#i>es- @e# #he same (ord is used. And ?e is al-$a#eef. 3ateef - the Most 5u#tle' 3ateef - 5u#tlety& and also means to #e very soft and kind' This im5lies #ha# Allah 5a@s alo# of attention to details- and ?e kno(s and con#rols e>er@ de#ail of our li>es.
=\ Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

al ,ha#eer - )ne %ho is constantly and completely informed of somethin$' Ine (ho kno(s and full@ unders#ands #he informa#ion ?e has. So ?e sees #he full minu#e de#ails of our li>es and is full@ informed of #hem. These . aa@aa# fi# in#o #he #heme of #his surah because8 - i# refers #o bo#h grou5s men#ioned earlier in #he surah. The disbelie>ers and #he belie>ers. &# makes #hem bo#h fear of (ha# #he@ make a55aren# and (ha# #he@ kee5 hidden in #hemsel>es- (hile gi>ing (arning #o #he disbelie>ers- and ho5e for good re(ard for #he belie>ers from #heir Mas#er.

A@ah ,18

K /% +6 +# q +/ + . +% 4 m - X - n-' E '/, + $ a. $ '/: $ & %' / e $6 9X N Y "# 0 +6 - + a F %' o $ b/ + /: 5 H. $ *-% $< $M $ Vo

huwa aladhee a'ala lakum al ardd dhaloolan famshoo fee manaakibihaa wa kuloo min rizqihi. wa ilayhi-n-nushoor ?e i# is- Bho has made #he ear#h subser>ien# #o @ou *i.e. eas@ for @ou #o (alk- #o li>e and #o do agricul#ure on i#- e#c.2- so (alk in #he 5a#h #hereof and ea# of ?is 5ro>isionand #o ?im (ill be #he "esurrec#ion. ?e mos# cer#ainl@ - made - e'clusi>el@ for @ou - #he Har#h Dhaloolan. ?halool[h@5erbole form] + e8tremely su#missive - lo% - soft - easy-$oin$' This mean=s #he Har#h is >er@ manageable and easy $oin$ for you' The (ord3 $aKum K )or Cou. This is 5laced earlier in #he sen#ence s#ruc#ure #o im5l@ H'clusi>i#@ *ik#h#isas2 of #he (orld being submissi>e for Cou - #he humankind. The ear#h has been made Dhulool for us in 0 (a@s3


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

,- The Har#h has been made (asy and smooth to Tread - travel in' The ear#h is no# like #he moun#ains (hich are rough. .-5oft. &# is easy to di$ in i#- build in i# and e>en (i#h i# *i.e. make bricks (i#h i# e#c.2 &# could ha>e been like me#al surfaced so i# (as hard #o dig- and e'#remel@ ho# (hen hea#ed b@ #he sun- or e'#remel@ cold in #he (in#er (hen #he sun is no# #oo a55aren#. /-:ertile. The ear#h has been made fer#ile so (e can gro( 5lan#s in i# and ea# from i# #o sus#ain life. 0-Mana$ea#le and 5ta#le' The ear#h is firm and does no# crumble a(a@ (hen (e s#and on i#. &# is no# like (a#er ei#her. Be don=# floa# ou# of i# due #o gra>i#@ kee5ing us firml@ 5laced on i#=s surface. This has been e'5lained inde5#h 5re>iousl@ in #afseer a@ah / of #his surah.

..fa%shoo fee ma,aaqibiha - so (alk in i#=s maNaaJib. ma2aa.i# - ma2.a# - shoulder' 5o %alk in its 5houlders"' ma2.a# - 2a.a#a - to $o to the side of somethin$' - $ H +. U H % ! 5 %' H + m , & $ b/ $ ' $ $ s $ r- * $ & %' H Z C A /a *# * $ 3 wa in aladheena laa yu-minoona bil aakhirati 'an as-siraati la naqiboon and #hose (ho do no# belie>e in #he ne'# life- from #he s#raigh# 5a#h- #he@ go #o #he side. *Mu=minun ./8702. This is (h@ shoulders are called ma2.a# - the side of the #ody + the 5houlders' Thisa@ah could mean3 So (alk on around #he sides of #he Har#h. The .arth is strong enough to hold you, so walk around it and on its sides' to e/'lore the greatness of Allah's mira*ulous *reation.

! - Ano#her meaning of #his a@ah could be3 &bn Abbas and %a#ada8 ma2a.i# + the Mountains'
>1 Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

The shoulders 5ro#rude from #he bod@- and so do #he moun#ains 5ro#rude from #he Har#h. Shoulders are a si;e of s#reng#h. And #he moun#ains 5ro#rude ou# of #he ear#h like shoulders #o sho( #heir *and #he Har#h=s2 grea# s#reng#h. So i# could mean3 Allah has even $iven you () humans) the a#ility to clim# and travel on these lofty mountains' DThis is also a >erbal idiom A e'5ression from Dlassical Arabic. Mana.i# - &# could refer #o a massive and stron$ camel %hich is e8tremely hum#le& %hich - if you stood on it"s shoulders - it %ould let you do that out of e8treme hum#leness' Allah ma@ be im5l@ing3 The (arth is like this massive camel %hich is so hum#le - that it %ill let you stand on it"s massive shoulders and not do anythin$ to you' &# is #rue - (e do (ha#e>er (e (an# (i#h #he Har#h. Be e'#rac# from i# (ha#e>er (e (an#- (e build on i#- and (e dis5ose #hings in i# - @e# i# is s#ill e'#remel@ s#rong and (e do no# fall off i# *like #he big- humble camel.2

..wa kuloo min rizqihee - and eat from its sustenance' Be can ea# from i# and gain sus#enance from i# #o a55recia#e all of Allah=s blessings= (hich come from #he Har#h. Bh@ is Kuloo - Ha# usedG Fecause #ha# is our 5rimar@ need on Har#h. To ea# #o s#a@ ali>e. &# is making us #hink abou# all #he sus#enance (e gain from #he Har#h. Allah is sa@ing3 %alk around the (arth and $ain sustenance from it' This is a men#ion of #he Har#h being a means of benefi#- as(ell as a mean=s #o earn a li>elihood #hrough i#. Allah is #elling us #ha# Allah has made 5ermissible (ha# is on #he Har#h- so long as i# is la(ful in Allah=s sigh#.


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

?adi#h ,8 &nAllaha @uhibbul Mu=min al Muh#arif - Allah lo>es a belie>er (ho (orks (i#h his hands *ie. ?e has a skill and he uses #hose skills #o ge# his sus#enanceAri;J.2 ?adi#h .8 Narra#ed Mu=a(i@a3 4mar 5assed b@ a 5eo5le and he said - Bho are @ouG The@ said (e are al Mu#a(aJiloon *#hose (ho 5u# #heir #rus# in Allah2. 4mar re5lied no- @ou are Mu#a=akiloon *#hose (ho feed off o#her 5eo5les (eal#h.2 4mar (as #hen asked (ha# Mu#a(aJiloon are- and he re5lied3 The one (ho 5u#s #he seed in#o #he Har#h and #hen 5u#s his #rus# in Allah. So #his a@ah is #elling 5eo5le #o (ork around #he (orld #o earn #heir li>ing.

wa ilayhi an-nushoor - And - only to *im - is the 2ushoor' 2ashr - e8pand somethin$& spread - unfold' So"essurec#ion on udgmen# Da@ is called Nushoor3 1 - *ashr - to $ather people' !a - 2ashr-2ushoor - spread people into different cate$ories of $ood-#ad etc' # - It can also imply the unfoldin$ of the #ody on that ?ay to vie% all it"s actions and deeds' NushoodhAba=a#h *also means similar #o Nushoor2. Nushoor is #he mos# a55ro5ria#e (ord used in #his surahs= con#e'# because Allah has s5read #he Har#h- and similarl@ (e (ill be s5read ou# on i# on udgmen# Da@. Similarl@3 @our bod@ (ill re#urn #o #he Har#h- #hen unfold from #his Har#h *on udgmen# Da@2 and e>er@#hing @ou did on i# (ill be unfolded and re>ealed so i# has a final conclusion before @ou go #o @our final des#ina#ion of ei#her hell or +aradise. [This a@ah is es#ablishing (ha# has been said abou# #he conseJuences of #he choices @ou make *of disbelief or belief2.]

Mulk part G - A#dul 2asir Ean$da - F M0D ?o%nload'


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

A@ah ,68

7 $ tX - * HG +$ p + a. q - n-' E 9 & %' 9X & E! $ '# $ A $ H. $ GG 0 I I $ . +6 + /. + !

a-amintum man fee as-samaa'i an yakhsifa bikum al ardda fa idhaa hi-ya tafoor ?a>e @ou found a sense of securi#@ *do @ou feel com5le#el@ secure2 #ha# #he Ine in #he hea>ens [Allah]- #ha# ?e (ould @aKhsif ya,hsif - ,hasafa - to compress - envelop - suck somethin$ in somethin$ else' This is a harsh (ord- e>en b@ i#s 5ronuncia#ion. &# can im5l@ and refer #o #he Hcli5se *i.e. Khasaf al %amar [$unar ecli5se]2. This is a gradualAslo( change. khasaf com#ined %ith the %ord "Ardd (earth) + the (arth suckin$ someone in' I'e' /uicksand is a $ood e8ample of this' Fu# #his Khasaf in #his a@ah is referring #o a 5unishmen#. %aroon had #his 5unishmen#3 H . . ; 0 + H. H + %-' H + a/ + Z + a* u 8 cX +% ' , , $ !a. $ H $ o $ H. $ o * . 6 / l $& H 6 X ' < : 8 5 " $ /) $Z fa 0hasaf,a bihee wa bi dharihee al 'Ard *#hen Be sucked him [%aroon] and his (eal#h in#o #he Har#h2 - surah %asas .N8N,. So #his a@ah of #his surah is im5l@ing3 Do @ou feel safe- #ha# #he Ine (ho is in #he hea>ens (ill no# make @ou suck in#o #he Har#hG yakhsifukumBI-kum-ul 'Ardd. The le##er Fa is signif@ing3 Musahabah - the (arth %ill :ully latch onto you and pull you do%n' $a idha hiyya tamoor - then it %ill .uickly move' There is >er@ 5o(erful imager@ here3 &f #here is a :ar full of dir#- and @ou 5u# a coin in i#. And @ou 5ush i# in hard. To make i#
>? Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

full@ go in- @ou (ill shake #he :ar hard so #he coin goes in dee5l@ and is co>ered u5 (i#h #he dir#. This is some#hing imaginable and i# is clear #ha# is is an e'#remel@ >iolen# 5unishmen#. The earth %ill s%allo% them violently so they cannot #e seen anymore' &n #he 5re>ious a@ah *a@ah ,12 - (e sa( #ha# #he Har#h is humble because i# holds @ou and allo(s @ou #o (alk and li>e on i#. Fu# if @ou disobe@ Allah - #hen #ha# same humble Har#h (ill beha>e >iolen#l@ agains# @ou and des#ro@ @ou. So (e should obe@ Allah.

A@ah ,78

7 + *-, + a. N 3 V K Z - !I -* H +, + HG & %' 9X & E! $ D $ $ H. $ G E /. X E 4 I I $ . -6 - G $ a p *-6 $ *#

Am amintum man fis-samaa'i an yursila alaykum haassiba. $a sa ta'lamoona kayfa nadheer *or ha>e @ou gained some securi#@ #ha# #he Ine in #he hea>ens (ill no# rain do(n u5on @ou ?aasiban..2 *aasi#an - a*sa# - a piece of land %hich is filled of stones' mu?asab - #he loca#ion (here #he 5eo5le in ?a:: 5ick u5 s#ones #o s#one #he amaraa#. & $b- innaa arsalnaa =ala@him*aasi#an - surel@ (e sen# do(n This (ord *, - G a a,-I . E -e $ *-,3 u5on #hem Haasiban [a storm of stones]2 is also used for #he 5unishmen# sen# do(n u5on #he 5eo5le (ho re:ec#ed +ro5he# $u# [$o#]. 5o it could #e like stones fallin$ from the sky& or a stron$ tornado picks up the stones from the $round and pelts them at you' This is a >er@ des#ruc#i>e #ormen# of s#ones. Do @ou reall@ feel secureG


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Fa sa Ta'lamoona kayfa NadheerI - Then you %ill soon come to kno% ho% My %arnin$ %as' 2adheeri *kasraA;e@r2 a# #he end. This im5lies #ha# a le##er4a should ha>e been #here. &# im5lies "My". Then you will soon *ome to know howMY warning was. 2adheer - i2dhar - =arnin$: , - Masdar *genera#i>e form2 - My =arnin$' . - &# can also im5l@ - the one %ho $ave the %arnin$. . meanings3 , - [%arnin$] Cery very soon you %ill kno% %hat my %arnin$ %as' . - [%arner] Then you %ill really soon kno% ho% truthful my %arner %as'

These 5eo5le (ho #ook #he message as a :oke - #he@ (ill #rul@ realise #ha# Allah=s 5unishmen# is real. Then #he@ (ill cr@ #o Allah #o gi>e us one more chance. Fu# #hen i# (ill be #oo la#e.

$a sa ta'lamoona kayfa nadheer (then you will *ome to know how %y warning was+1 Allah is re5ea#ing #he (arning again in #his 5ar# of #he surah- since #his a@ah is af#er a fe( earlier aa@aa# of reflec#ions= of #his uni>erse. Fu# #o (ake u5 #he 5eo5le again - ano#her (ake u5 call is reJuired. So Allah con#inuousl@ gi>es us forge#ful humans ano#her (arning af#er (e ge# a ne( 5ers5ec#i>e of #he (orld around us. Since reflec#ion is no#hing if i# does no# bring 5eo5le ou# of e>il ac#ions.

&n surah al An=am 6861- Allah #ells us3 = ! + +g +I + + 1 & *# K *: vq - h - @ +/ $* $ E 8 N -i E6 N N $ ,-* /- G ' / ! / 0 - , ( > , !/ ' " -6 * * * 1 + & + p B O* E H +` + ,N + 5Z - ja' $ *s' p /e % a *-6 -e


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

5ay& H*e is the [one] A#le to send upon you affliction from a#ove you or from #eneath your feet or #o confuse @ou [so @ou become] sec#s and make @ou #as#e #he >iolence of one ano#her.M $ook ho( Be di>ersif@ #he signs #ha# #he@ migh# unders#and. Be see #ha# Allah s(i#ched us from (arning us- #o make us reflec# on (ha# (e see around us- and #hen #o make us remem#er that %hat %e see of #enefit around us& can also #e a source of punishment a$ainst us if %e do #ad' Be see #ha# Allah s5oke abou# #he Har#h being a source of 5unishmen#- af#er ?e made us reflec# on i#. The same can be said abou# #he reflec#ion a# #he sk@ and #hen (arning of i# being a source of 5unishmen#. 5o %e can never feel safe if %e are diso#eyin$ Allah #ecause %e are #et%een these t%o #oundaries; the 3and and 5ky' And #he onl@ safe#@ is #hrough ge##ing closer #o Allah b@ doing good. So #his is a s#rong (ake u5 call.

The "ela#ion of #he Har#h and #he ?ea>ens in "egard #o our "i;J [+ro>isions]8 K /% -'E +# q + a + . +% F %' o * 4 ' m + /: 1 $ - X - n + -0uloo min rizqihee - ea# $ *-%$b/ $ a. $ '/: $ & %' / V8 $6 9X N Y "# 0 - ! e +6 from ?is +ro>isions. *surah mulk 678,12 1$ ' ! " + ? 0 - wa fis-samaa'i rizqukum - and in #he ear#h is @our * 5ro>isions and #ha# (hich @ou are 5romised.*surah Dhari@a# 1,8..2 The ear#h is men#ioned firs# because (e do our ac#ions on Har#h- and #hen #he@ go #o #he sk@ and are raised if #he@ are good.

A@ah ,N8

&6 / p X E H. ) % -` $ a H $ H $ &%' _ 6 *-6 *# # -e $ $, - < $ *6

wa la qad kadh-dhaba aladheena min qablihim fa kayfa kaana nakeer And indeed #hose before #hem belied *#he Messengers of Allah2- #hen ho( #errible (as M@ 4ne'5ec#ed 5unishmen#O (a $a Jad
>S Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

%a + and 3a *2am al-tawkeed - (mphasis2. Dan come (hen3 ,- a Dondi#ional s#a#emen# has come in #he 5as#. .- a "he#orical Jues#ion has been 5osed in a 5as# s#a#emen#. *are @ou safe..G *in a@ah ,6-,7 of #his surah.22 /ad - already have' It is used also for (mphasis' ,adh-dha#a - someone ?enies somethin$ or accuse someone of 3yin$' min /a#li*im - from efore Them' fa kayfa kaana nakeer - and ho( (as m@ Nakeer. 2akeer - somethin$ to #e Indefined' &n #he con#e'# of a 5unishmen#- i# means a punishment %hich %ill come out of 2o%here and unannounced' Bh@ is Adhaa# *5unishmen#2 no# men#ionedG Fecause (hen @ou (alk ou#side- @ou don=# e'5ec# #he ground #o suck @ou in or s#ones #o fall on @ou from #he sk@. So2akeer is an unkno%n-une8pected punishment& somethin$ you did not e8pect' 5o nakeer is most suita#le in this conte8t'

Transi#ion from .nd 5erson #o /rd +erson8 &n aa@aa# before #his *a@ah ,N2- Allah is #alking #o #hem in #he .nd 5erson [Cou]. Then Allah changes #ransi#ion *il#ifa#2 - #o /rd 5erson. There (ere 5eo5le (ho did bad- and ho( 4ne'5ec#ed *nakeer2 (as m@ 5unishmen#. This transition sho%s Allah"s an$er that; *e is so an$ry that *e %ill not even talk to them directly' &# also im5lies #ha# look - #here (ere 5eo5le (ho did do bad- and #he@ (ere
>[ Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

5unished. Cou could face an 4ne'5ec#ed 5unishmen# *Nakeer2 if @ou follo( #heir e'am5le.

A@ah ,98

& %' 1% - */ +I & Z $b '/- / /- X -* - $` H +6 + . 8 X +< &e $. LH g B E * E G -e -% $ *-U 2 D & $b +$ o & $b L H 4 ; *Z - : - 5 6 +a +. & %' m $ 7 89
a-walam yaraww ila-ttayri fawqahum ssaafaatin wa yaqbiddn. maa yumsikuhunna il-laa ar-Rahmaan. "nnahu bi kulli shay'in basseer. Do #he@ no# see #he birds abo>e #hem (i#h (ings ou#s5read and [some#imes] folded inG None holds #hem [alof#] e'ce5# #he Mos# Merciful. &ndeed ?e is- of all #hingsSeeing. Allah #hen changes #he #o5ic. Fecause ?e cares so much abou# #he guidance of ?is sla>es- ?e does no# gi>e u5 on #hem. &ns#ead- ?e uses a differen# crea#ure of ?is #o make #hem reflec# from a differen# 5ers5ec#i>e. &a3e they not seen the birds abo3e (fawqa+ them, Saaffaat, and ya!bidn.. 5aaffaat - 5aff - to #e in a strai$ht line3 , - #he bird (hen i# spreads out its %in$s strai$ht K Saffaa#. . - birds flyin$ in a lined up pattern to$ether K Saffaa#. ya/#idn - /a#d - to pull in' I'e' =hen you clench your fist' + =hen the #irds pull their %in$s #ack in' Allah is making us fascina#ed a# #he birds (hich are abo>e us- birds (e also see on #he ground. ..maa yamsikuhunna illaa ar-Rahmaan - None kee5s #hem in #he air *from falling do(n2 e'ce5# for #he Abundan#l@ Merciful. ..innahu bi kulli shay'in 4aseer - surel@ - onl@ ?e - is (i#h e>er@#hing Faseer. aseer - )ne %ho 5ees and 6rasps everythin$ %ith Insi$ht fully'


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

6(M: This a@ah is beau#iful &mager@3 The@ are s5reading #heir (ings (5affaat)' This is in 2oun [Ism] + 7onsistently' Timeless and limitless %ords' ya/#idn - a Cer#al form - somethin$ %hich is less 7onsistent' 3imited actions' =hen the #irds fly - they spread their %in$s to fly most of the time (it is 7onsistent - so descri#ed in 2oun form)' It is only %hen #irds need to $o lo%er or temporary ease their %in$s& they retract and close their %in$s for a fe% moments' This is done less often because birds fl@ing s5read #heir (ings mos# of #he #ime. So a >erbA#em5orar@ is used #o describe #his. This sho(s #he e'#reme de#ail and beau#@ of #he %ur=an=s language- (i#h a lesser #em5orar@ s#a#e being described in >erb form and a more Donsis#en# s#a#e being described in Noun form. Dom5are #his a@ah #o ano#her a@ah in surah Nahl ,6879- Allah sa@s & %' 1% & m & $b H +. +I & I $b '/- 5% B H + E 8 *s +6 -* + . 5Y 8 ' + & $b v +l &e & %' / $ r- * $ H $ . $ B /a $%#2 9X 7 I 9X A . * E $ . - %G $ *-U 8 /- ` Do #he@ no# look #o #he bird- %usaakhiraatin *made submissi>eA5u# under con#rol2 and i# is in Jaww-iss-samaa'- i# is in #he middle of #he sk@Acloses# #o us- none kee5s i# u5 in #he sk@ e'ce5# Allah. Mussakharaat -su#missive' Bh@ #he differen# (ords #o #his a@ahG &nsurah al Nahl - #he main #heme is #o u5hold #he )neness of Allah. So mussakharaat [#irds being su#missive #o Allah] is men#ioned #here. &n #his surah Mulk- i# is abou# sho%in$ the ma$nificence of Allah"s creation' 5o the #eauty of the #irds openin$ and closin$ their %in$s is emphasised in #his surah. Surah al-Nahl - None u5holds #he birds e'ce5# for Allah *surah Nahl2. #ha# surah has a s#rong em5hasis on (orshi55ing #he #rue <od (ho has #he 5o(er o>er all #hings.
?] Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Surah Mulk8 None u5holds #he birds e'ce5# for ar-"ahman *#he 4l#ima#el@ Merciful2. *surah Mulk2. &n #his surah- ar-"ahman is men#ioned #o sho( #he Merc@ of #he Ine (ho has made so much beau#iful and ama;ing merciful signs for us #o reflec# on. So this surah has a stron$ emphasis on Allah"s attri#ute of 1ahmah (*is Mercy)' Throu$h *is Mercy and reflection of *is creation& %e should feel o#li$ated to repent to *im and #ecome closer to *im' ?e kee5s e>er@#hing going (i#h s#abili#@ in #his uni>erse. The ground- #he sk@- - ?e kee5s e>er@#hing in i#s 5lace.

Surah?a:: ..8613 - $ t$ m & H - ' 9X & $b ; !/ + % + & I vo - i$ - %-' 9X - ! - n & E6 & G $a $# $ $ " $ . ' ,-+O%-'/ q A l ! E <= A @ ( $ - %G $. $D $Y & h & %$ l ; /7 E + & p & $b $ % ; *D H $ a wa yumsiku as-samaa' an taka'a al 'ard - ?e is #he Ine holds #he sk@ from crashing on#o #he Har#h. Allah men#ions in This surah ho( ?e could make #he Har#h s(allo( us in i#- and (e kno( #ha# ?e can make #he sk@ fall on us. ?e can make #he Har#h sligh#l@ ou# of orbi#- and des#ro@ all lifeforms on #his Har#h.

-* & H - '/ + -0 5 D $ B * Hb l ,A ) 8 *) + - i: - n & %' @ & G $Y $ -i*/ $# $ '/ @ E %-$ q B . I ! E -6 - %G 8 ,-A $ L@ Do @ou no# see #ha# Allah has crea#ed #he hea>ens and #he ear#h (i#h #ru#hG &f ?e (ill- ?e can remo>e @ou and bring *in @our 5lace2 a ne( crea#ionO [&brahim ,089]

5o %e should o#ey *im& repent to *im& to #enefit from the $oodness on this (arth and more importantly - the ne8t life' )ther%ise - this hum#le (arth can re#el a$ainst us& #ein$ a source of punishment and loss for us& throu$h punishments %hich %e kno% are realistic and can ima$ine' And b@ #hen- i# (ill be #oo la#e #o


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

re5en# - if (e (ere #o die #hrough #ha# 5unishmen# and en#er hell.

Mulk part J - A#dul 2asir Ean$da - F M0D ?o%nload The follo(ing of desires and refusing Allah=s signs- #his 5erson (ill face des#ruc#ion. ?o(e>er- if someone does reflec# and obe@- #he@ (ill gain huge successes in bo#h (orlds. Allah (ill also remind us ho( #he Tools ?e has gi>en us *of hearing- seeing e#c.2 can hel5 us #o seek guidance- and ho( @ou (ill find guidance. Then an e>alua#ion is gi>en for #he 5a#h #ha# #he human chooses- and a final (arning is gi>en.

A@ah .68

- 2 H 0 + + &% ) ; aY + H. -. H 5 E6 +Z + a* E + / + "# & %' H & G $ &%' '# 0 -6 $ $b L H $ .2D $ /) & $b H + 9X %-' +w +X $ m $ 6 / 8 /
amman haadha aladhee huwwa undul-lakum ya,surukum min dooni ar-Rahman5 in-il kafireena il-laa fee ghuroor Bho is he besides #he Mos# Feneficen# #ha# can be an arm@ #o @ou #o hel5 @ouG The disbelie>ers are in no#hing bu# delusion.

am Man + =ho is'''< K 5resen# a %ues#ion and s#ar# a ne( line of discussion. haadha (this)& aladhee + the one %ho'' Eund + Army' A formal army'
?= Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

#he Scholars e'5lain3 An alread@ 5re5ared arm@ #ha# is s#anding in 5re5ara#ion for @ou #o call #hem #o figh#. la,um - for 4ou (plural) So Allah is im5l@ing3 Af#er recognising all of #hese blessings of Allah- (hich 5re5ared arm@ do @ou ha>e..G @a2suruKum - #ha# *(ill2 *elp Cou. min - from ?oon + somethin$ to #e 3o%er' *o55osi#e of )a(J K Abo>e2 [similar #o Tah# K 4nder] Ano#her meaning of Doona is8- )ther than& Aside from' *and i# has a meaning of a =lo%er )ther=2 So (hich arm@ do @ou ha>e )ther than-Aside from the Most Merciful (ar-1ahman)'' An@ of #he crea#ion is al(a@s going #o be3 - $o(er Beaker $ess and Allah is al%ays $oin$ to #e $reater'

min ?oon [an )#>ect] - #ein$ A$ainst someone& #ein$ in )pposition to someone else' This meaning [of =I55osi#ion=] can also be mean# (hen #he (ord =Min= *from2 is 5laced before #he (ord Doon. Then (ha# is #his arm@ #ha# @ou ha>e #ha# (ill hel5 @ou o#her #han #he Merciful- surel@ #he disbelie>ers are in dece5#ion.

Bha#=s #he difference be#(een #he useage of Allah and ar-"ahmanG

?> Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

ar-1ahman is used in this surah #ecause the Theme of the surah of Allah $ivin$ many #lessin$s fits %ith the theme of Allah #ein$ ar-1ahmAA2 (A#undantly Merciful)' &n o#her surahs=- Mmin doon AllahM *in o55osi#ion #o Allah2 is men#ioned- (hen Allah=s ma:es#@ is being 5or#ra@ed. So ar-"ahman makes a sense of obliga#ion- since i# is a >er@ (elcoming (ord. #hy are you turning away from the Abundantly %er*iful5 #hy don't you go to him5 Bha# o#her arm@ do @ou ha>e #o #urn #o in o55osi#ion #o #he Abundan#l@ MercifulG *NooneO2. al ,afiroon - the ?is#elievers %ho are In$rateful' *#he@ are so defian#- #he@ do no# e>en (an# #o Ackno(ledge #he #ru#h2.

.."n al kafiroona il-laa fee 6huroor. Normall@ #he (ord "In" means =&f=. ?o(e>er- (hene>er #he (ord Mil-laaM *e'ce5#2 is men#ioned in #he same sen#ence- #hen i# means "2ot at all"' il-laa - e8cept fee - in

6huroor A deluded 5erson #hinks some#hing good is going #o come ou# of (ha# #he@ are doing- and #here ma@ be e'#ernal fac#ors (hich su55or# #heir claim- bu# #he@ are reall@ follo(ing a road #o danger. 0erson #ein$ convinced that the choice they are makin$ is $ood for them& #ut it is infact harmful for them' E ' C B 4 D) " - (a maa al ha@aa# ad-dun@a il-laa ma#aa= al $huroor *and (ha# is ' #he life of #his (orld e'ce5# #ools of deception2. - [aal &mran /8,N1]

$hAroor - the )ne %ho decieves-tricks someone of somethin$'


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

+a +a y & / & X & %' e + * m + *D + ! J V@ x D F %' C ' 3 - / + a &P &P & $b h F G *$ & $ E6 V *a-) %-' E l $& ) H * ' 4 +6 I mankindO Peril@- #he +romise of Allah is #rue. So le# no# #his 5resen# life decei>e @ou- and le# no# #he chief deceiver (5atan) decei>e @ou abou# Allah. [)a#ir /181] $hIroor - deception5' The ,afiroon-dis#elievers [noun form + 7onsistency on ?is#elief] (denyin$ and #ein$ un$rateful to Allah) %ho persist and continue in their dis#elief& they are I2 (fee) [completely surrounded-emer$ed I2] deception' A false reali#@. Cou canno# see #he ligh#. This is (h@ #he bigges# sin is #o be 4ngra#eful #o Allah *#o do Kufr2. Fecause @ou are co>ered in and surrounded b@ )alsehood from all around @ou- so @ou find i# hard #o see #he ligh# and Allah=s guidance.

A@ah .,8

2 H G H G & - +a +/ +3 + + + M + 9X +< I . b E 6 < M * "# % ' '# 0 . F &% 4 L o & z! $ '/Y $ / 8 /O $ $

amman haadha aladhee yarzuqukum in amsaka rizqah. bal la - oo fee utuwwin-nufoor Bho is he #ha# can 5ro>ide for @ou if ?e should (i#hhold ?is 5ro>isionG Na@- bu# #he@ con#inue #o be in 5ride- and *#he@2 flee *from #he #ru#h2.

am Man + =ho is'''< K 5resen# a %ues#ion and s#ar# a ne( line of discussion. haadha (this)& aladhee + the one %ho'' @a19u.ukum - provides @ou [all]


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda a%saka rizqah.. aMsaka - literally: to hold somethin$ #ack' If *e %as to hold #ack *is sustenance (1i9.)' ?e did no# a##ribu#e #he 5ro>ision #o #he Har#h- ra#her ?e said #ha# ?e o(ns i#. Since ?e is #he Ine (ho crea#ed i# and 5laced i# in #he Har#h. ri9.a* - (*is provision') &f ?e (as #o hold i# back- (ho could 5ro>ide for @ou A sus#ain @ouG 1i9. + meanin$; %hatever #enefits the people& it is 1i9.' (ven Air %e #reathe& emotions& sustenance& food& drink& is 1i9.'

. & 4 +% + *-G + +l ' aG 5 E6 - < & E! M G 4 - H. # $ !ul ara'aytum maa anzalAllahu lakum min rizqin. ?a>e @ou no# seen (ha# Allah has sen# do(n for @ou from 1i9.. [Cunus ,,819] Allah sends rain from #he sk@. Ce# (e canno# con#rol ho( much rain (e (ill ge#- (e migh# ge# #oo less so our 5lan#s dr@ ou#- or (e migh# ge# #oo much so our 5lan#s dro(n- or (e migh# ge# #he righ# amoun# as sus#enance for our 5lan#s- animals- and all #ha# (ill benefi# us.

1$ ' ! " + ? 0 - wa fis-samaa'i rizqukum - and in #he ear#h is @our 5ro>isions and * #ha# (hich @ou are 5romised H / ) ; F ! ' G - 8 < 3 - ' 0 * - and b@ #he Mas#er of #he hea>ensAskies- surel@ i# is #he #ru#h- :us# like @ou are #alking. [Dhari@a# 1,8 ..-./]

So Allah has alread@ decreed #he "i;JA+ro>isions for us. Aisha bin# Abu Fakr as-SiddeeJ3 Allah does no# com5le#e #he Hmaan of #he sla>e un#il he has full con>ic#ion #ha# (ha# Allah has is much grea#er #han (ha# he has in his o(n hands.
?R Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

The 0resent-future tense (Muddaari") form is used in this ayah to make an element of Incertainty' Who is it that could possibly pro ide for you! if He "#llah$ %as to hold back His &i'q from you (no% and in the future)*

..4al la oo fee utoowin wa nufoor. Allah is e'5ressing ?is disa55oin#men# (i#h #he disbelie>ers in #his 5ar# of #he a@ah. Af#er gi>ing so much e'am5les and (arnings #o #he disbelie>ers in #he 5re>ious aa@aa#- (ha# did #he@ doG al - 1ather 3a>>oo% 3a>>a + to insist on somethin$ arro$antly& stu##ornly and persistently' i.e. (hen describing a scene in cour#- and #he 5erson is insis#ing on #heir 5oin# and no# budging from #heir >ie(. *K$a::a2.

Bords in %ur=an meaning8 To insist on some#hing3 1 - Issraar (%ith a letter 5aad)' - to 0ersist' (a kaanoo @assirroona =ala al hin#hi al adheem - *and #he@ are 5ersis#en#..2 - surah al BaJi=ah. ! - Marada [#ein$ insistent upon %ron$]' Maradoo =ala an-nifaaJ - #he@ become insis#en# u5on #heir h@5ocris@. - %ur=an. #he@ kno( #he@ are (rong- bu# #he@ ha>e de>elo5ed i# as a habi# *#o be a h@5ocri#e2. / - 3a>>a - Arro$ance and Insistence and stu##orness upon dis#elief' The (ors# kind of &nsis#ence.

?0 H ' * ! ' 4 C IJ ! - ,


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

wa law rahimna hum wa kashafna maa bihim-min durrin la +a,-,oo fee tuhyaanihim ya'mahoon and (he#her Be had merc@ on #hem and remo>ed (ha#e>er 5ainsAdifficul#@ #he@ had- #he@ (ould insist-stu##ornly-arro$antly in #heir rebellion - *(andering2 blindl@. [Mu=minoon ./871] No# onl@ has #his 5erson go# a habi# on s#a@ing (rong- bu# he is (illing #o go #o an@ leng#hs on #his s#ubborness and insis#ence u5on (rong. ?e is no# going #o lis#en. This is #heir si#ua#ion. Think abou# all #he .6 aa@aa# before #his- and no( #hink - if #his 5erson does no# e>en consider reflec#ing on ge##ing close #o Allah af#er seeing #hese aa@aa#- #hen #he@ are e'#remel@ s#ubborn in #heir misguidance.

..bal $a:-:oo )HH.. :ee - In' These people have made a #u##le of dis#elief around them& they are deeply immersed I2 it' *similar #o #afseer a@ah .,2 The@ refuse #o see #hemsel>es ou#side of #his disbelief. "Itu% - to #e arro$ant' To refuse& to diso#ey #ased on arro$ance' 2ufoor - somethin$ #ein$ spread' &n #his a@ah- i# has an im5lica#ion of3 somebod@ ha>ing a very severe aversion to somethin$' This person is nevous& he is tryin$ to $et a%ay from it [the truth]' Bhen #he #ru#h is 5resen#ed #o #hem3 #he@ are ei#her3 , - >er@ arrogan#. . - #he@ (an# #o run a(a@ from @ou. These 5eo5le ha>e become >er@ se>ere in o55osi#ion #o #he #ru#h due #o #heir 5ure arrogance- because #he@ are no# (illing #o lis#en and obe@ #he Messenger ou# of arrogance.


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

The@ are >er@ se>ere in (an#ing #o kee5 #heir s#a#us in socie#@. The@ run and flee from #he #ru#h because i# goes agains# e>er@#hing #ha# #he@ desire #o do. The@ become accus#omed #o li>ing life in a cer#ain (a@ #ha# #he@ are no# (illing #o change. This reac#ion is >er@ similar #o us Muslims #hese da@s- i# is reall@ scar@. Allah=s Messenger #old us3 There are 0 charac#eris#ics of h@5ocris@ *and if #he 5erson has all #hese 0 - he is a 5ure h@5ocri#e- and if he has , - he has a##ribu#es of h@5ocris@ (i#hin him23 QAbd-Allaah ibn QAmr *ma@ Allaah be 5leased (i#h him2 #ha# #he +ro5he# *5eace and blessings of Allaah be u5on him2 said8 80 ! *K 0 *! 80 ! * ! A,'/ H 8 4 <E,I/ o*,3 l 1,Z 9 a%' H3 .ea3 l 9g /.3 H l ) 3L .5 )(K '"O "+ )(K N )( : +" ! = M.5 80 *: M,'/ ! M.5L 5/ "+ )( K 3(* >" JL ) ! ( D!A ) P'5, : 'K '0 ) - ' RThere are four *charac#eris#ics2- (hoe>er has #hem is a h@5ocri#e- and (hoe>er has one of #he four has a charac#eris#ic of h@5ocris@ unless he gi>es i# u58 , - (hen he s5eaks- he lies3 . - (hen he makes a 5romise he breaks i#3 / - (ha# he makes a 5ledge he be#ra@s i#3 0 - and (hen he dis5u#es he resor#s #o foul language.S Narra#ed b@ al-Fukhaari- ./.73 Muslim- 1N.

These #(o >er@ im5or#an# Jues#ions and challenges in #hese aa@aa#3 i.e. Which army is .oin. to help you a.ainst #llah! and %ho is .oin. to pro ide you %ith sustenance if #llah holds it back from you* No! rather these people are li in. a persistent life of falsehood and deceit/


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

A@ah ..8

3 3 G 2, 2) 2, - * H. - G o -/ - * H. 1 + 9: & G W 0 {K / $. $e $. $. * 9: 1 { K 6 X $Y $I -. E 8 ' F U $ !I $ Z 8 *`
afa man yamshee mukibban 'alaa wa hihee ahdaa, am-man yamshee sawiyyan 'alaa siraattim-mustaqeem &s he (ho (alks (i#hou# seeing on his face- more righ#l@ guided- or he (ho *sees and2 (alks on a S#raigh# Ba@ *i.e. &slamic Mono#heism2. A :a man - then %hat a#out the one'' :a - Then'' #his is being used #o 5resen# a Donclusion in #he summar@ of (ha# has been s#a#ed in #he aa@aa# before #his. yaMshiy - he =alks mu,i##an - ,a#-#a K #o put some#hing upside do%n' *kab-ba al inaa - (hen @ou (ash dishesAbo(l- and @ou 5u# #hem u5side do(n (hen #he@ are cleaned.2 ..then what about the one who walks 7'side down (mu0ib-ban+... "ala - upon %a>hi*ee - *is face a*daa - *hudaAhida@a K guidance2 - 6uided' he more guided5...

am Man - or =ho
Q] Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

yaMshiy - =alks 5a%iyyan - 0roper-strai$ht-Appropriately "ala 5iraat al musta/eem - upon the Ipri$ht-firm path'

These are . grou5s of 5eo5le (ho are being discussed3 , - #he one (ho ignores #he signs of Allah- 5ersis#s arrogan#l@ on ungra#efulness and disbelief. . - or #he 5eo5le (ho reflec#- belie>e and do good. )ne person is %alkin$ on his face do%n the %ron$ path %ithout kno%in$ %here he is $oin$' The second person is %alkin$ properly on the upri$ht path' Bha#=s mean# b@ #his &mager@G Sahih Fukhari and Muslim8 Anas bin Malik8 Be asked Allah=s Messenger ho( a 5erson (alks on his face. Allah=s Messenger re5lied *meaning28 &sn=# i# 5ossible #ha# #he Ine (ho made @ou (alk on @our legs- isn=# ?e able #o make @ou (alk on @our faceG Be canno# com5rehend i# full@- bu# (e kno( #ha# (alking on ones face is unna#ural- and i# is a sign of humilia#ion. As humans (e can unders#and #his a@ah be##er #hrough #he ne'# a@ah.

A@ah ./8

"# K *, - n-'/ +% + i: 4 VC aG ) -I - +< J + 4 c & %' E $< $X $ & %' / Z - n-'/ T . N Y / E 0 -6 +6

Q1 Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

- ! . +: H +6 & /
Jul hu((a aladhee ansha=akum (a :a=ala lakum as-sam=a (al absaara (al af=idah. Jaleelan maa #ashkuroon. Sa@ i# is ?e Bho has crea#ed @ou- and endo(ed @ou (i#h hearing *ears2- seeing *e@es2- and hear#s. $i##le #hanks @ou gi>e.

So far Allah has been addressing #he disbelie>ers direc#l@- bu# no( ?e #ells ?is Messenger3 /ul (5ay)'' Allah is no( #elling ?is Messenger #o s5eak- ?e (ill no# e>en #alk #o #he disbelie>ers direc#l@ ou# of anger. "a#her- ?e (ill #ell ?is honorable Messenger #o Sa@.. *#he (ords in #his a@ah2.

!* E &# & $ tX H +6 + & ,N -I & * . $ I / % a $,$ +(a a -e Be ha>e made #he remembrance >er@ easil@Aflo(ing on @our #ongue so #ha# ho5efull@ #he@ (ill unders#and. [Dukhan 0081N] The Messenger of Allah (as >er@ 5o(erful in his message. So him being a human being and sa@ing (ords of Allah had a >er@ 5o(erful im5ac# on #he 5eo5le. $ike a hear#-#o-hear#- because humans unders#and o#her humans. So b@ Allah ordering ?is honorable human Messenger #o Sa@ some#hing- i# is a close connec#ion be#(een one human #o ano#her. *u%%a aladhee - *e is the )ne %ho an5ha"akum - create and :lourish- $re% you and #lossomed you' %a Ea"alakum - and *e Made for 4ou (all); as-5am"a - a#ility to *ear' 2 "ela#ed3 4dhun - ear. (a fee aadhaanihim (akr *and in #heir ears [is] blockage. - Juran


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

a saara - vision - insi$ht' asar - vision' a:"idah - *earts' :u"aad refers to emotions and passions in the heart' I'e' A heart on fire (#urnin$ %ith feelin$s and desires)' Arabic sa@ing3 82ahmun $a'eedun8 - mea# cooked on fire. a)=ida - is #he 5lural of )u=aad.

The %ur=an language is e'#remel@ 5recise3 5am"a is a Massdir - the 7oncept-a#ility to listen' &.e. The abili#@. hearI26' So it is in the sin$ular' 5i$ht is in 5lural *aBsaar2. Fecause 5eo5le ha>e ! eyes' a:"ida *hear#5 - 5lural2 - because #here are man@ 0assion5 (i#hin a human hear#. This is sho(ing #he e'#reme 5recision in #he %ur=an. A rhe#orical benefi# is #ha#3 The s5ecific benefi# is3 5am"a - sin$ular - a#ility to *ear' Man@ 5eo5le can hear- and #he@ [humans] hear in one similar (a@. a saar - vision5-si$ht5. - 5eo5le mi$ht look at the sky and see different vision5. So 5lural is sui#ed for #his. a:"idah - passion5. - 5eo5le ha>e man@ different passion5' So 5lural is sui#ed.

/aleelan - very very fe%' ?a>ing /aleel means you hardly have anythin$& fi$uratively - it"s like you have 2othin$' )a laa @u=minoona il-laa Jaleela - #he@ do no# belie>e- e'ce5# a $i##le. Arab sa@ing3 haadhihee arddun %al-la maa #ambud - #his is an Har#hAland (here barel@ an@#hing (ill gro(.


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

/al - fe%' *#his is abi# more #han %aleel2. 0aleelan maa ta1hkuroon - 4ou are hardly $rateful for anythin$ at all' The abili#@ #o com5rehend #he hear- see- and feel 5assions. All #hese #ools are used #o com5rehend and recognise #he #ru#h3 ?earing *Sam=a2- Seeing *aFsaara2 and #he feelings in #he hear# *a)=ida2. So if (e go back #o #he 5re>ious a@ah- (e see #ha#3 *earin$& 5eein$ and 7omprehendin$ %ith our hearts %ill affect ho% %e act' 5o the person %ho is on the correct $uidance is upri$ht like a human %ho kno%s the direction %hich he is $oin$ in& %ith his head lookin$ for%ard and %ith confidence and full kno%led$e' *o%ever the dis#eliever %ill %alk like a do$ %ho lo%ers his head to the $round& not kno%in$ %hich direction to $o in& so he %alks %ithout purpose& smellin$ the $round and follo%in$ the direction his desires take him' *e doesn"t see the full picture and %here he is headin$ to'

A@ah .08

"# + o + G $b/ D -! - n-' 9X - +< H +: + 4 $ *-% $ E $ & %' / / q # 0 $ -6

qul huwwa aladhee dhara'akum fee al arddi wa ilayhi tuhsharoon Sa@8 M&# is ?e Bho has crea#ed @ou from #he ear#h- and #o ?im shall @ou be ga#hered *in #he ?ereaf#er2.M

/ul hu%%a aladhee - 5ay *e is the )ne' ?hara"a - si$nify creatin$ somethin$& and then spread-scatter it' Allah made us humans and s5read us around #he Har#h.
Q? Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Dhurri@a - also comes from #his (ord - our future )ffsprin$ - %ho is spread and ?ispersed after us' :i al Ardd - in (and on) the (arth %a ilayhi tu*sharoon - and to *im you %ill #e herded-$athered' This is #o crea#e more em5hasis- #o crea#e 5o(er in #his s#a#emen#. To ?im @ou (ill re#urn. &n o#her 5laces of #he %ur=an- Allah sa@s3 + Q ! ) ' 8 0 ! * J ( ' 8 H , ; , Q RB G J / 8 0 J ' 1 ' P( ; - (ho (ill gi>e #o Allah a beau#iful loan and ?e (ill mul#i5l@ i# alo# for him.. and onl@ #o ?im @ou (ill re#urn [tu&,a'oon]. *surah al FaJarah .8.012 &n #his a@ah- Allah s5oke abou# mone@ and 5ro5er#@. Bha#=s #he differenceG The %ur=an useage is e'#remel@ accura#e. &n #he a@ah abou# mone@ and chari#@ *in surah al FaJarah .8.012 - Allah #old us #ha# (e (ould re#urn #o ?im- and in effec# - see #he resul#s of (ha# (e did s5end in #his (orld. &n #his a@ah of #his surah- Allah s5oke abou# crea#ing us as humans and dis5ersingAs5reading us on Har#h- so i# is most suita#le to mention that %e %ill #e herded #ack (hashr) on one final day' This is #he end of session 1- and #he 5raise is for Allah. &nsha=Allah (e (ill com5le#e surah Mulk in #he ne'# session.

Mulk @ - [A@ah .1-/6] - Do(nload M+/


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

A@ah ./ and .0 (ere a men#ion of Allah=s Messenger being #old b@ Allah #o sa@ #o #he disbelie>ers3 Sa@8 &e is the 9ne who has *reated you and nourished you, and &e has gi3en you the ability to hear and see, and your emotions-'assions-desires. &e is the 9ne who has gi3en you all of this. These are what our life, de*isons and e/'erien*es are based on. 4ut you gi3e little to no thanks. Sa@3 ?e alone is #he Ine (ho has alone s5read @ou ou# #hroughou# #he Har#h. And no doub#@ou (ill be herded back #o ?im. This en#ire surah has been reasoning (i#h #he human- so (h@ don=# @ou realise #ha# Allah has gi>en @ou all #his. H>en #his Har#h (hich @ou (alk on - i# could s(allo( @ou (hole. This sk@ and #he s#ars and sun- and rain - (ha#=s #here #o guaran#ee #o @ou #ha# rocks (on=# fall do(n on @ou from #ha# e'ac# same sk@ *i.e. #hrough a hurricaneA#ornadoG2. Bha# made @ou so deludedG Then Allah has gi>en #he guided u5righ#ness- and #he misguided ones no direc#ion3 #he charac#eris#ics of a beas# (ho lo(ers i#s face #o #he ground #o smell i#s (a@ in #he (rong direc#ion- (i#h in#en# #o onl@ fulfill i#s desires. Bhich one is be##erG Be are reminded #ha# e>er@#hing (e ha>e has been gi>en #o us from Allah. A@ah .0 #hen men#ions #ha# (e can do (ha# (e (an#- bu# (e (ill re#urn #o ?im. Bhen @ou ask #he disbelie>ers (ho crea#ed #hem- and gi>en #hem all #ha# #he@ ha>e - #he@ (ill kno( i#=s Allah- bu# #he@ (ill no# ha>e a s#rong argumen# in re5l@. So #he@ (ill resor# #o argumen#Afigh#ingAraising >oices - gi>ing res5onses (hich are #o#all@ differen# #o (ha# @ou (ere originall@ asking #hem..

A@ah .18

2 1 + /` 0 + a6 + Hb + */ 2 !. +3 -/ H $) $ Z *< E %-' '# H /% -! $ )

wa ya!ooloona mataa haadha-al wa'du in kuntum saadiqeen
QR Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

And The@ sa@8 MBhen (ill #his 5romise *i.e. #he Da@ of "esurrec#ion2 come #o 5assG if @ou are #elling #he #ru#h.M

(a ya/ooloona - and they 5ay-%ill 5ay *5resen#-fu#ure #ense [Muddaari=]2 Allah uses #his #ense #o sho( us #ha# #his is all #ha# #he@ (ill onl@ sa@. The@ are sa@ing #his a# #he #ime of #he Messengers= of Allah- and (ill con#inue #o re5ea# e>en in fu#ure genera#ions. Mataa - =hen' Bhen #he disbelie>ers use #his (ord *es5eciall@ (hen #he@ are Juo#ed in #he %ur=an using #his (ord2- #he@ use i# #o mock and discredi# #he message of #he Messengers= and #o make fun of #hemAchallenge #hem.

= ! 9 RB 0 P( 9 ) ! & & ' " , #' * = J ' !/ + ! ' @ 4 0 / H ! ! 0 1 1 * 1 Then- #he@ (ill sa@8 MBho shall bring us back *#o life2GM Sa@8 M?e Bho crea#ed @ou firs#OM Then- #he@ (ill shake #heir heads a# @ou and sa@8 MBhen (ill #ha# be GM Sa@8 M+erha5s i# is nearOM [&sra= ,781,] The@ use #his (ord Ma#aa #o be challenging and making fun- sa@ing Bhen (ill #his ha55en. Mataa - =hen haadha - this =a"d - promise'

Bhen (ill #his 5romise ha55enG The@ are ske5#ical and #r@ing #o make fun.. //In kuntum 1aadiqeen - if you are Truthful/ So #he disbelie>ers are also a##acking and Jues#ioning #he >alidi#@ of #he Messenger. These 5eo5le are discredi#ing #he Messenger- e>en #hough #he Messengers are kno(n #o be #ru#hful charac#ers.


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

So #hese disbelie>ers are #r@ing #o find an@ means #o discredi# #he message- e>en #hough #he message makes clear sense like da@ligh#. &n #his is a sub#le message3 The disbelie>ers are sa@ing #his #o #he #he Messenger and his follo(ers. So #his means #ha# #he )ollo(ers are A$SI con>e@ing #he message #o #he 5eo5le. So (hen is #his grea# da@ going #o ha55enG #hat is the res'onse5 &s #he Jues#ion sincereG &s #he in#en# #o find ou# sincereG &s i# a logical and sensible Jues#ionG No- i#s a s#ubborn e'cuse #o doub# #ha# Da@ and i# (ill no# make a difference (he#her (e kno( #he da#e of #he udgmen# Da@ or no#. &# is sufficien# #o kno( #ha# i# is going #o ha55en so (e should 5re5are for i#. Bha# is #he res5onse #o #he Jues#ion of #he disbelie>ersG

A@ah .68

& $ b/ & $b 4 ; *$ . ; *# - +< H F a3 $ a aG . $ E $ %-' . a l $& ) a + ,-N

!ul innamaa-al 'ilmu 'inda Allahi wa inna maa ana nadheerun mubeen Sa@ *I Muhammad SAB28 MThe kno(ledge *of i#s e'ac# #ime2 is (i#h Allah onl@- and & am onl@ a clear (arner.M /ul - say Inna maa - (8clusivity - it confirms somethin$ + 2o dou#t that )nly'' "Ilm - kno%led$e (of the :inal ?ay) "Ind Allah - =ith-near Allah'
Q[ Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

(a &nna Ma - and No Doub#- Inl@ Ana - I - me 2adh((r - 7)25TA2T =arner *iNdhar - (arning 5eo5le ou# of genuine concern for #hem ou# of a danger (hich ma@ come #o #hem.2 No doub#- & am onl@ a Barner mu een - 7larity-clear' 2adheerun Mu#een - A %arner %ith 7larity - i.e. he (arns 5eo5le (i#h full de#ail of (ha# dangers lie ahead. Say - ,o doubt this knowledge is only with Allah. And no doubt, " am only a warner who *larifies things for (you+ 'eo'le.

Be can $earn8 , - Bhen disbelie>ers Jues#ion us sarcas#icall@- (e do no# need #o ans(er #hem emo#ionall@ or (i#h sarcasm. "a#her- (e can $ive a truthful and lo$ical ans%er- sho%in$ that %e are not affected #y their sarcasm' . - The goal of #hese 5eo5le is #o #r@ #o make us Muslims look emo#ional and (eak and 5eo5le (i#hou# >alid ans(ers. So if (e ans(er #heir Jues#ions- (e should provide responses re$ardin$ critical issues of faith *=AJeedah - belief in Allah- Messengers=- udgmen# Da@2- since #ha# is #he main difference be#(een us and #hem. Their final 5lan is #o ask #he dumbes# and disres5ec#ful Jues#ions3 so #ha# (e look like Dra;@ 5eo5le infron# of o#hers. / - =e do not need to ans%er their e8act .uestion' 4ou talk #ack and control the discussion in 4our direction' Allah is #eaching ?is Messenger #o #ake con#rol of #he discussion3 calm- rela'ed- ra#ional.


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

This is 5ro>en b@ #he %ues#ion 5or#ra@ed in a@ah .1- and #he res5onse in a@ah .6. &f #he (ord '$a qul' (as men#ioned in a@ah .6- i# (ould mean3 'Then say..' *in res5onse2. ?o(e>er- "/ul" %as only stated - "5ay"... This sho(s #ha# Allah=s Messenger ne>er e>en had #o ans(er #heir sarcas#ic Jues#ion direc#l@. "a#her- he (ill sa@ a res5onse (hich con#rols #he discussion- (hich is of a grea#er im5or#ance and is ra#ionalAunders#andable #o #he 5eo5le.

Be see #ha# #he (ords of #he %ur=an are 5recise. The direc# ans(er is being gi>en and3 makes @ou look3 confiden#- una5ologe#ic- and in con#rol of #he discussion.

Be also learn3 *umility is being #augh# in #his a@ah - 8" am only a *lear warner.8 This is 5ro#ec#ion for #he 5erson ans(ering #he Jues#ion3 - #he Messenger is no# being arrogan#. - The disbelie>er is no# a##acking me- he is insul#ing Allah.

A@ah .78

2 4 KO 0 + a6 + "# + +(/- G X - c*I 6 H %-M o +O + /Y + / + B &, $ $ E! $ &%' '# $/ $ &%' ( $ u *< '/ *# . & ! H + ) /3
fa lammaa ra-awhu zulfatan see-at wu oohu-aladheena kafaroo wa qeela haadha aladhee kuntum bihee tad-da'oon Fu# (hen #he@ see i# a55roaching- #he faces of #hose (ho disbelie>e (ill be dis#ressed- and i# (ill be said- MThis is #ha# for (hich @ou used #o call.M


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

)a [#hen] lammaa 3ammaa - *$amA$i al #a(Jeed2 - so %hen (somethin$ has not happened #ut it is $oin$ to happen) 5o %hen 1a"a%hu - they %ill 5ee it' "a=a( - #he@ See *5as# #ense2 [@a"a( - #he@ (ill e>en#uall@ see - 5resen#-fu#ure #ense] So (hen #he@ see i#..

Bh@ is 5as# #ense usedG The fu#ure #ense has a 5robabili#@ of 4ncer#ain#@- because (e are unsure of fu#ure e>en#s. The 5as# is Der#ain because i# has alread@ ha55ened. So (hen fu#ure #ense is said in a 5as# #ense forma# - i# im5lies #ha#3 #his e>en# of #he fu#ure is so "eal- #ha# i# is as Der#ain as #he 5as# i#self. &# is a )ADT. fa lammaa Ra'awhu - then ,o doubt, when they will see it (the $inal :ay+.. Bu3:atan - somethin$ to come 2ear step #y step& slo%ly to%ards you' This Da@ of udgmen# and #he hereaf#er - #he@ are going #o see i# coming closer i.e. #he@ see #hemsel>es going old- #he angel of dea#h- #he 5unishmen# of #he gra>e- #he udgmen# Da@#he Accoun#ing- #he Beighing Scale *Mee;aan2- #he ?ellfire. Bhen #he@ see #his *and #he@ (ill see #his2 slo(l@Agraduall@ a55roaching #hem.. 5ee"at - (5aa"a-yasoo"u) - somethin$ to #e very ad' See=a# - 5assi>e #ense of Fad. Their faces freshness %ill #ecome ad' *i.e. classical scholars (ould e>en use #his (ord #o e'5lain (hen someone is going #o face #he dea#h 5enal#@ - #heir faces are in #his s#a#e [see=a# (u:ooh]2. Ir (hen someone belo>ed
R1 Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

#o @ou dies e#c. An#on@mAI55osi#e8 *assan: (8cellence-$ood-#eautiful' See=a# (u:oohu aladheena kafaroo - #he faces of #hose (ho disbelie>e (ill #urn bad.. ,afaroo - those %ho dis#elieve (are In$rateful-7over truth %ith dis#elief)

%a /eel - and it %ill #e 5aid& haadha aladhee kuntum bihee tad-da'oon - this is that %hich you used to call for/ Normal Arabic sen#ence s#ruc#ure8 #ad-da=oona bihee - Cou called *asked2 for #his.. This A@ah sen#ence s#ruc#ure bihee #ad-da=oon - *Hs5eciall@2 for #his @ou called *asked2.. ;ou were really adamant, weren't you5 Cou (ould challenge #he Messenger and (ere sarcas#ic (i#h him. The disbelie>ers (ould sa@3

& ! @ ( ) ' + 1 T !) " / 3 # ( + ! ( * , ! - B ' H S0 / # and (hen #he@ said3 I Allah if #his *religionAmessenger2 is #rul@ from @ou- #hen rain do(n s#ones on us from @ou- or bring do(n on us #he grea#es# 5unishmen#. [Anfal N8/.] This is #he (a@ #he@ (ould s5eak. The@ (ere >er@ disres5ec#ful and challenging. #hy do you ha3e the look of death on your fa*e now5 This is (ha# @ou used #o call for (i#h em5hasis *#ad-da=oon2. #ad=oon - @ou called for. tad-da"oon - you called for %ith (mphasis *#he Shadda [re5ea#Aem5hasis] on le##er Daal sho(s em5hasis on #he s#a#emen#2. 4ou demanded it' 4ou kept askin$ for it'
R= Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

All of #his is em5hasised (i#h #he ShaddaAHm5hasis b@ re5ea#ing #he le##er ?aal #(ice [#adda=oon].

A@ah .N8

& 9 + *-G 0 a. , - G H - $b E - +< + *Y + H. & H. $ $. $6 X D /- G 9 N / +l a G 4 -! $ * 3 %-' -. E 8 '# $ G _ $ H $ 6 H * $X 8 *%

!ul aRa'aytum in ahlakanee Allaha wa man ma'eeya aw Rahimanaa fa man yaJeeru al 0aafireena min adhaabin aleem Sa@ *I Muhammad SAB28 MTell meO &f Allah des#ro@s me- and #hose (i#h me- or ?e bes#o(s ?is Merc@ on us- - (ho can sa>e #he disbelie>ers from a 5ainful #ormen#GM H>en #hough #he disbelie>ers are adaman# on #heir disbelief- Allah s#ill em5hasises ?is a##ribu#e of Merc@A"ahm in #his surah. So one las# #ime- Allah #ells ?is Messenger make #hem #hink and consider #heir choice. /ul - 5ay a1a"aytum - do you 5ee (have you considered& thou$ht)' Fecause (hen ou#righ# (arning (as gi>en #o #he disbelie>ers- #he disbelie>ers (ould res5ond (i#h >iolence and #r@ #o harm and kill #he Messenger of Allah Muhammad *sal Allah ala@hi (asalam.2

3 ' ! ! , ' 8 , ' + / U Ir do #he@ sa@8 M*Muhammad SAB is2 a 5oe#O Be a(ai# for him some calami#@ b@ #imeO [Tur 1.8/6] ' * ) ' Q ! , , ! @ ' ' ( 5 9 Q * ! * R@ ' / @ / @ ' * ( G ' * 5 And *remember2 (hen #he disbelie>ers 5lo##ed agains# @ou *I Muhammad SAB2 #o
R> Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

im5rison @ou- or #o kill @ou- or #o ge# @ou ou# *from @our home- i.e. Makkah23 #he@ (ere 5lo##ing and Allah #oo (as 5lanning- and Allah is #he Fes# of #he 5lanners. [Anfal N8/6]

In a*lakanee Allah - *?a>e @ou considered2 if Allah ?estroyed-killed me %a man Ma"((a - or those =ith M( *This is e'ac#l@ (ha# ha55ened in #he differen# ba##les- es5eciall@ #he ba##le of KhandaJAAh;ab - (hen #he disbelie>ers uni#ed and in#ended #o surround and des#ro@ all #he Muslims of Medinah com5le#el@.2 a% - or 1ahima2a - (had) Mercy (on) Is' Allah did no# sa@ - a?@ana - keep us Alive' "a#her- ?e said "ahimaNa - did Merc@ *on2 4s. So i# is b@ Allah=s Merc@ #ha# (e are ali>e. ?adi#h8 8The best ty'e of 'erson is the one whose life is long and his a*tions are good.8 Bhe#her (e die or don=# die-

fa man'' 5o %ho [(ill] yuEeer - to $rant sanctuary-assylum-safety-protection to someone' al kaafireen - the dis#elievers ! ? - ) " " " ? ' ! 8 " / Q ! / ! 1 Sa@- M&ndeed- #here (ill ne>er 5ro#ec# me from Allah an@one [if & should disobe@]- nor (ill & find in o#her #han ?im a refuge. [ inn 7.8..] min - from adhaa#in - punishment aleem - tormentin$-painful


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

A reali#@ check has been sho(n. &# isn=# abou# us- (e migh# die. Fu# @ou s#ill ha>e #o face Allah. So 5u# @our 5ride aside. Be care #ha# @ou are sa>ed from ?is 5unishmen# for @our e>ils. The disbelie>ers are figh#ing #hose (ho are #r@ing #o hel5 #hem. The Messenger is being #old #o #ell #hese 5eo5le #o use #heir senses- bu# #hese 5eo5le are being childish b@ 5lacing false 5ride infron# of #hem.

This a@ah also brings a reali#@ of Dea#h8 No-one (ill li>e fore>er3 / 9 " ! 5 @ , ,1 ! " 5 0 - !V - ' 0 # - and Be did no# make for humans before @ou e#erni#@- if @ou die- #hen (ill #he@ li>e fore>erG [Anbi@a .,8/0] ) ) ! - - @ - surel@ @ou *I Muhammad2 (ill die and #he@ #oo (ill die2. [Eumar /98/6] &mam al Shafi=i also had a 5oem in (hich he said #ha#3 #he 5eo5le (ho (an# me dead don=# realise #ha# #he@ #oo are going #o follo( #he same 5a#h *of dea#h2.

A@ah .98

2 D N &/ 3 &. V a,-6 -. - !I - - +< 9X + H +, +. + 4 & %' / $ / $ *-, $ $ a 0 H /. X ! o / o fH 0 g H F 4 8 J 8 *$ .

!ul huwwa ar-Rahman aamannaa bihee wa alayhi tawakkalnaa fa sa ta'lamoona man huwa fee ddalaalin mubeen Sa@8 M?e is #he Mos# Feneficen# *Allah2- in ?im (e belie>e- and in ?im (e 5u# our #rus#. So @ou (ill come #o kno( (ho is i# #ha# is in manifes# error.M


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

%ul - sa@ hu%%a ar-1ahman - he is the A#undantly Merciful aaman2aa #ihee - =e #elieve in *im (a ala@hi #a(akalnaa - and H'clusi>el@ u5on ?im (e 5u# our #rus# fa sa ta"lamoon - then very soon you %ill $et to kno% man huwwa fee :alaalin mubeen - (ho (as immersed in a >er@ clear errorAmisguidance. Toda@ #he disbelie>ers #hink (e are s#range- and #he@ #hink (e are misguided. Soon #he@ (ill kno(..

HloJuence of #his a@ah8 , - Aamannaa bihee - (e belie>e in ?im [Allah] *normal sen#ence s#ruc#ure2 . - wa alayhi tawakalnaa - and H'clusi>el@ u5on ?im (e 5u# our #rus#2. Number , 5hrase is no# e'clusi>e- #he o#her 5hrase [.] is H'clusi>e #o Allah. Bh@ is , e'clusi>e and . no#G , - Fecause (e belie>e in Allah- bu# also in o#her 5oin#s in fai#h *i.e. Angels- Messengers= e#c.2 . - H>en #hough (e belie>e in o#her 5oin#s of fai#h- (e 5u# our #rus# in Allah H'clusi>el@ alone. This sho(s ho( 5recise #he %ur=an is. &n a@ah .7* ! T ' : - see=a# (u:oohu aladheena kafaroo - those %ho dis#elieve& their faces ( %ill #ecome ad' ?is#elief leads to :ailure' &n #his a@ah- (e see #ha# belief leads #o Allah=s Merc@.
RR Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

If you dis#elieve - you fail' if you #elieve - you have hope of Allah"s Mercy'

A@ah /68

+ *! +r + *-G ' E K /- w - G H - $b E - +< H + . & 7 $. $ -i* H. 8 . $ E6 X d Z G 4 -6 -! 8 *N

!ul aRa'aytum in aSbaha maa'ukum ghawran, fa man ya'teekum bi maa'in ma'een Sa@- M?a>e @ou considered8 if @our (a#er (as #o become sunken [in#o #he ear#h]- #hen (ho could bring @ou flo(ing (a#erGM

/ul - say a1a"aytum - have you 5een (considered-thou$ht)

in aSbaha Maa=a kum - if *e %as to a5#ah - 7han$e (7han$e suddenly overni$ht) your =ater' 6ha%ra - somethin$ ?eep' $haar - cave (#ecause it is deep)' somethin$ deep in the mountain' 6ha%r - if #he %ater sinked ?eep into the (arth' &f ?e (as #o make @our (a#er una>ailable #o @ou- #hen (ho could bring #o @ou (a#er #ha# is Ma=een. Ma"een - %ater on the surface %hich is flo%in$ calmly and smoothly *i.e. like a stream-pure-cool2. H>en #his (ord is >er@ sof# #o 5ronounce and 5leasing #o sa@ and hear. So (e are seeing (a#er sinking K disbelief and kufr.
RS Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Ba#er flo(ing cool and soo#hing K belief and Hmaan.

There is a hadi#h #ha# Allah=s Messenger (ould sa@ in "es5onse #o #his las# a@ah3 #llahu &abbul 'aalameen - #llah! the +ord of the Worlds/ Af#er all #hese aa@aa#- Allah makes #hem reflec# on (a#er (hich is e'#remel@ >aluable. &f #his (a#er (hich humans de5end on for life (as #o sink dee5 in #he ground *(hich is an eas@ reali#@2 - (ho (ill ge# us (a#er #o drinkG

e$innin$ of this 5urah"s 1elation to it"s (nd8 1A@ah , - in Allah=s hand alone is #he Kingdom- and Inl@ ?e is in con#rol o>er e>er@#hing. The $as# a@ah is a Donclusion and 5rac#ical manifes#a#ion of #ha# a@ah [,] - #ha# if Allah (as #o sink all #his (a#er (e de5end on #o sur>i>e - causing i# #o sink dee5 in#o #he ground- (ho can gi>e us (a#er af#er #ha# e'ce5# ?imG

!A@ah . - ?e is #he Ine (ho crea#ed lifelessness and life #o #es# (ho are #he mos# e'cellen# of @ou in deed. * ! T ' : - See'at wu ooh aladheena kafaroo - those %ho dis#elieve& their faces ( %ill #ecome ad' [a@ah .7] *The disbelie>ers become *opeless and ha>e a bad ending.2

' 3 , ' 5 ' 4 4 ! ( ) - Those %ho fear their 3ord in secret& for them is , / B , ' ! ! * for$iveness and a $reat re%ard' [a@ah ,.] & 9 - 5ay& H*e is the Most Merciful; %e have #elieved in *im& and * + , 8 8 W! ' 1 upon *im %e have relied'& [ayah !M]
R[ Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

Those (ho belie>e ha>e *ope in #he Merc@ of #heir $ord.

This is #he end of surah Mulk- and #he 5raise is for Allah.

!!"e#urn #o $inguis#icMiracle %uran &nde'


Surah Mulk Abdul Nasir Jangda

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