Surah Qariah

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Asalaam alaikum warahmatulah wabarakatuh

Surah al Qari'ah [101]- Miracle Dream Tafseer - Nouman Ali

!elation of Surah al Qari'ah to the cluster of " surahs#


$e s%oke before about a cluster of 4 surahs'; Zilzal, 'Aadiyat, now - al Qari'ah, and Takathur. These surahs ha&e a %attern of# Akhirah '(u)*ment Da+,- worl)l+ life- Akhirah '(u)*ment Da+, a*ain- an) worl)l+ life. This surah is about the Akhirah 'the ne/t life - (u)*ment Da+,. $hat makes the surahs' bunch to*ether0 Surah 1il2al s%oke about the last Da+.Surah 'Aa)i+at talks about the realit+ ri*ht now - of man bein* un*rateful. Surah al Qari'ah focuses on (u)*ment Da+ a*ain- an) its cite) more towar)s warnin*. So Allah talks more about 3ell than 4ara)ise. Surah al Takathur a*ain talks about this worl)- an) %eo%les com%etin* for this worl).

Then we fin) in the %re&ious Surah# 5&en surah Aa)i+at '100, an) al Qari'ah '101, are surahs' which ha&e a relation with each other. 'Surah Aa)i+at 10067-10, - )oes he not know when the contents of the *ra&es will be %ulle) out0 An) what is in the hearts will be ma)e known., $hate&er the contents of the *ra&es will be %ulle) out- what is in the hearts will be ma)e known - these will be e/%laine) in more )etail in this Surah. Surah 1il2al an) al Qari'ah mentione) Thi8l 'bur)en, on (u)*ment Da+. This makes them connect because the+ ha&e similar lan*ua*e st+le.

That Da+- the %eo%le will be )is%erse) an) )e%arte) [into cate*ories] to be shown [the result of] their )ee)s. [1al2alah 7769]

This surah e/%lains surah 2il2al 'a+ah " of surah Qari'ah6 Mabthooth - scattere) like moths., A subtle connection# there is a se8uence of e&ents as far as our )ee)s an) :u)*ment are concerne). So we will be han)e) our books. To show us what we )i)- our )ee)s will be wei*he)- then we will be :u)*e). 1 - han)e) the book ; - shown contents < - wei*he) an) e&aluate) " - :u)*ment. Surah 1il2al )iscusse) the showin* of contents. The first %art has been )iscusse) in earlier surahs. =ut e&aluation has not been mentione) in as much )etail there- but it will be mentione) in this surah. 5&aluation is im%ortant because we mi*ht see alot of )ee)s- but our intentions mi*ht not be sincerel+ for Allah's sake. So the e&aluation will &erif+ if our )ee)s are worth an+thin* or if the+ are turne) into worthless )ust. So this surah combines the )ee)s an) the intentions.

A+ah 1- A+ah ;- A+ah <6

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al Qari'ah- 'ism >a'il?noun that )oes somethin* - acti&e %artici%le,.

The Rattler. Qara'a - when two thin*s hit each other &iolentl+ an) make a )isturbin* noise. @f it )oes not make +ou scare) or startle) - it is not a Qari'ah. @t is also use) for a tou*h situation when a lou) noise has taken +our %eace awa+. yuqra'ul 'abdu bil 'assaa - a slave is being hit by a big stick/cane ''assaa,- an) it Disturbs +ou because the stick is makin* a lou) noise when the human is bein* hit. $hen +ou insult someone an) humiliate someone - it is a 8ara'a because it startles an) )isturbs this %erson. A car crash can also be a Qari'ah if two cars colli)e# because it makes a ban* soun) an) it startles?shocks the one who sees it ha%%en. qara'a al baab - a nock on the )oor - in the mi))le of the ni*ht. So %eo%le wake u% in the mi))le of the ni*ht- startle)- scare)- an) the+ )on't know who or what is at the )oor. So alot of things are happening on udg!ent "ay, and al Qari'ah is one of the des#riptions Allah uses to des#ri$e the horror of that "ay.

Qari'ah6 The benefit of this wor) is# it is like that ni*ht &isitor who +ou )i)n't e/%ect to come- an) when he comes u%on +ou su))enl+ - +ou will wake u% from +our slee% in a shocke) an) startle) state. Aour aslee% an) it will come an) wake +ou u%. @n surah 1il2al - the %eo%le will see the 5arth shakin* &iolentl+ an) sa+# Ma Laha 'what is [wron*] with it0, [776<]

ash-Sha'rawi6 this is one of ; surahs where the st+le of the first < aa+aat is similar. The other surah is Surah 3aa88ah. A+ah 16 The Bou) noise- )estructi&e noise. A+ah ;6 what lou) noise0 A+ah <6 an) what will make +ou know what the lou) noise is0

The first time it is mentione) as thou*h there is ambi*uit+ in it. @t is not clear. The listener e/%ects a sentence with 'AB' 'the, to ha&e a conclusion. @.e. Al Qari'ah... Aou woul) e/%ect the sentence to finish to )escribe that thin* further. '@.e. The house.. was bi*., @.e. al Qari'ah. The lou)- )estructi&e calamit+.

The thought which *oes throu*h +our min)s is# What calamity? $hen the 8uestion is %ro)uce) in +our min)- an) Allah actuall+ s%eaks it - Mal Qari'ah [what calamit+0]# it is like Allah has read your !ind. Mal Qari'ah? $hat Qari'ah0 This necessitates an answer.

Ayah %&

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And what can make you know what is the Striking Calamity? And what would give you any clue as to what the dea ening loud calamity is? $hen the curiousit+ of the human has entere) into won)erin* what this calamit+ is- Allah informs us that none can reall+ know e/ce%t throu*h what Allah will tell us. Allah uses the wor) al Qari'ah - e&en thou*h the arabs know what the wor) mean't- an) the+ e&en use) it in normal s%eech. Aet Allah is makin* them won)er what the Qari'ah is. So to take a wor) which is so familiar an) to make them won)er an) be tol) that +ou )on't know what it is - is a si*n of embarrassment- an) also awe for the arab.

Allah coins terms 'Calorisation, for the arabs. This shows that 3e has %ower o&er the lan*ua*e. So 3e makes a wor) from the arabic lan*ua*e ha&e one meanin*- an) then 3e *i&es it an e&en )ee%er meanin* after that throu*h the Qur'an. @.e. Salah was a wor) use) b+ the Arabs before @slam to mean '@n&ocation?Du'a?4ra+er,. =ut Allah - throu*h the Qur'an - *a&e it a )ee%er meanin*- )efinin* it as a %ra+er with s%ecific rituals 'i.e. Qi+am- rukoo'- su:oo) [Stan)in*- bowin*- %rostatin* etc.,] 3a:: - to make %il*rima*e to a %lace of im%ortance. =ut throu*h the Qur'an - Allah has ma)e it a %il*rima*e s%ecificall+ to Makkah. Allah took o&er )ifferent wor)s- an) shows how the Qur'an ha) such a bi* im%act for the Arabs fore&er. 'this techni8ue is s%rea) e&en in our societies throu*h me)ia- %o%ular culture- constant re%etition etc. - the+ make one wor) ha&e a )ifferent meanin* throu*h re%etition of it in a )ifferent conte/t to what it was ori*inall+ in.,

So Allah has ma)e the wor) Qari'a - which referre) to a lou) startlin* noise - into a wor) which remin)s +ou of the calamit+ of (u)*ment Da+. Allah took uni8ue ownershi% of this wor). This 'Ressure#tion( "ay - alot of thin*s will strike a*ainst each other 'Qari'a, - The sun will clash with the moon- the oceans- earth- seas- *ra&es- the earth8uake 'mentione) in surah 1il2al, e&er+thin* is bein* rattle). The "ay of )reat *lash.

The Da+ of (u)*ment has been )escribe) in Sta*es6 Some scholars sa+ the horn will be blown twice 'as!saakhah ! % ,. Some scholars sa+ the horn?trum%et will be blown a <r) time too#

+- Nafkhat fa2' - The first ti!e the Tru!pet is $lown6 is when Allah comman)s the horn to be

blown - there will be terror on the 5arth. At this time- all the belie&ers' souls will ha&e been taken awa+ an) onl+ the worst of %eo%le will remain on the 5arth. All the wil) animals are bein* *athere) to*ether out of fear for themsel&es. 0 2 / 0 1 ! . ! , * + ) ' ( " & A B ' C A @ ? 5 ? = > 5 & 7 ; < : 8 9 ! 8 9 5 & 7 5 6 4 3 0 F @ E D ' B A B ' . ( 6 D mankin)- fear +our Bor). @n)ee)- the con&ulsion of the [final] 3our is a terrible thin*. Dn the Da+ +ou see it e&er+ nursin* mother will be )istracte) from that [chil)] she was nursin*an) e&er+ %re*nant woman will abort her %re*nanc+- an) +ou will see the %eo%le [a%%earin*] into/icate) while the+ are not into/icate)# but the %unishment of Allah is se&ere. [3a:: ;;6 1-;] - a mother will )ro% whatever she was fee)in*. Allah )oesn't e&en mention chil). - a %re*nant one will )ro% her bur)en i.e. >all into labour an) *i&e birth strai*htawa+ out of e/treme shock. - )runk- like the+ cannot stan) strai*ht [when the earth is shakin*], an) the+ are in a state of %anic - the+ are actin* like the+ are )runk?insane. , - fa sa'i8a - The secon) time the horn is blown6 e&er+thin* on 5arth will )ie imme)iatel+. BA % F I G H 4 O N @ F / D M L 1I D = . 1I D J 8 I & 1I G H 4 + K * 2 3 0 Q 6 > P I An) the 3orn will be blown- an) whoe&er is in the hea&ens an) whoe&er is on the earth will fall )ea) e/ce%t whom Allah wills. Then it will be blown a*ain- an) at once the+ will be stan)in*lookin* on. [1umar <96<E] 'il!la man sha' Allah - e/ce%t who Allah wills - this is referrin* to the An*el of Death - then Allah will cause him to )ie too., Then Allah will ressurect e&er+one. So the ,nd an) <r) horn?trum%ets bein* blown are mentione) in these aa+aat. $e )o not know the time inter&al between the ;n) horn?trum%et an) the <r).

% - nu ikha is!soor & 1I G H 4 - The third ti!e the horn will $e $lown6 5&er+one will be brou*ht back to life- the Qari'ah will occur. This is the one most often mentione) in the Qur'an. * 2 6 > P I R 0 ? R 0 S 1 6 4 P I So it shall onl+ be a sin*le cr+- when loF the+ shall see. [Saffat <G617] $hen Allah refers to the lou) soun)s an) scol)in* - it refers to the <r) trum%et 'soor,.

Similarities between Surah 3aa88ah an) Surah al Qari'ah + - A uni8ue %arallel between this surah 'Qari'ah, an) surah al 3aa88ah is that each surahs' first < aa+aat are e/tremel+ similar in st+le. Al "aaqah# Mal "aaqah# wa ma adraaka mal haaqah? ! The @ne&itable !ealit+- $hat @ne&itable !ealit+0 An) what will tell +ou what the @ne&itable !ealit+ is0 [Surah 3aa8ah 9761-<] Al Qari'ah# mal Qari'ah# wa ma adraaka mal Qari'ah? - The Startlin* Halamit+- $hat Startlin* Halamit+0 An) what will tell +ou what the startlin* calamit+ is0 [Surah Qari'ah 1-<] , - The "th time al Qari'ah is mentione) is in surah al 3aa88ah. ! " ( $ 0 $ O : ( 7 Thamu) an) 'A) %eo%le )enie) the Qari'ah [the strikin* 3our 'of (u)*ement,]F [3a88ah 976"]

A+ah 16 Al Qari'ah =+ sa+in* al Qari'ah alone - somethin* is ommitte) - it is not sai). $hat is not said?

D%inion 16 Some sai)# the ommission is that the Qari'ah -is on its way to you.. -/or sure., the Qari'ah 0 #ala!ity is #o!ing.

D%inion ;6 al Qari'ah! The Calamity! [i.e. @f there is a fire in a buil)in*- +ou )on't sa+ a lon* sentence# %there is a ire in the other room so you should get out&% No- +ou :ust shout IFireFI] This st+le of s%eech is bein* mentione) in this a+ah. $e can't know what the Qari'ah 'lou) calamit+, is until the one who tol) us about it tells us. So Allah tells us# what calamity? And what will give you a clue what the startling calamity is? The sus%ense buil)s u%. So Allah answers what it is in the u%comin* aa+aat.

Qari'ah definition# ash-Shawkani6 Qar' - to strike with *reat stren*th %ur%osell+. @t is one of the names of (u)*ment Da+. =ecause on that Da+ - hearts will be rattle) on that Da+ out of fear. @t is sai) that Allah re%eate) it < times to make it hea&ier 'takh eem,- *reater 'ta'dheem, an) scarier. Al Aloosi - Qari'ah is that which rattles %eo%le out of terror an) fear. $hen this ha%%ens in the sk+ - it is inshi8a8 an) infitar. Stars - intithar 'antatharat,. Sun - takweer. Mountains - )aknusifat.

'All these wor)s mentione) - )escribe the Qari'ah of each of the abo&e ob:ects which we )e%en) u%on in life., The rattlin* will be a*ainst the enemies of Allah on this Da+ ar-!a2i6 al Qari'ah - Dne wor) can be use) to *i&e warnin*. This can be )one in !af' [)amma? %e+sh] form- an) Nasab [fatha ? 2abar] form. @.e. for a fire- +ou coul) sa+# 'aara( 'Nasab form, 'aaruF '!af' form, =oth are a 1 wor) warnin* in the classical arabic lan*ua*e. ash-Shawkani also sai)6 A+ah 16 al Qari'ah coul) be use) to sa+ 'the Bou) Halamit+' =ut %eo%le mi*ht sa+# 'so what# it is a calamity )ust like any other calamity' A+ah ; an) <6 mal Qari'ah0 $a ma adraaka mal qari'ah0 J it is not like an+ other calamit+- what will *i&e +ou an i)ea of what this lou) calamit+ really is0 So the 1st a+ah is a statement of alert- an) the ;n) an) <r) aaa+aat em%hasise how bi* of a calamit+ this Qari'ah reall+ is - A calamit+ which has ne&er been e/%erience) before. $hat will *i&e +ou an i)ea what that Qari'ah is0 Aour other calamities are nothin* com%are) to the intensit+ of this one. [ash-Sha'rawi 'a master of arabic literature who sim%lifie) hi*h le&el [bala*hah] te/ts an) ma)e them eas+ to un)erstan) for )ummies?basic arabic s%eakers, he followe) the wa+s of the Arabs who woul) sa+ e/tremel+ com%le/ thin*s an) sa+ them in basic?eas+ to un)erstan) lan*ua*e?wor)s., This is the wa+ of the Qur'an - such sim%le an) eas+ to un)erstan) lan*ua*e- but so much )e%th.]

A+ah <6

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what will inform +ou what al Qari'ah is0 @n this surah- Allah sa+s# wa ma adraka mal Qari'ah? $hene&er# wa ma adraaka&& 'what $DKBD inform +ou.., - Allah will tell us. wa ma yudreeka&& 'what $@BB inform +ou.., is mentione) - Allah )oes not tell us. @n this surah- Allah will tell us because 3e sa+s# wa ma adraka mal qariah? 'a+ah <,

A+ah "6

V U W T H 7 * ' 3
the Da+ on which %eo%le 'al!nas, will be like moths )is%erse) insan allu)es to sin*ularit+. Allah uses the wor) insan to tell us the emotions of humans %ersonall+ on (u)*ment Da+. al-nas - the %eo%le 'collecti&el+,. This is a collecti&e scene- so al-Nas is more suite). farash '%lural of ar!rasha, - moths- an) bu*s

moths an) bu*s which tr+ to hit the li*ht when +ou switch it on. Allah is tellin* us %eo%le will be like moths on this Da+. Bittle tin+ bu*s *oin* aroun) in )ifferent )irections. mabthooth U V W - )is%erse). Allah has alrea)+ mentione) arash 'which has a similar meanin*, - but the wor) mabthooth em%hasises the %re&ious wor) [ ar!rash]. mabthooth - *atha X(- to be wi)es%rea). There are man+ man+ countless bu*s runnin* into )ifferent )irections- e&en bum%in* into each other. This is how us humans will become on this Da+ - when we hear the lou) startlin* Qari'ah calamit+. @t is sai)# %eo%le are com%are) to these moths- because when the+ fl+ - the+ )on't mo&e in the same )irection 'unlike bir)s which fl+ to*ether in the same )irection as a flock,. (ust when %eo%le come out of their *ra&es - the+ will )is%erse like bu*s - +ou see all the motion an) )is%ersin*- :ust like man+ bu*s fl+ in )ifferent )irections if +ou strike 'Qari'ah, at them. +hey will go in every direction- but then the+ will en) u% in either one of two )irections# either total ha%%iness- or sa)ness an) )estruction. mabthooth 'ism maf'ool ? ob:ecti&e noun, - bath X(- di1ision. So e&en thou*h ABB of humanit+ will be unite) in one location- they will $e di1ided and think only a$out the!sel1es. This is wh+ Allah sa+s# F W ( E D Z H 3 Y $ & F % F W ? [ F \ 1 F @ I F Y O 8 S K L 1I D

..the Mu:rim- 'criminal- sinner- )isbelie&er- *uilt+ man etc., woul) )esire to ransom himself from the %unishment of that Da+ b+ his chil)ren. An) his wife an) his brother. An) the nearest of his kinsfolk who *a&e him shelterAn) whoe&er is on earth entirel+ [so] then it coul) sa&e him. [Ma'ari: G061"] Then after - the+ will be )i&i)e) into two *rou%s# a successful *rou% an) a losin* *rou%. D Allahmake us of the successful *rou%- ameen.

A+ah L6

H T D 8 7 ] W Y * '
An) the mountains shall be like loosene) wool.

'ihn - wools of )ifferent te/tures. @n Arab societ+- $ool was use) more often than Hotton 'since cotton was har)er to *et hol) of e/ce%t throu*h it bein* im%orte),. !anfoosh - na asha - car) an) scra%e fibre into fine lines. !eall+fine fibres of the mountains fl+ in the air. So Allah is )escribin* the tou*h mountains as becomin* fine?thin wool on this Da+- whichwill

become so li*ht - that its thin ? wei*htless %ieces fl+ into the air. The mountains [from )ifferent locations] of )ifferent colours will be sla!me) to*ether- an) scra,e against each other - causin* )ifferent %ieces of wei*htless wool to float in the air.

D 8 7 ] W Y * ' an) the mountains will be as flakes of wool- [in terms of [their] li*htness an) [their] floatin* about in the win).] [al Ma'ari: G067] This fits into the theme of Al Qari'ah - when things strike0sla! against ea#h other. So the Mountains mo&e on this Da+ an) colli)e with each other - causin* them to be like mi/e) wools of )ifferent 'mountain, colours. @n the ol) times - %eo%le woul) beat?strike wool a**ressi&el+ 'like a Qari'ah, to flatten it out for clothin*. The wor)s are beautifull+ wo&en?connecte) to*ether. as-Sabooni has an ama2in* Tafseer calle) Safwatu at-Tafseer - which )iscusses the wor)s mentione) in each surah an) how the+ are connecte) to each other. '2hn - wool ma)e u% of )ifferent colours of the mountains. This car)e)?beat wool which is )is%erse) an) ma)e of )ifferent colours - it is a clue about the calamit+ of the mountains an) how the+ will strike to*ether with their )ifferent colours because of the 5arth8uake '1il2al, of the final Da+.

A+ah 96

F : @ " O D ^ I
Then as for one whose scales are hea&+ [with *oo) )ee)s]thaqulat mawa-een @n the a+ah before - mountains became light# and now deeds become heavy&

$hat will be wei*he)0 - 3ur deeds - 4eople will $e weighed 6] Q @ C F @ F@ @_ [ F @ ] C D F F@ 19 R 6 1( D `aL* - ] @_ cI , / Q ] Q ! 9 8 ( b S F @ * , M! " 3 D . 2 8 5 S 1 ^ F 4 + , "G;7 ZaW d ' 4 ! " 3 " 4 f : @ 8 Y I D Q . J Q $ * 7 # L D 7 C 1 Y * 7 $ 8 . D ( * D :WO F ] @e7 D F @ 1 W 4 6 Q '* ' g < ,6 @ C F @ F@ @_ [ F @ ] C ] " I F 3 " e g < I d \ H ' 1I 14WL d$C+ D.? ' ? D * , 1I 5 " O d ( 1. H 4 Z ,6] " I F Q C ! Q $ "1E ` LG1 Q! (gh b .
[NDT56 the wor)s are written backwor)s because MS $or) )oes not allow them to be written in the correct or)er]

Dne of the thin*s that in)icate that %eo%le will be wei*he) is the ha)eeth narrate) from Abu 3ura+rah 'ma+ Allaah be %lease) with him,- accor)in* to which the Messen*er of Allaah '%eace an) blessin*s of Allaah be u%on him, sai)6 A huge fat man will be brought on the Day of Re urrection! an" he will not weigh more before Allaah than the wing of a mo quito# !ecite6 5and on the "ay of Resurre#tion, 6e shall assign no weight for the!7 'al-8ahf +9&+:; < interpretation of the !eaning(.= 'Narrate) b+ al-=ukhaari- "G;7,.

@t is also in)icate) b+ the fact that [Ab)ullah] @bn MasMoo) was tr+in* to break a siwaak branch from an araak tree an) he ha) thin le*s an) the win) starte) to buffet him- so the %eo%le lau*he) at him. The Messen*er of Allaah '%eace an) blessin*s of Allaah be u%on him, sai).$hat are you laughing at?/ The+ sai)- .0 1ro,het o Allaah# because his legs are so thin&/ 3e sai)- >?y the 3ne in 6hose hand is !y soul, they will weigh !ore hea1ily in the ?alan#e than @ount Ahud.= @ts isnaa) was classe) as hasan b+ al-Albaani in Sharh al-Tahhaawi++ah- no. LG1%. "1E

$e ask Allaah to make us wei*h hea&il+ in the =alance. - some scholars sa+# The 6eight of our intentions 0 sin#erety to Allah in our )ee)s will $e weighed.

F Mawaa-eenuhu Mawaa2een D is the %lural of Mee2an. So wh+ areMawaa-en ''man+ scales' mentione)0,

Mawa2een can be %lural of either# - @eezaan - a s#ale 'one si)e has a wei*ht- an) the other scale has what is wei*he) b+ on the other si)e [i.e. su*ar- or fruits etc], - @awzoon'ism maf'ool, - what is *oin* to be wei*he). Most scholars incline to Maw2oon in the conte/t of this a+ah.

$hat is the Scale reall+ Bike0 $hen we s%eak about scales- we think of a *oo) )ee) scale an) a ba) )ee) scale- an) whiche&er wei*hs more makes +ou face the conse8uences.

=ut if +ou stu)+ the Qur'an an) Sunnah - a )ifferent ima*e is %resente). =ut this is not e/%licitl+ )escribe) in the Qur'an. the i)ea is as follows# B1il deeds will ha1e no weight, and the only thing that will ha1e weight is good deeds. ':ust like a mo)ern 'ma*netic, wei*hin* scale - where it will onl+ measure wei*ht if there is a certain thin* of &alue %lace) u%on it,. ( ] $ % D ! W ? ] " V * 7 *+ N j 0 H 4 @ 2 c I ! " 3 i . " D ; < 4 D W C ? ( _ B H 7 k And 6e shall set up $alan#es of Custi#e on the "ay of Resurre#tion, then none will be )ealt with un:ustl+ in an+thin*. An" if there be the weight of a mu tar" ee"! We will bring it# And Su icient are $e as 2eckoners& [Abi+a ;16"G] Allah is sa+in*# @f a )ee) was e&en a mustar) see) - $e woul) *i&e them that. So ob&iousl+ - it is not acce%te) if the+ are )isbelie&ers - that is wh+ Allah )oes not *i&e them an+ rewar) for their *oo) )ee)s in this life. g * @ H 6 e B ^ I F : @ " O D I )&J g * An) the wei*hin* [of )ee)s] that Da+ will be the truth. So those whose scales are hea&+ - it is the+ who will be the successful. [A'raf G6E]

$ei*ht will onl+ be the %ro%ert+ of the truth. 4 ! " 3 " 4 c I : h W g I F m " ( = l( H 7 D e B IThe+ are those who )en+ the A+at '%roofs- e&i)ences- &erses- lessons- si*ns- re&elations- etc., of their Bor) an) the Meetin* with 3im 'in the 3ereafter,. Do their works are in 1ain, and on the "ay of Resurre#tion, 6e shall not gi1e the! any weight. [Al ahf 10610;] Noo) )ee)s ha&e wei*ht- ba) )ee)s ha&e no wei*ht. =ecause Allah )i) not make an+ wei*ht for their scales.

@n surah 1il2al '776 G-E,- Allah sa+s# +hey will see the weight o a s,eck [of *oo) or e&il] 'but the )ee)s were not wei*he) then- howe&er - when the intentions are checke)- the+ ne&er )i) it with 5man?belief in Allah's reli*ion- an) the+ )i) not )o it sincerel+?e/clusi&el+ for 3im - so their )ee)s will be wei*htless - an) turne) into )ust# V / W 6 d @ 8 Y I 5 D @ _ B + Q An) $e shall turn to whate&er )ee)s the+ ')isbelie&ers- %ol+theists- sinners- etc., )i)- an) $e shall make such )ee)s as s#attered floating parti#les of dust.[al >ur8an ;L6;<] g * @ H 6 e B ^ I F : @ " O D I )J & g * An) the wei*hin* [of )ee)s] that Da+ will be the truth. Do those whose s#ales are hea1y - it is they who will $e the su##essful. [A'raf G6E] $hoe&ers scales become hea&+ - the+ will be of the successful. So it's not about ba) )ee)s an) *oo) )ee)s outwei*hin* each other. !ather- the real issue is that your deeds weigh so!ething of 1alue due to Allah a##epting the!. Mufti Muhamma) Shafee'6 @f +ou want your deeds to $e a##epted b+ Allah- make sure the+ are# 1 - Din#erely for Allah's sake. ; - /ollowing the Dunnah0way of Allah's @essenger, @uha!!ad 'sal Allahu ala+hi wasalam,. The closer +ou are in followin* the Sunnah- an) the more sincere +ou are to Allah in that - the more hea&ier +our )ee)s become on the scale. 'e&en if the+ are small continuous *oo) )ee)s,. D Allah- make our *oo) )ee)s hea&+. ..the )ee)s %ut on the scale- i they are heavy&&

A+ah G6

! 9 ! n 1I I
Then 3e will li&e a %leasantlife 'in 4ara)ise,. then he will be in 'eesha. 'eesha 'commonl+ translate) as 'life, - 'aysh - ha&e a life with no worry of food or shelter. 3a+at - also means li e- but 'eesha is an eas+ life with no %roblems. Aou are not )e%en)ant- The necessities are not nee)e) because +ou ha&e e&er+thin*. 'in Kr)uto )o '5+sh' is to 'li&e a life free of worr+' - an) it comes from this Arabic wor) '5esha., eesha - no worries- a life free of concern. This life is also use) to )escribe animals in :un*les an) forests because there is no lack of foo) '%re+, or shelter there for them. @t comes in %lent+. Raaddiyah - the one who is %lease). )hati !i))an - A life full of %leasure an) contentment. =ut b+ sa+in* )hati !i))an - +ou are not mentionin* the %erson- rather +ou are :ust )escribin* '%leasure'. =+ sa+in* !aa))i+ah - +ou are makin* it a hu!an life whi#h is always satisfied- %lease) an) full of %leasure an) :o+.

A+ah E6

F : H % D
=ut as for him whose balance 'of *oo) )ee)s, will be li*htkhaf-fa - takh ee - li*htene)

F H 8 9 * . 4p @ % ) ' o H a * @ J Allah wishes to li*hten 'the bur)en, for +ou# an) man was create) weak. [Nisa "6;E] @n this a+ah - 3e is tellin* us 3e wants to make our li&es li*hter?easier for us b+ *i&in* us comman)s. Dn (u)*ment Da+ - Allah wants to li*hten 'khafeef, our bur)ens of ba) )ee)s b+ encoura*in* us to )o *oo) )ee)s in this life- so our scales become hea&+ with *oo) )ee)s onl+.

&&and as or the one whose scales became lightened&& 'the a+ah sto%s- so +ou pause an) think )ee%l+ about such a %erson,.

A+ah 76

0! 6 F & ^ I
fa ummuhu hawi+ah

3e will ha&e his Km in 3awi+ah '%it- i.e. 3ell,. hawiyah - huwwa - to fall into a stee% Hanion. @.e. A %re)ator bir) like a hawk - )i&es at full s%ee) to catch its %re+ at the bottom of a &alle+. This )i&in* is faster than :ust fallin*- because it uses its muscle an) win* stren*th 'other than :ust *ra&it+, - to )i&e to the bottom. >orcin* itself- launchin* itself )own. al Ma)h-hari sai) - This cannion is so )ee% )own in hell- onl+ Allah knows its full )e%th [it is commonl+ translate) as 'bottomless ,it'& Arab i)iom6 @f someone is ha&in* a reall+ reall+ har) time- the arabs woul) sa+ to such a %erson6 huwat ummuhu - his !other fell off a #liff an) )i&e) into a )ee% cannion 'an) )ie),. That's how )e%resse) this %erson looks. Allah twiste) the se8uence or)er of this Arab i)iom an) ma)e a new an) more )ee%er meanin* b+ sa+in*# A!!uhu hawiyah# 3is mother is the )ee% cannion in hell.

A!!uhu [his @other] J Mother J 3ell is his Mother 'ummuhu hawiyah,. A chil) runs towar)s his mother. $ho wants to run towar)s the hellfire0 Nobo)+. =ut hell is now there mother - who there bo)+ will fall to at s%ee). A mother wra%s herself aroun) her chil)- to %rotect it- an) she )oesn't let it *o. An) when the mother is carr+in* the bab+ in %re*nanc+- the bab+ is %rotecte) insi)e of her an) it cannot come out of her. The person is trapped in this !other of a hell, who holds hi! tightly, who does not let hi! es#ape her grip.

A+ah 106

F 6 # $
wa ma adraaka ma hiyyah? An) what will make +ou know what She is0 hi++a- it 'literall+ means# she. (ust like huwa J he., hi++a3 'the 3 at the en) is for at!+ahweel - to ma*nif+ an) to scare an au)ience, - the 3 at the en) makes +ou 'breathe' the wor) heavily from +our chest when recitin* it. D F ( 7 / Q 3 q 6 ] " I F ( F ( 7 1 ^ I - a yaqool haa a muqra'u kitabiyya"( 'the one who is *i&en the book in his ri*ht han)- he will sa+- lookF !ea) m+ =ookEE [Surah 3aa88ah 97617] The 3 at the en) of kitabi++a3 is a show of strength., the 3 at the en) ma*nifies an) *i&es hea&iness to the hell bein* )escribe). ar-!a2i6 in the be*innin*- al Qari'ah is a wor) known to the arabs- so it can be thou*ht about. =ut 3awi+ah is )istance) from us 'it is a )ee%- stee% an) )ownhill cannion off a cliff, - so it is )istance) from us b+ Allah usin* 3i++a 'she, [when 3e )escribe) hell] - since <r) %erson is use) in lan*ua*e for )istancin* the rea)er?hearer to the character [in com%arison to if 1st or ;n) %erson s%eech was use).]

A+ah 116

0! ? 0 4
'@t is, a >ire =la2in* fiercel+F 3e asks the 8uestion 'wa ma adraaka ma hiyyah - what will make +ou know what it is0, in the %re&ious a+ah. 3e answers it in this one# '@t is, a >ire =la2in* fiercel+F

This surah is between two surahs where %eo%le who )eser&e hellfire are mentione)# 0 $ ' F ( * . 4p * + - Surel+ man is )islo+al to his Master 'Aa)i+at 10069, O ' 7 - The mutual ri&alr+ for %ilin* u% of worl)l+ thin*s )i&erts +ou- 'Takathur 10;61, So this surah *i&es warnin* to both *rou%s from both surahs an) their fate. ha!iyah- intense- &er+- &er+ hot an) enflame) an) it is the e/%lanation of hawi+ah. An a):ecti&e of fire- comin* from himma - intensit+ of flame an) fire. Allah's Messen*er sai) [meanin*]# >This fire of yours whi#h is lit $y the sons of Ada! is one se1entieth part of the fire of Fell.= The+ sai)6 O=+ Allaah- if it was like this that woul) be sufficient.P 3e sai)6 O@t is si/t+-nine times worse than that- each time as hot as this 'worl)l+ fire,.P Narrate) b+ al-=ukhaari- <;9L# Muslim;E"<.

Qamoos [Dictionar+]6 the sun's flame 'at the location of the sun, is calle) "imma )ue to its intensit+ in heat.

Durah Qari'ahs Relation of its ?eginning to its Bnd& Allah scare) us with the Qari'ah at the be*innin*. 3e scare) us more at the en) with 3ami+ah.

3e starte) the surah with a Question an) Answer 'a+ah <-",- an) 3e finishe) the surah with a Question an) Answer 'a+ah 10-11,. This is the en) of tafseer surah al Qari'ah- an) the %raise is for Allah.

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