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Communication skills

Prepared by : Nur Hidayah Nanthini

What is communication?

Communication is the act or process of transmitting information about ideas, attitudes, emotions, or objective behaviour Mirriam Webster Dictionary 2010

Effective communication is one in which the receiver understands the sender's message and is capable of conveying it to other people. Effective communication is one in which the conversation made by the sender and the receiver is interactive.

Effective communication

Skills for Effective Communication

Staying focussed To catch speakers view and response to them with ease.

Effective listening skills Capable of responding precisely

Making eye contact

Body language

Attitude Listening to the speaker patiently and keeping forth your views.

Speaking clearly

Being polite Disagreeing or displaying your disapproval in a polite manner.

Keeping an open mind

Remembers pupils names, greets them in friendly manner and speaks with courtesy and respect.

Personal Characteristics of A Good Communicator

Sends suitable non-verbal messages to support the words. Focuses on the person with whom he is speaking.

Listens effectively - nodding ones head in agreement, - Give response : using prompters like interesting'' or tell me more,'' - Asking pertinent questions - Open-ended questions.

Masters the rules of etiquette and good manners.

Reads great books to develop communication skills. - learn the proper way to speak well.

Module PPG TSL 3109 communication_skills.htm

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