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Lamb nalli nihari

Ingredients 2.5 Kg Lamb Shanks 2 Onions chopped 2 tablespoon Ginger Garlic Paste 2-4 Cinnamon sticks 2-4 hole !lack Cardamom 2-4 !a" Lea#es $-% Clo#es 2-4 &ried 'ed Chilli 2 tablespoon Coriander Seed 2 tablespoon C(min Seeds ) tablespoon Garam *asala ) teaspoon +(tmeg ) tablespoon ,en(greek Seeds ) teaspoon *ace 2 tablespoon -niseed . teaspoon /(rmeric Salt to taste 0 C(ps Oil %-)1 Glasses ater 2 tablespoon Corn ,lo(r garnish Ginger 2(liennes Coriander Lea#es Chopped Green Chilli Chopped Lemon Sliced !ro3ned ,ried !ro3n Onions method ). Grind all dr" ingredients to a po3der 4e5cept the Corn 6lo(r7 2. 8eat oil in a 3ide based non stick pan 0. -dd the meat and 6r" 6or 5-)1 min(tes till a bro3nish shade

4. 'emo#e and place aside 5. -dd the grinned masala to the oil 6ollo3ed b" the meat and the onions and mi5 3ell $. Cook 6or at least 5-)1 min(tes 9. /op 3ith %-)1 glasses o6 3ater %. *i5 3ell and cook on LO :*;&<=* heat till the meat is tender> and literall" 6alling o66 the bone (s(all" 0-4 ho(rs> top (p the 3ater i6 need be +O/;? /O G;/ /8; -=/8;+/<C GLOSS@ +<8-'< C=''@ @O= +;;& /O COOK SLO COOK </AAAA B. *i5 the corn 6lo(r 3ith a 6e3 teaspoons o6 3ater and add to the pot )1. <ncrease the heat to ma5 and cook 6or 0-5 min(tes b(t keep stirring> it 3ill instantl" thicken (p the sa(ce )). 'emo#e heat and lea#e to stand 6or 5-)1 min(tes 3ith the lid on )2. 'emo#e to a ser#ing plate and top 3ith Coriander lea#es> Green chillies> Lemon slices and bro3ned 6ried onions < C(st pre6er (sing coriander> lemon D chilli hence no ginger D 6ried onions in the pict(re )2. Ser#e 3ith naan or p(ri

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