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Re: Approval to Place Order Ravi Shankar to: Rama Adigoppola 11/11/2013 03:22 PM Hide Detail !rom: Ravi Shankar "Ravi#Shankar$ie#i%m#com& 'o: Rama Adigoppola/(ndia/()M$()M(*+ De,a-lt c- tom e.piration date: 11/11/201/ 1 Attachment
Approved. Regards, Ravi Shankar, PMP GBS Tools Leader IBM Global Business Services Phone: !"!#$#%&'#(&)* + ,-ail: SI/ 0es1 # Building !, 2a-as1o3n Indus1rial Park, Mulhuddar1 2ublin $", Ireland IBM Global Services B.4. is regis1ered as a Branch 3i1h 1he 5o-panies Regis1ra1ion 677ice in 2ublin 3i1h regis1ered address IBM /ouse, Shelbourne Road, Ballsbridge, 2ublin 8, Ireland, regis1ra1ion nu-ber (*'"! .

Rama Adigoppola <>

ToRavi Shankar;Ireland;IBM.IBMI,, cc

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Sub<ec1Approval 1o Place 6rder

/i Ravi, Re9ues1 :ou 1o revie3 1he a11ached 9uo1e and provide approval 7or order place-en1.

Bes1 Regards Ra-a Adigoppola

,ile:///8:/9 er /()M:ADM(*/AppData/;ocal/'emp/note 328<8D/=>e%2020#htm


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