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Key words and definitions

Discharge Drainage basin The volume of water passing a given point in a river at any moment in time Area from which a river gets its water. The boundary is marked by an imaginary line of highland known as the watershed A line graph drawn to show the discharge in a river in the aftermath of a period of rain A hydrograph that responds quickly to a period of rain so it characteristically has a high peak and a short lag time Height and slope of land Rock that does not allow water to soak into it Rock that has spaces (pores) between particles Rock that allows water to pass through it via joints and horizontal bedding planes Cutting down trees The increase in the proportion of people living in cities, resulting in their growth

Flood or storm hydrograph Flashy

Relief Impermeable Porous Pervious Deforestation Urbanisation

Key words and definitions

Discharge Drainage basin

Flood or storm hydrograph Flashy

Relief Impermeable Porous Pervious Deforestation Urbanisation

The volume of water passing a given point in a river at any moment in time Area from which a river gets its water. The boundary is marked by an imaginary line of highland known as the watershed A line graph drawn to show the discharge in a river in the aftermath of a period of rain A hydrograph that responds quickly to a period of rain so it characteristically has a high peak and a short lag time Height and slope of land Rock that does not allow water to soak into it Rock that has spaces (pores) between particles Rock that allows water to pass through it via joints and horizontal bedding planes Cutting down trees The increase in the proportion of people living in cities, resulting in their growth

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