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How do we take AMIT schools into the 21st century?

Where to Begin the Needs Assessment

We begin with a Needs Assessment which involves visiting a number of schools where we will:

Meet with the administrators briefly Observe several classes Review the curriculum and/or lesson plans Conduct brief interviews with small groups of Students, Parents and Teachers

This process will be thoroughly documented with videos and photos as well as detailed notes taken during the observations.

We will then analyze the data and create a report containing analysis of observations as well as our recommendations. We will then meet with you to discuss the results. A Plan of Action will be created based upon the Needs Assessment as well as your recommendations.

The Plan of Action for professional development will include ongoing assessment, evaluation and modification based upon needs at the time.

The Approach We will provide a Blended Learning approach this is a combination of face-to-face and online/virtual professional development. Four major facets of the program are:

1. On-site, face-to-face professional development - workshops for large groups, small groups, classroom observation and coaching, etc. 2. Online/Virtual - we will create the 21st Century Schools University - it will be a place where teachers collaborate, conduct research and share ideas. It will contain banks of resources for the teachers. This will also be a place where teachers can submit their

unit designs and lesson plans for evaluation and assistance. Online, self-paced courses will be available, and we will arrange for the availability of university credit! 3. Professional Learning Communities (PLCs) - study groups.

4. Documentation and Evaluation

Time Involved How Long Will it Take?

Even when your teachers are excited and anxious to move ahead with the new curriculum and instruction, it does take 3 years for even the best teachers to become proficient. It requires a great deal of ongoing support as well as job-embedded, ongoing professional development.

We will begin with a cohort of teachers to receive the intensive professional development. They will probably be ready to begin conducting some professional development with the next cohort of teachers within a year. We will provide support and continuing professional development throughout this process.

Keep Everyone Involved from Day One with Professional Learning Communities

In the meantime, it is important to ensure that everyone feels needed, important and included. Those who are not in the first cohort will begin working immediately in Professional Learning Communities.

Each campus will have several of these PLCs, each studying and becoming expert on a different facet of 21st century education. Whenever a team of teachers, or the entire faculty, begins to plan a project-based unit of curriculum they will automatically have on-site experts in all these fields who are ready to advise the group on how to integrate these topics. Eventually, everyone will become very knowledgeable about all the topics - and without the stress of each person having to study and become an expert on every topic!

This also provides teachers with first-hand experience with one of the most important foundational tools for the 21st century classroom - Expert and Jigsaw Groups. This is the organizational foundation of every PBL unit (project-based learning), and enables the students to develop many 21st century skills and to become truly self-directed, independent and interdependent learners.

Using this technique also results in students learning at much higher levels!

Organizing the Professional Development

Cycle of PD - several times a year, perhaps 6 to 8 week sessions, will include:

Week 1 - On-site professional development

Week 2 - Technology Integration

Week 3 - Professional Learning Communities (PLCs)

Week 4 - 21st Century Schools University

Week 5 - Documentation and Evaluation

Week 6 - Professional development products - videos for PD, online courses, etc.

Next Steps? 1. Proposal from 21st Century Schools and Fielding Nair International 2. Assemble Our Team 3. Commence with the Needs Assessment

Lead Consultants for the AMIT Project

Anne Shaw 21st Century Schools

Prakash Nair Fielding Nair International

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