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Its a trap weve all been immersed into since WIN: Who is Next aired a little over three

months ago. Its an inescapable and inevitable consequence of a promotion which albeit success, created a barrier that separates a united fandom whose been standing together for long. The comparison between Team A and Team B leads to negativity that left us nonsensically divided, and sometimes destructive. Whos going to benefit from all these anyway? It is never productive nor would it be helpful for both of the teams. At the end of the day, and in the simplest term, theres taste and style. Our ear for music and our opinions arent the same. Some fans went down to the path of dragging one team down to pull another up. There are hardly WIN fans who can truly appreciate both in consideration of two contrasting colors both emanate. We arent making them co-exist without feeling forced to choose whos better than the other. We go hard for our favorite team to the point of argument, not accepting the fact that both have their own unique style and that both carries their own charm that appeals to peopleand that both are going to stand in their own stages for the future ahead. It boils down to most thinking their favorite team is the greatest. Anyone who says otherwise becomes the mortal enemy the typical New Age obsessed stans. Should we be clinging to the result that happened a few months back, or should we try supporting both teams since they are both going to debut soon? Theres a plethora of success and room for improvement for both if we think theres something lacking for both teams. A lot would say Team A won because of their popularity and their visuals. Should we also consider that most of those who voted, specifically outside of South Korea, the international fans never knew anyone of them? The thing about Team A is comparable to our own personal struggles, in a way that they are the team that is most relatable to us. We watched them getting beaten off by the younger team, seen them struggled to win. Isnt that what most of us is experiencing? In life, there are always people who are way better than us, and we strive to come even closer to their level. That we think is the main reason why people rooted for Team A, primarily because we want them to do better. Fans tend to dig the underdogs in survival reality programs Lee Hi versus Park ji Minring a bell? Lee Hi went topping the charts, while Ji Min was trailing so far behind on the charts. Apart from the reason stated above, we can never deny Team As talent. All of them are musicallygifted. Those fans that dig visuals and musicality would tend to favor Team A. One thing that we also observed is that there is some complexity within the team they are individually unique tending to be almost irreconcilable. At the end of the day, they were able to resolve these conflicts, presenting an even stronger teamwork during the finals. Now for Team B, they are the team to beat. They came off very strong from the very start. It is almost impossible to shake off their teamwork. They are young and so ready to conquer the world. Their incredible effort to unite all 6 members is truly admirable. Talent-wise, Team B isnt too far off from the other team. What they lacked most is experience considering three of them just trained for 6 months compared to Taehyun and Jinwoo whos been training at YG for 2 years. Despite the deficient amount of training, they were able to resolve this with the great leadership of Hanbin/B.I. and the help of the two other veteran hyungs, Jinhwan and Bobby.

Now a lot would say that this team is better and that the YG family favored them the most. This is mostly a wrong impression. We based those opinions by the voting statistics they got from their monthly assessments. We couldnt fathom the capabilities of the teams alone by just watching the results of the monthly assessments, let alone base those opinions on the actions and emotions of the YG Family during the finals. It is but natural to comfort those who lose the battle.

It is but a must to consider that the WIN Final Battle is not an arena to decide which team is better than the other, but YGs way of promoting his artist and a medium that decides which team is going to debut first. It is illogical to compare both teams since there are differences in the musical style, with the fans also having various musical preferences. Lets all be united to push these two teams to success and leave everything locked in the past. Remembering back those events, and the thing that happened backstage during the final battle, we can see the relief and the happiness of Team B knowing that their hyungs would debut soon. These two teams arent even enemies from the start theyre like brothers pursuing the same dream, doing things together. They are brothers who were forced to battle against each other. What can we do about that? Everyone has gone through something that has changed them in a way they could never go back to the person they once were lets change this.. It is a good thing that these two teams will be debuting soon. Lets all be united to support them. Please

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