An Overview On Automated Form Recognition

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An Overview on Automated Form Recognition

What is Handprint (ICR) Recognition ? Handprint recognition, sometimes called I.C.R., for Intelligent Character Recognition, is a process where Hand Printed Alpha Numeric Characters are interpreted through a software engine that compares the bitmapped image of the character to a large sampling (1 !s" of actual hand printed characters and ma#es an intelligent decision as to what the character represents. $he software then interprets each remaining character in the field to ma#e a complete string (i.e. a Part Number or Name". $he engine!s results are controlled b% man% factors including& Confidence Thresho ds ! 'ost Handprint (ngines ha)e a default setting (t%picall% * +" that is used a minimum le)el that the engines must e,ceed during the interpretation process. If the (ngine!s Confidence is below the setting on one or more characters, the character(s" are highlighted during the Re)iew Process and a Human -perator re)iews the character(s" and ma#es an% corrections. $his setting can also be ad.usted b% the user on a global (form le)el" or field b% field basis to match the re/uirements of a specific application. "ata#ase $oo%up&"ictionar' (atching ! $hrough matching the results of an interpreted field against an e,isting database or data dictionar%, in)alid data cannot be written to the output file. If the field does not match a )alue in the database Character for Character, the field is highlighted during the Re)iew Process. )ntr' Re*uired ! If the interpreted field contains no data, the field is highlighted during the Re)iew Process. $his ensures that re/uired 0e% Inde, 1ata 2ields must be filled in. 2or e,ample, a 3ocial 3ecurit% Number or Account Number. Range Chec% ! In a numeric field, the interpreted results must fall inclusi)el% between the range. 2or e,ample, the 'onth in a 1ate field must be between 1 and 14 or a 5uantit% 2ield must be between 1 and 46 7nits. Fie d Temp ate ((as%) ! (ach position in a field can be set up to interpret a specific t%pe of character. 2or e,ample, a Part Number is alwa%s two (4" Alpha Characters followed b% 2i)e (6" Numeric Characters. $he 2ields template would be set up as AANNNNN. Conditiona +ranching ! If a 2ield is responded to in a certain wa%, one or more other fields can be chec#ed for subse/uent responses. 2or e,ample, If 5uestion 1 is answered 8es, 5uestion 4 must also be filled in. (issing ,ages 9 If a multiple page form utili:es a field with a se/uentiall% numbered bar code or pre9printed number on each page, the software will not allow an incomplete data record to be written and will ensure that a set missing a page cannot be combined with a another set!s page. What Accurac' can I e-pect from Handprint Recognition ? Handprint Recognition has impro)ed dramaticall% o)er the last two (4" %ears. $oda%!s ;oting (ngines (see below" are up to 46 + more accurate than single engines. Numeric Recognition is the most accurate since there is onl% $en (1 " characters to differentiate between. Numeric Recognition can achie)e <6+ first pass read rates, Alpha < + and Alpha Numeric *6+. What is a .oting )ngine ?

A ;oting (ngine is $wo (4" or more Handprint or -CR recognition engines. (ach engine pro)ides it!s highest confidence character to the ;oting =a%er. $he ;oting =a%er Algorithm ta#es the responses and weights each one according to the confidence le)el returned and the #nown strengths and attributes of the engine. A simple analog% is two heads are better than one. What is (achine ,rint (OCR) Recognition ? -.C.R., for -ptical Character Recognition, is a process where 'achine Printed (=aser, 1ot 'atri," Alpha Numeric Characters are interpreted through a software engine that compares the bitmapped image of the character to a large sampling of actual machine printed characters and ma#es an intelligent decision as to what the character represents. $he software then interprets each remaining character in the field on a form to ma#e a complete string (i.e. a Part Number". $he engine!s accurac% is controlled b% a )ariable confidence threshold, through matching the results against an e,isting database or data dictionar% and all of the other Constraints discussed in Handprint Recognition. What is /haded Circ e (Optica (ar%) Recognition ? -ptical 'ar# Recognition, referred to as -'R, is a process where the software determines whether a response has been entered based on what amount of the interior area of a circle or bo, was filled in b% the user. $his )er% accurate method of data capture is used in sur)e%s, testing and man% other applications. $oda%!s 3oftware no longer re/uires the use of Number 4 =ead Pencils> What other Recognition can these t'pes of /oftware offer? +ar Code ! 'ost pac#ages interpret hori:ontall% or )erticall% printed or affi,ed ?ar Codes (Code @<, Code 14*, I 4 of 6, 7PC, (AN and Codabar. 3ome pac#ages e)en interpret two (4" dimensional P129A1B bar codes. $hese e,tremel% dense codes permit up to 4, b%tes of data in a single code bloc#. (erged "ata Fie ds 9 ?% using an e,ternal database file, man% #e% fields can ha)e data merged and printed onto the form and interpreted along with the 7ser entered fields. $his process, )irtuall% identical to %our Cord Processor!s capabilit%, pro)ides an e,tremel% high first pass read rate and reduces the amount of manual data )erification and correction. How ong does it ta%e to interpret a Form ? A single page form can ta#e an%where from A to 1 seconds to interpret (based on the comple,it% and t%pe of data interpretation, wor#station processor speed, memor%, etc." How much (anua "ata )ntr' time can I e-pect to save ? A Conser)ati)e 3i,t%92i)e Percent (D6+" or more.

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