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Tracking Traditions

Welcome to- your future.

High school is where it all 'begins, when you firsrstep across the front ball's tile Bulldog.

Life is full of .surprlses, and h1'gh school is the,"beSt oti'e.Of :01,11.. i~'s wJlcrc yqu beginJpAearn 'about ),otlrself and whb ycur friends <l,xe and why. they are your friends.

. You'lJ make new ffiends-and

lose touch with Borne old-ones, Here you wiU mak-e memories of good times, bad times, heartbreaks. and ftrst loves, Enj.oy it while it lasts, Join, be. do!

Ma~e your: goals arid reach for the-m. The thi ngs you le2iJ,11 here will be with you'forever, just like the memories.

by Krissa Wa'gner

Layout by Stephen Compall, Photos by various staff members, Captions by.Kara Hale afidAru.lmr. Reea..

Photos and captions by Bi"ittiInr Naylor-.

Eor-the guys, jersersisctllie-fashiQujulce thil) year',. as shou'li by Drew Ihink,juui01;. Sopho~ol,'t! Kyle Wtlk" shows that visors wor .. bacl~w:U::lls "'cr~ also trot.

Senter lloward:Harpcr keeps cy& Wl:fal hifslylc will· be,

~ed and grft~'-WjU a:i~v~t~ bel.n$jyl~ at DBS, :~S. Sbi'fIV:U:- bY: 'nJ~1ia Mcglown, LaDoJilla CollhiS, tesslca:, Po'itert ;'lAutfin~ney aud jiiiliot "Dan i,.lIl~ '(;Jili!'!"


Nice pants!

Senig~ Ta"j {lo.weJI-SWIJl!e aqd dnte.r;l'~o $~ott~, ~, l~§\JlIple :With p~l1t~,al!,d 3" tee,~lIirt as, their ehllice olstyw,'

JUl(iot1'a,vny L,uJilcef.l)rd ~port:s, .aq. Aben;r~J:)~I~ie. L'lo~dle? a,pol~uJ;:ll' s1yJet~r ... (1Jll(l.~"$tlphoptort! Sh.auna~,n()plQsqIi:aHd jul1iQl'·I)l)"o.~~l.BroW:O pt{{~t: to, keep it pJaill.

St~le diJesrt'hffect the. fliiendshii?S ef j)litibts' 1llida.ere~ley, Dimielle EmS', aria KiiYJa,lffition.


2 O~Ol. 5

(F<tr right) Mrs. .Ogtethorpe, (Abnu:rle McLamb) is in the backgr(lllndwhile Jethro, (Chris Kults) and Groovy 'Manan~i1 (Sonya Ki.',I/Singer) talk, about marriage.

(J~ighf) BUy 1V<l'ay tBrundi .raC1k:Sl)n~, J edClampett (Nat-lflll1 Ba:fo¢)~andl\lr~~ PeiInyweaihel' (Maggie Sotiutlll) €hat at the paJlty~

l\us. Dr'1'stJale,(GilI'i ~.etbl'inl~;)· uQmpla~ll$ 'to-Mr.

l .. ", ..... 'xl" (:M.att'ScheUeryal/O

Colonel ,li'oxhall,'M.', Drysdale 'tMatt Sdti.1l1er,) ;:t,Dd l\:b!i. Hath::nvll.y{EmHy' Siaiui) 'eMf a;bout SOJIl!! vi.!l;yexQ()siDg pt~ture:. 1.lm,t ~I',e wtirth QU"l:

<iralm), ~jdillli Smith) ~j;biliw~ won_over by Coio-nel Eb,¥IiaU {J ustin Wilder).

,B-everly Hillbil~ie's

Stor..y l;lJ;ldf'hqtO~, b,y,Jfl1'1nif(l,l~ lt~w611'cf

Jed '{Nathan Itay,trC) ,antt ,C'(J1(&i(1 'P&;lil'(~~hii~ $:yllW):

. ta!,gahout. me ,.:GJampilWIl moving tlt 'Ue,i,'ll-ttJ HiUs afler dl:S:lll;l-v,e.rjJl~ Qil outh:e pt"Opert~\_

Homecoming Fun Draws Students

A .hint'of'fall.was j'n tb~ 4l:t'th~ e¥"e'l:lingpFSept¢-iri'1:rer 14. The-hint of ex~itemen'l: w~stiYe:tJ sttOl,1g€t:

It was Homecoming, --

rhe' h61'necomUlg celebrati6n tp9',k: Iliac\!, during naIf time.of tJie 'game with Mater Dei.

lXftervotiT\g me pteyiqll ''WeeR in MlJl:Lei:'6.0t11$, tb'e;"Cf'owd's cnqk[l was Clear. MilckenZie 'l>ltUth ,wa~ clt~tsen q u¢en. =Brand6:n'Wt@:r&rai1 UlloppoJ;eil for lting'lionors.

"I \¥as sXtl'pri~e.d aod ex cired to he;uamed'i;JUeen," said Mttck-enz)e.

"[vst·to Q~6.n COUf!;: w,as ;fun."

l3ach 0.':1' ~~e' other classes was represented,on the- cenrt as w~. Rr-esh:meiJ wert JeremYi SJtiwaEL ~ittl ;Mmoe't C1ay.t6n;SbJll:f(in:1@:r;e~ were Patriok Henl1cssyMd Breanna H<iJ{er; fino jl,lllwrs wece Jacob Nunley aJ)dje~.nifur Kastle.

I 'It Was, ii' vellY'~llln nigi1t,"'saidJel1' rrlfetKastle, "1 telt really UllPOF'-

't'11Ut w;h~i1 theyaran,ouMed lilY'

-Story by B.ritll1fiy Naylor; pnoio,capti()ns by Cm-olln'e Fulfer

rteshU)~n Amln~r t'::laytoJlPnd J'et-i9;ti~',S~''erfjj)y. tbeiJ'Tit-st bOI'lleC{lmin'~Cele~ratio.p.

MacJi\\mzie Smith a1Jd Btand.ou.W.rigJ,rt seak lIcp ap.p] tb~y a~ n~~led :qu-eenJ~U/:J

SbpbomOFt)sBteannai HaUer and Patri£k H-eQn~-s:sy I]jtake taciT' ~'ai1hr.ollgh· ~be ,aTcJi~:ay.

Jrminrs jennifer Kastte Jacob Nnnle~:wait tQt,thcir toJoin the court,

~llst'YeaF'!~,JIUlilen"Bri(lget Fi&h0% l,ie!ps Saslj'a,CIa,rkwithtfie ~r.;(I}VII au!! ilowere; tot' the royalfie-s. Sasba isthe daughter of Se)fo.r.Clal'k, wlitJ"teucebesSpanisb.

(3 bQveteftJ S1)phomoJ)t$Lacey ~IcDon!lld and AntJrea D6w WllidQ~:tb'(!, =:tffernoon :pell t«lly W.begin,

'{:;ibj)'ve) ,Jul'ltQ'r~ Ch;tl'l~~le BQ~e§- 3l1Q Joili Pab! ~}io'w both:schm:11 spirit and jlattiotism ~at,tlre:. pe,p r.aiJy.

"hotasop !b:is spl'.ead ,p}:

Britti.'lJl;y"Naylor -.

QI)~el!l'eand)aaie Diully 1\liJlel' \\'1Il1~to~ the aOllQUllcc!';Ufmt qi' g1JMu.

Quee:n .eandidabi A.lfsha A@:ew and ~in~BF~don ~Vrj~ht snnle g~~iol!!!~Y·

QUe611 €<ilndillat6 'f~t;bi(ia ~olinsO'Danaes.¢c'irt Mieba,e.j GXi;lening~mi1e aH\\alting cametas,


Junior B'd:Uany ftartelt $ho\\>w off he.r syle itt Ute dance.

iCouncir M"'tnlo" .. ,~,

,three hour.r ~aji~:da,an!;t ~'in:'fP]tl;$l

~~~~l'ations Were MoG'.;($1ili. hI hanh Idtofft!Il."

l'hilf year's piet~m~ b~~d~glrot;l.l1a:

G@mf.tlu¢ty reom, llie n,1i1i!pJ;jic.e\-\

b a.ek.,grlilu,ncl with: _Sp'Alt< 'l!:dditiWlllL tlii.l~k tlre l,'i.rey41ee bJ\t~OUlld ~a;~;jtJ(!)~,q:~~v~e it l.ooKs IUJiilpr Si)'J;!i b1;jfet,

§tory,.Qy C<I!IlJi.:na Eillli'lF UU:)/(;Hlt il'1d C.~P[i~ll~Y< Bl"i~tan¥1Nay~'6t; PbQ'tOS,hy~Gb't!'rity Garnett

'(above rigllt}BcruO'rsJ ustiD WeHmeier and ·.Htandy 1a.eks6il danc-e 'thcll.iglif !lWay.

'(dgItt) Senior 'c!l(lp1~J1l;.Stjp Patter§on and Br!;tqQ!Jll{~l:jn sb,O\Y 'Off theiJ' ·Mltdny;spirit.

{.taJ':TiglJU Sop!;lo.ll).o'teDarlti S·tar"s takes a jnjhute:to pose tV" tlle;caIllel'li be(ore tlancing with bj~:4a~.

(abvvl:) Senior l\1khelle M(iWte,yand (m~l!i1s s1towoff' their- attire.


left: Sophomote;-Btl;lIidon Mcl'Waj·y pfepares to dance )Vith. s'op,homOre"Markifu Farmer.

St!nio1' DemarlpFr@1sal1u date enjQY time on the dance floor.

2002 Basketball Homecoming

Durillg, halfdmJ::lit the Febru/liy.] st:game ag-;unstJas-~.1i'l:)tte:~ cbjn);nij~011n:wfis~<J:m) QlJlice:ti ilO!f a :queeH wascl"Owrteil ';,\8- fhe ~i;I~d- antidp-atw the- ~iet..tni1l£ ofa lii',\W ,~ei1.i6r queI;lJil,.-,a·w<ite of ~oit~e;l'!-'t' ~xp';I0.~eCt :t9rq!;lJtj:~,'iQ.@, -gy,nnind ihebap1t:nr~ fbi;st\feilj.

ili.e: fr'f~hll1\i!-tl,,;MfJ£t'':\>il:liS l~r1i~ '6oi\ifiibexty With ~"doh Qtltbl~b' EI1clteL ;;Sp.l'lfl9Iufiri ¢:O\1J';[ ""U-,k l;a]3tQtH~a C61lan=s' ,With ~c.ef:t

-Pa1J:i~k -F!enneliS-Y. JunlQr "CV(!'I:t w:as:S':ky~€.\rE..¢x~ft C_Qi;iBledtfj,itg. S.eniW: ~-OUl't was Etiri Hennessy. W;fth-esa.'CJ'rt Clki's,spei'l\;liD; $:uru-a:

Meyetis witl1~scoit bam :i%l-it~ EU1~ly- MiUj;; will! e,~co:tt J.on Stien,~attlifiAd ~Nt'i~sAY I{{j~yr Wtth e$~~t5~iJJl '~isJ't~-

, FI - - ,

BrlilifennQ'$;$y' r,~-ely;elltilt

h¥inQ.r'nf bel rr;g~fiwrie.dJ'l~u~e{I,,: "I wast::tllnW~te;,l)! s_l,b'-pri5'e-dapd w~Y roq"<!iRc'hid.. t- i·eall,y,·.d,~dn it th i:l\.K I

W~7gRl:ng tQ Wio(:'>

<0 iinink &L!1 \Will U1a}.~ia :gQod qu~e'll pe'cli:Q"s¢ $he.1B vllfl!Y' sihw:t: ~(ji:eilll,¥~lie ¢ to e:,vet}4tirie: ~ slfjd S",niot :ijmny$.ch<ll?k~~-

Situ)" by Gn21iitg GI11:1i~tt

La~ut \ili(! ca'jti0)ls" I?y B~tt1'lQY ;Nijyl~r P,1-L0tl;l,,'~y' Cwh'Y}IS1r0'(tt

~tlei6;Wrio~H l:Ib(tl.ed' QueeJl S~i".a ,.Findi&.)i :C0Q;$:raiu hit:e.s !Ni)!111' He.nn'es-sj gIl her wiJi)'.

fiigh1):.2{tQ~Hin;l'te.\i01:ni·ng'Qij~ Errn aelfnes~y. .




1Wn and Mrs. Scott S~haffer make their way to the chicken and dumplings booth. Tbe Schalfers are both business tea~4~,rs_ at UO§l>c.

1unlors Nnk~MQr.gan and Chad Schenit $tOpf'Ol' a qu;ick snapShot on their way to the Rhi~ of Eire.

Junior DaIfielle Hertel stops to enjoy tie:rtaco salad In front of the lost~and-fOljild booth.

Gre-asyfoad, '.8(Ji;; haircuts, cilte old men with oVi:rsi'zel'l red hats, The Fall Festival bas it-all.

From theevee sQ da~~y, tq tne;:t,l,J-It bitf9-odQug cerndog, YO)J - can find -YOUIi taste; whatever it, on Franklin S,tteet.

I hear they are e_venpLanniil~ a new stand. devoted entirely to caramelized :gre{lse on a stick.

And wbRt better way, to GOU,ple _ yoll,r anta:cjd pills ~lran::_to yeptur.e ont@gne'Of tbe ll1?It"y> r:iit:k~ty' old

rides-that jllst niay or may a ",-ity pet;mh, YOl(d bs.s at how thel)JunA,me- ' your life, b~qme blurred eoncenuarion of tQJing your . stuffed $co.0by. DQo and ing your newly fNoned

=Juniljr.:6f1a1rWm:8lJ'll!Sffii,'ifstS'dl.lrlj:)~ ,bt~.&tfliilt~ ,s~~ rQ~"llJ;~ snd\i!llll1\i:1iij'blltaJ(6Jrtdfta~yli&t~ "ttlOjil:rliot Ho\\ta1:~' aa,~~r"

I The Legacy

t •

Just tor Teday

WIlen the,dayswmd'd0wnto th~ ye'l):r~$ ead,rwnat we a1Jremember ls,the peoples flow they ac,wcl iIr pj;a§~;- th~;]Jlembers Qf Our pr.oject~'g~6't,lpS"our tearuQla'te~ Ql~ the plGl)r(i:ng: fi~lcL.

B li1" tfnle paSseS"ijIitLpe:1)p le cfian,ge, aqq: soonenough we

forget names-; tod. We barely re~(lgni:;!:iC' O:Ltl' f01i-In~l'<;:lai!is~

. .

mates, onilie;'CoUag-e:eampus at

at the mall, and ~uciHenLy the pa~iiiig.e oJ time is;all to!;) real.

Bit~t~t:, then, te ei,ptme these m<i.roents while. W¢.Still,C"all, whilerhey 'are' still 'riCh and real,

Layout by Stephen Compall, Photos by various staff membel's. Capaons bY' Nikki Bogard, Kara Hale, and Ashley Webster;

Re'membering When'

"Turn around, and you'relwo; tum arounll,a'n.c;tyb.l1're;four., . :Turn arol(Jnd;yoU'reayoung rn~n,.'gt:)ing aut ofthe CJODr," That-ald$ong speaks of the slOWcQuick ohangefrom'b~:by to ,oMilQ't68Pult"but.along tl1e way, nlany events:he,Ip m~fldt, too,

There ,are bJrthd;;JY parfififs aqQ slxth.,grade,dah~S'al'ld ~ighth .. gr$"q,e graduation, an,~t,.'finaIlYr gr~q,uatior1 from t')i~h sehoel and_ parlj.~g fioffl many QfttJ~ fHends met along the "'lay.

Q!fI th,is'page, someseniers 'are: pjcturedtMe'W~y th~y \\yare.

Top: ChrisSpellum,an~ lindSey Koe~erwere siXt;hgrade friends. at Washington Middle~Si:;hodl.


Bir1hday'party'-lind~~ Hughes g~ebrateaJier12th on May4:" 1996. Sealed: lauren Ch3ViS~J..In'ds~y'iiuglte$:i'l..a~y G-baddock, Clay HLJghes; 'Brandi Jackson, UI'I~~ylto!:lster; S~ndi"9:_SQnia MeyerS, Lindsey Sublett, E!Tfily Brand, Q,tld !;:rin AeAness;y,

Inset: l..,indy Miller and Wendy Miller posed after Glenwecxl's eighth..gract~graduation.

SQnia, Meyers-and Erin H~nnttS$y pl:ayed alErin's _hO\lSeANith her dog"

'Ti 11 k, erliiell,.

Annsishi~Stewand~I'igW~d in a. limo {ide th~ night of her eigfith arade graduatioh (Ma,y 19,1998).



"'" £.·s




Justin Patterson

Debbie Roberts


Love, Dad, Iy[GIP".and


Yi!Yq 'tlIDve,~~G):ttt!'{f.,s;o! h~d thrtli,¢ cta:~j'~:Qm ail(j on thee soccer 'fiC\ld. We.a;re'v~lCY: D:r.a'U(t:(ilt W;D:U. Goarl'lllbk jp' the future. We; will al ways lQ:V:,e,,,y,ou.

Jaco:b, RIDbett ICire;ch Ja~~bReb:erb,:f{]r~qij~

Con.g~fit"&,;. sop"! You havemade us s~ l?tenld, Go out e:rtta, fat'e the 'wQ'dd with·your head'ield high.

We love you!

Love; !yf0ID amil.Datl

poor Jake. -S:keeteJ,

, ,

Y dfd i':t'

0t1 .,,' ...

C Qug:l?~tula" tions! i lo~e 'Y01! always,

Your sister, NiCe

ABhle.y Hodge

Daughter of loving,a:tlQ true Hand in hand; we 'mad~ i.tthr~rlI~ Your past behind, yoo;u fbWIe'~he'ad

Just know wg~lLalw--avs be -Olere: :fax you.

L6¥e,~ MomandDao



Weare- $0 proud 'of Y'0ualld LOVE YOu -Very much.

You 'ver· done well, and :tJj,e bestis yet to come,

yOU DO- 'G-IRLlr

" 1 - ", " '''/.

Hqgs_andkls:s~s.,. , Y(1Ui' Eanlilv



'!bu bay~ gfQ,wn into, a sttQi1g ana irt'dertenclertt ¥t:lUl1:g lady. Y@ur future has "'no]irniC! R~U)~Illpf!:r yqut spirit-.:m':all ~ays~ acknowledge God. and He.will UiF~ct your path.

We Love Yf)lJ" -


Uttd.:MOih" alta St~vef:t

Christina Betz

We, w~'e!1rQlld of ' -then. 'We're P116UQ yuu now, ptoud hf fine yo.ung wo:inah ha Ve"become., lV1~y Goo blt\liis with a bright wonderful fu

Britteny Danae Adams:

T)1e objeet of QUE' pride!




We want to let the whole world k:rn:nv

'. ) - - . ~

bow much we love you. We 'are sop-rona of' ~n Y@JJI .ac11ievcn'tcnts .. yg;ii are ano :alw;a,:y;s have been the speci*l .kind.and l.oYin~ persoti we admire. Frem-theIirst minute-we S2(\v);Oti;, you have fined GUl' lives with joy. Please remember we are always supporting you.


~, "

Mon) and Dad

You hladejt~, gy-aduationt'! You.areabeut to open a oeM' chapter in your life. A g·te:4lt future isa,heao. of ytou. 1 wasn l t there for 'yol;l this year, but you know my heart was' With yon the Whale way. Lwillcontinue to be ~ part of youi' lite. I love you with allmy heart 'and soul,

LOVIng you fOrever, i'\'''''dr:e\~~

;n.,Jl ~ I ~x

Marcey Trabant


A few thoughts' for Purdue,

Serve God, no matter what,.and he'Il diree; your paths .. Talkingap9ut di:r~tiug paths--if you become a dty englnt1~r, please- fix :Jjyan sville ! ! !

Study Hard

Get rnXlO'lVea

Keep in touch

gave fun

Don't eat yellQw sno\v!

Just say "NO" to darks! !!Qui:te po'ssibly the 1'0-081: irnportahtd:ecisitm of your Jife!!!

Love, Mom, Dad! Bubba Chris

P.S. €an't walttosee "Home Improvements" that morn & dad make!

Big SCH~en TV???


S'e(i!J\l'$:-l1Ke::yestet:d~ Y:~1L were-lea Yi~ JqJ;: .yo]JI;.tirst 'etay'Ofs'€hooL :Just wiU)1ed yG'U,'tlJ btdw frbw- pp3I!1fd~o:t


Ilmt;w fr€!:nJ~-Pts day, tonto; y£>'u W0lJJElm9W lJ-J? and nl~-e m'$p:rhu'[ df~bu.

~e:r~ 'Weuove;;1Ou:rort[ hl'tr:so

vet,9 J!r~nli 6f yf:lu.C~,gril1:u!.a;d'o~! 'MiLy (JQ~ e~ntQJ.~_e,to 'kle'sstQfj in aidS,but elldea\\:OF'S<.

Patrick Staley Is this the 3- year -old that jumped off the high dive at Hartke

-Patrick, God has great things planned for you!

Mom, Darland

lam always so proud of the choices you make.

"And ifyou have the choice to sit it out Or dance, I hope yOll dancer'

Love YOU, Momma


Amitra Merriweather I knmv if's been bar-dfo:r YOOj b,l1t )t:QU kepr yaUt head s~raigl:itanCi made It.

Emily ,Mills


I'm proUd bfYIDtl and wish t.he ~ for you in eo! te~e.

L{)V'e~ Gtartama Dora

Dear Emily,

time has pa~sedJlo'(!]l(id.Icly:.1rQlll1ave,,:,gr(j}m.n into a sweet, beautifu] yog:pg,lad:y;~ I am pr<;)ud Qf you and all Y0l:,lr aGc.ompUsbti':H;~;htS. You have worlred $:0 hat'd, :AJ:way~~.sLin6io€L art (l:st2iyclflleto y!"ur~elf.

All My.tQv~,

"Memories build a pathway

That goes winding through ,the heart, And keeps friends close together Even when they :aveapa1;'t."

Love and .Be,sf Wis,h@,s To ALL My Frie.l'rd'8.

Seems like yester!ltay:: YO\.l havin~,;l screaming fit and me crying all the Way home from Sch@91. It was you;rTi:rst d~y. YQllWd'ye,cQmesllch 'a;, long wa'y, Ptince:S"$i~ at'l,{ij \Y eare so prbiJtl o'f >,0,0',

'Love. Mom and ];)a;d

These are memories. that I ':'Jill at ways cherish. My love and, praY:¢J;';i will alway,fi pe::with you. You are so very:~p'eGial'.

Love, Gmndma


t mproud of y:o;u! I wi sh you all ,fiy love fOl: the'futnre. I'm sure-it-will be interesting!

Paul.Michael Oman Paul Michael;

Lacey Chaadock W}$he.$to,dlY, best-friend; theJbye of my, 'I_'~ daughter. Yuu 'are SO blessed to be so

, artistic. Remetnber~put God.firsr

andhlltbiogs are PQ~siPle. I wrll 6{} proud to

at your showing Qr musical

Class of '03

A ll'dl;,eqge, Keala

SttlP]leT1 Randal] and '~clH:lr Mr; Tnn Donnelly play "Wea.kest Friends S. Adams," O. Brown, C. Flowers, J.

Link" at ~ pcp taIl},. .Roblnson 3]1d R.R.etd take a minute to pose after aerobics


Class. of '03

, .

Samb .tio,OI,iI lla's.$jjme ,Tlin belqr~ SaIl1rl!&~'

Class of'03

Floyd, Tracy

Fox, Estella


J-figg-itlS, :Asia Hodge, Darius

J'Keisha Duncan rests ill the 11al1.


Bveuson, Da:niel

Fox, Sk;yler

Holfelner, M~tth'ew

Cod R-edding tries to eX1)lain to Matt 5i::beller ,,,bat is her,

Class of '03

Johnson, Antonio

Jones, Christin

Delisa Payne enjoys being in Mrs. Hoover's Cllemlsrry I elass,


Class of' "03

Mays Ill, Rob~rt

11.ichardo Palmer llJfsst!sa North ()tfrrrpetifor ~lt a bometra¢k meet

Part!", glU\S:ir S. I\CS,SilIg~ around th.~. table.


Class of '03

Ricketts, D(9;lli'k.a,

A;dam GeOl:ge'~, alo"ng wHh other trombone players' lead t,h.e band

in tire Ila,mde.' " "

"niCE Smallwood, . nffiU1Y .

Stratton, Kathleen

Vaughn, Brand;

,SJtlitb, Michael

SturUlilf, Charles

Class of '03

Veazey, Loren VQ&geli,.1ason

"Having friends who really care about yon is'tlle best thing a person could nave.' --Brittan~' Nay]or

Stephen Randall bands off fhe baton to his teamnrate borne track meet.


Young:' 1Il, PQJiald

Class of '03

~ Jljuio.r, Class w-atcb,es ,~pertormaDceat a fo.o,ball pep !W}lbly.


Ackerm«'!,li , Jami

Adoqck, K~eli


J3arqre" I,.,aura

Class of- '04

Alexander, G9udney

Bogf}ro-, Nikki Boyd, AS1rley Boyd, Donelle

Br:~wn) Ma:rkitit

Kelmetb Langley enjoys the camera's Ji~ntion.,


Cas-e~" Mc:COr and A~]e~' Kirk listen to ide'ils ~:jyeD ina:

Clnh meeting,

aD,iI, Jlnl~ld~ Bj~Ch h'l:.UI tfie pack of sax{,)plIQ'n~£ ey PaTJule InFlorida,

$ophoo:mre:'Clujs-sy Zi:rkelbach da Dcesa nlol'lg ,reUo~ 'Sltldc:mtnm tile pyramid,.l\t the football

Sh.atUIll Sputh)l'ard rests <in the&teps.


Class' of '0'-4



Class of '04

I Pam, Diindra Perkins, Jack

Je5st~lI Crouse wears a poodle-skirt paired ,~itb a "50s-fashion

lin)i,IJ\lI'~e during fallspirlt we~1L -

Devera Palmer and lVIaeganReeves go over-some ,,;-ordSfor the Spellbewl competi-tion.


Stuart, Garnia

Swan, J<ihnny

,Jessica~ke$i,l; minuw.tQ ,PQSC on the $blil's before class

Wells, Ronald

Zack, r;foHy.

Class of '04

King~resseda~ Dr, Walker dllringSpiTit week

Adams, Christina

Arnold, Sarah

Bell Victor

Boone, Fabiene

Adams. Steven

Class of "05

Agerton, Christopher

Blytqe, Valle~~a'

Brewer., Cerine

Alldredge, caleb

Alles, Charles

Sal;ab Arnold poses-In her green glasses to catch a few ~iggles T6ri Forneysbolvs her' spirit.on Farmer Day wjth Erika Mat1:ittgly.


Class of '05

Calhoun, M'lIJ"cus.

Carter, Justin

Cartwright, Colt},

Clay, Tiffany

CHLyCQrnb, .i\t):1-Q¢f

Collins, Sbannlj:n

Compton, La:teasha

Cqm.QWB, J'u'Vftmis

Cuoper:, Marqlds~

COOPOf, Ashlen

Cooper Jenna

Breoke Bernhardt & Emily Freeman pose for a pietuJ0 at the Mist/Lit Great Gat$by party.


Gr9w.ley, Megan

Bddmensen, Urittney

Fe./toll, MiCMel

Cl f '0"'5 ,"'ass 0 "', ,

Da vis, Phi lip

§ Elliott, Denise

Felte, Keith

F~lWJt;k, Brango.n

Foster, 'Megan Freels, Ladana

Monte Johnson and Nicole Hamilton -st(}P for apboto while d!lllGing IJt Toto.


Justin Cartel; & Jimmy Cast~d pla,y,a game of 'Po-lfe~" GT~t Gatsby party.


gH!/llll[J~ and Lati~ll Com.:pto'U!$t(l,J!' -tor. a J;1i£1~~ 011- Fla$h Raven Weli~r 4; Nicole Hal.1IiltouCJI,iljy the musie ~lt the,JJarsby party.

Class of '0-5

AUH'!$lm McNea1~ T~rul$ha AlIison, Sharmela Pegue, I\!Iikka Fred Qee~h shows off his polmrskills at the,Gatsb'f Cawt1wrne, JimmeshaRe,ndel', 311d Lateasha Compmn share

their lunch period.


Class of '05

Pfencer, Mark Pierson, Shan~,

Pund, Evan

Rager, Erick

Osborne Samtlet

P'orteE, Jam~a

Reed, Nubet

Porter, Sat-a

rlassJs shared by (front) Shaha Benker, (row 2) , Eric--a Bo~'d, JaTara Presley, (row 3,:) Lakendra I Athertonj Denisha HeJm,'and Allys_a Traeey,

Kenny Outlaw wai1s for the balls to go in' the ba-sj{et'du:ring hili.

gym class. '

Class of '0'5

Jonni~McFadaJ]dandguest Miria ArndeU donee at T91o.

Max l\1:llbul'D, ED:1il)' Freemgn, Carolyri Kngel, Frizz~ll stat) for a qU.ic.~ phQt~FVI'bjJe dancing.


Class of '05


" ,"


Wag!:ler, aryan

WMaTUrf, Mark

Mr. Ronert W~ Adams, Principal

Ms. Allgell]l Stmllpf; 6'6SCU'fo.r CollilS.,IQf

l\iffi G'reg. M:cDn:nieJ., AsSiSU\int Ptincipal~Prag.

Dr; Cle'p. Wa£k!C!t.

A:sS:iSt:afit ~rhfeipal Dean

J\t[r. $cottGib,ot).,. Junior Counselor



Ms. Lorraine Wigand" St)Jib()mm~e CouhSelor

Ms. Cla;t;a RoberiS, .Fresbman CQ'tmse('Q

.Bli~;gltt; ~~.1\teI1~'$l.,ijl~g. 1ll;ittiJJi~ ~;h. nllIJ,j'~ ~rt campbeU,. ~is. R:i1,~en.

, ~c.i:ep;&;e' Gli:arr

'Clarl<~ ~1':Cb3.d, ;Spa:-rilsl1 Coil, M:1' •• .f\)1di'ew,

'Web. 'Chait

Jjem!)'r1y, Mr,"~lkljacllcN!~{L~, D,unneU~~~,J'fln;~.S'f~,. BQ.Il((Wjl\"tr·J:!)a,tit,JJ;},~·

11l1kin$l 1V1f., '4'I!drew;-PJll.' ItUls. Mr. Ed,. CQlina'ty&fts

Rillfetdy':Mt. .al'il¢, $e.teuce Iitl';$, Ms~ Mitli~~,Sp~n~h H6J'~in. ~'S~ Sll):d~ 'Soc:. ,81,1).11. lb;i"tj~~ ~[ s, DOM~~SOe.C. :Eli. fJiIJ'(!s~, .!\its. ,eaI'olyn,Ko'~~

0, • .16iir;n., ' .

l101ll')oi. ".4 • .r~ri1ice,~I~'fl;i,3 R!6mlil:~ d\1rs. &rJa Stfenc1t

... ,', ' " ~, ,"

Hultl¢l'~ Mr. ~e ... ill, losy.,Mllsic

JtiC~OJll Ms. ItAn~~ SI>¢~ll;d. )$.il~~ing~ M~. Ml1rilo!l;

, Spcc~ lid. Chair

K:ttl'hllnS, Ms. Phyllis,

Consnmer' SCience Li~on. Ms. Martin~', ;En~. Ma'~~~ ~lr; Jcett, Scie-.nce McDollald) Ms. JHJ, &ng. MtNam.ata, lVIs,'Well!:ly,

:Suc.Stu(l. Chnir

iVIerJ:1tttMS. Jul~e.&'j;lec;,:e'I. l\(fQr:.ti1.;,)Vlr. _tarry~ ,.oti\~,. Ed. ~(e,~i~gf!f'Ms: An* ~~, 'MilVti:eaT;:Mffi,~ eol :!'1!1e~, "s:p~,'@! \ l'yl))rah, MJ.'~ M'iqh,I'Ie:J~ '.t'iith.,


SC!'iul'ffi:rl:l\fs. Uud'it, BuSines~, Sc'lil!ff~[, M-t.--$Uott; :lJilsi:n:egS, Sniitb,l\[r. Df)iik';BnsiQe~s. :,SQl]lWIU~et", Mr.~d~m~

, Vt)c. l'll-biie ' ,

Ste'w~, M$. Sally, ~a.rl,..-

Theriac,:Ms. pn~,~l~i£lj ''Vdll&ll!U:1:t !VA.-t\Ilb.--t ,l\1~~.:_Cfiai't' Yi(lt;t, Ms. FhU:~~~I,gl

, ¥Q~'~ )fIt'; BIl,)V!2;fh,

Webste;r. US: LV1t~4'¢ne. t\:Iatn.

Stait' r;;J

Ka:!."flsi1'ill:l'tGr1fQr StutililllliAc!. Oireciil'r BblJUeil!"Ms; eYJ"i;tJiil1, Sp~.<E'a •

. B'oh-iJ~"Mr. InUy, PQ1ic~ 'Liaison

off. "

,Glj,jDlled¥:tr .. RI-cI{; C,A.R,E:S]jJ~tQrt. Ms,. S-u,e.~i\-t,teri!1;aIJl\J

~)fr4~Ms. LindlJ.,J\'enia. :il:$,!'t.

lI~iNi;fu. M~.~cia.[&'P£x. ,,gd~


.1If1ov.eJ1" M$., .r()J\lIJ;J~ .l();rii!f~S'ir!". lt~p:i\.M,~:pePbt~ ti~tn'9~t;. Le~~,,_Ms. c&dl:\; lnte~¢

11i"ws;z. M'$"I;lt;if,\~b

,~~~t~ :A'ett\,.Dir. I/:itili4i'cl;"M:s. 'lq.tri; S'pec. E~. Ass't>

'S~U"l M~; Jau,,'GQ,Un..See. S'noo-k,,)?t:l:ine, li.J'll. 'Vaugbn, Mstt\1tiI'!X'

JU(1J':" I:n:ter:nret,



CD tn


\J'eumg urganlz~u It p11 ~~r!:!! Wi1;ll ~1l~'lgll!,,\; ,11. v:iS10lltif wAal ,111if:#11J;)'~, TJUlt;S

th~' ea&ty' ]1$1'. J

'rli.¢n--li~ts; pb(l1ne G\\11s, ,diis· :aPI!.9Jntmeut5.; -e.l <\t]011> and, ,always, work. w:ork, .work. ':But finallY thew@tk is'dbpt.

-and ,the :f\JO &(';gill~.

Being paft,ohn: o.rg:'mizati't'lh

L<!.YClut PY: Stephen CorupliIL rhdto$ by various staff (nembers. Captions by Jennifer Keubier a~tq Lindy 'Mifle'[,

"Fmi:rjjjne - :F1e:l,t~"(s.)f! bIO'rnIO.t!)"j es~[ca Q:rouselliifd 'j etluQ rehearse tbejr lines.

New'§'jj)[)per Sp:qrl~ J:::ditol" BlijMl'lI!1tN ary-p-repa.e:s: toty:pti; . his ~tQry on pagell1~Rer.

Journalism: H-ard

Layo1.:Jt.phQtos, and C'q;ptionsby Brittany N'ayJpi

YeilrQ~pkSj:iurts EtlitP~ t\l11KLawhilwa,ldoo.k$ rht:(y\ilDt$IIIp:1 lte,&at yes"~ f\'intD It pjCttJ~,

S~itor- io.;CHief E) ri.,ttany lSf 4yl,Qf \~iqit., rm g<]li,C~~fl';S' ,off i:)'f

the dl~ffuI6atti~ta. .

Jun~Ol" Tra¢:y; Flp}!danrl,F!;licia -Dt;ltsey, anet F['es~rui, Ki1rlt BaLen'i';l~6~~)J)\dl~yeJlt- 11001(,


worth finished product

y ~i1rbt'o1q~n~! N ews,papet'4-d v tflor ~'i. ~tfr;eTt 'el:!1'g.,goel;i oV''er&i1ort~


String and Sings

A musical experience

Tile 2(')01 B.OS,5e Choi rhad quite'1t big year, Willi the transf~rofMi· .. BenjamillBo·yer,tlle choir .~o1a taste of It new reacher, Fl(;,:MI ideas" and new w·ays of le<!rRing the music, Mr. Andrew Sqnf!eIl1~keT, coming from Oakhill "Middle School, g6t 11 t.aste 01" wtia.t it was like tQ. teach a high SCh00L class. "Bosse is a blast! Iam'so bappy to be back at-the school where I did I~y student teachi ng (at the" tirrte when Mr. Blkins, Mrs, Hoover, Mr. Hulsey.Mr, Kti.ebL¢r, and Mrs. Viner were seniors at Bosse.) It'is a pleasure to work with all ~)ftp-~ chcirs and bea part of the conri n.uingexeelle;l1t choral trsditiou here."

It \Xi1is bu.siJ;le$$ IDl usual fot the.Or·che~tJ.;a.asfn-rasteacb.erS.arecencerned. They staIt:\l!l the;

year off right fiy sending six students to the EVSC Honors Or" _e'liestra. Th(;()' ar{). as- fQll~1ws:

ChdSfa£hi ploy anG. Candiee B~~k tin me vi6JjlJ; MeIindffH\Jr'I1'I'IJGl. Loren Veazey,and Jantal $Q'yd on 'C€i1o;. and Nicb1c Beck i"iJ SJong Bass. Melinda Hummel atsomilt:le.AlH?t.'lte:OrcheslTa. !vir:

HW~"1)y had this to-say about.tliis year's orchestra gfQ-llp. "I have enjoyed tbeorcb.;;s.t;ra ·e1lj.$.s Jhi.s year. They are a very hard-working-groupofkids who kmrw h6w to have fun. 1 have been VCTY ple'h~.ed with their progress this year.

Layout, pictures, captions, and story by:

BUll]Y Schapker-

';'<;l\~'Jl1jile'C(iit takes time out in Orchestra class to smile for the camera.

M,r. Sonnemak,er helpsjeachvwords-to.a n«.w·$obg during'.class ..

~k, Huls~y 'is at ,,\::ork besween band and erehestsa c;las;se,~.

through the

Pride of Bosse s

The; swing;Jnuslc ,bl<'):r~s, climbing bigbto a ,judge':s ~b:'X.c planted 20 feet ah9ve the footba IJ field. This ye~( Bosse's band and guard performed a swing show, perfbrmingtlie songs "Minnie the Moocher," "Night train," "Mr. Pinstripe Sltit;" and "So Long, Farewell, Goodbye." Wittl· feanned soloists, swing dancers, and a marching band to match, the band marched to Regionals with their headsheld Overall a year wo:tthswJ.ngittg to,

B'alitl Oil,"ecfqr: 1{(i*ij.nJ;~1l.[5ey

~~~i$talit B;;i,pd Dit:e()tQI'~ .JlUlpe fuo~IJler, ..

'Guqnl'ln~tTl,II;,tQf; CirylifalWe1gaJ\'<a Nina SitnpSQn, Drum I\tajors< A~i:.:lQigh Kapl}0~& Heather Riuh;ert~ 'Guard eijltiii'n~: l\sllleyS'itow;& Lindy, Mi:Jler Bilnd l'n'S,i4illltl J4iehael G.aaning

S()'oi~t: :AShley S:iJi;!w, Miohael Graening .. David Wrtgh~, J'ft3tt 8t!J"lltlLandAd.a111 Buente

Quaflteti Adan~~u~nt~., A~'ljl)~Ges)~g9~, Gov{Reddit\g-, Josb beS'oaryg;

The IQW brass seetion madtt, ofmelophenesrrrombones, tuqa'S;a)ltl 'solo:iiltAshley Sbi)w,antl Micl;tael G:tae,nipg swfngda)jteaudiJgil~h',

hOrns play fhe.ll" way ttu'ongh "Mr. pjJistrip~ Suit," Pinsttipc.'Sult.'> Micliael runlAsbJey's solo consistcdofinani twM,

76 tIU"US, aod tlips.

I'\l'!;{ffi"'~"" ~~jilfitllR~ilZ Hfgb:ScJ:i;oQI.). RQ:w I :(J'. yq~elZ~l\1. _C"o~te,)~,A. ,Sl.l;yl€il U .. Cco,"ilIe:y-Ro'W';l; Gn:ard [nStr(r~rCry,st.~ Wejg,!J~

.' , n~l, K. V"J:i'le.l\1. 1)tab .. ant~ L.. B;id(Jle.,S. ",L.~ MiIle~'~A .. Snom' ~l. SiriClajr',J. Sao\,,", A. MeGinliis,.$. ItjlIn.e:Jjy; C.

3,: ,J,DeCfliI"C, C. Bc'cl4 L. Veaz:ey. O. Cb{lpml,l;h, a-Swc~tG- K.~ Lucas, ,tt, Kap,Pos, n. R(Jbei'ls~ s, 5Nfhin:k, ... Di'clWl~n~ ,1<.

Athe:'rJ;.tm~ ~~'l\lt~.~RQw'3,:l. Mc'C1artl,l1"1.L,4p,P,A, .R:og~f'f; I{~ l\'liUer~~ ~~f1~ C.C~:phcts;lI.·Atherton,U. €a::rpetftill. IDYoderl, ·payn~, LYo~r ~o~·'·4:F.BO<Inec"j)'. Elliott) E. Clar.k, a..Kifer, M. SOI;u~t~1!,,8, .Jones., 8. Jacks{lll 1~. Wifljnms> Cl; Linds~¥~ '$, 1{Ub~";t. l{utb'llfr j~!l:w'-5: M,r.. ir, 'lJ:UlS:fl; .1. l.-fu-l'st, V, lJ)iw$, "F.,WU.ilQ-u,Ji G-:r!n~dgeo KNuon, M.: Shu'tt, C.IJted,dl:itg, K. A. l\l!.'lCaire:, D. EiJ\s, 1<;. l'!i[;aylc)l'~ l\'lr~ f.Kuebl~r~·~. ''VrIgUt, A, nUe'i1tc; 1'. MeJlJtm;bj. M. Fre.l\~au, C. Hay.cs; -~,1. Sel'iclJet. S, !n'(nn!I'k:,·F:i:i"'n1'e.1",· L. Thtlln,ps{i,)l,A. Ml!LamlJ, S. Cempall Rov,o' 6: N'. Ba)fne,:M.:iloliellter, A.Carpenter, L, W ... yne,:$;.A;raol!l, Q. St'o""n

. C. Jottfs,re·.Gu..mbJ~, L F~rut:Yl l{fl~ 7: M. j\-iontgomi~r}1A. Geiirges;' C. Alh:fr~d,g¢; J· ... D;ei'ou,JI;g, N. li,I:tcl., J.

atl, .J. Moore, 'C. McNary; J. $iD1psQJl Rnw. 8; B. Bise;ih A. FrlUildin, C. PmvelJ, G. ,GamJ,>,tt.

1-""'-''''1' I001: Th.!! band m.'lmbcrs form the macclUog block band dllting . band beglns every praetb;e in thisfornUl'ti'on.

Josh Djdonan beats.hts.snare drum as the band

pln~is behind birt1dllriRg' tlt~ roo1;ba.l1 , ~, ' f \' ! < ~

season pep assembly, '4 0 Q 177

La~'01Jt by B-rittany 'NaylQr

Captions by Christina Betz

Pictures by varicus staff members

We Ge>t Spirit, Yes We Do

Tbis: year the ~Sprtit ,b'qmtd b'a'g W"art1:oip.axed hi ~fj lot- @:P e'Ve'nts, $~me.

-'if' ' L." L •. d"

Q'I.-tti:e,eve;llt'$,,tl'fe)T: ll:ave pa:rticJ'pate' ',',1u

Wyf~ tlieplaJ1~i1.g g( Spirit We~k;. pioitue'ing', posters' for sports, designing ,peW {I,·s:se.mblies, :ami face]Jainting at the ,game's. Ov:eyall, the bigg,el>( thing that tOe.S-pjTft5'fJJIB.d did j,s ~ead our sQ-J:iool~pirit

By: C:titisfJ;na Betz

31?iiit Sqtlnp20Q',]-20Q2: (rQ\Y one)$.. J3tlJ:ynb~ugI1, £:. ~J1l1;le~te {tQw~W:QI S. C9.:rt1b~ll,~ dark (l'6.w1bree)S.-Sti,ndle, C.MqC:t~Y; J.a~lju~c,1).PI9~'q,J~. S;w,.;aitt, E. SrLlJar4" K, W;itS:s:W~i'. L. Willkms,L. Jloffman ,J. MeJ.(l~" W: Mil IeI'.

Whjte stndie« wltllewa.i(,ftlg meeti Its t1) seart;

(tow ~tie) M~.' 't6:eriao, R:mqi~Wl;l.g111; NtUdr %itgrg,!fi., l\iftitt Z!j~elbath, ·Sarah Scbenk.. N1'agg~e Sohtri'ka:{lfOW rn'QYClaii1' H;ellti'Q"h, l2.i'I1USlly' W4Yi;X~, JSLj'k};J B':~gifFd tro\\', th:ree) ~IcpL'1 BflC;k" Ei:ipi ,S®ples. ~;;Ll~lyn Fqrme,[. Jil~fji Mk~"I.'I'lat1, 1D~tihilfu CL'~wle&(toQ,' four! ~aa l)ul}j' S>djfai,. Cl1i.2!'ttll1,' Cr-y-StaJ De,b'l~f.

.1~l~iJ;~J:~~O'f4! J:I'\\l"r nlfa:rd'~~,'JJJc(lb 1:):'0,11 " Brycl:; Pl;111ck, uhIL,Jaek{DeOlii'i:; di ~us~ .. ~,;}m;nlsn ~jtib ev(tj1'ts·,

_~r{)W one) .Lac'resh'a W,i lliarrrs, J'jf-eillil4 DUDcfm, Ryan 'Rhodes, Angie Seyler, Steven Adams' row tWQ) EOl;a Samples, Chilfo]'l Stanley, (i~oW':threeY Shauna R9hin$Q,D. Amber Goin, Ma:rk (jesfer, Brearma Haller, Megan Meny, Megan CroWley (row four) Chris WbodruH, Mark Wq-ocJ;n.lfF\ Jfl:d{ DeCaire, Dean Floyd. Casey McCoy (;tow five} Mi·s, Michelle Hays, MI'. Chad Clark.

~rs.:, l3~g0P n

SOph!ilIT10'res J)e~e~" 'p~r a;u,d MUw'gal!lR:ee'l:'llt Vi llp~llliOy¢1 lttaCer!W,

Clubs compete toshow off kno'wl~"dge

We h1we I1Il!i\JlYJ;lcuqem)e tt}n.;ms thl!~tll~hout tl'le:"sc'hooJ 'y~f,lt who' rejll2n,lfIa~~l~~'1:b&i1 r:eprS$enf mil' school ,in e{)Ih~&;tfliQl1~. ,ttw;S(!t~anlS work hard r.I'v,RT0tl1@riie aNd cR\at¢ ~1;J:ij:legiesinltFi'~ffd'f,tttiwhH 'AJtheu ghsP./'flM~iu:ns dO'!;I't cQme 'back wi rfi atrqehy or all'l'edaJ, 'man.)!' ool'H'y,:bl).'cl\:''K::l1o'v.:ing ttr5t ('I1~y'J:ri:JMl ,:ibM besr. StudentR IvM do PtJ'tti¢iWl~e jell \bese cGmpetitiDlls'go in \/lith ap'PSi~ve'at.titi!de tutd'L~ve' 'ly,lfh that sa~e::att~t\lde, . . ' . . ,

6y lli'itt.11l,Y 'N~JQr

Ntl~ A. -M'Oore\ M. '}:'J:alla:ntt,S.. Meyer:s, J\1,$lIljth,Ld>1oesteri 1 Fti¢h$"J "SJ;1(~/.lJi~lm.

(at\Uvt{,)'S, 'SaI)9crs. Ai\Jhert9~, ~. 13'1.*, U'11d ~.$chaP:kQf,~"¢;th~i);. i~1\? .;).t,a DECk rH~ti It,g:.

(right)[.. to ~: .fm'1')ors M~ Me;yel'!'".L R!ch~rd,sop K, Stra,ti;qp" 13, Squ1Jy~ C. Hrvafin ¥n(j K. kHdfellg~ f$e .a .. lnfl1uJe iii) pps~'at t1I\!

Op:ryliJ.trd H'Qtel.

DFJJ~\ : '{l;~}\X' 1) l'·C. Lovan: .vJ" Meye;r&, S. F'iscqer, ~nn\i. 2} k Atherton, S. ,sanders., K". A Tll'l rcdge, g, S.C!,111y.. E. sc;:ll'apJt'tr; K W.al1e{, (rQw 3) Me S<:Jinffer, tIL BilJ:Z\ i{, Btl;attOI1;t...Rich]jrd~Qh • . D:Rj'~li.,J,· Ounctm, T.

S'b~I])a·Ll. .

(abon) Junior K,¢U'} a Alldredge and ,;eT}ior Sean fi~her en.f<t1l'y themselveA at a d(m~e dw'ing a DEC A' 1J:ii1.

baCA- 1!rswlbuti"l'c EdA.«ati.on ~llrh;l A;li1'er.rcil, 'I)l'e 6tMW-d.tic:l'lJ.., SPQ]]'~QtOO hj alW::ty,s,iJltetesliril$ Mr. S.l1af.fIi.W, teao1t(!~ Sit! aQ'da-l Jobi!, ciropemtrQ~l, .t'e.ilIt!Wor!L. t1icnuSltip. n aIs£) _tl~:p~mds fh~if under~f ottbeimpbrl~~~ fUtti V~IW,t0f m~'ketin~

'rhe elu bl. SQn~j s:ts·(j( tJij:Et:Y!fitlldi:cl1~~'lb ~1l(}CllIb, Il;'licJl merli'R-er 11all' to lJ,p.enmllItd1ll Qf tbe ma:rR::ew1g' c.laiise);.

DECA' spon·s~t&nurneJ".Ol.l,i; ~*OdiaUktil~i llk~·tbe'jT lJ;lwaycIt Wll:C·~J,flilllQ\i;:.e.~lI p~

hm"~ a>spdJl.Jtal1~1 h}~ trip. Th~t~l$,Q.a:ll.~ NatIonal COIl'te~ 111, S.¢lt1;.akt' Crty,~,aU t/ays;.alldthe Reg:iO'n lle(fd~~<$hip O~,(\t l,hat is :he,ld [n K1IilS!lS cil),. MI.

s'lln:y and layout by Anne,U,wnici ... 'lk

-B'PA: (row I) s, C6mpaH, :H ·S~it>r S,ts:~~eH" Cpmp-alJ takes <1 Roberts; I{.Slud~T, (mw~2) "ff;I'S~at Wh i h~· Wili_li~ng f\11: a Tm.bant,'T. Johnsen, t.,~Vini;;\rlJ;;;, ¢~"nn'P~titJ6n 1.0 begi)1.

H. CaPP$,A Snow, ·MI;l\',Setulffet. (row :3) -0. Merri'we.athe..r~ J. W~Umcl:jer. S-.Aryin.

EPA President H9aU)er R"2bmts, 'Vi(lecPre:;;ideltt KtJ l)'SlltQtir, and Treu;S'tr,Iet' Tashira J O'1ins~~ ')10,5'1'.\ fun.! .gJ;OllP picture ,at,!)1i¢ Gfille ePA cC)inpe.rltLGiis:

B()s:s-e"s :B~iness Professionals Pr.~pare fOF the Real World

Business. f.roress~onatspf Arneric-a (BrA) it' p,re:p:a';;in'g :st!,ltlenC~ for careers .in th~ "ren] gN.lda. It reacne's'the:ih haW to itnprbv;e titei1' leAder~hl'fl ,ll.J1'GI thi'Zenship. BQs:Si~ s1:Ud.eJiis p8.l:1ii~i:plltin.g in this QI; be.n~fti once the-yare out -of Qi-gl1 ."1\9haQ~'fU1q QI'I tl}eit own,

Tbcre~ai'e o\'er:.50,Gomp~titiQnS duri;n-g'lWN sea:sonMd two majbr QfI iifs- -!>tB:te anddi ·gtJ·ic,trTb ert::, -3 re +il'toon &C'n0oJs tHat f.fU"ttid:ij%llc "from this dhb:illt. BPAis mainly all abou \ eonrpetitlon and havi ng

f'L!1'l. '

T.It(;CottrpetiJ.Je;lD the :->Lll(!ynls p~l.rrici.p~ted in and enjoyed the u'io.stwflS Disrrict, which was held on January 12, 2D02. Students

placed 'ill Ij cempetiticns, MHi. ~chn:itel: said; "The c-Ql-Qpe1:itiplJs are R',ti;:tty tt'\'1gl), b ut tltesl u:t!epp: lU'Irmg:ed to, d'q\<ety .well." BPA weilt [ostute on PebFjJaty 2-2-24, 2Qtl2,

The officers for 13PA are Heather Roberts as president:

Ke-Uy Sluder a: vitt{t-F!residenr, itnd TaShira. Johnson as the,tre~tt:ri;5E-

This year, as a'flJlttl.rals-~r. 'the BPA Sold Hershey

fi lied t"0s~~·.fbr Wlentine's and,QUtet candy sales, hophlgto Ttlii'ke at 'least $200 for state,

Slor y and layput by,; An)Jtl. Lawniczak

Layout b):' Lindy Miller Captions by Brittany Naylor

Star Power

Teen Power

Senior Brandon W ri~ht and junior Elijab McNar~'rake a mjJ;lute t:romcamp to pose'for the camera.

Sophomore Patl'kk Hennessy and senfors Tajj Dowell and, B'obby Fox peti:orm a Skit aboutdl;ugS.

Far right: Senlor BQ.bby F'ox, along With Patrick lIenn~sy and Caflada Flowers., participate in a team effort game.


Thee student council was involved in many pt0j~~ts and aceiv ~tl€S that help~d impf~-;ye <;lUl' 'S~Jl00'_ and our CQmmu~llty.56me of the, projieets and itctiv-ities Were tlit~k-ortreating fOf Ganl:1ed,g~pds, attending -It')e State Convennrm, spOnsiX')ring the Hemecoming and. 'T()lo dances, parlici.J1ating in the R'i1~y's ChiId1icim':s HospiW ,project, and SAFE wees.

The E\-'atl:sVllle EO:i.:ld


Pantry trick-or-treating ,project was II huge success with over 1000 cans cpllected,as was SAFE week. The topic for S APE week was "Hate, Cranes and Groups," Tbe council spl'e,ad ijJfqtmatiqll to rhe sdtool tht'Olig,h the daily news an 0 QtUlcem-ems and united the; sohopl .against Qate c.t:~mesby :pr~a4ng a st.:l:iool·wi(le q\IiIl; whicn ea~- Jromerubtn signed.

This spring, tb:e eeuncil began planning a Job Slladowing- Da-y. Tl1e;y .planfil~tl for Gl¢'RwQodand Washington Mit;Jdle ,Sc!:J:po:). stude.J:l,ts tQ §:pend the, ,doW wi ill a student council meml§erand o QSe'4ve Besse's ('{eli vines and c1 :1l.s,8'f>ooms.

Overall, "the stutiellt

G01.lJJd I has ex.'penen(1led a rear full Qfat;l:cCf0.'HI., dedieation, afi(tgenerousi~y.

'By C)1atity Garnett

Senior'Mackl;\P~ie.Smith and sopbtllllore Pa:tiie.k Uenne.$SY deOOl' 'I!1016200 L

',A W:"




- ,

, .

t ,

Showing Bulldog Talent

"1:~Ue,nl OdW~'tl'ironghoLlt'(lur . SCh9QL ~iP, J:nq:ny way,,s and in ftrany'di1'iet~t Pl:lup;tec It ir;,;up tfi tbo;;e,\v)]o have O}@ fafC:Ol tp 1.l,SJa -it. N'%b'-W~ r.rll" t~t1)~ tl)ih provji,thd r ta:lOOi~

rh'is'::je:e:tiQn-MtfjI'!n~&l!;1'Q:qcitiSiJ~tli1etibs. It di5:j51ay,s-1I'ie athel't:tic._ a!i)1ity' qf ~hgse '~:e,J,t-ajfl in,.. .divjuu1illS, whdl \vt:fgnGIL:afriitH'I ~q shqw off th&irc@mpetitJv€l' '&'!.ge.

Wherher it was: in football, soecer, wt'estling, bmiketQal1, :ere: these students''heifbo~t <l;Tlq striV:.e,d Fe!!: nerf.eGtjQn.

Through the wins, ehe and ~~qJ thi'< tiB~, the lMm.s Managed tQI,s,tay. su-n'itg, $@l.'q.e-carme'9utqn,lqp,J,Ule oUl,~r$ WyJ;t}>ai HnFe'shi;)rt oJ their ViCfQt'i~1ti yeL all snowed '13 til 1- clt,ig' '1;:41 ~.llt"

'by,Rei lXarttNli~lor

L.a:y,OJlt by·$te'phe.n: !10ttlpaU, Phtrtms: lJy \¥M;lQIiS,:$1.aff' m~bers" C~pti~1'IS' QY FeJ;i~.i&:Dq;(~y; 1r[tc~ Floyd,

Anne;-L;:t\;Vni~~k .

God Reiicti'n:gantl Alison DeCaire show llieiJ'Spirit a-tter one of theirsoftball games as the'y 5:tt)P fore


Football perseveres: fights to champlonsh

Plagued by injuries; Bosse's football team, after. a de:ht;nl stan, was looking, for answers. The adversitythat they faced rnolded a team ofenly 30 guys into a unit that proved to be resili?Rf. After

droppingsever; til ;1 tOW, thtil.B\lUtQughtbacJ.( itt

knocking on Priuceton, 3J-28~ The victory proved no.t0nlytothe failS but to the players themselves thriltonceagaiu they were healthy

and ready to "&0. .

The next week, ina 'Saine that \tf .n be r~mem1;Jer{ld fOT quite some time; the BulIo0gf;.


Memoria! Tjgeq team that had beaten them -intM regular seasen. On the strength ;0f two goal Ijjl~ stands, one in t;h,ec1o$ing,,Sec0uds of the:game"<;lrtd Me in Qyexti 111.e, the ' iflu.gJtl: hack teD whu'l thrillet' .at Enlow. They were now seheduled to

play in 'the seetionsl ch~mJ skip, a feat thflt no BQ~s(; foe team had been a pert 9f$io~e I

AlthoyglHhey didn'hi'in, shewed grit ant! d€t"hminl Zlgaiost all Qlitls, i:l.ll\1:tletMlI4 they wantsdtci becoifie:

ball team. Russ

(above l~ft) Varsity Feotball:

Row I:R Windell, J. Laughary, B. Fox, K. Wallace, R. Harbaugh, D. 'Freels, J. Turner, 1'. Dowell .Row 2: K, Bullock, M. Vaughn, A. sa;ndet'er, B. Sin~mons" B. Wright, T Stotts., J. Suenrem .Row 3: K Wilke, T. Cqrnpton" Ryan Mirior, N. SGJ1enk. 0-. 'Brown" J. Nunley, M. Lesser, J. g,@uthwell. Row 4: c. v;.:adaelt, It Piltt6n, ;M.Carwile, D. Thorbeck, A. Luebbehuesau, A. Abi'c, A, SO\lthard., K Langley. RoW 5:

M. Gibsqn, Coach.R MeKiru.ley., 'Head. C€la,'Ch E. Vogel,£'0ac.h J;. WhIcker, Coach J. MJi)'.

(above right) FreshmanTeam:

Row 1: M. Milburn, M. Pelton.M. Piersoa, J. LYQ.l1, B. Fenwick, E, Wilhite, KWillijllllS'. R'Qw 2: I, Burst, j, Wilson, M. CO'vWel, C. .Elliot-Biggs, B. Chl;!.mbel'$', F. Boone, R.Lee. RoW 3: 1-. St~watt, J, Simpson. M. Johnson, T.Smith,. 1. Bo)«1, L. Minor, D, Mites, 1. Compton, Row 4 CoachW, Sctieo,k ¢oaeh J, GI'ap.pner:Coach D, Worthington.

l'qJj ])o\Vel1;S~ope 1$turn1fa kic1c,Sf~d,Pii,"g tn6'yarl¥ mgl11enls tlii1j:bu G$;tle;@ll\c.

C':6aclf:E, V6~le_\\i'flti."Jl'llui' play ~evolGlI!

-deft) "cnny L(l(l.gley dOc1se;", a lflt;>:kfc :;)$ 'Tre,y ~tott$, ·ru1QWt):f

. A Il-Currfet'ence pick, lOO.R,s to aJ(,~.iSt;

Right: ALI-Gon.!hence Q'uaiterb!lek Ru~seU Hllll?augh;~~~e~~f~ fQF ,tPi;!;'i$ :,tg,a;nsl Mem.0ci~l.

PMt<l:.1 Courteay-Mark M~(;);Y 8,.9

Layout, pictures, and captions by Brittany Naylor

Fi".elihl1'\allc;De~fle,!der Brooke Burnhardr, a]otrg with i)'tI)CI: cheer members, get the crowd hyped up"

Juniors Christin JOI,eS and Katie-Strauon, along with the rest of the team, practice a few mQves beforeperionning, ' ,


Who's go

(rew 1) AmberClayton, Brooke Burnhardttrow 2) Holly Ati"ertlim, m?lIl~Almarie Mcl.amb, Raven Buss,

.... ,..?

e spint ~

r"."v.'i!': .. "'., .... O~ ream: W,i~ I) J, -Qn:iTlS€!. E. SillHh-, T. McGlowll; C.

K. Slyper.t. ·Jghll.SOI:l.&. CIayton"S. BtlJldle,(ro-\v2) v.. Y. HawkIns, K DIl\',]11 trow 3) M. A~llOy,. M.F;oster D~. Ems.t. Forney, e. Ga¥n~. L. W;'lb:oi:\.

Thill aMJ>c. !~an'l :gru,-'Jh~;d}inwli ,ptlID tt~{;t up beJm:epel."J;P~rffutg; Q11e. IJr1l:Jl~jr fl1otil1os.

SogU-\i:1l1(JIes· Ctlttn., ·(.ayn~ '~ lJtrktd~ EJpwel'S s-t10f\1.: th.;jj !l/tm:CfJlg'C\U, be 'fb}.u.

SeniorKclly Sluder and Sophomore VtlS'lflru Hawkins show Q·ft ,,01n(! mOMes dUrlliii- their .perfornrance at a pep, assembly -,

L<!.MQyt anG:€"4P:ti@ilS 'by Brittany Naylor

Pictures taken. by various SnU1 members, .

(rightj Coach Moser OJl!]!!,S his team into a lnrddle dw;ul.gJb!;:fur1'l\ q.IJID't€.r q:f a .Rts.~Jw·t';luam,e.

Lbe!1'IWj Janhi1( Bl'itn'don. HMsli'i. aIOfl$w.i rh'Glh:ed&iirnmnle~, war.ell di.w.~al1le c.!qs(Jly.

Bulldoqs blts

th ro·ug h th eseason

Tile seaSon smtt@d Offill' little .tbugh ttYt" ~fule. B@~s'!" Vw:sity naS:ke~tbalJ tl';'.an1:; b/J~ it changed for the I::!~tter )When th'~, DI.:a}li:[QjSptiUel(i the-if m'Omeffi1t.wn and tfile-ilt tQgeJb&r:, ,'rIlle S·C\'ilspn went: 'w.eill, 'w.C' JJa~ l~t:S, of gklQq UliQ.;g/i come tt pass," C'!ba:cn Elkins ,s'a:id.

Seruors Tt~,~ Stotts and 'Barry Harbaugh, were m&-jor I?~ayg(s rOJ; tJjb team, Thi3;y

s'Q{};we:C1 ~00G1 le,a:de~hi;P

skilL~ :antl ft\PJ~le4. b.a?W:~tbaJl vf}ry welJ.·"11leJ) se,;ta goqd e.x~'1lpJ't·~l,fd' are ~e:ny ta-lentedV' G6'acn ElkiM ag'Eeed, i'attd' the juniers and sopbOU1QJiGS also helped round out a

·great loath:"

, "l'n,¢ ,gr~~'ttl\.~ttl:l:iQ,g :ap.otlt

tb171:eamtbis y~a:tisthat 'I'herr '$ twsR c0-gethe£, Ib'ete; nte· ;[o.l'!fjunfaf&and two. S!.lpixQ,n~pre"S. WJn,il ](';"tipocq ~n(l wil]

. btl baek t~ play l'l'exf year, Tltefteshlllat!teamha~e o:nc .of the: b-€,l:st:team~ in the city, !so'we 'Yin have 4 gQo.Ck in" toriiing 'rerun. "

"Our main goaLneiX:l yeai' wi1l to be tn. wi);lrJletQlltnJm~:nl· We will make-a .. g@9d 'nun anti. 8'tm With secti'bnals;~;

u ,I;\- 1j _ -:'.'

deaoh mll:ins"pit:dictS.

O:v~aU:,. tJre t~l¥Ul had a :gQqd 'Sf'&,&on -and enjoyed tIt~dt 'ti.i)l¢.o·Jj "rid off the t:ttttrt..

-story by AsllleyWeb!>:Be:r

(b_elc'Jw,r Se1) ior trC'-S,{o¥.>w:lI1\'i\ oUR ~rPJt'lH1V;Jtrs-il'Yc~:

;Oe11:) lunI6,cSi:k;tt 'IZLirsjldl J'ru pares ti)l r~eiv~,*e:±lfIl'({i~~o Bli!p!r,l;ewT;) I~):;it.<l' ••

,(b~JPW\)'~.\l:~tm:iBndn$.an{~ M0§\lt· w~tj!;);I~'lhc t~~D' f;l:i'a'C;(i c'(:,:'[U <\)f,

B,oys' Basketball S:c.ores Varsity

J~tferso~wil~e-5)I~osse_ 4j ~Qb,r!,¢\I'ilk $$~ Bt?,~so: 5-4 PriUCClt)D .6;5 !l:O$se(53 Reitz 7] BQsse-{lS

Hamson 70 Bos-se 44 Bosse ,SS Central 51 WiMenneS LlncQ10 7'J '8-i'lsse38 :a~O$;e- (W' ciw~tl&bo,rQ,5"- 49 Ia$Ite:r :TL BJ}S$e 6;$;

Matel- m:i8Q.R():s~~60, SlAG. TOllL'ne¥ Castle 5.8: Bo-1ise41 Hll."i7iso,fi 83 B0,~se 5'1 Record'j'"t8

N I Freslnnan

.W Record 1- J1'

SlAG 1'QLfI'l)cy C;llit\e 22 BOS-lie SO Matet'Pd 41BQ'Sse ~7

Freshinan Record 9-9

varsity:- K, COp'~ana. D. ~tark5',,_L.Buse.B. JJ~nbl1iugh'e-~~ Carwile; (m'>:V_2) W. SG,h~p;k, Ceabh S:eh,Mfdf, O.~tott'S~ E. IlvfGJ:'{arY.J~ P,0tt~j', 8." Clasp~ll, Coach Elkins, COach Moser, M. Oi'b_sbll..

:&e,sery~: K Laqg1ey.,s. Claspell, LFord~ D. Starrks!,,{'row 2)'W. Socpenk, Coach Scb.aif€'{, B. Honsea.D. ¥uuhgl, C. Stumpf. K. Bullock, CC:J3iJh MoSl':-'r.

Freshmanc e. Attei~" B. Fenwick, D. Miles, 1. Compton, J. ~Jewart, (ro~ '2) Geach Sc11€hK, E Boone, C. WiJJialllS; Q.Batnes, J. Goldsberry, M. Johnson. D. Johnson, Cpac:h Schaffer,

B,oys' Basketball S:c.ores Varsity

J~tferso~wil~e-5)I~osse_ 4j ~Qb,r!,¢\I'ilk $$~ Bt?,~so: 5-4 PriUCClt)D .6;5 !l:O$se(53 Reitz 7] BQsse-{lS

Hamson 70 Bos-se 44 Bosse ,SS Central 51 WiMenneS LlncQ10 7'J '8-i'lsse38 :a~O$;e- (W' ciw~tl&bo,rQ,5"- 49 Ia$Ite:r :TL BJ}S$e 6;$;

Matel- m:i8Q.R():s~~60, SlAG. TOllL'ne¥ Castle 5.8: Bo-1ise41 Hll."i7iso,fi 83 B0,~se 5'1 Record'j'"t8

N I Freslnnan

.W Record 1- J1'

SlAG 1'QLfI'l)cy C;llit\e 22 BOS-lie SO Matet'Pd 41BQ'Sse ~7

Freshinan Record 9-9

varsity:- K, COp'~ana. D. ~tark5',,_L.Buse.B. JJ~nbl1iugh'e-~~ Carwile; (m'>:V_2) W. SG,h~p;k, Ceabh S:eh,Mfdf, O.~tott'S~ E. IlvfGJ:'{arY.J~ P,0tt~j', 8." Clasp~ll, Coach Elkins, COach Moser, M. Oi'b_sbll..

:&e,sery~: K Laqg1ey.,s. Claspell, LFord~ D. Starrks!,,{'row 2)'W. Socpenk, Coach Scb.aif€'{, B. Honsea.D. ¥uuhgl, C. Stumpf. K. Bullock, CC:J3iJh MoSl':-'r.

Freshmanc e. Attei~" B. Fenwick, D. Miles, 1. Compton, J. ~Jewart, (ro~ '2) Geach Sc11€hK, E Boone, C. WiJJialllS; Q.Batnes, J. Goldsberry, M. Johnson. D. Johnson, Cpac:h Schaffer,

Leftl Reserve Girls; Basketball Tetim:<- (r6w one): 'C. taylor, A. WiH'ord, S: OolliuJ:;" 1<:., Browni ,8". :Colerinm,,(row 1:»'.0} J. Fotter; B. Luii:reH"M: Cawrhcru L, HI'~e]s; V'. H;iQk~r}.pq, Ccaeh Schoenstein.

F'res_hman GirlS;' J3;a~keQi<Jn ';l'llauH Jt:"QWt'iiie) 8. Kelly; M. Mills, J"C0~t; ([ow tv,~o)" J. ,po;rter:r8~ fi;1dHil"6,;"L F;Ci!ttiJS,,'$. Colemaft ·QoaoJl O:]j\,:eE..

~relt) ThellitdS' basketball team grabs a moment to bre,atne' dUl"ing a game,il-gllinst M~~\I5ei.

Freshman Ladana Preels. warms lip her arms by shooting before a girls' home-game-

I ,

JUn1€1r Delisa Ba}'lle <ina Sop-:tW,more- C;llnslW Taylor defend theball ag,TiJ)st the Sullivan players,

Hcf\J LuDOllriU .colHhs poses- in bh basKetbaJl uniform



This year's Unified team consistedof rrirteteensrndents.

The season lasted eightweelcs, 'eoncluding with state finals hi Jndian:ap-o]is. Terri and Becky Recker were the caaches. for the season and thoroughly e;J;ljpyed working with their teams,

"Mrs, Recker and I enjoy eoaehtng for the same reason we love teaching:, we t;,ate about OUl' stlld(!nt~, we strive to help eac11stuc:Jint, t:Qld we, are rewarded thwy:gh (}ur interactions with them," Said Mr. 1'. Recker, "The teams have several things in common: tl'i~y love to' play ball, the.y work well M a group, Lhey win most Qf their galll{{~\ and they play hard with a positive attitude. Our greatest achievement, however" is dOing Our best while having fun [9gether."

Story. and Layout by Christin Jones

(above): Senier Antonio Sandefur (tqpright): Junror Ty'RiqMcG,Uire and junior' Corey Johnson joke 'djs:eus~e8 a play with his' teamaf.0utl.d on the basketballcQurt.mates:

,(tight): $:oph@n1bYe.Mru:k Ha.skiJlH takes liltlinute to catch his breath and pose.for a piC.tuJ:lHlutlng practice,

M.:; Recker pauses to observe his pl<zyl')'s·ol'l the court.

Mrs. takes ;a minute to ~heck Cllj~ h€'r pl~iY bo\~k.durifig P i1ic bee.

(right): I?atrtiTh Scliley pJa,yif arQ"II1i1' w lill e- w!')~ti~'~ for praetice to l1egin.

BA~~BAtl STJ\TS 2DOO-2.o01

SOUTH SPE},JGERf}.,· BOSSE 4 BQ,ONEVI~l.E is ~ j3:oss!, 11 MATE'R DEI 16 - BO$sE'2 . MEMQRIAL6" BOSSEQ BOSSE 6'- TELL Orrv 3


HARRISON n ~ B:ossE 5 R6FFZ .9 • 8;QSSE 4 CEI<!TRAL 1 - BpSSE d

NEW Al,BAI'fi 9' -'80$$E 2 MEM:ORIA'L 1 €i.- l3,os8!: 9 ·WASI-IING.T0N, 11 - BOSSE 6 MATER. DEI 5 - BOSSE 0 BQSSE ~'- R'Ef17 3

HA8R I;SON H):~ BOSSE 1 VfN9,ENNE'$. LINCQlN'9 " BpS'sE 4, CE;N"F'RAL 1 S -BpSSE! 6

CA$"~E 11 - BOSSE.8

J::.JdATH 1 t ,- BOSSE '2


61~SON SO."~ - BOSSE 3

CAS'r~E 12,. BOSSE 2

Mr. v NON INVITATIONA B'os$Ji!;4 • LA.KE: C1':NTRJ!lL3 MT.VERNo;N, 113 -'ElQSS:E;~


Senior third baseman B'raudlon,Wdgpt e~g6rly awaits the next play against Mt, Vernon.

Layout and captions by: Christin Jones

G.r,ad1H.,te JytatiP(!jrd prep:ll.res I.0T his, next pitch ~tWashlngJ~ Fi~ld.

J'ull,i6rs Co:):i Redding 'and til lisonDeCfjil'c ~e;":aID(oo:K fi:mu, /takiilg the field after the game to pc}se'!$r tbec;1l:lJ)era,

FreS~U1an DCni6e Elliott nl~ during a city meet.

Cro,s,qmutry p,hqtos co'urfE'"sY;Qf,Mr" ~()Ibl').; tr-ack phittosQyUdttnny IN.aYJor; c'l.:fpfllms, bJtBrtthl~Y Naylt):r

jutJ~Qrs-R.YllnE''\'!trs, Zl)cl1 BuS'h,_aIId Jo.sJ1 De-Y'OJ.IIlg clI.tcli IIp-tQ a Harrison ()oP)Pq;tlU)i<"dp:JfiO'g the city . nje'et.

Running with. the Big Dawgs

aE~in~t Central.


Tennis season mak

Girls' Tennis 2001 (P!),w'l. ) LSchluJ)dt, M. Reo:" i(roi?;1 2) M. Jud)~, C. Zirklebach, E. McCaslin, M, LojJez, (row 3).co;tch S. Kaiterheriry,B. $iami, S. Schenk, E. Smith, :P. Engel.

tg a lot of "Racket"

(row l,rK. Sluder, C. Lundmark, M, Men,)'.,M. Harvey, A, Hasting: M. Whyo-e, (rIDw i) Coaeh Herrin. H.e~JWs, J. Qi~rdner! A j:flOkI)Oll, B.

Will, M. Smi\h.S. Kji~r, Coach Webs>te'll- '

Volleyball Scores

.NQ;rthI?O$'hydQfeatS B!!Is~e;;J:5_4. l$",U!J BQs!ie"defe.d,,~ DavililS$ eo. '15-13,: 11~ 15 M~mor.iat defe:::(i'S Bi)S8~ 15-7 ~S-'2 Castl.e,defeats Bosse L5-2 15-~6 Hittr1SQ'() <l:~j'e;tts Bo~§e \5-{l:~~j M-L Vernon d~feats BW\$e 15T 10 15-12 '€eilLE~ d¢r~ats Bosse'] ~H3' ,15-1 B,Q8;,<l6,de;fi;\;;!!ts:Reitz lii,d(j),) .I.-j5 H;;~M MrrlcrDet :ctefeats B ~~se ,1 '.'H) 1'5,,3 NO:ftllDpfeats'Bl'lsse 15- t t ,16-'14

13'0 setle:f:Mts. Vin0e,~nesRiVf;<t Ib-15It~.Q t'&-lP PriJJ¢ctou defe.ij-(s Besse 'J' 5-10 ~::5;c'8

SemlO!laJ:: Gihi> S,9.cdefff:n:K B,:Qspe li",015,-S Rlectn:d: 3"l3

'G(ty: ~-k

s1kC: ~.t:r

n.~erve ,Re,coriJ:: 4 .. 16

Volleyball 2001-2002

S1JNll!:)Tl;'tI:-J~* H,a;1] nah G~pp~,wet~ the: O;tU for OTI(?-'Qt her teammate.~,

Davis Ktrril:9h!'U1l ap~!l . WI'estlij:rg'¢(\lndiHqI\itl.g~


wunmmg '"


Swimllling2{)02: Coach Chapman, N. BQcl~hur!o'\~ R M:i\¥!-'lti,;p-;9reech, J. Carter, N. Beck, Cq,\H:;b T. Unfried, NOlpkMIil !\!Jj;ilyWa.lla:rd, Raymtlpd Hines ~ Brent Wt;aluetwax

Wt~st]jn.g.2001- 2002

l'vU. Ne:~'Mlt'11 Bosse- 0 i-Hfrris'O\1.,6J; Bos..~G. (5 'Ieournseh 36 Boss@21 Mater Dei76 Bosse 0 North .18. BosseI) Reivl,;12 UQ~se12 H~ritagl:; Hii1s;'~ U'Q$se 6 6.7 B:ti->%!:: L2>

OJ bs(}:ll S(;l,60 BoSse' 1'1 Terre Haute SQ; 60 Bosse HI

Sectional: 5th. 0-(51]] Record; O~ 14 City: 7th. SlAC: &lh

City Fr:6s1] IQllrn!$.-Y: 5th Meiubrj a I Vaisil:)' .Meet: 8tb

GAJi'i@'1ts, ~,tt1f&c at:rcf. !:ayo'lit by: 13pittany NaylQr

S6,Pbo.1ll0neG;asc,y bf;~l'ter p'fep.ares to I?a,s~' the: {xiIi to /lllo1her teammate.

~S:6'j,lliomoteN ~ H~¢r I);repa:('(,i; to }.£icl<;, tl'ie.'lMbH , rip:t1eJ!I'i,

Il.l(!:ja(' :Ri~fmr.d0 @fl.i(T1ir 'and Pr'C)lltl'l1tP" J:):itmy Outlaw run the b,llH "d,own thO fi¢,ltE

below; Iuuier.Melanie Meyers a1ie}Jlp.tS to, ¢OXitJ;:dL the:l:;i.filL


Can You Kick It?

Pro,lcticcs an~condi!i!lJning started Q£Ulies<;.lcgef·,sIiiIlson fQr J'O,f~l lijo Y,Sa(lct g:irl§,

Qoth tea,ijls b'~fi\a:Ll prt'tctie,ing: in tlle'spdJ}g.i';amllPrt!G'hues us\Utlly I~st~d aruupd fO'llr-hams, l$tI regular pt;:1ctice~ la~ted for ab6iJt tM1()' and 11 balf hour!>.

Ouring'the season -tewL1S pi'ri'¢litted ever)' day';;a!son praeti ces were 0111)( tWo times 'a week. The team pras-

li'c~d~etopl,ayg, coritrol", and swit6]lln~. "

icking It!!

!loys! fafsJty Soceer; (TOW 1)' S. Fisher, ~. Qutlaw, 'F. Crfccfl,J. $~lllnram"Rl¥alJ1'ler, L. P6Iitt;,1('.·AJbcd~ (ri)w'~)'Cliadi Mp Catv, T.Feltz~ C. J)oerter, A.GldIerreoi" P. Staley, M. Ricb~l'd5~,m,~.

MI)(lre. .,

Boys" l,tcs.(!rvi), SObt;9r: (\,ow 1) L. Holloway, C. ElJis1 M.J1ll;ewe,onlb, G. Altare'dge,A. Carpenter, K. Felt'l:,A. Shrift, (row lJ K Pd:lit~, $,. O~!Jollne', ~L Pfender; 8,. Roblnson, B. Wagner, N. Lanfa-if;·A,

~uellte. r."JJ ~A~ #'13;(

(4' ¥ ~ 4: 1,07


Kri;$tel.l Vi l'}llercliipB(llij0;ff of ,gt~en 011 Helfi'leh"s fi'bnt ntne,


Group?lGtUf.e'-ofC;u~{;}'lxn Engel" J(Yistil'l Wallet1 FtttrifAaBogel'and(\ol1e L..lJWme~ taken before tntnnatch aglilllst Central 'aLHDlfi:i ch. 'Wet picaired, Chrissy Zitt:Bbacp).

tLtecllt) :

Te,am -picture of P~t:ridp.

Engel, J:.1l,lJe- Lawllr~:z<)k, Gitfolyn Engell 'Cb Ii ~~~ Zitkelbuph. ~,ristin Waller,J~ld Coaw ~~ick:$r,u1tli

(Rut W6l.Rigll t) :

Frri!;bnlao. C'iilToJ,ynpItAeI comeswill1in iil1chef:tQt\(ll'aking a: 4tl,rql1r'pl,Jlt 01'lc,\Lw' ~th li¢te at Helftich-Hi ll;s{GolfQQru;&~.

J,.aYO,iJt arid: Iluj;ltious b>, Anne UIMiicMk

, G' f

'~, - "', ". '. ' " : ' ,

BQ,sse jol ers ..

110p Left: SQph:Q:mor~ CarS:Qll Smifh,tak~$aJooK;.atthe fairway H) nUi"ke sUre iI is s{lf& to' hit i1i.s ball .

Abo;ve: J!lJliot~t0t,lie, Wright ~'ttides 'over the g.reen to Where 'btsbaU ~Mded after lti:t,Last shot.

BHS, News Team Channel 64

BHS News or "BRS: Sunrise" consists of twelve students who have fifty minutes to entire news broadcast for the next day, Each person has a special job, and must complete this job in order for things .to run smootlily. The students more or less run tbe class with Mr. C9il as, the "Ii-

nal decisiOn

maker" in the broadcast. The news team consists of a student director, news anchors,spoftsal1- ChQfS, audio engineer, graphics engineer,studioengineer" teleprompter, and the, e'n't8ttainrnent crew. All 'of these j€ib's must be dnne quicklyand correetly tQ- make the news successful'

and not boring. So.what happens when noteverything geesthe Wia)? everyone:' would like? "We just do it over, l\lU:O over, and oyer, There have been instances where everyone was laughing and had to redo t'l;l!~~,' broadca$t as lfi<Jn'y as nine times," said BHS News Director, Sonia Meyers. COlTIITI11n1catio.f;1S, III began rn 199'8 and Bosse continues tp be the only school in the- EVSC to have a EU llyequipped stu ~ dio with a dai ly news broadcast. Each new news team is given the opportunity to Hlake theirclass unique, Last y®'af's. class did just teat. TIley changed th@ name to BHS Sunrise and repainted th-e entire studio.

BHS' News: Directors SQnia Meyers and MacKenzie-Smith take a ill'iu.ute [tom: class to p~)~e {oi the c.<l):n<}ta.

RHS N~w:s S.It~_oud Semester»: (reW 1) MacKen,?:#~ Smith, Russell Harbaugh, (row 2) Jennifer Mettle, Melanie Meyers, Brandi Jacl(.. son; Sonia Meyers, Erin Hennessy, Lindsay Koester, (row'3) Paul Oman. Dawson Brown, Shanisha Suggs. Tony Hall.

(above) With ehe camera ready, Jenni begius tfie recording-count down.

neft)'Me-tauie Meyers,.Mr. Coil. 'UJ~'---V""""" Brown take: a break IIDln class to pose picture,

(left) Lindsay Koester poses, f0T the while typin,g the day's,·annouQCel11ents.

Pciul Otriart, Lin!i~~ty F{oe;;ter, Mhc~~~ie $mil'l;) worl« tire sGi)fnd ttglltb.)g, coh.~[:dI5 d:\tnLtg<,n:1ieWs'>fifGor.tiil

~t.C(,i:it" Rt\s$e.;H l:fat'lP,;Il1g:q, ,~n,1'l BTl!! nrcl&Qfi hayea fe~v fa{ighli before J~~(l;1 iiit;l"their ,n6'wil brol¥i,c;l.St.

BHS NIllW-S fl'ir~ Semester: trow II Adam ,Spicer, DeMario Preelf!\. Se.1).O Fisher, Crnw' 2 MapKehzie SLlliti1,Sonia,1\i1e,);ers; Lilldsay KL~s,ter, 'Bfin ft~)l:l1e~sy, Laurin Riley, Zach EUlll (tow 3) Heatbei Roberts, Kristj[] Waller. Sno.iL\l.'I' Flqyq.

Benjamin Bosse High Schoolhoaors the following patrons,

who make the printing of The Legacy possible by their gracious donations. The generosity 01 these faculty and staff 111emb~rsantl friends is appreciated .. Thank you fOT youY' SUppOTt and kindness.

Sincerely, Karen Berg and the Journalism Staff

Mr. and Mrs., R. W. Adams

Ms. ValdaAlsop and Family Ms. Loretta Fields

Mr. Florin Beschea

Ms. Jill McDonald

Mr. and Mrs. Eric' Eades and Family Ms. Renne Jackson

Ms. Marilou Keating

Ms .. Phyllis Kitchens

Ms. Martina Ligon

Ms. Barbara Nichols

Ms. Linda Noblett

Ms. Angela Stumpf

Ms .. Carolyn Wood

..... In Memory of August Banko -

- In loving memory of Clarence E. Fields .February 21, 1924- .November J, 2001 from' Loretta ,0. Fields

The Flower s,l1op 7S0 South K~ntijcKyAve.

Evansville, INA7714

Old National Bank 42t) Main Street' Evansville" 1M A7710

Gilldsay Koester

Sonia Meyers

Mackenzie Smith

Hallie Carpenter

Erin Hennessy

Congratulations to our leaders of

t '." .", omorrow ...

"Student Council is a portal to another dimension where a student can be involved with leadership and school related activities."

~ Jon Suenram

Sponsored by the Bosse Student Council

Jon Suenram

Taa] Dowell

GhterHo Stotts

"SeniorsThank you for all your hard work and dedication over the last four years, Best of luck in the future!"

- Coach Vogel and the Football Staff

Kyle Wallace

Jbn Suenran»

To All My Friends:

I hope we will all stay friends after graduation. I wish all of you the best of luck. Love Yas 1 Christina Betz

Dear Brandi, Congratulations!

Through ups and downs you have continued to make. us proud. Good luck in the future and

don'tforget that you're truly wonderful.


Ry, Mom, Brandon Jr.

Congratulations and Good Luck to the seniors of homeroom

116. I'm proud of you!

Mrs. Theri ac

Patsy Smith; Even though we're graduating.wc'Il always be friends. Don't forget about me when we finally get out. I loveyou Patsy!

Laurie Baker

All of the band seniors:

I'm really going to miss you guys. Be sure to come back and see us, Cassie Cyphers

Jon, Congratulations on your achievements at Bosse High .. I'm v·ery proud of you for graduating! I wish you continned success for the future.



BJ TaaJ:Tre~

- ; ~,

Be careful 0Ut there,

Brittany NllylQ'r

Everyerre in the O'r01."1;1, COTlig:f1atUlJatio»s, for getting; this far. I hope you all make something.of yOYtS'~]\fe<s,. Anon-ever

stop Iaarning.

Sailor- Mt10p;-Power!'

Dee, Harvey,

I hope that Dee Harveys~cceecls;"iti every goal he makes,


Chritina Betz, Wewbdl you every suecess :cib1ri-n,g:yOnrctoUege; year$:'~and happy times. We wish you, one wonderfulgrandi:la:~~hter" a

marvelous future.

Donalel and ViJ;ginia Taylpr


Keep your.head up!

Felicia Dorsey

enact Jansesen,

In preschool, YOll tola your teacher ,~ T have 2 'Sisters and ;J; bro.thf~rs,,'onl:y ~! one brother sleeps at:

~ 1-. ,:"

myaunt:s Blouse.

That sweet little boy -,hasif:Own into a' handseme young man with the- illtelligence andabilities to go far. M~y y:gU 2th~ays ba~6 I@/vel

ana. jQ;yin- Y~ltlrlife. T'm se-peoud ef you.

Love, Auny,C)fnthy-


. God has- trul y

b lessed you, and evetythiu;g, ya Jo~ YQi:tr a:nd inspj:rati9u to ~tIl andyQJiI fl¢:serve 'j)ux¢ nappiness, thank you for

always listening to me whefl Lwas

dQwtl. Ya can lean on ni¢",art£i I On you. I lo'v~ ya. Thank you for beiiIg" One of the,

greatesrt friends- I know.

Lid FlY

(J ~~14tv, ~~1'J,L~£6; 'UJ" ta'l:' ,£~J;l,$'1); ,~ *,,/J.lgfiJ4 .~~ lItfi$~W ,~~~ . ;ttL c,Z'A!f¢ tl}.£i-'

,. '"



Never: gi ve up. FeB cia Dorsey

Andrea A th@'l!tC'n:h, JI(ey r Ift-s· b}e~n great getti-ncg tokaow )lelU over the-past 2 Ye'£ws,,, I'm going: to' -miss YIDU-fte:l:t-yeat!

Good 19 ek with ,eve:rythillg! Love ya!



We, wish ~QU hapJ)lt:l;€~:"B$ &: ,~u;eG;e;ss :witb w.hatevet )'iQunhay dO'in tbe'f'u(ut'e.

All our love Mon and Dad

All Seniors:

He-y-you made it'!!

Muchsuccess in

li.ttl re:

The, Li ttle People

My senior- friends Good Luckl I' 11 miss you!

Charity G-arnett

Senior Guys Good Luckl l Felicia Dorsey

Chanty Jones, Good Luck in theMatines. Have fun!

Brandi Carrol

Kelly, Britteny, TaShira Don't forget us. We won't forget. -- "

you ..

Kiln" VaShira, Brittany

Anna,, Krissa Try your best in all 'You do.

Congratulations! !


~ c:.:::..

Michael Greaning We're so glad we got to know you this year. You're a great -guy: Dan' t ever chctIi@eJ GO'Oxl 1 ue,k' wirli life 'after' high school. Don'tfor ... get us: We' 11 miss' you!

Love Al ways, Anne and Tawny

Homeroom 104, 'Congratulations and Good Luck!' I 'have enjoyed knowing you( even if it has been for onl y two y.ears.,!

Ms. Minniear

All Seniors

I hope' everyone has fun, an~ lives a life. Live your life to the fullest with lots ef

gtodes~f6t the h.1Yl;()U Matthews,

class reunions. We We have had,.so;1,trlJ~'

may not know everyone in our senior class but we're all brought together because we're-the class of

20,02. Good Lucie

to the class of 2002.l.W.

good times, but youaregetting older. You have

finally made it through all the homework.and

highschool drama, Love ya!

Tracy Floyd

T.Q m~ Editgr--inChief; limbo V00rnee'$

, ,

Thank you for all -YQorhelp and detlicatioh. You ate trul:.Y a talented writer. Be good out there in the real world.

Sincerely, Mrs. Berg

Sackie, Squeaky, 8tReci,

My '3 1;tQJsketeers, "Ihank you 'guys for ,:8 ticking by me tw()ugb everything. You tmee truly arearuazing people. Thank you for everything you've done for me. I love you, Lindy

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Index Ii-.'

-~ ..

~. ~Jr

AlleH, Acon 42. 'as A&kermiirL Jal1~f 19; -BO, 79 Adahl!i;"\Briftcifit '12,34, 114 Ada:m:;tCShdlitina 5,8 Ad<t!j;)Ji,:Sb~J\fl 22' Ada.W'$~Jf~!7~p *~§, 19 Ad¢obR, l~:eli ;§Q

A<!J~1:. :6'i;i!Je' 19 Agerton,'Cru-L$lO!J1M(- :5$ ~gnew, .Ali8h'a' '9-:, 2l",3'7,90 AibeJ.t, J<.ale.e: 42. 106' Ale,x~der, Gt\llr,~~y- S'D Arran, Brio Lester 3:6 '~dffe~ge, Co' 'to] . A[lll);e,~ge;CaJr;1J 58 pjJ(jrlll'd:ge" :K1't1ila il,2, W'1 AJld\ CJ1al'le.s" 58, ~3 AJJgQod, B ran cil1 n 22 A1iisQo"Alida 50

A1lison, TI-\1:Ii1S'fla 1 r,58, 104- Al1tj-¢{!j,OJkCIIe:1ti 74,Q§l'

A RP, Li'il.lf¢ll 5,~

A':rp; MatthEw,,; '50

M:n0.t:i'L" Mldy."t¢2

Artt'l§ J{[, ;S1Iralr 4~ ';$:8 74'/:9:f.l ' kP¢'J,P .• ttep'l:m1'l4~~4,~'$1 f~9' Aib,iii;y "~tcrberte $S .. 91 ktlJ'w'ttn:, All4te~ 2&,:\I'$,,,~Q Afli~(to!_'f; I-t~l1;y i)$"S:S, ~p'



BaKtl~"AiiY''<! SSt "" ...

,B'al(et,Jan;od 7!t ._

Baket~ Ke:1:vm 4'2

B-ak;et, blijrj~- 22

ff~'l;j;q:1, ,~ ',' y )9-.. ~(i), 1~

Dal~t. .~~ ~B~

Bilt'l:-J!ll. laria 50

, - ,~ .'.. - .

B,atrls--}i;, TiaJ.:tl :42, Barmisltif,Wre;$OOp fi'S

Banet. Sta6ey 42'

Barbre, LU1;lHt 3, 5'0

~arbry) n~l~O:!J~()J~e, S¢ B<rFne:s; Nalhan.22 B~r~~s:.Q~e)1b;n 5;~' Battenritie-,J).l}1fr{L . L'3, ~t.74 BtllTetltin-e:, Mld~l'58 Bilrr.ett, lBiittany J 0, 4';4 B-.urtlvy:M"glllt' 5'.0

BaYJ1e, Nathanq; '7,42: 13e-@k:, candir;c . $Q, 75

Bt!plp,)~ie~lQ ~*, 1~,L)05' Be>l1 Viq~l1 t~\,,:~8 J3'I!;[tJha(@t; J3ro~'~S ~'Qto/~ J-:l:~,fft.h¢~ 4;4,'

,B~di; Mal')l'J'Uidy rr4

Betz, Chilst,itlai&'l.' 3:4., 72,74;


B~\'crl}'; M !l1:G~h~ )4;2;

B~irc:Q~ BRlnU/:ln ~O, l~;lj-ttb~ Van'1S'~4-5~, -B!)'<!l'£tl;'il;Ii., J;<::$;ldc</.;2,2. Botl%c\;'o. Ja~t1\!flY{ln Z2. :Roassl§. Iamii: 2l2.' 'B'0itl{1l0tst.Ntl:~h~n 'S&.,. HIS:

E~ga:Fa..,Jrn;tf1i 42 '

Hqgtiro"Nikki Hi·. $0" 79 I~.,~lleo~ai,lgh.;J(1J-1'b:a-ri:r:l'i~ 7: 5~~ ,


amiis, Cht!lte.n(:\~. IV. -42 'Bo)iir. Siira"5~, '8:"5

Rtioke.r. S1laJJ;a $~:'

B'OO<lllll, Fi:tb:ieiu1 5@, 93 BornefeJd, amily 1.2',;Gi, :B:~¥9,,~shte-y ~Q.!'J5 BQyd, n~I1<;Ue~(j

BcIY<I, J(i)'lial 'Q.'2c. 75"8,~ 'SiJ)id, J ulian §;8

Briyd. 'S't'Lllsna '42'

:B6ysaw: Zelilbria -42

a facknl[IiIl,)~:o"oert 109

.at; ""~J& '2').' 5"

~ __ ~ .~,' '. ,~_~ - ";"I

'B ,~'~1r

-,"--' - ,

&.iiln;J,tt aT J[.Q.( ~

E'vl-ttdle,,:'Sl1alrrltiJi 58. '75-. '.jf!i,.~~, B.roticlfte:Elllny 50; 78'

[frown; Dani.iii 42-

»rcrwnI D~:ws;(uV42, 110

Brown b~metrius~;Z;

. ~}.r-- I • - ",

Btg,&~! Ot)))ye;.ac :5,:42

BtQWjJ",~ttn~-s 5Q~J07 BrG'lt¥a,)ess:Wa 5;& Bn,wEt.I&en-te»htr 5D~ 9'4, B't>:nM"fl" Mttrlti!Ll Sf}

'Ruowri,OjJlie;tla ,§S Jtr{lwl'l~ 't:l~ip;n1!a 42 llro%"'rI.,'TiJiany 4g B-U;Ii"k,,}IJWn 4~

B u:eil~, A).'itn:n5;,Qy 107 B1l1IQck,'-K;jrk~ 50, 8:~~ ,93, 101. R1.triih--a:taJ,~lJMdke 90

Buse, Banee 50, 9'1:

B",sh, BtalldOit 5S

~~b. '2~l<'ba):Y 4i lO~;. 1:0'1, J :L1 Bus$,~v~ '~2,'9Q' c.

RYIlJS, 'B;tellt :591., ':., ' G

Caht;U",}riUf91lB ',50

9,ttd~ve,lt J~sQn 4'2 cai.!i~I,I!1,.:'Ka~hQf\;'l1:a, 4it Ca'nWIM, M4r~lfs 1)9

Caiiijj1i1eJL, [{~-litqh4S, 105 !Gaur-mil, J@!;e:pb4l 'lJatmon,:Micnael 7.74:<,j:0j Cilpp,~; ~alil:l'l.llb- '50; '3'$'1 :9j,JtJ9~ !f:arablJ;e:l1gr'd, 4:,3 tai'p~lter:.jtHdri:;w ~ 1'Q7 C!lrfjeti~X, HI!:1lie '-®:.

, 37, 1~:,85, 114 _II

!d:arrlJl1 , A'll:i'tin .43 "

ttihttilIlj ,Bhitldi .\4:3 -.

Garl'er;, ~dt':ioo 59, fflS '

CCffi\{~r, Ana~w 5Q

9~t1!l;r,-JI1,stitl 7, '5>~, LOS,»,rig\;It,. ,C<'Jh; 59

e:,tJ'\~di~. ,M.(itthe\v 43'~'9S, lSaslOCl,.laltrl!s i!9;:

,Ciwtb:orri'eJ Mikk':a ~9. 9~, InA' .Ehaddockc, lmcey 2/i); 1!)\.¥I-"j; :&4;,.

101' ,

ClJ.f1Fllbe-r~. ,B$y,qe '5'9, ,8~

Chru'q ~-e; A!fl:I;Ol'I 0.43

~h¥,Wj Eb!:)[jy~ L C-l'll'tki~ol1TlWl,\;X ~6 Cliirk,fHe-alhet'SJ

Clatitl Kasey 59.

, Cla:spe.U; $eem 4'3, -9'2;~: '9;8- 'Cllty~ Tiffan--y $9-

Q!W:tgn~ Al\lbW 19"s_ 5'91 ~O e.t((ylo:r\,,"(ll!l\>:id -slh '73 ',QaytQJkSnt:m. 7. 51" 74" '7:9,

.. -9111

Clei'fiei1f-l;, DAjbarqjJs15l L:IQt!l'cUe9 Clli:i,sfup.l1rcir,:'5'1 C]ouse,A..m1u tJ;'-!l-

E1Qhlt De62.k :4'$ CPit.,)~&trrif;~ _59, 1~ ~ Cot'el'rt:ij)l,Sh$1i1%i 59., 7:5, Wi;!.,


Co;Uins~ LaD.6hilft 4, 5L,~;4. Cbrlin~,-LllShaw,l\;X 'j:hi911-. :95,


'C:!-1H~IT$,:.S:j]a~\\tn- '19;1 ,5l;i ¢o.mpi.ill,~$e~u '7.c Sl),,~3 ~ul'pa]J,;:stltphe:p g3,72.,&'3 Q1fh1ita})'~ja'li:(lttm 5;9, 88; cQmpion, Lat-ils'i)u 43,}ll.8 Qi:uripwn, li,\1wa:sfia"S9 CGm:~tdn, Y'lncelite 4Bctmey, R'P¥ 59:

COlJ;1~qr,.Z-n9h 1.3', ,is .

. Cqjj:l<~ Dan{el :5 L .

<CQ-o:p~r •. A!$'hl~n '59 Cfl'bl'l~t"DJ\-'\.ionda ;2,1' Oioper,JeJma' 59 Cooper, Marqoise' 5~~,g,g' Co!)elilfel-d. f&ejonte- 51, 9'Z


Driw:Itlk He:~ltI , [:2; Dri~viil"pghr.e~, i;f.3; ID1lviit; . i?hi:(ig.'to.'i Da'fis;~j,rzl""ipJja S1 Da'¥i!t"S:l'lffElek-q: ';61)',;;)-']

r?avis;: 's1J art 5 t

trelii~., tl'X~l~L ~Q. 79, J 0.7' De..eaif.~ AfrlibtL 43~ &1.,9P Det'1aite', Jack 5tl,19 Di:i:fla~li. B:tuclJey 43

De1~e~ ${ir-lln 4-3, _

:tD1t~b&lJ;1J. J Q:*~1,Ua AS, 701. IPm


LlWJ;~ll1J, fq~hliil~}, '70., 76",17 Gi'iilik Alirta t1:Q

D'i-eht Zil~jl~ Dtit'iiJlfer;;OaS';e,y~~l., 1'D6 DiiJlbee~ Vj&t-o:l-i., 39' D6~~.i~!ici~,43, 72 'Dg~rgl.%, L-alil>ba :;q, 74

b,ql'tll:la~, l;at~:<;!liC2,~ , .

DoW, A)1tlre-al..~ •. j 1 ,,9ti,Jt:n 11:Ov,i'e;lh T:~1 5, 24,_84. 8H;~~

!.!&.;' l'lj,

Dr01i~. Jx;1iatihe-w 124 D~ff;Amand'i!: "60, '79'

D;Ullf>JIT, C ~ i

I:llJllCaJ'l", r > '. ;3, 79~;~

;rlmi~ )b:u1r¢w :9'

1,)hllvil te,$iNih 1i 1

t!ElMrtWrJIYcl, 'N .IDsha60 Eddm 'fl-' Bi:ttW:r® lost'm-r S~. 98 ~~rnll,u CJ}\)I1M.~ ,Cprt(~ ;60'

;E;l1iO:§~1A!r;*li;fIl.t:Wa 2., 4"3, l5 EUf,b't,t,c.Deriihl::60" iOn El:lt~;, GhutJes'., £IG, 8@

(llI§.Du1'lielle .4,,43 \\!~s., Jqbl):~tQalJ Gel:; 107 ~."'i,[8 ,'$'lll:<t p, §O !&wrY,"Aartjp 4:3<

!ri£el, CarohYnl5Q, - 85, to,S' frig61;Jbbn' lQ~l' :1i:$.¢I',-PauiC.ia:' 51, .&S,-_m'2,

"'103, 108

Jl)1ula,I" Dftl~ 24' lW-1~rliil, GLen 7,$1 h'if!)ll .. .Je,fie);y 43: [f<ias;; Jr", Rgnd:;;tU 44: !~!init; K;ati~.44 1V:eilKOti. .Dan i6J - 44

;,\' Ryan 44; tOtj; l@ol

.~ •••

l/ltb}f, ~B n,l);ij, :S.1 Wnl~l~ ,j(atel,n

7:, 5-1, 74, 76,7Q 'aml.\'e.r:, M:ark'lt~ 11, 5,1 IllJJsu:her, Eddie. "5:2 ~'Iion; Midiael 60, 88 &J!JI1';;AI:rthemy ,4;4, M6,Jte£th 150 (0'7,

~~W~E' a:atndO,l' 6/), ffS) 9~ ~"ri, .Am1l'o!ia 52

Plcltfrs, Ri:)Qct'L '60

ITtldfl; €htlnes 60

11'fin'ertj;: P.elieia '$2

~sdier; Rachel $2, 1m ~cfu:r, Sean 2'4, '37" 8;:2, 111 Eititg,r, I;\rilJ;l o;Y ltb', ~ Vi.~.il1l:g"H~:rue-aWl :52 E1emi.tXf;-; Lashanda 44 FfefumilJ'g. David 6Q:

Pl~iiulhll.g, F ratilci e 44- f'iBmmJi'!-$. 'WL! liam 52

f~l;"er~, C,wiada 5-2, 84, 85, 91 ~1P¥9i Dean -5,2, 7~;, 79 li-i~i)'d--,$haill!( 24, III

ElilYd, n<l!;)' 44, 72

~;J-A-;'Oti .s~, 9$-

~~'ihey, Ua'ff,o_da @-

,Fifttltr:m, Da S2- F\l.l:er;,~att 60,~-\Fl

'E~~~"B9bby 2-4, '37, 84, $.!t 1 \)1,

'1l5 .

flQ~ E-'SteLta 44-

it~:t. Sl.qt l~r4'4,9:8., LO:.5 mill(, Tie ];J"

'f'fITlikli n, ;l\ngelig.l1e 52 1St -A_ WI

S,! O~Nlari-e 11, 24,'&2, 111, U5


~\lJs.; Llrd~'riJi1 6(l, 94,.95 'ili1l\luu31I,Emjl-)' ,60,. 75" 9,0 "Jilebimm" !"tattle 60

FFiZ'7.eH, Lit'U,r6Fl. 60, S$; I Q7 Fuchs, Jessica 24ilO'Q; U1J., 107, Fuller, Caroline 4,;1., '7 j 173\ 74,

35 ' ,. .

FU.l'tc.b~li.Tyl1tl1e 18",:?4 Puquay, Cbri'sWrherS,2


Gaither, Donald 52,

Gardner; Adam 12

()4J,rq ner . .) afwd52 Ganl'A:el',)oo~ica 5?~ 75, J 04 Garu!"J1, Ctrar(ty &J, ~n.'"g5 -Gas s, E:tte-ne.E!l 52'

GiMii4 A:slJJey 2:4. 9:5, J OJ .G~J]rii·, Ai:rhiMla 17, -52- GeotgesrAdlHrt44 qip,'>O'Il,cPrentlce 24

Gille", Brenden 52

9im9H, $arah ~~;, '74 G~:iJj"Arj;Ibi'i'l' "7l}

,Gcildf;n\ ,I~l!1e.'i 44 'Gol(f:sbcity, Je:rry 6-l. '91 Gnn(}, @tri'fstop.her:52 Goodloe, Leah 4aL Go¢)dwio, Elizabeth 51" ciqfd0I~~ Jamie 24 - G6we;J'l,Ar!lb,~r ~2;, 'Ol'" Mtplfael '9, 4'4, 7'0 'Qi'W11i:rit Otljlia.b. (iJ

On-lhalli.; JdCl i 5.2.., 9;J

Graves; 'ElJen 5'2c "Gl'{le,),lhent'6"1

t'n;,ee:n., )(aMI a 44

Gl'een, itic1t1Xfd':~4 GlIJ~g'e, ,'Samantba ~Z Gumbi::.'l, Ch't:l:ll:tOphe,r 61 'Qull errez ;l'tITll<l 11 do' Z'4


tlille, :Kilnl 61, 72; 82

r-r;aiI] ,0. a~,. ""'., iS$. a,.' 5:'2,., .- .

Bill;!, n(jn~tt,61. -.: - .• 1.

fIat I , 1;'ony 24; JlQ

Hal let, 'B.roann.a

8. .12. 52'. YD, "!l9, 90 Hamilton, .Tei'frey 44- H'GtlDil.ton, Nicolei'i1, 75.1'04" Harbl}ugh, &aery 24,&4,9'3 Hl\l!'tt~tq:gn, RU5;sei.1 .25.'-t t!'4,al

~9.; no, 1J I, Us Ha'fdl11, .Aktdah 44 Hatptt"Al1dtea 52

H~\rpeJ'l Howard 4. 17, 25; 74;


Har-p_~r, Nikki 90, 1 QJ. H'J6

f~-,ris, Jepllif'er"44 _.

Hart Jeoni{6r 53

Harvey, De-Jfl)ettj~),~ :li

Hli.'r'Vto/" Mir;Jie-J.l.e; -5.;&;.99 M:aFWe.ll, Cbr[s'iopn@.'f'25 fIa.kills, Ma.r~ "5J .f1a~tl«fArvul1lla 25; 104 HatGbel;i J ames $3

HaW'!iirf:)', Brarrdou 2-5

lliJ;~ldli~\ \(aSIl~I:l1j~" 9 L;~£l Hiyd"e1t, Chri1\'t{j,Ph0t' 44 Hayes, Gurti~- 7.:lii Hayes, Jeiffiet 53" 'f-Ic-ad, A ndrew '26 I~e_tld11{achel 5:3" [-To:; l£dcl1, Cla~rt' &1. 7$., 7~, J 1)1 He-t\iJg,~$5-!. Biin:t;,Q,l!;], 25,85"

11(1, 111, 1 J 4 H~li)~ssy; Paltte:k .8,. 53. ''i'D, 1.1'1 !%t, ss

., '-"

H€r~el" Danielle 161 44, r(X7 J-lef.l;#Jei;ger •. j::llad -61

H!!,"Ss, ty'~6]

HiCkersQO, Ve.tP'di:ll si, 94, 104 l:iiPks; Ia¢qn;lilyn 53

Hi&ID-ns; A si:;i iii\:

J--liI1~~Rie.e)R.tI'ymol1d 5:" tun, Amanda ~5

Hillmaa, Eiro1J'she~ 25 H~toi[}y~' j~fi 11;et,41 Jim.;Jfg~3;lJg:,-·~'Shl¢y5;:3, I:i'ooge, lo:Sl)il!.y; '25",'83 HaG[ge. DarIn& 1'1:'4 I-lot'fel'l:h. -wmiam '53

Hoffman, Lawrenee, TIllS, 19 Holfei:net, Mattbew *7,44- Hqfl'lnct:Weger: 1Z<!vefj' 6 [ -FlollQWlJY, L_. t 07

,f,lol tl:h9'i}.Y, Lar:y 44, 75' He:ll:ow'ay, LuC",[s '61. 107 l-tod})e~, Ms]]ilL 53

House, -Bt~rtdQll 44, ·g4, -:92~

'91" [(H '

H9use, Pbillip S3

HtVatitl, C:as~y 44, i 07

EJlld~'Qo~, $lra'$ftL . Q I

}h.lgtle!1, DeAotlte 53. 1.01 -Hdghes, Eindwy'2€l, 2-5,74,·-95,

g;S,) 01' -

Hummel, Melinda_ 41:4", 7'5 E~;rr:r?,A 1)l1-a.o.d~ '5, .. Hg[st, ,fe.relT:i:Y 61, 88


lJi'JJek', -Mi"Che:1Ie45 Irvlne, D~'idu~25 ITVDw, L-a!Ite.nth-alri

J~ekse]]"AII::Hla 12,,4$,.~ 8.4, 101. 104


'6; 7, H)' ®Q" 2--5"

:75: 11O. In

Jackson, BranDY, J t'l, 25 J~~&Q:Q,<L1l\l1ette .~J~. ..,-

~ttM~.l)a.(';Mat J~, •

JalFi~li, AtId.r.e,.w /l~ ,. - Jame-son, Chad2ti J;(l$ (lenRln'S;;, 7-.61 Jeiiniiigs,le."S:ica 61

J e~sup; Jere] I 45

.foJmS1ln, Amy 61 Jdl;J"nsQ:ll,AntolJtu 4~ J,!!lmst;tlh2,f'iln\~y till

J~htJt.Ori, Cbr.i~[~pher ~J lP:htisut1, Ootey 45

Iaru;ri>bon; Dibn61 • 93.

Johnsbn, Jamiin(40)

JQhnsol1\ Matttiew.~6 JghtJ.!fj)n,WiQ'P~ m.!.8·S~, :9t Jqjl,Il1;'j;!h, .Pbli ~r~ S~

Jp.lllJ!;:Q.Q., Ricard¢:2& Jrml1s1y~;::t<trif~_ ~.~. 61, ,g], Johnwn; T.a;$'hi:t:.a~;1'ifr, !II. 8''3 rone'S, B-tt,ttitQ)' :Mf, 8'3

J ones, tlh,u;da .',,'3, ,§-o

Irnes}, CJJa~4);41i 18.,,z,p l,i}lles~-Chri's~~9 45,73,. $"'.1-,00 ll}n!t$, -Key·ill 26

J~nr1.i;tit,Boole;e' 61, 8:fi.

JQ-ynew, MJtii-hrrll 2('j'

Jlld¥, Marion 4'5. 102


Kanine, Blis,ba 45

Napp€l-~, ~!1I1,h:igh 2G~ 32 ~BV~' • .Jen,n,i:feL &" 45'074, 107 K~n~ •. 8~eltey {H,94 K':en~;-s.on:!:ltrf!;f 61 J(.e~rrp';'A'o:d:y 1T

Kes,singer; ~a~:!I' 6, 7, 4'5:

Kemble):, fennifer 7Q, -71 .KLfer. S'!r1,l 45190,I'q4:

Kirrg;;.AdQia 5~, lqlJ·g..Hl~k¢ :3.

.King. L<i&augh'l1 5_3, IBn;gH;'farquefte 26. llll; KirBl,Kajl<"f 62 Kirk,AJ;hl~y 53

Kirk, -S<Il'M 41i

Kir~'bh, J~rcqJ.j 26, 9B rCirt4t:Y. RiohanJ ,53 KJ;;rs;sy; Nathan -'53, lOt lZli.igrit,.lAtJJ-fet 62- KoeSte.(Lindsay 20} 26.;

.37, 81; trOt II n, 1 11, 1'14

Kp0wlt:r, Tiffany 26, 75, Kohtala, Erica 26

K()lb, NichOlas 26 Korach, Davis 62, 105

Kuebler, Jennifer 7, 45, .T!;, 85 Kuhlenschrriidt, Joseph 5'4 Knhs, Christopher 6,7,45,,71

[(uhs, Megen 62 •

Kulikpv, YUliYIL 62 .~

L •• -

Lambert-Moore, Cynthia 4,5 Land, David 45

Landmark, Candace 54, lO4 Lane. Johnathan 26

Laue, Sarra J 8, 54

Lang, Brian 45

Lang, Mark 54

La\lgley,; Kenneth 54, 88,89, 93 Larinan, f\ll:uim;la 62

Lantafl', Benjamin 4;5 Laotaff,-Nkhol:is 62, 107 Latham, Andrea 54,

L'1Iugh/lry, Jon 27, 88, lIS Lawniczak, Aaron 54 Lawniczak, Anne

[,2, 19, ,45, 72, 108 Lawton, Luquiesha 62 Layne.Angela 54

Layne, Cortne 54, 91 Lfl,Ynfj, Stephen 45

Leeds, Allisor, 45

Lestt~r, Eric 27, LOJ Ltl-SteT, Mark 54, 79. 88 Letcher, Leroy 45 Liberman, Lauten 45 Ligsay, Brandon 27 Lindsey, Amanda 45 Lindsey; Chassy 62 Lisenbee, Shayla 45 tackett, Cordrell 62 LQ\iaR, ChllQ 27,82, 101 Lowe, Paul 62

Lowe, Rhea 54

LUGas, Karen 3, 27,

70, 75, 76, 114 Lucero, Mike 62

Luebbehusen, Andrew 45, &$, 98 Lunceford, Tawny 5, 45 Luster-Duerson, Larry §4 Luttrell, Brandy 46,94

Lyon, Jacob 62,88, 11),

M •••.


Macken, Andrea, 46 •

Madden, Cassandra 54 Manion, DOnald 62' Marley, Whitney ,62 Martin, Jason 27

Matthews, M'YI9u 20'27 Mattingly, Brika: 18, fi2 Mayes, Robert 46, JOl, 105 Mayhugh, Jamie 62 MoCarter, Ian 62

McCaslin, Erin 6, 7, 46, 76,


McO)y, Casey 19" 54.78.,79 McDonald, Laeey ~4 MeFersoti, Veronica 62 MaFerS'o:n, Vjctoria 54 McGinnis, Arrik 62 McGinnis, Ashley 27 McGinniS, Terence 46 MeGlown. Toyi:a 54, &4, 9] McGuire, Ty'Riq46 Mclntosh, Pa.triGk :i,4, 75 McKinney, Jeremy 54 .M~Ki'nney, .Te$Siea 62 McKinn~y, Meredith 46, 74 McLamb, Almarfe

6, 7, 1;8. 62-, 90 McNary,Brandon fl, 54 McN,ruy, Christopher 5'4 McNary, Elijah 46,72, 7'3, 84,


McN:u'Y, Patrick 54 McNeal, Amesha 62 M cNeelt Sean 54 Melton, Lucas 27

Meny, Meg<"\tl 5'4, 70, 94,8-5',

. 79, 104 . .

MetGer, Brittany 54

Menitt,. Kevin 46

Merritt, Paul 62.

Merriweather, Amitra .27, 39 Merriweather, Denisha 83 Mettle; Jennifer 27, '].4, 18., 110 Meyers, Melanie 46, 88,

. . 9Q, 106, Ib7,110

Meyers, Sonia 2Q, 21, 2:7,34,

85,,90110, Ill, 114 MiDhael, Paul Oman 4_1 Milburn, Max 62, 8.8 Milburn, Samuel 54, 100, WI Miles, Dougrue 62, SS, 93 Miles, Vanessa 46

Miller, Glenn -46

MjJjer. Krista 54

MjUeJ". L. 85, 9Q

Miller, Latoya 46

Miller, Lindsey 54

Miller, Lindy 9, 2 L, 27 Miller, Rachel 46, 71

Miller, Wendy 2l, 46,7&" Mills, Emily 27, .

39, 74, 90, 114 Mills, Megan 62,94 Mimms, Mary 27 Minor, Leonte 62, 88

Minor, Ryan 1 i. 55, 88 ryIobley, Seroy27

Mockopee, Johnathan 55 Montgomery, Andrew 63- Morrtgourery, Brandon 28, [01 Montgomery, Christina 63 Montgomery, Dominique 46 Montgomery, Justin ,46, S'7,100 Montgomery,i\iJjc~l1 3

MOQl'e, Andrew '1:7,32

Moore, Crystal 63

Moore, Joshua 46

Moore. Kellie 28

Moore, Ky1e. 18, 28; 90 Morgan, Michael 16,46, 79 Morgan, Scott 63 Morris.Austin-Lee 63 Morris, Deontai 55

MQnis, Sharon{! 2S:

Morrison, Belinda 63 Mbwrey,.MicMUe 11 Mi.trph~'1 Shawn ten aye 63 Murphy, Stephanie 15 Myers, Charlotte 55 Myers, Robert 55


Nation, Kayla 46 Nation, William 63

Naylor, Brittany 46, 72, 84, 8S Naylor, Kimberly 55; iJ-rJ . Newcomb, Michael 6:5, 107 Norvell. Danic;:l 63

Nunley, Jacob 8. 46

NUIID, Christa 63 .,

:"" Cody <l3 •

Oman, Paul 28, JlO, III Oman, Zach 13

b'Neal, Rhonda 55 O;Sborn~,.s';:np.uel 63" 107 Outlaw, Clrert))l<it,a 4fi Outlaw, Kenny 106, 63


Palmer, Devera 55, 14

Palmer, Richardo 46, 14, 106,


Pam, Diandra 55 Pate, Jessica 28 Pate, J odi 9, 46

Patterson, Justin?, 10, 28, 72 Patton, Brandon 46,88 Payne, Delisa 46, 95'

Payne, Marquel 46

Pegue, Sharmela 63

Perkins, Daniel 63

Perkins, Jack 55

Perry, A::priL47 Petijjean, Brenda 47 Pfender, Mark 63., La7 Pierson, Shane 63. Pitlick, Bryte- 63 Politz, Evan 55, 107 Politz, 'R;)bert 28,74 Pollock, Cory 28) 98 PnJJock,TY[llf ,?5 PUfCh,101ln47

Porter, J. 93, 94 Porter; Jarnekka 6:3 Porter Jessica 4, S5 Porter, Jr., John 47 Porter, Sal'a 63

Powell, Brandon 2§ Powell, Christopher 63 Powell, Derrick 55., 9() Powel I, W;jll 63

Powers, Brian 12; IS, 37, 90"


Powers, Miranda Z8

Presley; Alicia 47 Presley~ J:aTara 93 Pund, Evan 63 Purdue, Kevin 20



.. ,

Rager, Eric'k 63 .Randall, S. [01), 101 Randall, Stephen 47

Rankin, Jr., $haY;'ll 55 Redding, Cori 6, 7, 47, 87. 99 Reed.Arnbe» 63\ 72 73

Reef), Renata 47

. Reeves, MaegjlIl 55. 74 Reisinger, Robert 28 Render, Jimmcsha 75 Rhea, RiB!1 55

Rhodes, Ryan 713,.1$3. Richafqsoll, I..inqs@:)! 47, 79 Ricbardserr, MiChael 47 Ricketts, Donika 47, Riddle, Lacey 2" 64

Riley. Laurin $5, 111,90,4,107 Rincon, Bobby 28

Robert, Jacob Kirsch 32 Roberts, Debbie ;l&,74 Roberts, Heather 28,

37, 83, ,IJJ Robinson, Alyce 2,64, 104 Robinson, Elizabeth 29

Robinson, Jason 29 Robinson, Sandra29 Robinsen, Seth 55, 107 Robinso», Shauna 5, 55, 79 Rockmore; Allthony 5S Rogers, AndreW 64

Kp0wlt:r, Tiffany 26, 75, Kohtala, Erica 26

K()lb, NichOlas 26 Korach, Davis 62, 105

Kuebler, Jennifer 7, 45, .T!;, 85 Kuhlenschrriidt, Joseph 5'4 Knhs, Christopher 6,7,45,,71

[(uhs, Megen 62 •

Kulikpv, YUliYIL 62 .~

L •• -

Lambert-Moore, Cynthia 4,5 Land, David 45

Landmark, Candace 54, lO4 Lane. Johnathan 26

Laue, Sarra J 8, 54

Lang, Brian 45

Lang, Mark 54

La\lgley,; Kenneth 54, 88,89, 93 Larinan, f\ll:uim;la 62

Lantafl', Benjamin 4;5 Laotaff,-Nkhol:is 62, 107 Latham, Andrea 54,

L'1Iugh/lry, Jon 27, 88, lIS Lawniczak, Aaron 54 Lawniczak, Anne

[,2, 19, ,45, 72, 108 Lawton, Luquiesha 62 Layne.Angela 54

Layne, Cortne 54, 91 Lfl,Ynfj, Stephen 45

Leeds, Allisor, 45

Lestt~r, Eric 27, LOJ Ltl-SteT, Mark 54, 79. 88 Letcher, Leroy 45 Liberman, Lauten 45 Ligsay, Brandon 27 Lindsey, Amanda 45 Lindsey; Chassy 62 Lisenbee, Shayla 45 tackett, Cordrell 62 LQ\iaR, ChllQ 27,82, 101 Lowe, Paul 62

Lowe, Rhea 54

LUGas, Karen 3, 27,

70, 75, 76, 114 Lucero, Mike 62

Luebbehusen, Andrew 45, &$, 98 Lunceford, Tawny 5, 45 Luster-Duerson, Larry §4 Luttrell, Brandy 46,94

Lyon, Jacob 62,88, 11),

M •••.


Macken, Andrea, 46 •

Madden, Cassandra 54 Manion, DOnald 62' Marley, Whitney ,62 Martin, Jason 27

Matthews, M'YI9u 20'27 Mattingly, Brika: 18, fi2 Mayes, Robert 46, JOl, 105 Mayhugh, Jamie 62 MoCarter, Ian 62

McCaslin, Erin 6, 7, 46, 76,


McO)y, Casey 19" 54.78.,79 McDonald, Laeey ~4 MeFersoti, Veronica 62 MaFerS'o:n, Vjctoria 54 McGinnis, Arrik 62 McGinnis, Ashley 27 McGinniS, Terence 46 MeGlown. Toyi:a 54, &4, 9] McGuire, Ty'Riq46 Mclntosh, Pa.triGk :i,4, 75 McKinney, Jeremy 54 .M~Ki'nney, .Te$Siea 62 McKinn~y, Meredith 46, 74 McLamb, Almarfe

6, 7, 1;8. 62-, 90 McNary,Brandon fl, 54 McN,ruy, Christopher 5'4 McNary, Elijah 46,72, 7'3, 84,


McN:u'Y, Patrick 54 McNeal, Amesha 62 M cNeelt Sean 54 Melton, Lucas 27

Meny, Meg<"\tl 5'4, 70, 94,8-5',

. 79, 104 . .

MetGer, Brittany 54

Menitt,. Kevin 46

Merritt, Paul 62.

Merriweather, Amitra .27, 39 Merriweather, Denisha 83 Mettle; Jennifer 27, '].4, 18., 110 Meyers, Melanie 46, 88,

. . 9Q, 106, Ib7,110

Meyers, Sonia 2Q, 21, 2:7,34,

85,,90110, Ill, 114 MiDhael, Paul Oman 4_1 Milburn, Max 62, 8.8 Milburn, Samuel 54, 100, WI Miles, Dougrue 62, SS, 93 Miles, Vanessa 46

Miller, Glenn -46

MjJjer. Krista 54

MjUeJ". L. 85, 9Q

Miller, Latoya 46

Miller, Lindsey 54

Miller, Lindy 9, 2 L, 27 Miller, Rachel 46, 71

Miller, Wendy 2l, 46,7&" Mills, Emily 27, .

39, 74, 90, 114 Mills, Megan 62,94 Mimms, Mary 27 Minor, Leonte 62, 88

Minor, Ryan 1 i. 55, 88 ryIobley, Seroy27

Mockopee, Johnathan 55 Montgomery, Andrew 63- Morrtgourery, Brandon 28, [01 Montgomery, Christina 63 Montgomery, Dominique 46 Montgomery, Justin ,46, S'7,100 Montgomery,i\iJjc~l1 3

MOQl'e, Andrew '1:7,32

Moore, Crystal 63

Moore, Joshua 46

Moore. Kellie 28

Moore, Ky1e. 18, 28; 90 Morgan, Michael 16,46, 79 Morgan, Scott 63 Morris.Austin-Lee 63 Morris, Deontai 55

MQnis, Sharon{! 2S:

Morrison, Belinda 63 Mbwrey,.MicMUe 11 Mi.trph~'1 Shawn ten aye 63 Murphy, Stephanie 15 Myers, Charlotte 55 Myers, Robert 55


Nation, Kayla 46 Nation, William 63

Naylor, Brittany 46, 72, 84, 8S Naylor, Kimberly 55; iJ-rJ . Newcomb, Michael 6:5, 107 Norvell. Danic;:l 63

Nunley, Jacob 8. 46

NUIID, Christa 63 .,

:"" Cody <l3 •

Oman, Paul 28, JlO, III Oman, Zach 13

b'Neal, Rhonda 55 O;Sborn~,.s';:np.uel 63" 107 Outlaw, Clrert))l<it,a 4fi Outlaw, Kenny 106, 63


Palmer, Devera 55, 14

Palmer, Richardo 46, 14, 106,


Pam, Diandra 55 Pate, Jessica 28 Pate, J odi 9, 46

Patterson, Justin?, 10, 28, 72 Patton, Brandon 46,88 Payne, Delisa 46, 95'

Payne, Marquel 46

Pegue, Sharmela 63

Perkins, Daniel 63

Perkins, Jack 55

Perry, A::priL47 Petijjean, Brenda 47 Pfender, Mark 63., La7 Pierson, Shane 63. Pitlick, Bryte- 63 Politz, Evan 55, 107 Politz, 'R;)bert 28,74 Pollock, Cory 28) 98 PnJJock,TY[llf ,?5 PUfCh,101ln47

Porter, J. 93, 94 Porter; Jarnekka 6:3 Porter Jessica 4, S5 Porter, Jr., John 47 Porter, Sal'a 63

Powell, Brandon 2§ Powell, Christopher 63 Powell, Derrick 55., 9() Powel I, W;jll 63

Powers, Brian 12; IS, 37, 90"


Powers, Miranda Z8

Presley; Alicia 47 Presley~ J:aTara 93 Pund, Evan 63 Purdue, Kevin 20



.. ,

Rager, Eric'k 63 .Randall, S. [01), 101 Randall, Stephen 47

Rankin, Jr., $haY;'ll 55 Redding, Cori 6, 7, 47, 87. 99 Reed.Arnbe» 63\ 72 73

Reef), Renata 47

. Reeves, MaegjlIl 55. 74 Reisinger, Robert 28 Render, Jimmcsha 75 Rhea, RiB!1 55

Rhodes, Ryan 713,.1$3. Richafqsoll, I..inqs@:)! 47, 79 Ricbardserr, MiChael 47 Ricketts, Donika 47, Riddle, Lacey 2" 64

Riley. Laurin $5, 111,90,4,107 Rincon, Bobby 28

Robert, Jacob Kirsch 32 Roberts, Debbie ;l&,74 Roberts, Heather 28,

37, 83, ,IJJ Robinson, Alyce 2,64, 104 Robinson, Elizabeth 29

Robinson, Jason 29 Robinson, Sandra29 Robinsen, Seth 55, 107 Robinso», Shauna 5, 55, 79 Rockmore; Allthony 5S Rogers, AndreW 64

R'i}t;\~r,:" fon<l.rhan5:5 <Rh9~sberry, T,{Qtii1i i.5 ~l,der, EliZ<!.bei1H~7 R1:\mbJe. Nfclmle 29 Ru&,.,:~q;;j\:'shle}' 55

'R:rr.~seU, LtitOYA.29!11._

S' ••


~aHmel', B1i~e ,64, 105

,~~Jee,Anumda 55- :$!il'lee; Jl)shua '4'7

t . '"

.§gpJplel\l.,ijl1ibIl 55; 75. 79

'a&np~o.ll,$;]]onda 64 '. Sal:lc'h:ez, Edgar 29,

~ndefw:, Antcmio "29, 115, 88 jna~rf.\.Sfrao\]j1tl. 1319' a8 g2 ~ll~~i!" SIie;l:'i 47 .• ~ " " '

§fAles. John 64 ¥!h~efer,'SaD~al)tl1a: 5~, 7.4 @a~Jker, Elllily 2'2,74,'82 i:W'Ubr, MtItt 6> 1, 56 $~henk:.Cllad 1~.4 7 .

SJilien~ Laeey Q4.

~Ghk, ~ibhQ;tt>!i' 4'7;t~Q!10.

. sr ,," !tilit:?,,~q

Scli'lfhk, ~al'ti~

71 47.10, 7.6 79, 103, 100


Smith, Erica 56 Smitll; Jal:tlie64 Smith, Jason 64 Smitb, Mackenzie 29,

39, 8'5, 110, 1 J I, U4 Smith, Mfltlhew 56

Smith, l\ILichad 4&

Smiih, Patsy ~9

Smith, Timothy. 4~,6i4; 8$ Snider, Holly 64 Snow;,Ashtey 29, 76183 SnQw, JaqueUh'e SO; 83, Snyder. Kerrt 515 .

Sobotk:.'l, Maggie 6; 7. 48~ 79,

85, rot

,..southard, ;<\ilTlplill JO Sonth:wcJI, Jason ~6, .8ir Sp~c~. M(ltthew 415

,S-peHHJJ;l, Chri:stQpl~l;)r4Ci, 3.g.~74

Spi:eeg)\j1aul 3:0,J1] , .

SpkeS,Iustin 56 StalaY.,Fattkk. 30.38, 74 ,Stan!tl:)r:i Cbl'ffion 56 79 9'0 .'SlUJ'k:$:,'DiWid 1£5; w . I Ste.v~bs, James 48

Ste;v~f~OI'\, Willie<64

St~WJ;Jit, Ahn¢i"hla lS~21, ~p. StWe'i!.,it:,,~Cha.&ncr 3D ' StewlIFt, Jeren'!}; "GA, 8:8,9:> Siith, Cerderro 56

Stjtb, .Di'Nieco 48

S'toll¢j<~ JY;I In. Del~oye' 64 Stous.~rj.tenjp ~, 30. &8, 89',92,

9},lOI,1l5 Stout, Ke;V!P: 56 s fr~liJl.,SteveJ] $0.

StI:ut!tQil,· Kathle.en 48.S2, 90,

101,107' Stuart; G~mia ;j6'

Sful11gf. Charl~& 48, 74, .&5. 0 I SUbUztt, tjn~s,ey-2Q,:30. d4 ' SU¢Jtrliljl, 10'(:156

$JJe.nram; J0n~thanj:o, 3:8, 74:,

8$,8&; 11<5

·S4~g$. Shanisha 48, .110 SutgL-eY, ], 10:1

Sutton~ Andtew64 o,Suttm)i'Tim ,,69

StJ.tiOIn, flrno.thy 4$, 14, 109

Swan, Johnny 5Q, .

Sweatt, Brsttany 7, 56, 76, 78

. SWo"e, Erica 30 65· '

,:]' ,l" ,- .'1" '.'

: ..... '

Talley, Ant;wlll: 56 T~)rlbr.Chasity 56. 91 '94 9S

ray,lQr;Veltrn 56 -c , ,

'Tennyson, Kera 64

Thotl~as" Eulalia '5:6

TJl'gn;l1L'f, M;liltlteiW< 56

T.Jll;))J;H)$ ~jc11ael 48;' Wi Thompson, Ctlw'tney 5:q, T1idfl1Bson, Laura ,64, T:lml'beck,' Qan.iel 48',·8$" SID. Tb;nrgoC1d, John 30,38 Tingley, Cblirld 48 tp,qlli,hsoll, ~ydl~C) !M" "Trabitnt, Mareey'jQ.,Sfi 75, '$3 'Fta:c<;'lY, Alyssa 64 " -, "

Tt:uv~rs, .4tIiber 40 'furner,.ctirisJopher Q'S

Tamer, IJaWi1 3, 19, 56 Turner, JoesJ;lh &,3D, us Tyler. R.obbie 56


~. ...

VlJllee;, WiIJ.latP 57 Vanpc, Ulill16ull 5.7

Vandyke, Jr..Mtk~l1t 5'1 Vanoooks, JeFtiifer 30

Vas.s, DflcShi:!'i.ka 65

Vaugl):n, ,l3J;amJi4k

Vaughn; ~ii~ Jb '14 'is' 115 VaAgbl, DIe),\! 109' . " -

-YelJ~f!Y,. LQt~ri 48'

VoegeJi, Ja:s~n ~48 '

VO('il'llcres, Jani.i:r :±In, 72,73

Wadde.ll, Christoplier 57,8'8 Waddcq, Ra:\1ntorrez.:3Q

Wa "'t:rc,r . Bryan 65 'lfJ7 wagner~'Ja;SQtr 98" .

Wagner,' Kriss,l [3, 31, 4-1

WaH, K;a~l:iy 5'1 "

Wil.Ua¢ef,1(i'le,jl. 88,.98:. ~O, 11:5 VV'all<'\ri'¢l'Michael '65,

WaJle:r, Chad 57 10<1

. .~. " ..? " c

W~Jle1:' Kristin 48,~82! L0S; III WaJlil-f; TiftlIrtJi'{il.6,s, '75 . Warn:a, 'Ehy;;n 57

WaSSulClT, Ka~h'erjne 48, 78 Was!l'Oler, RilCih:eI6$

W.llcl:eI;, J<Js'mi 3 f

Wathen. LjB.9sey 57

Wathen, Melissa. 48

WatsQ)J.)3. 101

W1lJ:~Qn~ 1. I'Ql

W~tson, Laneisha 48

W",t.:;on, Sh'a1Isl);,j 48.

Wi),¥li:e, Lirid~ri.y 4g;79~ 1(:l4, HI'? Wiy;:rie, MaHv 65 95 104 w~iitherfurd:Apr;l 3J,33 Weather~vax, Brerx 65 V?ebst~r.~htiy 4B, 7·2

Weger, Kc,ti n 4R

We.ilner, Troy 31

W'e,LliIDjeiJl.) ll~~ t1 11''1 ~], ·83

rrJ '. 1,(, ,."-

. ¥:(~JPlej:et:L@lifi~{t\pMet 4:8, .~&

WeHli, RonalP 1'1i: 57

West,B~ 6~'


Wharton';' :rl,iirtlJl:j~ 57'

WI,- ,,' ,~ "

'\:,lte;N<).tiHrt'i 31,1'9

Wboolery;Vet;CJf!illll '48, 14:

Wl,ckwa:r;j; 1:hnjJ<~ ,:4:& " W[!der,lil:a:vid65 . Wilder,Jtts(in 'h c3'1;'l4 Wildy; ,G\~.\'y 49' WjJj'ord"Arl'gel 61,9'4 WlJhi ~e, E&' 65. ~lhlte,SJ;.arla 2,31 Wilke, J):yle 457, 8'8

V(i11,. Br:ltta~y '5'7", 9£);,10'4 \¥ill, R'a111Qi'l ·65

\Villj arrtS', CUrtis' 65 1113

Wi 11i a:n:hi:, ~yhi (15, is . WiU'farps,)Jlfqresha49 .18. ~9."

~i3r,85 .

WiJ,~Qn, 'QJiryl 65 Wi.l,~(;\fi~:J~.~j'b!fGR~i' ,6.$;&8, Xl)$. ~ri[:;ql1; RQcl.ncy 51 te

Wi Isbll~ 'Fett~fa 57 Wjl~oli>'Zil£haiY 49

Windel~ .. ·~!tn 1'7."31; Sll' Wollllillete!-.NichQlh& 49 WQQdt~ff;,t:hd~tQ~l1p;: ;4~t tq" V{Og9PlcfI, Madv 65.; 19 W?p'\lfimllH, Nikki 15$' W00d.WaIid; '~aml .. ' 331 ,1

l' . ."1' ~ ". ~

\VtfQltblk, Tama;rah 57

Wl'en'Chet,T'amala'49, \Vtight, JJ~atld{)l~ g;, 31,

33" tfl'4, 98, 115 Wrigh1i,Bwf\l:ie79 1'09 :!.~~lJ.'D:a~d 7 49, 'b. 101 Wright, l\obii\11 '49; WSI


... -

"Jia:rcle', ~elly , 65, Yarde;Lawienee 65 l1arde; Shelly 65

'l0,deJ;, He~di 31

Yoder, Tr~¢.ia 3.1 ¥ouQ&;Do:)lald 49,,74.93 YOllIJg,;,Jernatl{illl;3 i YO\[n;g, Jaiires 65 '


:tackl H~I'I:r 57, 75

':tr<\H~Il~ Cbril>,ti'lle31' Zimmer.Diana 49, 74 Ch:r:istina 57, 8S~ 1'02

101,108 '

Zirkelbach. M~titMw 49,79,·81),

102. 109 ,',

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