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Modern Control Systems, Eleventh Edition, by Richard C Dorf and Robert H. Bishop. ISBN: 0132270285.

2008 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.


Table H.1
x(t) 3. u(t), unit step 4. t 5. t2 6. eat 7. 1 eat 8. teat 9. t2eat 10. bebt aeat 11. sin vt 12. cos vt 13. eat sin vt

z-Transform Pairs
X(s) 1 ekTs 1/s 1/s2 2/s3 1 s+a a s1s + a2 1 1s + a22 2 1s + a23 X(z) 1 zk z z-1 Tz 1z - 122

1 t = 0, 1. d(t) e 0 t = kT, k 0 1 t = kT, 2. d(t kT) e 0 t kT

T2z 1 z + 1 2 1z - 123 z z - e-aT

1 z - 1 21 z - e-aT 2 T2e-aTz 1 z + e-aT 2 zz 1 b - a 2 - 1 be-aT - ae-bT 2 z sin vT z2 - 2z cos vT + 1 z 1 z - cos vT 2 1 z - e-aT 21 z - e-bT 2 1 z - e-aT 2 3 Tze-aT 1 z - e-aT 2 2

1 1 - e-aT 2 z

1 s + a 21 s + b 2 v s2 + v2 s 2 s + v2 v 1 s + a 2 2 + v2

1b - a2s

z2 - 2z cos vT + 1 1 ze-aT sin vT 2

z2 - 2ze-aT cos vT + e-2aT

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Modern Control Systems, Eleventh Edition, by Richard C Dorf and Robert H. Bishop. ISBN: 0132270285. 2008 Pearson Education, Inc., Upper Saddle River, NJ. All rights reserved.

Appendix H



Table H.1 (continued)

14. eat cos vt 15. 1 eat a cos bt + a sin bt b b s+a 1 s + a 2 2 + v2 a2 + b2 z2 - ze-aT cos vT z - 2ze-aT cos vT + e-2aT z 1 Az + B 2

s 1 s + a 2 2 + b2

1 z - 1 2 z2 - 2e-aT 1 cos bT 2 z + e-2aT a A 1 eaT cos bT eaT sin bT b a B e2aT eaT sin bT eaT cos bT b

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