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DEGREE EXAMINATION, JUNE 2010 Second Semester Product Design and Development PD9221 INTEGRATED PRODUCT DESIGN AND PROCESS DEVELOPMENT (Common to M.E. CAD/CAM) (Regulation 2009) Time : Three hours Maximum : 100 Marks Answer ALL Questions PART A (10 2 = 20 Marks) 1. List the five specific dimensions to assess the performance of a product development effort. 2. What are the strengths of a Heavy Weight Matrix Organization? 3. When are specifications established? Differentiate Target specification from Final specification. 4. What are the various ways of communicating concepts? 5. List down the two properties of a modular architecture. 6. What are the advantages of Delayed differentiation? 7. What do you mean by user driven products? 8. How do you assess the qualities of Industrial design? 9. What are the advantages of analytical prototypes? 10. When should Economic analysis be performed? PART B (5 16 = 80 Marks) 11. (a) Exhibit a generic product development process and list out the tasks and responsibilities of the key functions of the organization for each phase. Or (b) Write a detailed note on product development organization by giving emphasis to strength and weaknesses of functional organization, project organization and matrix organization. 12. (a) What are the benefits of structured approach for concept generation? Explain the process with a suitable example. Or (b) List down the various methods of choosing a concept. Explain the "decision matrix" method of evaluating concepts with your own example. 13. (a) Elaborate the four step methodology of establishing architecture for a product by considering suitable product as example. Or (b) Write short notes on the following : (i) Implications of the architecture. (8) (ii) Related system level design issues. (8) 14. (a) What are the six phases of industrial Design? Explain with suitable example. Or (b) Discuss the following in detail : (i) Assessing the need for industrial design. (8) (ii) The impact of industrial design. (8) 15. (a) Explain the design for manufacturing (DFM) methodology with a flow chart. Or (b) Explain four steps methodology for the economic analysis of a product development project.

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