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Nom: ________________

Date: ________________

Afin de montrer votre comprhension du texte Tintin Au pays de lor noir, il faut crer un profil de Facebook pour un des personnages dans le livre. ous pouve! se servir du site"eb Fakebook #http:$$$fb$home$page %, du site"eb Fake"all #http:$$""".m&fake"$%, trouver un mod'le de (o"er(oint, ou le crer par main. )e profil devrait inclure : une photo du personnage les intr*ts, l+emploi, l+,ge, l+ducation, etc. les amis du personnage #au moins -% un mur avec les commentaires des autres personnages, en ordre chronologi.ue #au moins /0% ous sere! valuer selon la rubri.ue ci12oint.

Area of Assessment

Level of Performance R 1 demonstrates a limited kno"ledge of plot and characters uses creative thinking skills "ith limited effectiveness 2 3 4 7 1 /0 demonstrates a ver& thorough kno"ledge of plot and characters 7 1 /0 uses creative thinking skills "ith a high degree of effectiveness 4 516 demonstrates some demonstrates a kno"ledge of plot considerable and characters kno"ledge of plot and characters 4 516 uses creative uses creative thinking skills "ith thinking skills "ith some effectiveness considerable effectiveness

Knowledge & 013 Understandin does not include g details about the plot and$or plot and characters characters !inking & "n#$ir% creativity 083 does not use thinking skills to complete assignment, critical components are missing

0-4 5 &omm$nicati it is very difficult to communicates on understand ideas, many information and ideas examples of incorrect with limited clarity clarity vocabulary and English words A''lication Facebook conventions 083 does not appl& conventions of the form, information is in another format applies conventions of form "ith limited accurac& and effectiveness

6 communicates information and ideas with some clarity

7! - "0 communicates communicates information and ideas information and ideas with considerable clarity with a high degree of clarity and confidence 586 applies conventions of form "ith considerable accurac& and effectiveness 7 8 /0 applies conventions of form "ith a high degree of accurac& and effectiveness

4 applies conventions of form "ith some accurac& and effectiveness

9. Fit!simmons

F:F ;D

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