Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003 Bahasa Inggeris Tingkatan 5

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Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003


1. Stories on moral values such as justice, moderation and rationality 1.5 Listen to, understand and tell stories on moral values such as justice, moderation and rationality 2.5 Read and understand; locate main and supporting ideas ,and details; follow sequence of events and ideas, predict outcomes, find proof to support statements; locate cause and effect relationships,and draw conclusions from stories on oral values, such as justice, moderation and rationality. Positive statements Comment on stories on moral values Rearranging stories of moral values in the correct sequence Answer questions based on stories on moral values Identifying main ideas, supporting ideas and details Arranging and sequencing Identifying the effects / consequence Predicting the consequence Evaluating Moderation Justice Rationality



a) b) c) d)


write stories on moral values such as justice, moderation and rationality ( narrative essays ) Mechanics of writing a narrative composition: planning write story line developing story conclusion Paraphrase and summarize stories on moral values

5.11 Conjunctions 6.2 Vocabulary on stories dealing with moderation and rationality. Write stories on moral values such as justice, moderation and


Nota: Cadangan Rancangan Pelajaran Tahunan 2003 boleh diubah suai atau ditokok tambah mengikut keselesaan P &P guru di sekolah masing-masing. Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

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Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

rationality. Grammar tenses, sentence structures, paragraphing, arrangements of ideas. 2. Opinion on social issues 1.14 Listen to and understand, ask for and give opinions on social issues such as child abuse 2.15 Read and understand, follow sequence of ideas and find proof to support statements in opinions on social issues such as child abuse 3.13 Present opinion on social issues such as child abuse 5.5 Question tags Positive statements and questions 5.6 Position and modifiers 5.7 Sentence patterns 5.11 Conjunctions 3. Description of prominent personalities 1.12 Listen to and understand, ask for and give descriptions of famous personalities in the world and their contributions to society 2.13 Read and understand descriptions of prominent personalities in the world and their contributions to society 3.11 Write about a prominent personality whom you admire most 5.8 Adjective phrases and clauses 5.9 Adverb phrases and clauses Pick out correct statements about child abuse based on an interview. Perform roles in groups to ask for and give opinions on child abuse Answer questions based on articles on child abuse Write letters to the newspaper / write speeches giving personal views on child abuse Paraphrase and summarize articles on child abuse Identifying facts and opinions Identifying causes and effects giving explanation, predicting consequences, solving problems Social awareness Justice Responsibility Kindness

Guess the identity of famous personality by asking questions Answer questions based on a text about prominent personalities Write a descriptive essay of a famous personality Paraphrase and summarize the text on prominent personality

Making associations or connections Making interpretations Identifying the main ideas, supporting ideas and details

Diligence Determination Selfless-ness Dedication Perseverence

Nota: Cadangan Rancangan Pelajaran Tahunan 2003 boleh diubah suai atau ditokok tambah mengikut keselesaan P &P guru di sekolah masing-masing. Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

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Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

4. Description of places

1.10 Listen to and understand, ask for and give descriptions, of scenes such a s famous places of the world 2.10 Read and understand description of scenes such as famous place of interest 3.10 Write description of scenes such as famous places of the world 5.8 Adjective phrases and clauses 5.9 Adverb phrases and clauses

Identify adjectives and adverbs in a text Fill in the blanks with appropriate adjectives and adverbs Answer questions based on a descriptive texts Paraphrase and summarize the descriptive text on places of interest Write a descriptive essay about a place of interest in Malaysia / the world Join sentences with appropriate sentence connectors Take down the main points of the speech Answer questions based on a speech regarding environmental issues Write a speech on topics related to the environment Paraphrase and summarize a speech

Making associations or connections Making interpretations Identifying the main ideas, supporting ideas and details

Appreciating nature Civic mindedness Conservation and Cooperation

5. Messages in speeches World Environment Day


Listen to and understand, and ask for and relay messages in speeches marking special occasions such as World Environment Day 2.4 Read and understand messages in speeches 3.3 Write speeches marking special occasion such as World Environment Day 5.12 Logical connectors 5.13 Sequence connectors

Identifying facts and opinions Identifying the effects / consequences / predicting consequences Making decisions Solving problems

Public Spiritedness Civic Mindedness Conservation Cooperation Healthconsciousness Responsibility

6. Information in guides such as Education Prospectus Formal letters of



Listen to and understand, ask for and give information contain in guides such as in Education prospectus Read and understand and locate information in guides such as

Complete a table about study opportunities in colleges and universities Answer questions based on newspaper articles/prospectus on

Classifying Grouping Categorizing Comparing and contrasting Evaluation

Confidence Honesty Courtesy

Nota: Cadangan Rancangan Pelajaran Tahunan 2003 boleh diubah suai atau ditokok tambah mengikut keselesaan P &P guru di sekolah masing-masing. Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

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Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

Formal letters of application

information in guides such as Education prospectus 5.27 Adjectives and preposition combinations 3.9 Write letters applying for jobs with accompanying curriculum vitae 1.8 Listen to and understand, ask for and give information contain in a report such as minutes of school society meetings 5.17 Past perfect tense 5.18 Past perfect continuous tense 5.25 Preposition of purpose 3.8 Write reports such as minutes of school society meetings

articles/prospectus on education opportunities Write a curriculum vitae Write out a letter of application for a job

Making decisions

7. Information in reports; Minutes of meeting

Role play society meeting Complete a cloze passage based on minutes of a meeting Write out minutes of a meeting

Arranging and sequencing Making decisions Solving problems

Rationality Cooperation Dedication

8. Description of processes 1.13 Listen to and understand, ask for and give descriptions of processes and procedures such as undertaking a class project 2.14 Read and understand descriptions of processes and procedures 5.10 Noun phrases and clauses 3.12 Present a written report of processes and procedures Brainstorm ideas for a class project Sequence process / procedure of conducting a research project Write an informal letter to a friend giving tips on effective studying skills and preparation for exams Compari ng and contrasti ng Arrangin g and sequen cing Making inferenc es and conclusi ons Identifyi ng facts and opinions Dedications Determinations Diligence Perseverence

9. Information in articles

1.11 Ask for and give information contain in articles on environmental issues such as waste disposal

Join sentences using appropriate conjunctions Answer questions based on articles on environmental

Cleanliness Civic Mindedness

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Rancangan Mengajar Tahunan 2003

2.11 Read and understand, locate information, main ideas, supporting ideas and details, follow sequence of events and ideas and find proof to support statements in articles 5.11 Conjunctions 3.5 Make and expand notes on messages, stories, talks, articles and reports

issues Give opinions on environmental issues and support them with logical reasons Write an article on environmental issues Paraphrase and summarize articles on environmental issues

Identifyi ng cause and effect Giving explana tions Predicti ng conseq uenc-es Solving problem s Identifyi ng facts and opinions Identifyi ng cause and effect Giving explana tion Predicti ng conseq uences Making interpret ations Making associat ions or

Cooperation HealthConsciousness Responsibility

10. Talks on social issues; Protection of wildlife


Listen to and understand, ask for and give information contain in talks on social issues such as protection of wildlife 2.6 Read and understand, follow sequence of ideas and find proof to support statements in talks on social issues 5.28 Modifiers Adverb of certainty 3.5 Make and expand notes on messages, stories, talks, articles and reports

Rewrite sentences using appropriate adverbs of certainty Answer questions based on a talk on social issues Write talk on conservation of wildlife/nature

Social Awareness Conservation Cooperation Responsibility

11. Information in charts and graphs


2.9 3.7

Listen to and understand, ask for and give information contain in charts / graphs / tables Read and understand information contain in charts / graphs / tables Present information in graphic forms such as in charts

Complete a chart / graph / table with appropriate information Prepare a chart / graph / table based on information in an article

Prudence Rationality

Nota: Cadangan Rancangan Pelajaran Tahunan 2003 boleh diubah suai atau ditokok tambah mengikut keselesaan P &P guru di sekolah masing-masing. Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

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forms such as in charts

connecti ons Classifyi ng, groupin g, categori zing Making associat ions or connecti ons Courtesies Social awareness

12. Social skills and conversation

1.17 Know and practice language functions such as to refute, to express and respond to criticism, to express support etc. 1.18 Know and practise social skills such as common courtesies 5.20 Subject and Verb agreement

Converse with one another using appropriate language forms in different situations ( Role play)

Nota: Cadangan Rancangan Pelajaran Tahunan 2003 boleh diubah suai atau ditokok tambah mengikut keselesaan P &P guru di sekolah masing-masing. Portal Pendidikan Utusan 2003 Hak Cipta Terpelihara, Utusan Melayu (M) Berhad, Kuala Lumpur

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