Tube Workers - Petition

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Money-hungry London Underground bosses backed by the capitals Tory Mayor Boris Johnson plan to slash nearly 1,000 jobs and close every ticket office across the network.

SUPPOR% %*+ %UB+ WOR,+RS S%R-,-N. /OR 0OBS 1ND

We support the 48-hour strike that starts on Tuesday 11th "ebruary or$anised by the #MT and T''(. Workers and the public need to unite to stop job cuts, defend services and safety on )ondon *nder$round. Boris Johnson ust be ade aware that achines and driverless trains cannot replace the wide ran$e of services provided by )ondon *nder$round staff. %o uters know this but the Tories and the edia are tryin$ to de onise the tube workers fi$htin$ for their jobs.
Union Donation to SW Please let me know about future Socialist Worker events (phone/email)

These job cuts and closures will further under ine safety on the tubes. !hen a child fell between the train and the platfor at "inchley #oad station it was a worker watchin$ %%T& that averted disaster when he saw a tiny hand. The auto ated sensors had said the train could depart.
Name Postcode

Return to: PO Box 4 !"4# $ondon SW" WD

%&is 'etition &as been initiated b( Socialist Worker www)socialistworker)co)uk

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