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Bell Work Feb.

10 Feb 14, 2014

Enter room quietly, log on to computers.

Go to CLASS WEBSITE and complete typing bell work lessons 96-100 Monday-Friday.
Record Student Scores in spiral notebook for each day. Copy word of the day in spiral notebook for each day (See Slide 2).

You have 5 minutes!! (READ ALL SLIDES CAREFULLY)

After Bell Work is complete log on to CIW. (Work on CIW Certification Materials) Certified Students Log on to Edmodo & Begin working on posted assignments


Monday Bellicose -- (adj) Inclined or eager to fight.
February 10th February 14th

Tuesday Cadence-- (n) Rhythmic flow of a sequence.

Wednesday Callow-- (adj) Immature or inexperienced.

Thursday Capacious- (adj) Capable of holding much; spacious or roomy. Friday HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!
Daunt-- (v) To overcome with fear; intimidate.

Non-Certified Essential Question: What can I do today to ensure my understanding of the lessons 1-10 and have success in the class by passing the certification exam with an 80% or higher? Non-Certified Learning Goal: You will be able to successfully identify, explain, describe and give a scenario example about the different objectives and vocabulary learned in lessons 1-10, and pass the certification exam with an 80% or higher. Certified Essential Question: What can I do today to ensure my understanding and comprehension of how to create a winning resume, cover letter, & thank you letter? Certified Learning Goal: Students will be able to successfully identify and explain what a resume is, and will learn what steps are necessary to create a winning resume cover letter, & thank you letter.


Agenda: February 10th February 14th

This Weeks Assignment Goal 2/102/14: Non-Certified, continue working on ciw/iba review assignments (Objective reviews/Reinforcement Test 409 questions etc.)
After review and teacher assessment of completed assignments, selected students will certify this week. Certified Students-See Edmodo for this weeks assignments. Due Friday March 7th

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