Studying For Math Tests

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A Math Test is

A Math Test is

What should you do to study?

1. The date of the math test is ___________________.

Today is ________________.
I have _________________ days to study.

2. Here is a rough sketch on the REALISTIC amount of time I have each day to
devote to studying:

3. Glance through your notes and write down the topics on the test:

4. The notes covered on the test are from date _______________ to


5. Gather up all the homework you have done for those days.

6. If the book was used for any part of the topics, here are the sections and
page numbers covered:

7. Now that you have all your resources in one spot, glance through your
notes and homework, and rewrite the topics here and indicate which
ones were easy for you, which ones were so-so, and which ones you need
extra practice with:
8. Look at the realistic time you have to study, and at the topics you need to
cover, and map out a strategy for using your time effectively to prepare:
(i.e. Monday=20 minutes: look over notes and practice problems regarding
negative exponents)

9. During the time listed above, it is VITAL that you rework problems from
scratch (cover up the answers and start anew as if you have not done the
problem yet). Only after you have attempted it again, look at the answer
and/or how it was done. These problems can come from old homework
problems, or from the book, or from the Internet, or from other practice

10. Your teacher’s tutoring hours are: _____________________. Don’t leave it

until the last minute; use it if you need it.

11. Your teacher’s e-mail address is: ___________________. You can use this
resource to ask SPECIFIC questions if you can’t get help in another way.

12. Other students I know who are studying for this test are
_____________________. Call or e-mail them or get together in a study group
as needed.

13. can be used as a potential resource of extra practice

problems. Type in the name of your topic (i.e. solving one-step equations)
and “practice” or “examples” or “algebra” or “geometry” as the case may
be, and you can potentially find an extra set of problems or explanations
that may help you.
14. The night before the test: get rest, scan over your notes, scan over
the problems to see if there are any last-minute questions you can get an
answer to from someone.

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