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Weekly Newsletter Ms.

Tammys 4th Grade Class

Dear Parents, This newsletter includes the upcoming assignments and other information for the week of February 10th to February 14th. Friendly reminders... Spelling Bee: We will have our 4th annual Spelling Bee for the 3rd and 4th grade students on Tuesday, February 11th at 10:15am in the library. Feel free to join us! Dress Down Day: There will be a FREE dress down day on Friday, February 14 th if the student wears red, pink, or white. NO SCHOOL: There will be no school on Monday, February 19th because it is Presidents Day in the United States. Punctuality: We are working on the character trait PUNCTUALITY for this month. This means arriving to school on time, making it to Spanish and other classes on time, and turning in homework the day it is due. Questions you can ask your child about school: What was the last thing that happened in Snow Treasure? What science experiment have you done recently? (volume, density) What was the practice like for the Spelling Bee? What is different about it from other years? Espaol Profa. Elena Mena Entrega de tareas

Mircoles 12/ feb/14 Lea el cuento: La cajita de cerillas (Pgs. 76-77) del libro Letras 4.2. Conteste en forma completa las preguntas de la lectura en pgina 78 (1) en el cuaderno. Ponga fecha, el ttulo del cuento, las respuestas numeradas en forma completa. Favor atencin al orden y ortografa.

Viernes 14/ feb/14 Lea el texto Tres hroes de pginas 159 - 163 libro El mar de los asombros. Pregunte a los mayores de su casa acerca de un hroe nacional (de su pas). Escriba en el cuaderno informacin para compartir en clase acerca de ese personaje.
S diligente y puntual. Weekly Assignments: Monday L.A. ~Thoughtful responses in their reading journal (Ch. 9-10) Tuesday Math ~Create an entire town or geo city of your own, using 3D shapes studied in class Science ~Brain Check pg. 381-383 There will be no spelling this week due to the Spelling Bee. Please help your son or daughter study both the 3rd and 4th grade words. Im looking forward to reading more of our book, since we ended on a cliffhanger. I am thoroughly impressed with how the students are doing with the novel. Im also looking forward to our Spelling Bee as it is always exciting and fun! Sincerely, Wednesday Science ~Science review sheet Thursday L.A. ~Study for reading test Math ~Pb. 98 Friday L.A. ~Reading Test S.S. ~Finish your writing system if you did not finish in class

Ms. Tammy

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