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The student filling out this application understands that the prerequisite courses into the Academy of Finance are Principles of Business Administration and Management and Principles of Accounting. Candidates must be enrolled in or have taken one of the two prerequisite courses to be considered for the Academy of Finance Program. This application must be returned to Mrs. Harrington in E-102 or returned to her mailbox in the main office by Wednesday, March 12, 2014. (PLEASE PRINT) Student Name ______________________________________ Expected Year of Graduation ______________ Address ___________________________________________City_______________________Zip__________ Date of Birth ___________________________Student E-Mail Address _______________________________ Parent(s)/Guardian(s) Name(s) ________________________________________________________________ Work or Cell Phone of Parent/Guardian _________________________Current GPA ___________ Number of days absent from previous year ______________ Describe any previous work experience:

Describe any previous volunteer experience:

Extracurricular Activities:

Future Career Plans:

Please indicate below which course(s) you have registered for in the 2014-2015 school year or have already completed:

Principles of Business Administration and Management Principles of Accounting Principles of Finance/Financial Planning Economics or AP Microeconomics

I understand that I will commit myself to completing the requirements of a Business Completer for the Academy of Finance Pathway. I must complete the 4 classes listed above and I must complete a 6 week (unpaid or paid) internship experience during the summer after my junior year or during my senior year to be a completer of the Academy of Finance Program. Students will be required to find their own internship with the guidance of the Academy of Finance Director.

Signature of Applicant _____________________________________Date ___________________________ I have reviewed the application and other attached information and I approve of my son/daughter participating in the educational program if he/she is selected. Parent Signature _______________________________________Date _______________________________

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