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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan Template

Instructors name: Devin Ayers Week of: 02/10 02/14 Course/Grade: Grade 9 English I Unit Name: Night: Night writing practice

Common Core/ NM Content Standards: W.9-10.1; W.9-10.2; W.9-10.4; SL.9-10.1; SL.9-10.2; SL.9-10.4 Essential Question(s): What are your areas of strength when it comes to writing? What areas do you need to improve in? Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.): Students who require it will receive extended deadlines for writing assignments and/or shortened reading. Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Students will connect with prior experience with paragraph construction, grammar, syntax, apostrophe use, and other rules of English mechanics. Resources/Materials Teacher: Students: The novel Night

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: direct observation/discussion This Week: direct observation/discussion/written reflection Unit: direct observation/discussion/written reflection

Time allotted MONDAY Learning TargetStudents will revisit the concepts of run-ons, fragments, tense, analysis, colloquial and academic language, comma use and capitalization. They will show their learning through in-class note taking (exit ticket). Using examples of students previously written analytical paragraphs, we will conduct a review of the grammatical and mechanical concepts listed above. Students will take detailed notes, which will be shown to the instructor as an exit ticket.

Lesson activities for instructor and students Assignment(s) DueRead through page 90 for Wednesday Finish the novel for Monday 02/17 Exit ticket: class notes

Analytical paragraphs will be returned, and students will be revising them tomorrow. TUESDAY Learning TargetStudents will improve their skills in revision and increase their understanding of grammar and mechanics. They will show their learning by revising two of their analytical paragraphs and turning them in, along with the original drafts. WEDNESDAY Learning TargetStudents will arrived in class having read through page 90 in Night. In class, they will write a paragraph of no less than seven sentences summarizing the plot and events between the pages of 72 and 90. THURSDAY Learning TargetStudents will improve their understanding of grammar and mechanics. They will show their learning by revising paragraphs they wrote in class on Wednesday. The original paragraph will then be turned in with the revised paragraph at the end of the period. Assignment(s) DueRevised analytical paragraphs

Assignment(s) DueReading: Through page 90 Analytical paragraph

Assignment(s) DueRevised analytical paragraph For next week: Students should arrive on Tuesday, 02/18 having finished the novel Night

FRIDAY Learning TargetTeacher In-Service No School!

Assignment(s) Due-

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