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Assignment for Business Ethics Internal Evaluation - 15 Marks ; (Instructions: 1.

. The assignment will be evaluated out of 45 marks, and total scaled down to 15 marks 2. The ases selected b! !ou can be submitted as soft co"! b! email to me. #lease ensure that short cases $ ma%imum 2 "ages are taken u". If the! are bigger than that !ou will need to edit them within the limit of 2 "ages. &. 'nswers will need to be submitted in hard co"! as the! have to be submitted to the (%am de"artment.)

Select any case which highlights a difficult decision situation, an ethical dilemma. For this purpose, you may take the help of any resource library, internet or any other sources; Answer the following questions pertaining to the case: . What is the Primary Issue !"ry and identify the #asic issue rather than $ust the apparent problem to be sol%ed; eg; the apparent issue may be whether to go ahead with a particular ad%ertisement or not, whereas, the primary issue may be how far is it $ustified to mislead consumers with e&aggerated claims or half'truths( This answer should not be more than one or two sentences at most) (5 Marks) ). What is your recommen!ation regar!ing the action to "e taken ! "his should not take more than a couple of sentences* #5 Marks$ +. What is the likely im%act of your action on the ma&or stakehol!ers or affecte! %arties !Should not take more than one paragraph or half a page ma&imum* #15 Marks$ ,. 'o( !oes the %ro%ose! action (eigh u% against the 5 ethical a%%roaches #or the ) *uestions$ !iscusse! in class !Should be co%ered in one page ma&imum* #+, Marks$

-ast !ate for su"mission of assignments to me is 15 th .e" +,1/0

In case of any clarification you can call me on 12++,,,)13

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