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MadhuSudhan. Korada SakethNagar, NAD Kotha Road, Vi akha!atnam-"# CAREER OBJECTIVE: I *ant to initiate m+ career in a com!etiti,e en,ironment under an e teemed com!an+, *ith a !otential o- gro*th *here m+ creati,e, communication and technical kill can $e a!!lied and enhanced and u$ e.uentl+ enhance m+ !ro-e ional and !er onal trait . EDUCATION QUALIFICATION: Degree /. c 01om!uter 2 -rom A.V.N Degree 1ollege, Vi akha!atnam. Intermediate -rom Muralidhar Academ+. 0/oard o- Intermediate Education2. S.S.1 -rom MNR 3igh School. 0/oard o- Secondar+ Education2. TECHNICAL QUALIFICATION: I4I 0Electrical2 WORK EXPERIENCE: 5orked a a Sale 6romoter in 63I7I6S -or the !eriod A6R 8")) 9 Se!tem$er 8")8 5orked a a Sale 6romoter in S:N; -or the !eriod Aug 8")" 9 Mar 8")) PERSONAL SKILLS: <ood communication and con,incing kill A$ilit+ to *ork a a team and $uild good relation *ith cu tomer . =le>i$ilit+ *orking in an+ condition . ?uick learner

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Name =ather@ Name Date o- $irth <ender Marital Statu Nationalit+ Religion 7anguage Kno*n 3o$$ie : : :

MadhuSudhan. Korada

K.V.Ramana )(th Ma+, )#'A : Single : : : : Indian 3indu Engli h B 4elugu. 5atching 4V, 6la+ing 1ricket, 7i tening Mu ic. Male

DECLARATION I here$+ declare that the in-ormation gi,en a$o,e i true to the $e t o- m+ kno*ledge and I hall $e re !on i$le i- -ound incorrect.

PLACE: Vi akha!tanam DATE: 01-11-2013 (K M!"#$S$"#!%&

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