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SECTION I 1. (C) If |z 13i| 5, then z lies either in the interior or on the boundary of the circle with centre at C is 13i and radius equal to 5. From the Figure it is clear that least argument is for point A and the greatest argument is for point B.

From right triangle OAC, cos 2 = cos


12 OA = OC 13

12 13

Now for |z 13i| 5

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|Maximum (arg z) Minimum (arg z)| = |arg B arg A| BOA = BOX = 2 2 AOX = 2

= 2 cos 2. (B) Let z = x + iy |z| + z = 5 + 6i x= 3. (B) sin = 11 10 4 5 x


12 13

y + x + iy = 5 + 6i 11 10 + 6i

y + x = 5 and y = 6

and y = 6 z = x + iy = 3 5

cos =

according as tan > 0 or tan < 0

3 sin ( + ) 4 cos ( + ) = 3(sin cos + cos sin ) 4(cos cos sin sin ) = (3 cos + 4 sin )sin + (3 sin 4 cos )cos = 3 3 5 4 4 5 4 5 = 9 5 sin 3 5 cos if tan > 0

16 sin if tan > 0 5

= 5 sin if tan > 0 [3 sin ( + ) 4 cos ( + )]cosec = 5 if tan > 0 4. (D) The number of numbers between 0 and 300 that are divisible by 6 is 294 6 + 1 = 49. 6 The number of numbers between 0 and 300 that are divisible by 18 is 288 18 + 1 = 16 18 Hence the required number is 49 16 = 33. 5. (C) There are 10 chairs on either side of the table. Let the sides be represented by A and B. Let 5 persons sit on side A, then number of ways of arranging 5 persons on 10 10 chairs on side A is P5 and then 4 persons sit on side B, then the number
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of ways of arranging 4 persons on 10 chairs on side B is


P4 and the

remaining 11 persons can be arranged in remaining 11 chairs in 11! ways. Hence the total number of ways in which the persons can be arranged = 10P5 10P4 11! = 11! 10! 10! 5! 6!

6. (D) There are 19 terms in the expansion of 3x 5th term from the end = t19 4 = t15

1 x


t15 = 18C14 (3x)18 14 = 18! 4! 14! 3 x

4 4

1 x

1 x

247860 x

SECTION II 7. (A), (C), (D) z = 1 = cos + i sin z


= ( 1)


= cos = 1;

3 1

+ i sin

; cos + i sin , cos i 3 2


5 3

+ i sin

5 3

i 3 1 , 2

(i) z


= ( 1)


= 1 and arg = 0 i sin 3 = cos 112 3 = cos 2 3 i sin 112 3 2 3

(ii) z


= cos

i sin

and arg =

2 3

(iii) z


= cos

5 3

i sin

5 3

= cos = cos 2 3

560 3

+ i sin 2 3

560 3

+ i sin

arg =
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8. (D) Consider a point A, the image of A in y = x. coordinates of A = (4, 3) [Note that A and B lies to the same side with respect to y = x]

Then PA = PA, thus PA + PB is minimum. If PA + PB is minimum i.e., P, A, B are collinear. Now AB is y 3 = 13 7 3 4 (x 4) 3y 10x + 31 = 0. which is the required point. r r 1 5x 1 2

It intersects y = x at T

31 31 , 7 7
1 r

9. (C) If Tr + 1 Tr then 51 r r

1 50

10 1 (Q x = 4) 510 11 r 46 4 11 r = 46

510 10r r, r

Largest term = (r + 1)th term = 47th term. 10. (A), (C) 5


= 0 and 5

2 = 0 2

= 0, 5


= 2

5 2

5 2

SECTION III 11. (A) P(n) = a b

n n

Since any integral power with equal exponents is always divisible by the difference of the bases. Now P(n) = 7 4 , n N. Now n is either odd or even.
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n n

P(n) must be divisible by 7 4 = 3. and n has least value 1. 12. (A) r = n 62 2 n 2 64 2 62 8 2


= 31 4 = 35 or 27

Statement 2 is true (it can be verified) 5 13. (A) tan


5 6


1 11

= tan

6 1

1 11 5 1 6 11

61 = tan

66 61 66

= tan

= tan



x y


y y

x x

Both statement 1 and statement 2 are true and statement 2 is the correct explanation of statement 1. 14. (D) Through three non-collinear points a unique circle passes. Slope of the line joining (2, 5) and (3, 4) = Slope of the line joining (2, 5) and (0, 7) = 4 3 7 0 5 2 5 2 =1 = 2 2 =1

Points are collinear. So, no circle can be drawn through the given points. Statement 1 is false, statement 2 is true. SECTION IV 15. (A) (1 2x)10, when x = 2 n x a n x a T8 + 1 = T9 is the greatest term.
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1 1

10 1 2x

1 1

11 44 [Given x = 2 and we use only absolute value] = 5 5 4 44 and its integral part = 8. 5

1 1

is a non-integer

the greatest term = T9 =


C9 (2x) = 10 2 (only magnitude) =52




16. (C) If n is odd, then numerically greatest coefficient in the expansion of (1 x)11 is C
n n 2 1

or C

n 2

1 11

the greatest coefficient is

C5 or 11C6.

So numerically greatest term = 11C5 x5 or 11C6 x6 and 11! 5! 6! 7 5 > 11! 4! 7! x and 5 7 11! 5! 6! x > 5 7 , 7 5 11! 4! 7! (Q x > 0)

C x




and x >

17. (B) Since m is even, therefore the greatest binomial coefficient in the expansion m . If T m is the numerically of (1 + x) is m C which occurs in T
m 2 m 2 1 2 1

greatest term, then

m 2

> T

m 2


m 2

> T

m 2

m 2


> 1 and
m 2

m 2 m 2


m 2

x > 1 and

m 2 m


m 2

m 2

m m

x > 1 and

m m m m 2 m 2

x <1 2

|x| > Hence

m m m 2 2

and |x| < m

< |x| <

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18. (D) Differentiating the given equation, we get solution, we have x + 1 1 =0p= . p x

1 dp p dx

= 0, for singular

Putting this in the given equation we obtain y = 1 + log dy dx 1 x 19. (B) Putting = p, the equation becomes y = xp + p3 which is the Clairut s

y + 1 = log ( x)

equation. So the solution is obtained by replacing p and c. So y = cx + c where c is the arbitrary constant. 20. (C) Put x2 = u and y2 = v, then dy dx

x dv y du x dv y du

Then the equation becomes x


= y

x y

2 2

dv du

2 dv


dv du

or v = u

dv du

dv du

which is Clairut s equation in variables u and v, so the solution is v = uc + c2 y = cx + c . 21. (B) In the first round total number of matches = 4 C2 = 4 28 = 112 In the second round total number of matches = 4 Semifinals = 2 Final = 1 Thus total number of matches in tournament = 119. 22. (A) Each team will play 7 matches in the first round. So any team can win any number of matches between 0 to 7. The two top teams will be winners of each group can win almost 7 and 6 matches respectively. Thus the losing team could have won less than 6 (i.e.,) at most 5 matches. 23. (A) The eventual winner of the tournament would have won its match in the II, III and IV rounds and then would have won = 7 + 1 + 1 + 1 = 10 matches.
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8 2 2 2

SECTION I 24. (C) Total charge of the system Q = Q1 + Q2 = 0

4 r
0 R


4 R = 0

4 r dr = 4 R R R =

2 2

2 1

25. (B) By Newton s second law, a body accelerates (its velocity changes) in response to a net force. In fluid flow, a pressure difference between two points means that fluid particles moving between those two points experience a force and this force causes the fluid particles to accelerate and change speed. 26. (B) 27. (B) Points P, O and Q are at the same potential. The circuit is redrawn as given below.

2 RAB = 5R 3
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5R R 3 R

5R 2 5R = 8 4

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28. (C)

7 3


1 1

H He
2 7 3

4 2

He m
1 1

Mass defect, m = m



4 2


= 7.016004 u + 1.007825 u 2(4.002603) u = 0.018623 u Q = (0.018623)(931.5) MeV 29. (D) Displacement y(x, t) = A cos (kx t) At t = 0, point 1 on the string has maximum displacement. Velocity vy (x, t) = A sin (kx t) 17 MeV

At t = 0, vy is maximum at kx = x= 2 2 = 4

i.e., point 3 on the string.

Hence (A) is correct Acceleration, ay (x, t) = 2A cos (kx t) At t = 0, ay is maximum downward acceleration if cos kx = 1 kx = 2 x = i.e., point 9 on the string has maximum downward acceleration. Hence (C) is correct At t = 0, kx = , x = Hence (B) is correct
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i.e., the string has maximum upward acceleration.


Velocity vy is positive and acceleration ay is negative when 0 < kx < 2 vy is negative and ay is positive < kx < vy and ay are positive when vy and ay are negative when (D) is incorrect. SECTION II
2 2

3 2

< kx < < kx <

3 2

30. (A), (B), (C) tan =


5 36 18 25 10


= 0.4

= tan


If the speed of car is more than 36 km/hr, it will skid up the incline plane. The frictional force acts downwards. For maximum speed vmax, Fr = N N cos N sin = mg N sin + N cos = mv r tan 1 v =
2 max 2


rg 25 10 0.4 1 14.1 m/s 0.3

vmax =

0.3 0.4

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For minimum speed the car tends to slide down and the frictional force acts upward

N sin N cos = mv r N cos + N sin = mg vmin =

rg tan 1

tan 0.3 = 4.72 m/s

250 0.4 1

0.4 0.3

31. (A), (B), (D) Angular momentum about O = r mv = mv r sin = 2 12 8 0.6 = 115.2 kg m/s i.e., perpendicular into the page to the plane containing velocity and radius vector OP. Rate of change of angular momentum = Torque due to its weight dL dt = r F = mgr cos = 2 10 8 0.8 = 128 Nm (out of the page) 32. (A), (B), (C), (D) When the source is at rest, = v f

340 300

= 1.13 m

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Infront of the siren, infront =

v f

= Behind the siren, behind = Apparent frequency, f =

340 300 20



340 300 v =

= 1.2 m

340 1.2

= 283 Hz


33. (A), (B), (C), (D) Ionization energy = 17.50 eV Energy of the atom in n = 1 is 17.5 eV E1 = 17.5 eV E2 E1 = hc = 1240 eV nm 94.54 nm

E2 + 17.5 = 13.116 eV E2 = 4.38 eV E3 E1 = hc = 1240 eV nm = 15.54 eV 79.76 nm


E3 = 1.95 eV E4 E1 = 1240 eV nm = 16.39 eV 75.63 nm E4 = 1.104 eV When an electron made a transition from n = 4 to n = 2 level = E

hc E

1240 eV nm 3.276 eV

= 378.5 nm SECTION III 34. (A) The emf source converts chemical energy converts to electrical energy and heat energy. Power output of a source Pout = I I r where I is the rate at which work is done on the circulating charges and I r is the rate at which electrical energy dissipated in the internal resistance of a source.
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2 2


Power input to a source by a charger Pin = I + I r Pin > Pout 35. (B) 36. (C) To limit the current a inductor is used in the tubes so though net energy transfer over one cycle is zero. 37. (D) If the x-acceleration ax is increasing with time, the vx-t graph will be concave up. dv


At a point where the x-t graph is concave up, the x-acceleration is positive and vx is increasing

x = x0 + vox t + vx = vox + ax t

1 a t2 2 x

SECTION IV 38. (B) If the block is released from rest, the gain in elastic potential energy is work done by electric field.

1 2

kA2 = (QE)A 5 10 = 0.5 m A = 2QE = 2 50 10 k 100

6 5

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39. (A) At equilibrium position, the elastic force is equal to electric force 5 10 kx = QE x = QE = 50 10 k 100 = 0.25 m 40. (C) 1 2 kA = (QE)A ( mg)A A = 2 50 10 = 0.34 m 41. (B)
6 2 6 5

5 10

0.2 4 10


Thermal efficiency e = W Q

H 3

2 10 10

= 0.2 = 20%

42. (C) Let m be the mass of gasoline burned during each cycle QH = m Lc m= 10
4 4

5 10 = 0.2 g

3 43. (D) Power P = Wn = 2 10 25

= 50 kW = 5 10 hp = 67 hp 746 44. (B) At P, path difference is zero i.e., = 0 Intensity at P = (A1 + A2) = (2A) = I0 = 2 W/m At P, path difference = AA = d sin = n
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2 2 2 4


Intensity at P IP = I0 cos2 = I0 cos2 sin = n = 1, sin = nc d n d =


= I0

, n = 1, 2, 3, ... n 3 10
6 8

n 10

1500 10 2

2 Intensity is 2 W/m for n = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ..., 10 i.e., at 9 angles in the range 0 < < 90.

45. (D) Intensity I equals 4d

when d sin = 4 2

sin = I 46. (C) I =


1 1 = sin 40

1 40

= I cos

4 cos

d sin 1 d sin = 3 2 3 10
8 6


sin =


3 1500 10 2

1 30

x tan = 1 = 30 1500 x 50 m
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SECTION I 47. (C) After fluorine, second highest value of electronegativity is that of oxygen. Electronegativity values: F: 4, O: 3.5, Cl: 3 V 48. (C) T

V = T

2 2

at a given pressure.

25 300

; V2 = 25 350 = 29.17 L 300 350

2 23

49. (D) Mass of 1 mole of electron = 6.02 10

9 10


Number of moles of electrons present in 1 g electron = 6.02 10 = 10



9 10


6.02 9

50. (A)

51. (C) H2O is oxidized at Pt anode rather than SO 2H2O O2 + 4H+ + 4e

2 4


52. (B) The structure does not obey (4n + 2) rule. The others obey.
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53. (B), (C) A non-ideal gas behaves ideally at very low pressures, not high pressures. Hence at low pressure (large molar volume), it behaves ideally. For most real gases the compressibility is less than 1 and greater than 1. A non-ideal gas occupies higher or lower volume than ideal gas under identical conditions, depending on the compressibility factor. 54. (B), (C)

So, (a) and (b) are identical. (a) and (c) are both optically active but not mirror images. So they are diastereomers. (b) shows optical activity because the two asymmetric carbon atoms are dissimilar. 55. (A), (C), (D)

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56. (A), (D) Br Cl: It is polar due to different electronegativity of Br and Cl atoms. IF7:

Pentagonal bipyramidal structure non-polar BrCl3:

T-shaped polar IF5:

Square pyramidal polar


57. (D) Li+ is the smallest ion among alkali metal ions, hence has the highest hydration energy and so Li is the strongest reducing agent. 58. (D) CN is the base of weak acid HCN. So statement 2 is correct. But C Cl bond acquires partial double bond character due to resonance and so it is difficult to replace Cl by CN. So statement 1 is false. 59. (C) Carbonic acid is a stronger acid than phenol. So, phenol (a weaker acid), will not be able to liberate CO2 from bicarbonate. 60. (C) Conversion of graphite into diamond is an endothermic process. In other words, enthalpy of graphite is lower than that of diamond. Hence option (C).
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62. (C) The reactant has a tertiary carbon atom. Also, it is optically active. The reaction will be by SN1 mechanism. There are two nucleophiles CH3OH and H2O. Since SN1 will result in racemisation we will get two racemic mixtures of both (A) and (B). 63. (A) In a nucleophilic reaction, the weakest base is the best leaving group. Among the bases, C6H5 SO is the strongest acid. 64. (A) The cell reaction is 2I + Cl2 I2 + 2Cl

is the weakest base, as its conjugate acid C6H5SO3H

Eo for the reaction is positive, reaction is feasible. E

o cell

= E

o cathode

o anode

= 1.36 0.54 = 0.82 V Eo for the other 3 redox reactions is negative. Reaction is not possible. 65. (B) Mn

oxidizes H2O to O2

4Mn3+(aq) + 2H2O 4Mn2+(aq) + O2 + 4H+(aq) Eo for the reaction is positive E Mn

3+ o cell

= 1.50 1.23 = 0.27 V

2+ 3+ is feasible as the E cell is positive. Hence Mn oxidizes H2O to 2+ o

to Mn

O2 and it gets reduced to Mn


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66. (B) Fe Fe


+ 2e


(Fe3+ + e Fe2+) 2 (reduction) Fe + 2Fe3+ 3Fe2+ E

o cell

(cell reaction) E
o oxidation

= E

o reduction

= 0.8 ( 0.44) V = 1.24 V Since E

o cell

is positive, reaction is feasible. Concentration of Fe




(option B) and Fe


67. (C) In C C there is no lone pair lone pair repulsion. Hence it has maximum bond energy. there are 2 pairs of electrons on each oxygen atom. Hence there In is very high interatomic repulsion, hence minimum bond energy. 68. (B) More the s-character of hybrid orbital of carbon, more will be the bond strength and bond energy of C H bond. 69. (B) The electronegativity difference is largest in Br F and hence, Br F bond is the strongest.

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