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v. kept, keeping, keeps 1. To retain possession of: kept the change; must keep your composure. 2. To have as a supply: keep an ax in the shed. 3. a. To provide (a family, for example) with maintenance and support: There!s little to earn and many to keep ("harles #ingsley). b. To support (a mistress or lover) financially. 4. To put customarily; store: $here do you keep your saw% 5. a. To supply with room and &oard for a charge: keep &oarders. b. To raise: keep chickens. 6. To maintain for use or service: an ur&anite who didn!t keep a car. 7. To manage, tend, or have charge of: #eep the shop while '!m away. 8. To preserve (food). 9. To cause to continue in a state, condition, or course of action: tried to keep the patient calm. 10. a. To maintain records in: keep a yearly diary. b. To enter (data) in a &ook: keep financial records. 11. a. To detain: was kept after school. b. To restrain: kept the child away from the stove; kept the crowd &ack with &arriers. c. To prevent or deter: tried to keep the ice from melting. d. To refrain from divulging: keep a secret. e. To save; reserve: keep extra money for emergencies. 12. To adhere or conform to; follow: keep late hours. 13. To &e faithful to; fulfill: keep one!s word. 14. To cele&rate; o&serve. v.intr. 1. To remain in a state or condition; stay: keep in line; keep (uiet; kept well. 2. To continue to do: keep on talking; keep guessing. 3. To remain fresh or unspoiled: The dessert won!t keep. 4. To restrain oneself; hold oneself &ack: ' couldn!t keep from eavesdropping. n. 1. "are; charge: The child is in my keep for the day. 2. The means &y which one is supported: earn one!s keep. 3. a. The stronghold of a castle. b. ) *ail. Phrasal Verbs: keep at To persevere in work or an action. keep down 1. To prevent from growing, accomplishing, or succeeding: keep the revolutionaries down. 2. To hold under control or at a reduced level: #eep your voice down. 3. To refrain from vomiting: )lthough seasick, ' managed to keep my food down. keep off To stay away from. keep to To adhere to: keep to the original purpose. keep up 1. To maintain in good condition: kept up the property. 2.

a. To persevere in; carry on: $e asked her to stop talking, &ut she kept it up. b. To preserve or sustain: kept up the appearance of friendship. 3. To continue at the same level or pace: The snow kept up all day. 4. To continue to pay off (a financial o&ligation). 5. To match one!s competitors, colleagues, or neigh&ors in success or lifestyle: couldn!t keep up with his friends who went into &usiness. 6. To remain ade(uately informed: loved to keep up on the gossip. Idioms: for keeps 1. +or an indefinitely long period: gave the ring to me for keeps. 2. ,eriously and permanently: $e!re separating for keeps. keep an eye on 1. To watch over attentively; mind. 2. To watch closely or carefully: keep your eye on the &all. keep an eye out To &e watchful. keep a stiff upper lip To &e courageous or stoic in the face of adversity. keep company 1. To carry on a courtship: a couple who kept company &ut never married. 2. To sociali-e or associate: keeps company with some tough thugs. keep (one's) chin up To &e stalwart, courageous, or optimistic in the face of difficulty. keep (one's) eyes open/peeled To &e on the lookout. keep (one's) nose clean Informal To stay out of trou&le. keep pace To stay even with others, as in a contest. keep (someone) company To accompany or remain with. keep the wolf from the door To avoid the privation and suffering resulting from a lack of money: .oth spouses had to work in order to keep the wolf from the door. keep time 1. To indicate the correct time. 2. Music To maintain the tempo or rhythm. keep to (oneself) 1. To shun the company of others: ,he kept to herself all morning. 2. To refrain from divulging: /e kept the news to himself. 01iddle 2nglish kepen, from 3ld 2nglish cpan, to observe, seize.4 Synonyms: keep, retain, withhold, reser e These ver&s mean to have and maintain in one!s possession or control. Keep is the most general: We received a few offers but decided to keep the house. Retain means to continue to hold, especially in the face of possi&le loss: Though unhapp , he retained his sense of humor. Withhold implies reluctance or refusal to give, grant, or allow: The tenant withheld his rent until the owner fi!ed the boiler. To reserve is to hold &ack for the future or for a special purpose: The farmer reserved two acres for an orchard. ,ee )lso ,ynonyms at o&serve. !d . 1. "or keeps 5 for the winner to keep all; they played for keeps

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